TER General Board

A Woman’s Worth…red_smile
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 3075 reads

Happy Friday TER Friends!

Inquiring minds want to know how do you put a dollar value on a women’s worth? How do you decide to book a provider based on her tribute requested for her time? Are there any factors to play in your decision? Curious!🤨  This is a safe & no judgment zone, so feel free to be honest. Honestly. lol Smile for me!

When it comes to providers, I don't have much of an opportunity to delelop an opinion on them that makes them unique like I do in my daily life. For example, people I work with or from my neighborhood who I have gotten to know over time create seperation that makes it easier to have varying values. But in the market of a provider, I'm looking for a few basic things, looks, reviews, and services for the most part. And, in this area, there is not one special someone, but numerous woman who fit this bill. Therefore, the competition drives the market. If I see women in the $600-$700 range that meet this need, I'm not likely to spend more. I don't really get the opportunity to learn much about a provider that makes me feel spending more is necessary. And, from what I have learned, spending more is not always getting better. So, for me to spend more, either the market needs to shift that way or there needs to be something special or unique. For example, if I want to experience a squiter, and that's a smaller market of women, I might be willing to pay a little more for that experience. But more often than not, I'm looking for the basic GFE package that most providers in this range offer, so the extra something is the exception, not the rule.

You don't have to pay more to experience a squirter anyway...I offer this service as part of my GFE services and my rates are reasonable at 350 hour...

So to me there really no reason to spend hundreds of extra money

Hugs Hazel Hayes

Oh, I would not pay extra just for squirting. I know several that do it for less as well. That was just an example, and TBH in most cases I'm looking for more boxes being checked to even consider it, not just one box.

You do, then it's up to me to decide based on your looks, web site and reviews if you are worth it.
Bu if you call your compensation "tribute," I won't be booking anyway. I get it that it's standard in the BDSM world but it just ticks me off.

Bisous_Ciao50 reads

I have a ranking system to grade potential providers on to determine if I want to see them.

First is physical appearance. Height, weight, ethnicity, age, measurements, hair style/color, tan/no tan, if they show no face/blurred face/full face, etc. I'm much more likely to see a 7/8 that shows face than a potential 9/10 that doesn't, as I've fallen for a few butter faces when I first started. "Unedited" natural photos are also a plus.

Second is services offered. Greek? CIM without condom? Swallows? Gives good massages? BDSM? Allows picture/film?

Third is online presence/personality. If they have a Twitter/forum presence, I check to see how they talk, respond, personality etc.

Even after all that, ultimately it comes down to chemistry aft er seeing them for the first time. I've had girls I expected to love be complete disappointments, and my current ATF is someone I decided to take a chance on but normally wouldn't have been my type.

I don't know that I've ever individually valued a lady so much as tried to figure out whether the likely experience is worth my time and money. Perhaps that's the same thing.  

While I've seen many a player write that they'd "never" spend such and such a fee, I try to be a little more flexible in my thinking. Until a  couple of years ago, I didn't think I'd be paying 7-8 to see a single lady, but given the LA market, it's unlikely I will pay less for a quality experience (using my standard of "quality". And if the reviews suggest the kind of experience i will enjoy (as you know, I strongly favor duos), then I'm happy to pay market rates.

By the same token, I'm unlikely to see most of the women in the 3-400 range because the appearance and reviews largely suggest an experience I won't enjoy. For example, I consider any P4P experience to be incomplete without DATY, and given that many of the ladies in the 3-400 range offer BBFS (if one believes the reviews), there's no way in hell I'm going down on any of them. So even at a lower price, I wouldn't get value.

