You didn't list your tastes: Long time, Short Time, Companion time, Trophy fucks, GFE, - Asians, Latinas, Euro Girls, Africans, Cheap Charlie/Funds dont matter, Foreign Language Factor or not, Only Mongering/other attractions needed. I can go on.
If you are not American or have a dual passport - Cuba should be on your list
If you drink too much Dont do Colombia or Brazil you will get jacked - If you are not a lush then you will be fine its not scary at all.. I was in So America for 2 months (BA, SP, Cali, La Paz, tiago, Carac). I can communicate in 4 languages (eng, Span, Port, Thai) so it was no difficult to get along.
if you want plug and Play in Asia - Easiest is PI & LoS. But there is fun to be have in Indo, Viet, Cambo... along with awesome travels. (if you decide on Asia its easy to jump around with a base most are 1-5 hour flights away) - I am more of a Bangkok Guy than Patts, there are more options in my opinion.
I cant say much on Europe except FKK's in Germany (eh.. not that exciting for me, Spain easy on streets/clubs pickups in Madrid, Zagreb hot girls but sometimes hard to navigate, Amsterdam was not for me too much transaction but did see a sex show that was interesting.
Last is Ghana - I was in Ashaman once, there is play all over but there is a bit of danger, if you want to see something wild do 1 week its enough.. but different..
So it depends what are your delights.