TER General Board

Re: Fucking Hilarious
QueenBia See my TER Reviews 5227 reads
1 / 68

Why do ya’ll allow it here on TER? We as a community have the power to change, but you don’t. Do you report post that are clearly rude, disrespectful & bashing? If you do not your part of the problem.  

If you post complaining about TER & the boards, but have done absolutely nada to attempt to address the issues you’re not helping improve this site. I am disgusted with myself for being here, so long and nothing has changed. I try to participate & post value. Do you care? Are you happy with the negativity? If you are not happy, why  not do something? You have the power to hit the like button on photos providers take the time to post, but many don’t show them love & appreciate by doing something so simple it’s ridiculous. I refuse to believe TER as a majority consists of males who hate women, and degrade them for use. There is good here show me I am right. I dare you to hit the like button if you love & appreciate honest companions who provide a caring service.

Do it. lol Smile for me my TER friends. Happy Good Friday. Make it a great weekend by doing something that brings you joy. Muah 💋

Sorry, but technology is not always fun. Auto correct + grammar & I speak 🗣️ Spanglish SoCal girl. I realize people who are miserable love negativity. Those who are busy in life don’t have time to hate. Love, and be kind because you never know what somebody is going through. Have a blessed Easter 🐣 weekend. I’m going to spend mine with my better half.

-- Modified on 3/29/2024 9:30:10 AM

Zeel 67 Reviews 50 reads
2 / 68

TBH, a dislike button would be more appropirate than reporting posts in many cases. I do believe in freedom of speech, and reporting someone for simply being a rude dick is something I would not partake in doing. I'm certainly not liking their post either, and if provided opportunity I would dislike what they have to say. To me, that's the missing element. Give people the chance to read the room with dislikes when they are being toxic.

But for me to report a post, I need to believe it violates TER policies. If it was racist, yes I would. If it was female discrimination, yes I would. If it was threats of violence, yes I would. I could go on, but you get the point. The reality is it is more often assholes being assholes, and you for sure shit should not like it. I don't either. And, this is why I would like to dislike these types of posts.

flyboyluke 6 Reviews 51 reads
3 / 68

You're one of the worst offenders with your passive-aggressive posts, constantly complaining. Please stop posting junk just to keep your name at the top of the page.

GeorgeSpelviniii 197 Reviews 47 reads
4 / 68

These are TER policies I see that are routinely broken:

*  Stay on topic
*  Is absolutely irrelevant to the subject;
*  Posting mean or rude comments is prohibited.

These are supposed to be the actions for breaking certain policies as stated on the Message Board Policies:

*  Don’t flame someone or start a flame war. If you think a post violates TER’s guidelines, terms or policies, report by  
    clicking on ‘Report this post’ from the post itself.
*  Posts which do not conform to these Guidelines will be removed.  Continuous or habitual posting of non-conforming  
    posts may cause the poster to lose posting privileges for a period of time.  Further ignoring of the rules may cause the  
    poster to be banned from TER.
*  Posting rude and mean comments while hiding under an ALIAS will be reported to the site Admin for evaluation. If  
    sufficient cause is found the post will be modified by Admin to EXPOSE your USERNAME.  Flipping an alias is an action  
    of last resort and will only be done if Admin determines that other corrective actions are insufficient due to the nature  
    of the comments in the post.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 55 reads
5 / 68

I have no idea how offensive comments need to be when they are reported to be removed.  
Many seem to enjoy the controversy.  
Not sure a “dislike “ would work as may become a badge of honor for a few who would routinely collect them.
You and others , especially providers, should not be subjected to the direct insults that routinely happen here and are allowed stand.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 51 reads
6 / 68

Rarely does TER remove hateful comments.  I agree about the dislike too. Some would abuse that feature n it wouldn't be accurate, all to grind some kind of ax, I guess 🤣😂
I rarely post nowadays because it's pretty useless,  as a provider. Way to much energy simply wasted. It's either a poster that has no clue about the person they are responding to n just being rude or a person with some kind of vengeful agenda.  Fk that! I'm good to live in my happy ass world making smiles and memories.  I do read reviews and research references and what a reviewer is like though...so it's still a valuable tool for me. The posting on the boards, not so much.  I KNOW  there are some great people here though! I believe many got tired of the negatively too and simply dont post anymore.
I always like your post , OldRanger as I agree to what you have to say (you seem like a smart and lovely person) AND I absolutely appreciate the gifts over the years!! ❤️ We need more guys like you posting more 😘

inicky46 61 Reviews 54 reads
7 / 68

He was relentlessly trying to reform this board and ultimately he not only failed but got himself banned.