Not sure I answered your question. Didn't have time to write a short response.  
: )

"Pornography is art, sometimes harmonious, sometimes dissonant. Its glut and glitter are a Babylonian excess. Modern middle-class women cannot bear the thought that their hard-won professional achievements can be outweighed in an instant by a young hussy flashing a little tits and ass. But the gods have given her power, and we must welcome it. Pornography forces a radical reassessment of sexual value, nature’s bequest of our tarnished treasure." - "No Law in the Arena: A Pagan Theory of Sexuality"  
"Men are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life to the end, no man ever fully commands any woman. It's an illusion. Men are pussy-whipped. And they know it. That's what the strip clubs are about; not woman as victim, not woman as slave, but woman as goddess." -- As quoted in Sexuality and Gender (2002) by Christine R. Williams and Arlene Stein, p. 213 ISBN 0631222723  
"The feminist line is, strippers and topless dancers are degraded, subordinated, and enslaved; they are victims, turned into objects by the display of their anatomy. But women are far from being victims — women rule; they are in total control … the feminist analysis of prostitution says that men are using money as power over women. I'd say, yes, that's all that men have. The money is a confession of weakness. They have to buy women's attention. It's not a sign of power; it's a sign of weakness." -- As quoted in Sexuality and Gender (2002) by Christine R. Williams and Arlene Stein, p. 213

Posted By: QueenBia

Happy Friday TER Friends!  
 Inquiring minds want to know how do you put a dollar value on a women’s worth? How do you decide to book a provider based on her tribute requested for her time? Are there any factors to play in your decision? Curious!🤨  This is a safe & no judgment zone, so feel free to be honest. Honestly. lol Smile for me!

First, Paglia long ago revealed herself to be antifeminist. Almost all her writing and speeches use the didactic frame of women "taking" something from men.

Regarding a line from the quote, why does a man need to "command" a woman? Sounds like some pretty anachronistic thinking to me.

Second, it's amazing how all this "power" women have doesn't equtate to more than a very small percentage of governorships, Fortune 500 CEO positions, Senate seats or even directing jobs in cinema. Or even control over their own bodies.

When a woman can go out for a cup of coffee without the thought in the back of her mind that she just wants to get home without being raped, when a woman scientist in a room doesn't have to shout to be heard, when a woman running for office isn't reduced to her body parts, and when women don't have to be disarming and charming just to not get labeled a bitch, then we might have something to talk about.

-- Modified on 1/27/2024 8:40:43 AM

on a woman's worth.  She does, and then I just say yes or no.  Since you are the only provider who asks for "tribute", it's hard to make a comparison.  That alone is off-putting enough for all but the super-dedicated simps and subs.  

With that said, I will see any provider with reasonably good reviews that is not fat or ugly, and who does NOT refer to the donation as a "tribute."  

brownjack40 reads

As for, "Inquiring minds want to know how do you put a dollar value on a women’s worth?"  As stated here (several times), I don't put a dollar value on women.  They do.  Now, I will form opinions about whether they are over-valuing or under-valuing themselves.  But, I respect their decision to set a price and I keep my opinions to myself.  However, I may judge, based on their appearance, offered activities and reviews, whether I believe that the time that I'll spend with them is worth their requested donation to me.

"How do you decide to book a provider based on her tribute requested for her time?"  My response to this is more complex.  In short, the most influential factor is my budget.  But, I also consider whether I find them physically attractive, whether they offer services that I value, whether they are geographically convenient to me, whether their reviews confirm their stated services, whether their schedule matches mine and whether their business is managed in a professional manner (clearly state their services, rates and policies and respond to inquiries in a reasonable amount of time).

I recently saw a smokin’ hot young woman for $400! I thought her session was good “ value”, so I’m going to see her next week! I also saw a woman for $600, who did not quite measure up in terms of services. I felt she was not worth the value she charged!, and I will not repeat. So I see providers based on my perception of the value they provide in a session. If the valued I get is higher than the price, I’ll return, otherwise no! I would never say the girl that charged $400 is worth $500 or $600, I would just enjoy her services at $400 as many times as possible before she moves on!

