TER General Board

Re: Is 27 young for this hobby???
tallslim26 26 Reviews 2392 reads
1 / 35

Actually I saw my first provider when I was 26. Was just wondering how old you were when you started hobbying?? I assume I am on the younger side as far as average age but I may be wrong.

Do some providers discriminate based on age? The girls I have seen haven't seemed to have a prob at all or even were visibly surprised. A few girls I have contacted haven't returned emails when I told them how old I was, these providers being girls who stated on their website that they were looking for 40 plus..

mrfisher 108 Reviews 673 reads
2 / 35

I was glad when I turned 30, because a lot more options opened up then.

This was over thiry years ago, however.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 939 reads
3 / 35

I was 29 when I saw my first escort...It probably would have happened sooner but I spent three or four years before that trying to get strippers to have sex with me before I wised up!

tallslim26 26 Reviews 719 reads
4 / 35

Hey boston,awe sorry to hear that, did you ever get close on trying to get the stripper to do anything extra..lol... that is the good thing about dating a stripper, you know that its all hustle. I have dated three strippers and if I learned anything it was to stay away from the places. To this day I have never set foot in one, talk about a rip when you can get so much more in the hobby...

JMC2008 271 reads
5 / 35

I think 17 and under is the only age too young for the hobby.  We each have our reasons to start.  They can come at any age.  From what I've seen the hobby tends to be filled with older gents.  Probably because disposable cash is easier to come by.

27 is not to young but yes some providers too limit their age ranges. I really dont know why.



pb500 196 reads
6 / 35

I do not think 27 is too young to be in the hobby.  I was in my mid twenties when I started hobbying.

Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 536 reads
7 / 35

I'm married so it was never about dating a stripper. It was all about trying to score OTC. It did happen a few times but it was never worth the investment in VIP rooms and BS to make it happen.

I go to  strip clubs all the time. It's fun and I'd rather hang out with beautiful women than a bunch of pin-heads in a sports bar.  I just don't waste my time and money trying to get laid in them anymore.

tallslim26 26 Reviews 820 reads
8 / 35

You smarter than I, dating a stripper is good sex but alot of other crazed drama that leaves you doing what you never thought was possible, breaking it off with a totally hot girl because the bull**** was just too much.....lol

Magnumload 13 Reviews 185 reads
10 / 35

Saw my first when I was 29 but I wish I started when I was 26!. As far as discrimination goes I think the providers that look for guys 35 and up are reasonably sure that those men are more financially--and maybe emotionally--stable than us younger bucks (as well as probably having gone through at least one failed marriage), which means they'll have a better chance of establishing a relationship with a long-term sugar daddy.

Sbnj 514 reads
11 / 35

I started in the hobby when I was 19 and never had a problem...I only just turned 23 in December.

The younger girls are cool, I've actually become good friends with a few.  The older ones (over 30) are by far the most fun when you're young...I think they enjoy the young guys for a number of reasons.

If a woman says "over 40" I don't even respond to the ad, but who does that?

greatrush 3 Reviews 420 reads
12 / 35

I was in my 30s when I stumbled into the hobby via a friend who was in it and retired...  she taught me a few things about the biz and I think the earlier the better if circumstances warrant. I mean, I see young guys dropping too much dough on strippers and other such resource wasters and I think I should tell them the real skinny... As for the women... late 20s through 45 or so are the women I adore... there is a golden age in womanhood 32-37 or so that is so hot when you catch them...

tallslim26 26 Reviews 1140 reads
13 / 35

Very good point. I guess it could become a routine experiance for some girls who have been in the biz a while...lol...Not all but most I would assume...I guess the ultimate timing is getting to gether with a girl who has not been in it too long but has been in it long enough to have had a good set of reviews to ensure a good time (3-4 or more)....

pumpnblow 37 Reviews 630 reads
14 / 35

I started seeing providers at 27, and now at 34, I'm basically retired.  I enjoy reading TER and contributing for the entertainment value only.  I think seeing providers gave me an expectation that relationships and sex would be in a particular way, and it started screwing with my real relationships.  Many girls are maybe more traditional.  They have a wild side, don't get me wrong, but most girls I date now aren't aren't going to NSNQ after a BBBJ.  Even my expectations on how a BBBJ should go are a little warped.  So I decided to hang things up in December.  Now I have lots more cash for other things - like vacations and saving for retirement.

At 27, you should be getting laid left and right for free.  You shouldn't have to pay for it.  That's the other thing I realized (and yes, I know I really am paying for it in other ways, I'm just not making a straight donation).

My two cents.

tallslim26 26 Reviews 262 reads
15 / 35

Yeah I should be getting laid left and right. Not a GQ cover model but also not hard to look at.. I have two big problems though...

1- I am terminally shy on the approach, for whatever reason I just cant meet a girl in a bar or club, I just can initiate conversation in competant way that would see me scoring. Not a shy guy, just on the approach I am terminally afflicted with a shy demeanor. But that really doesn't matter though because of reason number two..


Thank god I found this hobby...lol

Thecontact 385 reads
16 / 35

Don't listen to pumnblow, there's nothing wrong with jumping into the game at 27.