ToniLove See my TER Reviews 54 reads
8 / 68

Exactly! Rarely does TER remove such post. I'd absolutely love some of the aliases to be flipped but in all my years here, I've never seen it.  Personally,  I think doing away with the aliases would do wonders!
I love seeing you post... but ofcoarse I love seeing you in person more ❤️

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 66 reads
9 / 68

And is just here fucking around. I see some established members joining them in their  negativity too, instead  of pointing them out for what they are - most likely  guys that live in their mothers basement  or attic , freeloading off their parents  and with too much time on their fucking hands.  
Never dated anyone, so have no reviews to write and  is freeloading off TER's  basic membership. Get a job.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 48 reads
10 / 68

wants to control the speech of the majority.  All you have to do is look at the "Likes" that Flyboyluke got further up the thread in just a few days to know how the silent majority here feels about the whiney minority complaining about controversy.  Self-awareness is completely lost on these whiney posters.  

-- Modified on 3/30/2024 2:30:32 PM

helixir 41 Reviews 48 reads
11 / 68

I don't have an empirically sound study to back me up, but my occasional visits lead me to believe there is a small handful of miscreants,, led by the inimitable CDL (and who knows how many aliases and clones), who live just to stir shit. They're bitter, frustrated, and deeply unhappy people. They express themselves emotionally the only way they know how--with the hurt and anger they feel they have suffered.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 51 reads
12 / 68

Worth noting  his flyboy idol who is collecting all those like has all of his reviews from another continent.

easydiesel 41 reads
13 / 68

Although it'd be nice, I don't think a dislike button is the answer to trolls.  They want to get attention one way or the other... whether it's likes or dislikes... because to be ignored is the worst thing for a troll.  A "Block Button" would allow one to do that, and just get rid of them altogether.  I see an Ignore User Button, but I've never used it. Is that the same thing as a Block Button?

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 46 reads
14 / 68

I have a growing list of ignore users, but unfortunately it is not able to use on every member.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 77 reads
15 / 68

bullshitters and purveyor of false information here, I can certainly understand your resentment in me being here and keeping you and the other speculators honest.  Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to call you out from time to time and then you remove your posts because I outed you on your bullshit.  It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 49 reads
16 / 68

all pussy, regardless of where it is located geographically, is pretty much the same.  I have reviews in London, too.  Are you saying those don't count?  Do you know how stupid that sounds?  

The truth is the truth, and his count keeps climbing.  I don't even know him, but his words still make a fine example in opposition to the simps and suck-ups on this board.  I'm not saying YOU are one of them, only you can make that clear by what you post here.  

By the way, when TER was dark in the US for 20 months from April 2018 to December 2019, it was a hearty band of US TER diehards who knew how to access it from outside the US, PLUS the international contingent that kept this and a few other boards alive during the shutdown.  Denigrating our international hobby brothers is NOT a good look on you.  You look small and petty with your comment.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 44 reads
17 / 68

Yes, I'm an asshole, but I'm an equal-opportunity asshole because I treat everyone here the same.  No one gets a pass on bullshit.  There are simps here who are assholes to other customers and suck up to providers for no other reason than they are providers, even when they say stupid shit, and there are bitchy providers who are assholes to other providers and suck up to the simps to try to get new customers, foregoing common sense to pander to these suck-ups even when they say stupid shit.  If we all treat everyone the same, the bullshitters will eventually stop bullshitting, and the board will start providing honest information that can be verified and of real value to new people entering this lifestyle.  

Zeel 67 Reviews 48 reads
18 / 68

I don't agree with your so called strategy. While I agree there is BS in here, and there are suck ups, being an asshole is not the best way to weed out these issues.  

To me, this is like wanting to get rid of graffiti in your neighborhood by going around with black paint and splashing it over the graffiti to send a message that you are messing up their graffiti so they might as well stop, and thinking it will eventually work out. But what you just did is create a bigger mess and made the neighborhood look worse.  