Angel4Life40 reads

I have a conservative budget I like to adhere to.  Occasionally I will splurge and spend more than I usually spend.  Since I am upper middle age, I find that the intensity  and feel good feeling  is about the same whether I donate 600 roses VS 1000 roses.  I guess it really boils down to whether I feel we would be a good fit.  I recently expressed interest with a provider who was within the financial comfort zone.  However after I reviewed her Social Media posts, I declined because she shares way too much information, over promotes herself, and talks way too much!  While most of my trysts are smooth and mutually enjoyable,  (I currently have close to 50 oks on P411) I  can only imagine how much bs this provider would post if our encounter went south!

Online presence is more important than most girls know..

What value do you put on a man's worth?

AllTheTimeBaby46 reads

One could write a book on this. For me, it comes down to attitude.

Some women are so great that I cannot wait to proffer my $600, followed by a great review. Then you have the occasional greedy provider who seeks to "provide" as little as possible for the greatest amount. Take your business elsewhere, after leaving an appropriate review.

As I have said multiple times: With a little research you can find happiness for $400/ hour.  

Also, I treat the women I like very well and, importantly, with great respect. In most cases, they never raise my rate and I pay considerably less than their published figure.

John_Laroche36 reads

How much do I want the product/experience?
Is it a good value compared to competitors?
How much commitment is involved  (pre-pay, PII, etc...)
Am I willing to settle for a lesser product/experience (massage vs fs, AMP vs independent) to save money and double my frequency?
And, because I believe all reviews are very subjective with respect to both Appearance and Performance:
Am I willing to risk those discretionary dollars and my time on someone I haven't met?

I guess that's why I value my regular providers and repeat often rather than a different provider every week.

youth-  worth more. (under 25)
beauty- worth more
C cups- worth more  
anal- worth more
swallow- worth more

say a provider at  $400 per hour in NYC.  add 1 or 2 its up $200 for me.  add them all and $1000 is gladly handed over.  multiple times a month.

hiddenmemento43 reads

Agree w this take on “worth.” I see a gal that checks those first three boxes (well D cups but still) and runs me about $400 hr. They get my business all the time and I find it a totally worthwhile experience.

One box I’ll add though is
Type- worth more

I see ladies with different looks and different rates and I’m always curious how do they come up with their rate. I personally started at 500 and each year with more demand I plan on hiking up the rate but always grandfathering in my current regulars.

One thing that has always influenced my determination of what I charge has been the location where I am offering my services, and the prevailing rate in that area for providers offering similar services and catering to similar clients.  When I used to tour, I typically had different rates for different areas.  Costs for lodging and travel were also a factor.  

For example, in my location of Las Vegas, choosing an appropriate price point can influence the type and number of inquiries that one receives in various ways.  The majority of gentlemen seeking my services here have been visitors to the city as opposed to locals, so they may be making some assumptions based on rates.  Too low, and many clients may assume that you are going to upsell them once you get to them, that they will not receive the desired service for the price quoted.  Or that you are priced lower than other quality providers because your service is inferior.  Or, you may get clients who are looking for the cheapest possible service/most "bang" for the buck, and typically those are not the most desirable dudes, nor are they willing to be screened, follow the regular booking processes, etc.  

There is another price point where a provider can stay busy with fairly decent clientele, they may be okay with last minute requests, higher volume, and that works great for them.  Especially for a girl who is doing this full-time, that may be ideal.

In my case providing is secondary to my regular career and personal activities and commitments.  I have limited availability, so pre-booking is necessary.  I also am at a point in my life now where I am only interested in meetings where I feel that there will be a certain mutual compatibility, where the client will enjoy the style of service I enjoy providing.  Like most providers, I am capable of providing a number of different styles of services, but currently I really am not inclined to meet unless I am also going to enjoy myself.  Therefore I have chosen a price point that I feel is appropriate to my personal circumstances.  I do not get overwhelmed with requests, especially gents looking for last-minute engagements, and the majority of those who do reach out tend to be looking for a style of experience that I also enjoy.

There is no one fits all formula for all.  Each provider is different, and location, objectives, expenses, age, target clientele, all of these things are factors in their choices when assessing their rates.

