TER General Board

Re: Incest is NOT best, part II - Q for providers
Sophomoric Humorist 2059 reads
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This variation promises to be more rewarding.  Or at least somewhat less offensive.  Anyway, i'm trying to save you from yet another post about LE stings on Craigs List, provider-hobbyist friendships, and pube shaving.

Has any provider ever had a session with a hobbyist who looked like dad or any other close male relative?  Was it difficult?  Were you freaked out and creeped out?  Upon meeting the gent, did you try to get out of it?  I don't think anyone would fault such a decision [except the hobbyist, maybe].

For the heavy screeners, some providers request a face pic, some hobbyists will offer one unbidden.  If the prospective date looks like dad et. al., would you consider that sufficient reason to decline?  If so, would you so inform the gent?

I imagine that a hobbyist so informed would be quite understanding. After all, it's hard to argue with something that so gives the impression of violating a primary social taboo.  I sure wouldn't argue over this, and I guess others would reason as I would:  the lady would be so creeped out that an enjoyable session would be a near impossibility.

Still, there are the few hard-core desperado types who would be ever the more anxious to meet under these conditions, figuring, i guess, the kinkier the better.

Any experiences or thoughts to share along these lines?

channelguy 32 Reviews 1123 reads
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OK, you hit a sensitive part for me.  I started the string about "age of providers" that's over on The Erotic Highway.

There is one provider on CityVibe - San Francisco - that is a dead ringer for my youngest daughter.  It creeps me out big-time when I scroll through and see her.  Geez, I can't move the mouse fast enough to not see her.  She's smaller than my daughter but the facial resemblance is remarkable.  

I can totally understand why a provider would refuse someone who looked like Dad, brother, Uncle, old boyfriend, etc.

I would sure like to find one that looks exactly like my wife.  My wife is hot - just not "hot" in her desire, as most women suffer from when they hit 50+  :-(   SAD.

moorepassion See my TER Reviews 546 reads
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I thought that I was normal in some explicitly Fruedian way.  The truth is, I don't go around looking for men that look like my dad, but when I run across one, completely opposite of what you suggested dear SH; I am totally turned on.  
At once, in this man's presence, I feel completely safe, nurtured, comfortable, and emotionally free.  In that state of mind (since the man isn't really my dad) I am open to explore all kinds of sexual fantasy's.  These fantasies are not about my dad, it's just that I feel so comfortable when I'm around someone who reminds me of him that I'm at once "turned on".
My dad did not raise me... that might have something to do with it.  I always idealized him and his side of the family.  And then when we reunited in my late twenties we just clicked intellectually and emotionally it was as if we had never been apart.
So, my dad has black hair, green eyes, he's very large, overweight, happy, giving, extremely philosophical and a great conversationalist. (think John Goodman) I only see him once a year @ Thanksgiving.
I have met some men who either look like him or have the same kind of energy that I pick up from him, and those have been my favorite sessions.
I don't want to have any kind of sexual relationship with my dad, that thought never even crosses my mind when I'm around him, but I do think that he's one of the greatest guys on earth and any man that is kind of like him just really sets me on fire.
I've always thought that I was normal in those desires... hmmm...
I'm pretty sure it's not about incest.  Maybe for me, I just feel better about myself when I can feel his presence and that translates into a sexier, happier woman.  It's awesome that I have the opportunity to explore that during my sessions.

John Goodman, I'm always available for you, baby...  : )

georgebensen 101 Reviews 543 reads
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If anyone found out that their daughter WAS a provider....  what would you do?

little phil 37 Reviews 1083 reads
5 / 8

I'm guessing that "book an overnighter" is the wrong answer?

Sophomoric Humorist 552 reads
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I was going to ask this myself, with several variations, eventually.

But, on a more practical note, i suggst that you start a new thread and ask this question.  People are staying away in droves from this one,  for obvious reasons, and your Q is fated to wither on the vine down here.

Good luck, good Q.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 867 reads
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If I found out accidentally, that is, she doesn't know that I know, then I think I would keep my mouth shut, but inquire a lot more about her than I might otherwise.

If she came out and told me, then I would tell her that I have been a client lo these many years (I think she knows anyways, but doesn't let on.) and tell her that anything she wants to discuss with me about it is fine with me, and than anything she does say would never go beyond us.

lilli 406 reads
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...but then i'm naughty like that. ;) it's not as if it would be actual incest, the person would just resemble a relative....would make for a hot fantasy fulfillment. but it's not too likely this scenario would happen to me, since i don't see clients of my own race.

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