What is being created is Neighborhood Disorder. There is extensive research that says if a neighborhood looks bad, people tend to think it's okay to bahave badly in that neighborhood. Now, cleaning it up is a good start, but don't confuse this with me saying it's as simple as this either. Complex problems often require complex solutions and do not happen in a day or a week. They take time and consistency. And, perfection is not the goal, because even a good neighborhood has its flaws.

In a nutshell, while you might think your behavor is solving a problem, it's not. You are componding the problem. You are stopping no one, and in the same stroke adding fuel to the fire and promoting a culture that just brings in more bad behavor, not less.

420Smoka4Eva 39 reads
19 / 68

You're here talking about whiney posters with no self-awareness..... You're the whiniest poster on this fucking forum. You post multiple times a day to bitch and complain about something. You act like you're doing some service too. Spend less money on escorts and more money on therapy.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 37 reads
20 / 68

Mr. Lion,  

I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done with this community. You bear such a heavy load on your shoulders. With a tear in my eye it reminds me of all of the suffering that Jesus did on that good Friday so long ago. Do you ever think you are the second Christ?? Of course you do, we all think you are!  Without you how would anyone possibly know how to book an appointment to get a BBBJ from someone who does not speak English and is not a citizen of the US? It is ridiculous for us to even speculate that there was a pay to play option before you, and I shudder to think how quickly it will evaporate when you are gone. I can only hope that someday I can be as well known and detrimental to any industry like you have been to this one. You are always so full of kind words, supportive, and encouraging to everyone. Again, thank you, and I always look forward to your heart warming and caring comments on the TER board.  

Your favorite country bumpkin    

georgebensen 101 Reviews 38 reads
21 / 68

One of the reasons I use escorts is I like to degrade them and use them for sex and abuse their bodies for my pleasure.  All of the girls I see like me as a repeat client and know this is a role they play for me.  Do i really think they are less than?  NO of course not.  but in the session I like to use them like the filthy whores they are (acting or not) and I get off on it.  they willingly participate and get compensated for it.  I am not looking for a wife or girl friend.  I already have both.  

Zeel 67 Reviews 39 reads
22 / 68

This is not even close to what the intent of the thread is. You're talking about an arrangement between two consenting adults where your behavor towards them is understood and agreed upon.

The OP is talking about trying to participate in the boards here, where she didn't consent to being treating as a lesser, nor is okay with it, and has even voiced this at times.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 43 reads
23 / 68

controllers here wanting to tell others how to spend their own money.  Thank you for making a contribution by example to my point.  Pointing out false or stupid shit that people say is not bitching and complaining, it's called "exposing", which is nearly a lost art.  

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 50 reads
24 / 68

white-knighting and emasculating your potential customers at the same time.  

You have already been told that Korean girls are required to take English from 1st through 12th grade, and you're still beating the same drum that they don't speak English.   At this point, after doubling down on your false claims about Korean providers, we can only conclude that your hatred of Korean providers is race-based.  It's not a good look on you, but I can't say I'm surprised.  Your customers go to them to get consistently good service at a reasonable price.  Your price is reasonable, but from what I have learned from interacting with some of your reviewers, your service is nowhere close to that of Korean providers. You're just lucky you are in Mooseturd, Wisconsin, where providers are scarce, or you wouldn't be getting any customers at all.  How about touring to LA, and see how you do against our local ladies.  I doubt you will be getting into the game much.  You'll be a bench-warmer sitting next to QB, a fellow racist provider.  Lol

420Smoka4Eva 47 reads
25 / 68

It is pretty clear you are mentally unwell and poorly adjusted. Good luck exposing us all and thank you for being a brave truth teller.

jimmyjive 46 reads
26 / 68

Reading threads on here  must be similar to middle school kids messaging on social media.  
Bia you are the leader of this. Many many posts have called you out for so many pointless posts.
It’s no surprise that people make fun of you. Grow up…enough with “our community” bullshit…you want community join a church. This site is for men looking to rent pussy for an hour or two PERIOD. guys in general are ball busters (except of course Respectful Robbie). I have always disagreed with CDL but i have to say I’m in complete agreement here.  
Go start a woman’s site or strap on some balls.  
Speaking of which I saw the picture (with unblured face!!) of you on an ad board post and wondered if you were a softball player in school and since you enjoy having sex with your sister (which is a little weird no?) it would make sense that you hung out with the "girls" No judgement of course fly your freak flag mama.
Now pease take your pal Grandma Kitty and start a new platform to find out whether men prefer shaved or natural or what color eyes do you have and other inane questions.