All clients are different, and they will also have different desires and expectations, as well as different views on what makes up "worth" or "value" to them.  I see some saying that youth and variety of acts performed, those are the most important values for them.  Others are more inclined to appreciate maturity, personality, they may have a particular preferred service, etc.  I don't understand when gents argue over the rates that the others choose to pay, or the choices they make in providers.  The world would be a very dull place if we were all the same!  

The important thing in my opinion is that all providers are comfortable with themselves and are not feeling like they need to do anything they are uncomfortable with, or to put themselves in harm's way to earn a living.  I respect all providers for their choices in running their own business, and do so without judgement as long as they are operating in a safe and healthy manner and of their own free will.  

reasoned and complete explanation we have had from a provider regarding factors that go into pricing.  Well done.  

Everything you said makes complete sense. And, IMO your rates are in what I would call the sweet spot. Not too cheap and not overly expensive. And I agree, a client should pay what they want, even if it's an absurb amount. Though, there is a point where I don't necessarily get it. And, I'm not talking about those charging a little more than what I feel comfortable paying. But when I see $1500 or more for 1 hour, I can't help but wonder what does she have going on that someone half her pirce, which isn't necessarily cheap, doesn't?

attractiveness has been severely overvalued by a lot of providers which leads to rates that exceed what a man is willing to pay. The attractiveness matters up to point but once you're an 8+ the thing that gets you to top dollar is the experience you curate, and for each person the experience required is different. Will be interesting to see what other guys have to say on the subject though.

TBH, how much I spend is part of the experience for me. If I spend less and the experience is okay, I may be completely fine with it being just okay. But if I spend on the higher end, and the experience is just okay, I actually feel more let down. While the expereince in this case may be the same, knowing I just spent my monthly budget on one lady and came away not feeling she delivered leaves me feeling a little more empty.

because there is nothing a $1000/hr provider can do that a $600/hr provider can't do, as you move up incrementally, the additional rate reflects nothing more than the provider's own assessment of her physical appearance.  If her body is flawless and her face is DDG, many men who have not ever had the experience of sex with a gorgeous woman like this will happily pay the difference for their fantasy. What many don't consider is that, since the provider herself is one assessing her own beauty, as you say, sometimes you are paying for a Mercedes, but you end up riding in a Buick, still a nice ride, but not in the same league for what you are paying.  

The other common problem with the $1000/hr club is that they are often full of themselves and come with attitude, and nothing can kill a fantasy session faster.  These days, unless it's a celebration like my birthday or landing a big deal at work, I won't pay more than $500-600, but most often I book two hours.  It's a much better use of a thousand dollars, IMO.

Say it straight CDL, if you're shelling out a grand, her head game is going to be trash, and she'll probably get lippy about it taking too long. At that point, might as well be married, that way you can teach her a trick or two and maybe come home to a hot meal once in awhile. Sure that's bound to cost you more than a grand in the longrun, the cost/benefit is still rather favorable if you manage yourself well.

Also have you been in a new Mercedes lately? They've suffered from the same thing every other car has suffered from, a fall from grace if you will, where everything is lighter/cheaper/more complicated, it's really quite sad. Makes me long for a well appointed Lincoln towncar, sure it was never flashy or exciting, but it was at least quiet and comfortable, this Nu-Lux that the modern world (read: the EPA) has granted us is trash, and you may as well buy an Accord at this point.

and it's nice to see you posting again, Sauce.  

