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How to avoid a sex trafficking sting : 👿
WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 1368 reads

2024 is an election year, 'sex trafficking' stings will be on the rise to bolster ratings of "saving the children" and "rescuing victims". This of course seldom happens, but many consenting adults will be snared in the hoopla. Here are some tips to avoid getting embroiled in this ridiculous game of cat and mouse:  
 1. Do not, as in ever, never ever offer $$ for a specific sex act. It is not illegal to pay someone for their time. It IS illegal to offer someone money to do (xyz) sex act. Do your research. Think with your big head. Do NOT ask what is on the "menu."  
2. Seldom if ever will any screening info or a deposit be asked for. I have heard of one string operation asking for a selfie, but if the man declined it was then not required. During a sting they want to arrest as many men as possible. Stings are normally going to be done at lower end motels/hotels, and will be carried out over a day, seldom more than that as to prevent the word from getting out of one happening.  
3. Police are normally going to advertise on free sites that do little to nothing to confirm who is posting. If you do find someone on one of these sites at the very least cross reference different ad sites or social media to confirm this is in fact a real sex worker. Police can and do lie. Asking someone if they are a cop will do nothing to protect you in a court of law.  
4. If you are ever arrested in a sting do not resist and keep your mouth SHUT. Say nothing. Ask for a lawyer immediately. Do not say you are just meeting a friend. Say NOTHING.  
Be careful out there sexy people, and stay safe.

The new free ad site is Twitter. Whether these are for stings, scammers, or something else, I have seen a recent rise in fake provider Twitter accounts. These are often women on the 1k plus hotness level charging well below market value. Some seem like they may even be AI generated. $300-$400 per hour seems somewhat common. They look too good to be true because they are. They will have a top pinned post with 2-3 days/dates at 8-10 different cities. Then, there is an insane number of reposts to make it seem like the Twitter is more active and has been around longer. Mixed in are very few posts from the actual account holder. Posts go back maybe 1-2 weeks at most. They are  never links to ad sites, but some have links to personal websites, but these sites are of the free variety and not the best looking.

Thanks for your feedback Zeel, very good points!!! All excellent things to look for to verify if a sex worker account is real or not on twitter.  
I have also noticed some of these accounts are 'locked' so you are not able to comment or retweet.  
And....as always....if it looks to good to be true, very likely it is.

I'm a bit surprised the very first point was not Don't engage in ANY FMTY as that is almost a slam dunk case for trafficking by the person paying.  

Most of the rest seems more run of the mill type solicitation and solicitation sting operations.  Outside the the whole paying for a trip I don't see why indepenants and Johns worry much about trafficking charges.  The agencies and pimps or others involved with logistics of such operations on the other hand...

I'm with you on item 4 100%

about FMTY is about the only thing on this thread that most mongers don't already know, but there is still time for QB to join the conversation and make this topic about herself.  Lol

You are correct, FMTY would be breaking the MANN act, which makes it illegal to transport women across state lines for "immoral purposes.".  
Honestly unless it is a very high profile client or provider I doubt they are going to take the time, effort, and money to create such a case. During a sting they are trying to arrest as many individuals as possible, so it is going to be more of a "smash and grab" operation. LE is going to go after the low hanging fruit that is easiest to grab and that doesn't know the game rules, unfortunately.

Everyone always has a method to avoid the police but the police are still catching people.

People act as the though the police, city, FBI are as broke as us clients!
"..they will use free sites, they won't pay deposits, they only use hotels"
Tell that BS to all the other criminals that have been setup with a sting (strings cost money) and if the feds think you are big enough to go after, you're done!

Also the thing about not saying anything illegal over text or the phone is another pile of shit!

From your phone#, text, previous clients, to your accounts, websites, social media, IP address, associates (think duo partners) you don't think it's enough that a jury can't put 2 and 2 together and realize that you're a hooker!?!

Best advise...
They already know what you're doing and just need a big enough reason to come get you.

Thank you for your feedback. The majority of stings are focused on clients now, not providers. I am an open sex worker and have been for many years. I also have clients that are police officers, attorneys, retired judges, and politicians.  
The information that I posted here and also on twitter was actually approved as sage advise before I posted by several individuals from the above mentioned professions.  
Unfortunately the reason clients are still getting busted in these stings is usually for one very simple reason: they ask for a specific sex act for a specific dollar amount. That is not a pile of shit, that is evidence. And the evidence would be that you are soliciting prostitution, which is illegal.  
The reason LE usually uses free sites is not because of cost, it is because it is very easy to set up an ad without any verification. Most reputable sites for placing ads require you to submit your info to verify who you are and your age before allowing you to post.  
And yes, if you do get caught up in a sting that would be the one big enough reason to come and get you. I am giving you first hand information that I have received from clients that have been arrested in stings as well as individuals from the other side that worked on them. You of course can do with the information I am giving as you see fit.  

If a provider don't  have a connection  to a  review site ,or a credible agency , then am not gonna "take one for the team".

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