-- Modified on 4/2/2024 6:06:16 PM

georgebensen 101 Reviews 43 reads
27 / 68

It seems she is saying we men here are not respecting them ?  Or being mean on TER or something.  I’m not sure.  But if my favorite sluts are in here telling me I need to respect them and not use their tits asshole pussy and mouth for my sole pleasure I would take them off the rotation.  This place is for men.  At least this is how it was when it started.  I want the women to act here like they do when we are alone.  Like a filthy little slut.  Otherwise what’s the point?  We give scores to how well a girl sucks cock or take cock in her asshole.  The truly successful escorts through the years I’ve been in this hobby know that we just want them to be our fantasy fuck toys and act accordingly.  They don’t show their true face.  Just what we want to see.  I’m fine with that.  Just get me to nut harder.  

helixir 41 Reviews 34 reads
28 / 68
mr5mike 7 Reviews 38 reads
29 / 68

I enjoy a bit of sarcasm every now and then.

Zeel 67 Reviews 57 reads
30 / 68

I don't think she is saying all men. She's not naming them, but there are specific ones she has in mind. And, then she's questioning why others don't report it, which really can be other men or providers. In the end, she was triggered and this is her rant about how she feels about the culture of the boards.

IMO, the boards and who you actually see are not one in the same. For most of us, we have not, and will not, see the women who happen to post on the boards. They are in the minority of posters. One of the obvious reasons is what you said, this is more of a place for men. I don't necessarily subscribe to the idea that women are not welcome though. I'm fine with them coming here.

As for how they behave, I expect them to be who they are. If you, or I, or anyone else, doesn't like who they are here, we don't have to see them in person. In fact, it might help us weed them out if they were a provider we were considering. Or, on the flip, maybe we like them and were not considering them, and decide to book them. Who knows? But I imagine for someone who wants a fantasy that involves more acting, you're not going to find who you like also posting on the boards.

As for your statement on what we want, that's what you want. What we want is not always the same. Different guys want different things. Me, for example, want more of the girl next door type. I don't want to dominate her and treat her poorly. I'm looking for a GFE. So, for me, if someone I have seen, or am considering to see, comes on these boards, I would want her to act no different than a female collegue or someone I bump into at a movie theater. Different strokes for different folks.

FlaNoName 40 reads
31 / 68

You wouldn't know what BS is if you saw it, and you write it EVERY day!  You are the biggest purveyor of BS and it is very tiring.  

MadDmacx 29 Reviews 45 reads
32 / 68

Why do so many posts turn into flame wars?   C'mon brothers.   Agree or disagree everyones entitled to their opinion.  Just because you disagree is no reason for us to turn on each other with the personal bs.  Guys are here to get their nut off and women are here to make money by getting guys nut off.    Why the hostility?  Its like planning a vacation so you can get into a fight.

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 41 reads
33 / 68

You could have said ONE thing about me in your post!! I have to pay my electric bill too!! Spread the love buster!!

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 46 reads
34 / 68

I can either read them and jump in or I can say, fuck this shit and not read them and therefore not respond and just walk away never to look back. I have a that choice. But I do get how some loose their shit over your post. I guess that's what I like, through all that drama when you trigger the board it allows me to see how people really are. The crazies who loose it tells me more about themselves then what they'd want us to know. Its one of those slip of the tongue thing, they just can't help themselves.
So post, don't post...you do you. But be prepared to take the abuse.
So for now.....I'll just watch the train wreck

36363jensen 4 Reviews 37 reads
35 / 68

Not a fan of the OP but I think if you want to take exception to the ladies being here you need to take it up with TER They are the ones who created a Provider Only sections (just like the Reviewer Only area that seems to be more of what you're saying TER as a whole is) and who is giving them free partial VIP when they get a profile created and claim it.

If the house owners invited them in that you're a bit out of place trying to tell them to leave.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 40 reads
36 / 68

To be something I saw on TER.  


Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 38 reads
37 / 68

LoL okay that actually gave me a chuckle. BTW get ready for your electric bill to go up about 50%. Elections have consequences 🤷‍♂️

Lip-lock2 42 Reviews 41 reads
38 / 68

Thanks genius! I will talk slower so you might understand. I said “I am a ball (the 2 round things in your scrotum) buster (a person that points out bullshit).
Now since I must assume you were a hall monitor in high school I imagine you feel it your duty to report me to the principal. Well rest assured I promise never to make fun of Mammy Bia and the other middle aged ho’s here for acting like school girls and  as soon as I’m done writing this I will pay a Mistress to give me a good spanking. I do hope you will like now.

36363jensen 4 Reviews 39 reads
39 / 68

Are you claiming to be the account behind the alias to which I repled?

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 38 reads
40 / 68

Ad hominems as well as personal attacks are bad. Especially they look bad when aimed at providers. I never directly insulted a provider here and while I have done so to other posters - I'm not proud of it. It's very grating people attacking providers looks age etc in conversations that have nothing to do with it. I see a lot of posters, for example, attack Kitty. There's a difference between evaluating her looks and youth in a review and when talking to her on this board.  

This is a no-no for me.

Then criticism. A lot of providers cannot take criticism. The ones who still post here definitely have a much thicker skin than the Twitter crowd, although I suspect thy are also older than the Twitter crowd. But still. If someone criticizes something providers do a lot of time then "you hate women" card gets played. Why is it that? I don't know. It seems a lot of providers have trouble separating criticism of them as a seller, their business practices and misogyny. This one baffles me the most because complaints critiques of a seller is a common occurrence in online consumer communities. I've been labeled as a woman hater on here because I most often take the "side" of a consumer. Providers aren't all women. And on the other hand, there are many women in other industries facing criticisms of their business not because they're women but because of their business practices. And so do men.

To me, when a provider plays that card it tells me most of the time (obviously there are real misogynists out here and I don't condone them at all) they just don't want to to address criticisms but rather would attempt to discredit the person doing the criticism.  This is cheap, lazy and dishonest. If I criticize a doctor, lawyer or a small business owner, I criticize their work, not their gender. Same thing happens here.

Customers have a right to complain if they are unhappy about something. It doesn't matter who runs the business - a man, a woman, nonbinary or a donkey. That's all there is to it.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 51 reads
41 / 68

But I can't because this is a well-reasoned argument.  We are in agreement on most of your points.  On some of them, I have a little different view, but we are still not polar opposites on the big picture.  

The only time I have attacked providers for their looks is when they play the "I would never see you" card, even when I have never suggested I had any interest in seeing them.  Then I think it's fair game to tell them exactly WHY I have never asked to see them, and for me, it's mostly about appearance.  I don't consider age a negative if they take care of themselves, but saggy tits, more than 20 pounds of extra weight or a giant ass are all dealbreakers.  I have seen a few stunning ladies who were 50+ in the past 12 months, but my preferred age range is still 35-45.  Ten years ago, it was 30-40, but attraction factors shift as I get older.  

-- Modified on 4/4/2024 1:40:11 PM

-- Modified on 4/4/2024 3:49:19 PM

Lip-lock2 42 Reviews 37 reads
42 / 68

YES!!!! Mr Genius strikes again!!

Lip-lock2 42 Reviews 44 reads
43 / 68

Okay Scarlet I would love to see you but I charge $750/hour and no kissing 😘

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 40 reads
44 / 68

That is WAY too rich for my blood!!! LOL

Lip-lock2 42 Reviews 40 reads
45 / 68

Finally a woman with a sense of humor on the Fuck Board “Community!”
In that case Scarlet I’ll give ya one on the house! But then you’ll be hooked. 😈😈

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 38 reads
46 / 68

This is NOT a "neighborhood."    I don't know about you, but I know all of my "neighbors" by their real names and what they do for a living.   Granted, I have this information about certain posters here (and some who I trade hobby intel with or meet for drinks in real life) who I have known for years, but just having a bunch of random guys show up with varying levels of experience ranging from highly experienced to no experience does not make for much of a neighborhood.  

Since you based your whole post on the false premise that this is "neighborhood", much of what you said does not apply here.  This board is more like a bus of illegals gets dropped off on the corner of your street and everyone gets off and starts milling around.  Does this automatically make them "members" or your neighborhood?  NO, but if they settle in and contribute over time, they CAN become welcome members of the community.  However, the ones that create chaos by alleging things that most experienced members know to be false should be called out, lest they infect those who are less experienced and still impressionable.  Sometimes, a heated exchange can reveal truth where there was uncertainty.  

WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 47 reads
47 / 68

It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood
A beautiful day for a neighbor
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day in this beautywood
A neighborly day for a beauty
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you
I've always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you

So let's make the most of this beautiful day
Since we're together, we might as well say
Would you be mine?
Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please
Won't you please
Please won't you be my neighbor?

Zeel 67 Reviews 36 reads
48 / 68

More of you showing how dumb you really are. You just love the art of not understanding and trying to twist words.  

Well, here you go. Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.

Now take your literally sense of not recognizing what I was saying and apply the definition I so kindly just shared with you and maybe actually get it. Oh wait, I almost forgot, you're not too bright so you probably still won't get it.

Well, nevermind, carry on and be the asshole you are meant to be and keep making this place unpleasent for everyone but yourself. Oh, and keep lying. It suits you.

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 41 reads
49 / 68

I mean, he literally admitted he is though?

I quote,  
"As one of the biggest bullshitters and purveyor of false information here, I.. "

Perhaps he meant something else, but if so then he earned himself a business meeting with Conan about subject and predicate in a sentence. Love ya cdl xD

sexystephie See my TER Reviews 38 reads
50 / 68

I think he's great too. XO

Oh woowee maybe a 3sum in the future ?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 50 reads
51 / 68

the truth once in awhile.  You can start by quit hiding behind an alias.   Generally, cowards lie way more than people who let you know who they are.  There are exceptions, but you're not one of them.   We don't even know if you are a provider or a monger.  The perspective from your posts is ambiguous.  

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 42 reads
52 / 68

What does "take English" mean exactly? It may be similar to what I found in Japan.  

When I visited  on a business trip I questioned one of the girls in the office about why not many people there speak English considering that it's taught in school and is mandatory.  

I was told that "we study for tests and then after tests we forget". I was also told that they never speak it and don't hear it spoken in school. That's why I was advised that if I got lost and needed directions I should find a teenager and carry paper and a pen with me.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 44 reads
53 / 68

in grades one through twelve.  They don't have a choice to NOT take it.  When I first told her, I even provided a link confirming the curriculum, so she is being disingenuous to keep bringing it up.  At this point, it just makes her look racist.  

-- Modified on 4/9/2024 4:04:03 PM

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 50 reads
54 / 68

That when they come here, they have to enroll in FLS to get back up to speed, Usually it takes 2-3 years before they're ready to take the entrance test to get into a college/university, sometimes longer.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 42 reads
55 / 68

Do you see the irony in YOU calling ME "not bright?"   I especially love to engage with those who are out of their league but have no clue.  You are the poster boy for low-information mongers.

Zeel 67 Reviews 36 reads
56 / 68

Other than basically calling me not bright in what feels like a child saying "I'm rubber your glue..." moment, you added zero support for said statement. I understand your go to is to make insulting claims about other people with little to no support, so your effortless childish response is of no surprise.

Btw, I really love how you insult an alias posting, because you feel they are hidding behind who they really are, when you prance around with multiple accounts and claim to be some peachy guy irl, and your profile behavior is just a front. The idea that you feel you need to be someone else, especially an arrogant asshole, on here shows that you have some serious issues.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 49 reads
57 / 68

to not speak English when they don't like you and would prefer you not come back.  You forget that I have had a number of Kgirls as real-life girlfriends.  Over the years, they have shared with me everything they do and the hacks they use to get out of stuff they don't want to do.  Pretending not to speak English is one of them.  If you see a Kgirl that is truly struggling with her English, she is most likely a North Korean escapee.  They escape into China and then circle down and re-enter South Korea.  From there, the US is only a plane ride away.  North Korea doesn't want ANY of their citizens learning English, so when we get them, they fuck good, but English is a bust.  How many Kgirls have you had really close relationships with outside of just being a John?

420Smoka4Eva 40 reads
58 / 68

Is the insane things he brags about. It is very entertaining. I mean sure, this is the internet so take everything with a grain of salt. Either way, true or not, it is amazing to see what you think is a big flex and something to be proud of. Any sort of criticism or push back invites the most over the top braggadocious response.  