Well, I have found that there can be a difference, but it isn't always a difference. If we are talking about looks, at some point that peaks and it's not necessarily going to be the most expensive lady. I have seen gorgeous ladies at a reasonable rate. But looks is just one factor. Chemestry is another factor that matters to many. And as hot as she may be, and as sweet as she may be, if there is a language barrior, this one might be harder for her, which applies to a lot of providers, be it kgirls, European, or Brazlians, to name a few. And, I have found varying talents. Try as they might, not all of them kiss as well. Maybe they don't cuddle afterwards. Maybe their touch is not as soft. Some have little tricks that may turn you on that others do not. For example, I was with one provider who showered with me, and would rub her bare pussy on my soapy dick. This was by no means a bare service and we were safe, but this was a huge turn on. And, I am not saying these matter to everyone. But for some, there are things that matter that not all women do, or do well. Does this mean this always comes with the higher price? Absolutely not. But perhaps some of these things that matter would more jusifty a reason to charge more, than say just looks alone.

considerations.  There is no way to know if you will see any of these details during YOUR session, even if others have put these activities in reviews. Remember that the price is set BEFORE you go so how would you KNOW when booking whether or not all of the things you would happily pay $1000 for are going to be included?  You can't foresee how the chemistry will pan out until AFTER you have seen her, so like I said, you need to have your own formula for assessing when the right time is to pay $1000 versus $500.  If you just do it randomly and HOPE for the best, you are likely to have more disappointing sessions.  

FYI, if Kgirls don't want to talk to you, it's only because they don't want to talk to you.  English is required in South Korea starting in the first grade and continuing through high school.   Many will pretend not to speak English if they are trying  
 to discourage you from repeating with them for whatever reason.   Also, MOST Kgirls will rub their pussy on your soapy dick during the shower.  If you see more of them, you may get some additional surprises.  Lol

I disagree. Some of these things you can absolutely capture in reviews. Or, at least I can. Can I always? No. And should I speak for you and others, no. So maybe, you can't. But if multiple reviews say it, than I feel the odds are it is part of the process. If one person says it, than perhaps not. We know there are some ladies that YMMV. I have had my share of ladies do something for me I did not expect and that was not in any reviews. So sure, in cases where it either doesn't show up at all or it's not repeated with multiple reviews, it's hard to know. But part of what I am looking for is what kind of energy does she bring. I usually can read between the lines and capture this from reviews. I don't always get it right. And, some reviews are not helping because they are not as honest as I would like. But my hit rate and finding good ones is fairly high. So something is working.

As for kgirls, I call BS. They do not all speak good English. I had one that literally used her phone to help translate from the moment I entered. She was a noob. I've had others do much better, but there was still a disconnect because they had to pause and think and try to find some of the words. Even for those who learn English, they do not get the culture without living here, so there still is a disconnect. When I cuddle afterwards, I like a conversation that flows easily. Not one where she giggles, and says things like "how you say, um, Mmm, sexy man" and giggles some more. BTW, I am not just talking about kgirls with the language issue.  

And, when I say language issue, I'm not talking about them speaking no English. Some, especially for foreigners, speak it very well, yet still there is a little disconnect. That little disconnect matters to me. Maybe what they bring does it for you, but I'm looking for a different connection. I'm not trying to knock you, but try to be understanding that not everyone is you and you do not need to take shots at anyone who doesn't agree with you.

Reviews are always YMMV.  Some guys exaggerate what happened as a form of self-aggrandizement, and other times providers will be comfortable doing some things with a particular customer, but not someone else.  You have admitted this has been the case for you, so why would you say you can get the info you WANT from reviews?  It doesn't matter how many guys say the did something with a provider, she still may not do it with you.  There is an active thread right now on this board where a guy complains about this discrepancy with respect to DFK.  Apparently, most everyone got DFK except him.  

I did not say that ALL Kgirls speak GOOD English.  If I had, I would agree it's BS, but I didn't, so what is your point about what I DID say, which is that they are REQUIRED to take English starting in first grade?  Like any second language, if you don't have an opportunity to use it, it's not going to be anything close to perfect.  The girl who translated may have been North Korean.  There are many of them working in LA lately.  They're the ones who give easy BBFS, but they don't learn English in North Korea.  They understand the culture here, but whether they want to engage about it with you or not is up to them, not up to you.  I can say with a high degree of confidence that any top tier Kgirl, with a high review score average over the course of a year or two, and at least 50 reviews, speaks good enough English to carry on a normal conversation.    