DC. 51 Reviews 954 reads
17 / 35

been going strong ever since.  I am 42 now, but in the past twenty-five years, have not been turned down because of age.

DC. 51 Reviews 397 reads
18 / 35

we HAVE to.  We all have our reasons for this, but I would guess that very few HAVE to pay for it.

keystonekid 114 Reviews 289 reads
19 / 35

Around 28 in the 70's before Al Gore invented the internet.  There was this bar in Tampa that you went to and a lady would come and sit by you and you would negotiate the deal.  No GFE experiences but less $.

Mobile Sam 8873 3 Reviews 544 reads
20 / 35

Wow. Will you be my mentor?:)

Mobile Sam 8873 3 Reviews 346 reads
21 / 35

I don't even consider the ladies until they're 30.:)

MissNaiya See my TER Reviews 647 reads
22 / 35

If a woman states that she is only interested in seeing men who are older than you, please don't contact her.  It is disrespectful to try to bypass her stated limits.  Every woman has the right to choose which clients she will see.  You are unlikely to get anywhere by pressuring her to do something she doesn't want to do.  Try to respect the fact that she is being upfront about her comfort zone instead of taking your money and giving you bad service.  (Why you would want to see a woman who would be uncomfortable with you is beyond me.)

You'll find that there are women who are thrilled to see a younger guy, and women who find it uncomfortable.  I've never hear it said that it is about financial stability.  What I hear over and over is that younger men are less likely to know how to treat a lady with respect.  Case in point.

For the record, I am perfectly pleased to see men of varying ages.

~ Naiya

pumpnblow 37 Reviews 786 reads
23 / 35

... were directed at everyone.  I know there are a variety of reasons why people see providers.Be offended if I said rayjjr has to pay for it.  Otherwise, only assume I was answering slim's question.

As somebody else so eloquently put it in another thread, the only thing somebody HAS to do is die.  Everything else is optional.

up2late66 17 Reviews 477 reads
24 / 35

No matter how hot *you* think she is -
someone else is completely & utterly
fed up with her bullshit.

MochaNautteBBW See my TER Reviews 515 reads
25 / 35

if a guy is under 30, I won't see him.

i find older men very attractive, sexy and appealing.

My oldest client was 57 and the youngest is 35.

I've never been attracted to younger guys. I tried dating a younger gent..and it ended in disaster.

I'm sorry if I'm being blunt, but that's how I feel.

-- Modified on 1/28/2008 6:40:55 AM

vivace5000 22 Reviews 517 reads
26 / 35

I started at 25. I would have begun at 23 or 24, but I was very aprehesive about the whole deal, as I first started looking at ads on CL where the sketch factor is too high.

Then I sumbled across TER right after I turned 25. I researched some girls, and I made my choice. When I was in my first session with my first provider, I asked her if I was the youngest guy to ever visit her. She hesitated to give a direct answer, and after thinking about it for a minute she told me that I was only one of the youngest.

After seeing some responses in the thread above, I now know that I am not the youngest. However, I would never have hobbied as young as 17. I recommend the realistic civilian approach first, rather than have a provider teach me everything about the birds and the bees (which is more fantasy than reality). Of course, we all have our own reasons for doing what we do.

In the TER Poll Archive (http://www.theeroticreview.com/poll/pollarchive.asp), there is one poll where people were asked how old they were. 42% were ages 31-40, but a surprising 23% were ages 22-30. I don't know if this poll included both hobbyists and providers, or only one or the other.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 304 reads
27 / 35

-- Modified on 1/28/2008 8:15:00 AM

DC. 51 Reviews 292 reads
28 / 35

a great girlfriend with whom I was having sex about three times a week or more.  I found out that one of my Sister's college friends had been busted for escorting in the city around the college that they attended.  I had lusted after this girl from day one.  While the rest of my family was shocked and chagrined, I was pissed because I realized that I could have had her if I had wanted. Age and experience tells me now that she probably wouldn't have banged her friend's younger brother, but that's not the point.  Within two weeks, I had called a local escort agency from the yellow pages and had my first session (1983).  For me, it's never been just about the sex, it's about the variety and opportunity to meet great women and create great memories.

pumpnblow 37 Reviews 489 reads
29 / 35

Thecontact is right.  My opinion and thoughts don't count.  Discount them right away.  Go with whatever Thecontact says and does.

hungry1951 29 Reviews 692 reads
30 / 35

I didn't start hobbying until I was 55, and for various reasons, I'm not going to stop until someday, when one of the ladies looks me in the eye and says, "Look buddy, you're just too f**kin old for this".

mrfisher 108 Reviews 320 reads
31 / 35

It will be good old Mr. Johnson who will be sending you the bad news.

hungry1951 29 Reviews 623 reads
32 / 35

he'll continue to do his part for a few more years.

roger0911 5 Reviews 283 reads
34 / 35

I saw my first provider at 27..that was 20 years ago, have seen several since. the resources are so much better now internet reviews etc.

Neurosexy4 209 reads
35 / 35

Dear Ms. Cox:
What are the qualities that come with age that your desire?  What are the subtle nuances that you look for in a hobbyist demeanor? Why is it that it would only surface with older men?  Would you think that no men under 30 would belie these qualities? A penny for your thoughts.

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