TER General Board

Re: Flakiness?regular_smile
mattradd 40 Reviews 202 reads

I've found, given the choices of A. phone call, B. email, and C. online form, I have much quicker and consistant responses with contacting the provider through a phone call. Not such good luck with email unless she lists no phone number, but only email address for contact. I've had very little luck with online forms. Hope this helps.

New to TER and thought I would take the plunge.

Called an in-call provider that had several good reviews.  There was no answer but she called me back within an hour via caller ID.  I asked about her availability and she suggested an evening time a few days later and I agreed.  She said she would call me that morning to confirm.  

When I didn't hear from her I called her back on the CID number in my cell phone and left a message confirming the time and asked her to call me back on way or the other.

She didn't call.

I realize that hobbying is more or less caveat emptor but is unreliable behavior typical for these women?

Cheyenna620 reads

NO! There could be a number of reasons WHY you did not get a return call. No matter the reason, please do not let one incident stereotype all of the ladies. Most of us are reliable!

Well, first I would feel very uncomfortable with a provider calling me back via caller ID when I hadn't left a message.  Not very discreet if you ask me.  I wouldn't say unreliability is typical, but it does happen. As well as hobbyists being unreliable at times.

Most of us try to be as prompt about returning phone calls, emails and smoke signals as possible.  

Now, knowing a few of the women on this site I can say that flaky does not describe them at all.  

Sorry, this happened to you, but one does not define a whole community.  And who knows, maybe ahe will get back to you and explain what happened.

I've sent out a few emails recently and got no response at all.  I would like to know they at least got the email.  If they were not interested, a simple NO would suffice.

For one, I filled out the form on their website and supplied a date and time.  How long should I keep that time available rather than contacting someone else? If that's the only time I have to see someone in a two week period, I'm screwed, figuratively rather than literally.

Depends on how far away the date is.  If you are looking for tomorrow evening, you better move on if you haven't heard by now.  If you are looking for two weeks from now, give her 48-72 hrs. then move on.  You should always have a plan B and sometimes a C if you are seeing A for the first time.  First time dates have a higher percentage of being NSNC.

I planned it a week out.  I never heard from her.  She's not a really great match for my normal criteria, but she had good reviews and she somewhat resembles an old flame enough that I thought it might be interesting.  I'm debating whether to email her rather than trying her online form again or just forget the whole thing.


I totally understand for what seam like a long time for me. I had the same problem with providers not returning emails.

I know I'm going to get totally smacked down for saiding this but some of them are flakes.

I just didn't get it. I'm like you I filled the forms give them my infor, and got no reply back.


I've found, given the choices of A. phone call, B. email, and C. online form, I have much quicker and consistant responses with contacting the provider through a phone call. Not such good luck with email unless she lists no phone number, but only email address for contact. I've had very little luck with online forms. Hope this helps.

Azimuth951 reads

I don't think it's typical for a reviewed and established lady but it certainly does happen. There could be any number of reasons but my purely hypothetical feeling is that the majority of such cases happen because a repeat client or longer appointment has taken precedence. In fact, your appointment may have been a backup appointment all along. In my experience the closer the confirmation time is to the appointment, the more likely that it's not going to happen. On the bright side, half of my TOFTT attempts weed themselves out this way! I've found independents who communicate well by email to be the most reliable ladies.

Many variables here. Did she get information from you to verify you? If she did, she might have found something that made her not want to see you. If she didn't then you might have said something that immediately made up her mind not to see you.

When you called her back via the CID number, why didn't you just call the number on her website or the original number you called. By stating you said you called the CID number I just assume it was different then the one you used the first time.

So many different things could have come up in her life, but I agree if she said she would call you then she should have. Apparently she had your permission to call you at that number, so short of death or coma she at least could have made a phone call even if just to cancel.


There is some flakiness on both sides of the hobby. Sure some ladies give you a tentative time or date and don't follow through but many guys waste a gal's time with endless phone calls or emails trying to get pictures or flirt and never booking an actual appointment. I'm not saying that you did anything wrong on your end but that is a reality in the hobby.
The bottom line is that a bird in the hand (a regular at your door with an envelope) is often worth two in the bush (potential customers).  Right or wrong that's just the way it is.

What I have found is that the flake factor goes way down when I shop on TER vs. CL, Eros or Cityvibe.  You say you are new to TER so I would recommend you take advantage of the review system to it's fullest and don't judge by one bad experience. Lots of 300 hitters strike out at their first at-bat.


at least the ones I have known through many provider friends who stood them up, as well as treated them badly, were total losers, or had bad attitudes about women in general.

Generalizing is lazy.

People suck.

I just really like it when a woman does it. ;)

But the smart ones swallow. Or maybe its the naughty ones?

How's that for a generalization?

count_dracula644 reads

If all women sucked, we wouldn't have divorces.

with whom I've hooked up or tried to over the last ten years or so; and I would put the flakiness factor at about 10%.

That's not too bad over all.

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