It sounds like you are saying that you would rather have a girl who speaks perfect English even if the service is not as good.  I can accept that answer.   Each of us have our own preferences,  but if you like having your soapy dick rubbed with a pussy in the shower, as you say, you should compromise on the English being intelligible, but not perfect, and see more Kgirls.    

P.S.  Do you realize how difficult your posts are to read without any paragraph breaks?  

-- Modified on 2/7/2024 4:59:28 PM

Lol you really like picking fights? You realize I was only offering a counterpoint originally? Btw, I am breaking paragraphs. Not sure why it’s not showing for you. Yours are showing two breaks for me. I will try that lol. Maybe it will be easier.

You wrote, “FYI, if Kgirls don't want to talk to you, it's only because they don't want to talk to you.  English is required in South Korea starting in the first grade and continuing through high school.” On a technicality, you didn’t say the word all. But instead of recognizing that may be my experience, you blamed their possible disinterest in me. And you went on to highlight that all South Koreans take English starting in first grade. How do you expect me to read anything other than you discounting my experience where they actually didn’t speak it well? Walking it back in your next response doesn’t change what you already said and what you didn’t say.

I’m not saying their English has to be perfect. It’s really more about having a good conversation where we can connect with one another. This can apply to those who speak perfect English as well. I have been with American providers who feel rather disconnected too. But I find it’s at a much higher rate when their English is more choppy. I’m just playing the odds game.

And you now mentioned the soapy dick twice. In case it wasn’t clear, I’m not a one trick pony. I have numerous boxes I like to check. And as much as I liked that, it’s not even in my top 10. Also, part of what made it nice was she just did it. I’m sure kgirls would do it if I asked. But it’s not a standard move in my experience with them. I don’t show up with a list of demands. Rather, I try to see where things will go.

Lastly, yes YMMV always. I get that and never suggested otherwise. Again, playing the odds here. For me, if it’s mentioned in reviews numerous times, 95% of the time I get it. Is that absolute? No. But I like these type of odds. But isn’t that the case with anything you read in reviews? I’ve had providers with over 100 reviews with a score higher than 9, all good recent reviews, who was not anything like the lady described. Reviews are not perfect. You may not always get what you expect based on the review. And, occasionally you may get something even better. Best you can do is play the odds.

It's a debate and we are being civil. You posted some points of misinformation and I'm just giving you the correct info to look at in hopes of opening your mind a little.  Then you can double down on your misconceptions or agree with me that you may not know as much as you think you do about Kgirls.   You keep lumping them in with indie providers, but it's a separate market niche, just like TS providers.  To my knowledge, there are NO Kgirls who have 100 reviews and an average score of 9 or more that are currently active anywhere in the US.  If you are saying this about Kgirls, it's more misinformation.  

I didn't say that not liking you is the ONLY reason a Kgirl would not speak English with you, but it is the most common reason.  I further explained that North Korean girls don't speak English and there are many of them working in LA now.  In fact the ONLY Kgirl you have reviewed in the past year, Suji, is a North Korean girl, and that is why she is openly advertising BBFS, which is why most guys choose to see her.  This brings me to my original point.  Seeing ONE Kgirl in the past three years hardly justifies the kinds of generalizations about language ability within the Kgirl community that you made in your original comments to me. You simple don't have enough experience to make sweeping statements about this market.  Wouldn't you agree?  The easiest way to protect yourself from non-English-speaking Kgirls is to remember, BBFS = Little or No English; GFE = Good or Very Good English.  You're Welcome.

Yes, it's a debate, but whether you realize it or not, you include certain statements that come across like a jab. Look, there is no question you have seen more Kgirls than me and do it a lot. And, one of the reasons is our different experiences. Btw, you missed the doubles I had, so that's 3 in the past year. The double was actually great for what it was, and they did speak better English, but still some disconnect. And why did I only see 3 in the past year? Because last time I saw a few it was just okay for me. And, outside of the double being special because it's a different type of experience, I felt the same way.