We get it, you fancy yourself as some sort of zen master of paying for sex. You have accumulated so much knowledge and uncovered so many secrets that the rest of us could never comprehend. You are the Tom Brady of paying for sex, and you deserve to be in the hall of fame. The rest of us are doing it wrong and are not as good at this as you are.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 39 reads
59 / 68

I believe there may be some others here who are also not fans of the OP.  Just my own observation.   Lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 43 reads
60 / 68

She's attractive for someone her age but her entitled, haughty attitude totally turns me off.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 42 reads
61 / 68

Not to speak English? My post was about FLS. And  you noted that they're "required to take English from 1st through 12th grade". Yes, Kgril or Civie they are, but when they come here, their English is at a 15%.or so. 85-90% might get you in a university.
Now you ask, "How many Kgirls have you had really close relationships with outside of just being a John?" That I can say is none, But I have interacted with South Korea FLS students (They come from well off families), ages from 19-24 and I can tell you first hand, their English is very poor. So all that required curriculum really doesn't help them that much, especially if they're 2 -3 years removed from school.
But, I gonna bail you out...
The ones that "pretend" to " "No hablo inglés" are probably the older ones. They're probably jaded and have had it with Johns asking way too many personal questions. When you put yourself in their shoes, yeah you get to a point where after 6-7-8 guys a day, where you have to be "On", sure it gets old that you want to give the guy a quick brush off.  
Less talk more action

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 39 reads
62 / 68

an important point.  I could be the Zen master of turning providers into real life girlfriends, but I'm not the Zen master of paying for sex.  (BTW, Zen is a proper name, and should be capitalized, but sometimes they don't teach that in continuation school.)  It may seem that way because I have a big budget to work with, but so do a lot of other guys here.   Isn't paying for no strings sex the way to go until you find the ones that are worth knowing in a real relationship?  One of the perks of that conversion is that I don't pay them for sex anymore (at their insistence).  

There are many guys here who have dated providers on the outside, and some even married former providers, and their experiences and knowledge of the business is akin to my own, so I'm not the unicorn you may think I am.  I'm just a guy who shares information freely if I think it is relevant to one of the topics here.  My info is only hard to comprehend for some here, but it will be up to you to keep up.  I have said before that I will not dumb down my posts to the level of the slowest person here, so I can't help you if you can't comprehend.  

420Smoka4Eva 44 reads
63 / 68

Your posts are not smart or hard to comprehend. You can't dumb them down because they are already very dumb.  

Most guys here aren't trying to turn escorts into their girlfriends, we're just looking to have a good time. We're paying for the "experience" of a girlfriend, not because we're actually looking for a girlfriend.

Lt_FrankDrebin 10 Reviews 40 reads
64 / 68

What does FLS actually mean in this context?

I stuck it in a search engine and it said Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery. The other thing that came up was Functional Life Skills, which is a program many public school districts have that’s “designed to meet the diverse needs of students with significant cognitive disabilities.”

I’m pretty sure you don’t mean either of those. Is it basically another way of saying ESL for foreigners? If it is, then fair enough. I’ll assume the PC morons decided saying ESL is evil. Just curious what the acronym actually means.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 43 reads
65 / 68

It’s ELS🤪🤪🤪… in my area it’s taught at the local university and JC. Courses are filled with foreign students.
My bad, apologies 🙏🙏… next time I should wear my  

-- Modified on 4/11/2024 3:31:47 PM

Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 39 reads
66 / 68

QueenBia is right. Hobbyists got to realize that the Providers are putting their life at risk (They maybe killed by a Customer that she does not know or get arrested, Pay a super hefty fine as much as $150,000......Yes that much as all fines ad up or bail $150,000.00 & Up). COPS do sting operations everyday to every 20 days. And if they are not that good then don't go back to them. Or at least let them know in a nice way that you appreciated their effort in pleasing you, but you kindly disagree that their efforts are not the cost of the price they stated.

John_Laroche 35 reads
67 / 68

Your pathetic attention seeking is, I'm sure, another reason you receive so many negative replies.  Hit the like button? Sure, all the time for attractive providers that don't hide their age behind a mask.
Smile for me.

Matthewgp 1 Reviews 32 reads
68 / 68

This whining shit is so pathetic that it’s almost funny.  You insecure fuckers (literally) need to STFU and get a life away from this male ego stuff.  Why is it always trying to prove your dick is the biggest in the Land of Giants?   🤣🤣🤣🤣

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