Sure, I might see kgirls again, but if I do it's because I'm pinching pennies that month and want a bargain. And, if I do, I will try what you suggest and seek out girls who are not doing BBFS who are reviewed decently. Maybe I will have a change of heart, but I wouldn't count on it. I say this because as I said earlier, this is not exclusive to kgirls. I have been with other foreign provodiers, including asain ones, who are not BBFS and their English was fine. But the odds of connecting well was always less likely with them. Just my experience.

As for the 100 reviews comment, that was not specifically directed towards kgirls nor was it intended to be a precise number. The point was more about it being a sizable number of reviews. We both know there is a sizable difference between a provider with say 6 reviews and one with say 45 reviews. Larger numbers come with better odds of being reliable.

After a second look, you are right, I missed the double you had with two Kgirls, so it's THREE Kgirls in the past three years.  That doesn't change anything else that I said.  

And she's ashamed and embarrassed. Yes they go through English courses 1-12 but the level of teaching is poor. When they come here on a student visas they have to take a FLS class at the local JC for about 2-3 years maybe longer before
they get admitted to any University.
To say that maybe they just don't want to talk tells me she an old jaded broad.
Most of the K-Girls I wandered into were more then eager to talk, but they had a very hard time that you can sense their frustration
And do I have stories about some of these "Students"...

former salon girls who were furloughed out by the age of 30.  Japanese and Korean businessmen like them young, and that is why it's very rare for us to get a Kgirl that is not pushing 30, at least.  The North Korean girls are usually younger, no English, less experienced, so in order to compete with the ex-salon girls, they offer BBFS.  To respond to your point, the age at which they are considered "old and jaded" in Korea is 28-30.

Women always rate themselves at the highest level someone else has rated them, even if only once.  This is true in the dating/mating world too.  That's why so many women chase the top 10% of guys.  Some hot guy once banged her and then dumped her.  All she remembers is that hot guys like her.  So she chases them and continuously gets pumped and dumped until she's in her late 30's.  She may never realize she was out of her league because it seemed like she was getting dates.  Unless she wants to live with cats, she'll eventually settle for a lesser man (more in her league) but resent it and him because she never got what she thought she "deserved."
So if a provider once got $600 for an hour, that's her new minimum.  It ratchets up like that.  When they can't pull any customers at their new higher rate, they tend to drop out of the game -- cuz they "know" what they're "worth" and psychologically can't stand the idea of giving it away for a marked down price.  Better to be poor than humiliated.

Inquiring minds want to know how do you put a dollar value on a women’s worth?

The answer is simple, zero dollars, the same as any human is worth. You're free to negotiate a higher rate, and, most find success doing so, but the base rate of everything is nothing, and always has been.

I think this distinction deserves its own post :)

The worth of a sexual service is what I put dollar value worth on. The looks, of course, play a part in this, but as it is a sexual service how attractive a woman looks matters. Either way, buying sex isn't the same as buying a person...and I hope no one actually buys anyone.  

How do I put value on sexual service ? Well, just like with any service? Compare price ranges. Read reviews. Generally people don't like paying a lot more for similar products and services. It really isn't much different than, say, putting a dollar worth on dentist service.  Well, actually sex worker will quote me her prices much faster and there's no insurance to think about lol

There isn't some science to it that is p4p-specific, I'm afraid. Customers generally have price ranges and are experienced enough to know roughly what mean and median dollar values for services and looks are.

In fairness you can't, if you really want to figure out the value of a provider remember they were someone's favorite child, they were someone's first crush in Jr high, or a lot of people's. Like  little Tommy would have given his left one to be where you are right now so treat her right.

That being that they are a penis tech and you are one of several today it's rather like a plumber but requires more acting, smells better and pays a little better but leaks are a much bigger deal

I tend to try to pay less so I can see them more often and I assume that those who charge less are more likely to be doing it because they like it.

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