TER General Board

Re: Easier to just use TER
WIMissScarlet See my TER Reviews 36 reads

The OP as in Bia? I have never seen her indicate this, but she can correct me if I am wrong. I believe her post was more to let clients know that a police sting is never going to request a deposit. I also believe Bia requests screening info, which is what she and I both utilize to do a background check for our safety.  
A murderous psychopath is much more likely to try and buy their way out of supplying screening info, which is what the accused serial killer Rex Heuermann was doing. From the info I have read he was offering gals $1,000 above their requested rate to forgo any screening. Unfortunately gals that are in a very tight money situation may fall for this and not leave with their lives.  
I am not sure if "demand" is the correct word to use. Every business has rules. You have the right to follow the rules and partake of the service, or take your business elsewhere.

Has any LE ever booked by providing a deposit?

I’ll wait…

-- Modified on 11/10/2023 12:40:38 PM

I don't know if a deposit would prevent LE from booking an appt, if they really wanted to bust someone.

However, I'm more focused on the "reputable provider" of your post.  I'm totally down with reserving time with a reputable companion and so far, I've had insane success with spending time with some absolutely incredible women (many of whom I haven't reviewed here).

With that being stated, there are number of reputable companions I would love to spend time with, but their screening requirements sometimes include information I'm not comfortable providing.  

Every now and then, I'll reach out to someone with a good reputation (e.g. consistent good reviews here, not known for flaking, etc) and won't hear back.

I believe that LE cannot spend any more that $400 for a provider otherwise they have to go up the chain only to be shot down, so sending a deposit would be entirely out of the question.

That would be up to individual department policy. You can't generalize and say that "LE cannot".

I have been in this business for 21 years and know "people." I am fairly well connected. I am not speaking in general terms. I am speaking from first hand knowledge believe it or not. Vice in Vice in LV. There is no other individual department. I am not speaking of Narcotics. I speaking of Vice alone.  

I am speaking of Las Vegas only. I don't pretend to know about about any other city. Sorry for the confusion.

Trying to decide if this is sarcasm WHOOSHING over everybody’s heads or a ludicrous comment.  

I’m fairly positive you’re smart enough to know there’s no rules that apply to all LE, as holystonethedeck pointed out.  

Also how would a $400 limit make it entirely out of the question for a cop to send a deposit to somebody who happens to be asking for, oh I dunno let’s say $300?

Leaaaaaning towards sarcasm here.  

A cop posing as a client just might pay a deposit to try and nab a provider; but a cop pretending to be a provider in order to bag a buncha clients ain’t gonna ask for a deposit. Cast a wide net at the fishes, that’s why it’s called entrapment.  

Real gumshoe stuff here.

Entrapment only applies if you got said person being entrapped to do something they would never have done. Throwing the net is not entrapping anyone. Entrapment is rarely an accepted defense.

In terms of the actual definition of entrapment and whether it’s a successful legal defense, you are of course correct.  

I was talking about LE wasting resources, using bologna tactics to arrest people, who weren’t going to hurt anybody, on bologna charges for something that shouldn’t be illegal anyway. This they do only to make their quotas, get some headlines, and score some funding; which they’ll most likely spend on more bologna.  

That being the case, I chose a word which makes it sound like what I believe it is: a big fat scam. I’d have done better to say “that’s why I call it entrapment”.

My handle being a fictitious detective, occasionally I get too far into character. I’m glad you called me out on it. Sometimes I’m full of bologna, but it’s a much less harmful brand than what the vice cops are peddling.

Was not trying to be a know it all but in college I wrote quite a bit on 4th amendment and entrapment.

Stephie, I could tell you know what you’re talking about. And no, you didn’t come off as a smarty pants at all. I meant it when I said glad you called me on it. The last thing any of us needs is some schmo up in front of a judge saying “Frank Drebin says this is entrapment!!”


ALL of the providers that I see DO NOT demand deposits. And I consider them ALL to be reputable until they prove themselves otherwise.  

The only providers who constantly whine about deposits are those who demand them, but are not actually getting them.  The same holds true for providers who constantly whine about RWI. If they were actually getting enough of both to sustain their business, then they'd have nothing to whine about.

I do not ask for deposits, I do require screening info and I have more than enough gents to sustain my business.  Unfortunately the amount of scammers out there who ask for deposits are souring many gents from sending one. I am always very open to suggestions for screening, but I have yet to receive one from anyone as to how I am able to run a background check on someone for my safety with out personal info. If you have suggestions feel free to post them here. The count only continues to rise for amount of gents I have turned away who are rapists, child molesters, and domestic abusers that I would have only located through screening.

John_Laroche46 reads

Or P411 if you're looking for a reputable provider. No need to limit your selection to providers who insist on a deposit.

I will concede that it's unlikely that LE would pose as a provider   requiring a deposit.  They seem to design their stings with tgtbt offers.

True!! That is also why when stings are being done they never request any screening info. They want to nab as many guys as possible.

Agree on that but I think the OP was implying that demanding a deposit was all about being safe for the provider. Though clearly would provide zero protection from book a murderous sociopath.

The OP as in Bia? I have never seen her indicate this, but she can correct me if I am wrong. I believe her post was more to let clients know that a police sting is never going to request a deposit. I also believe Bia requests screening info, which is what she and I both utilize to do a background check for our safety.  
A murderous psychopath is much more likely to try and buy their way out of supplying screening info, which is what the accused serial killer Rex Heuermann was doing. From the info I have read he was offering gals $1,000 above their requested rate to forgo any screening. Unfortunately gals that are in a very tight money situation may fall for this and not leave with their lives.  
I am not sure if "demand" is the correct word to use. Every business has rules. You have the right to follow the rules and partake of the service, or take your business elsewhere.

It's clear you don't play nice with other providers but are you not on any provider only forums?

Because if you were, you would know this is a thing and independent providers have been pinched when there was a deposit.

You can play pick me provider here all you want but don't put other providers at risk with dangerous info like this.  WTF is wrong with you?

And it's a not a rhetorical question, I want to know wtf is wrong with you?  

-- Modified on 11/13/2023 11:16:54 PM

-- Modified on 11/13/2023 11:19:29 PM

Providers have been "pinched" for asking for a deposit? You will have to give more info, as in when and why?  
There is a huge cultural change with the sex work environment and LE stings are going after clients. I am doing research all the time on stings all over the US and have not found anything anywhere where providers have gotten "pinched" with a deposit, so again, please add context. If this was happening years ago not really relevant today.  
If you have something recent please post because I will make sure to research on my end. Thanks.

Are you doing any research on provider only groups?

Cause you are not if your posting this.

I do research on the stings done by LE. And yes, I am in several provider only groups and I have never seen this mentioned. I am a bit perplexed as to how you can make a claim that Bia's post was "dangerous", yet have nothing more to back it up?  
Also your TER handle is listed as an agency, and this thread is more about independent sex workers.  
I have worked for a legal brothel in NV and independent, but I have never worked at an agency. Sex work of course is an umbrella term, but every segment is very nuanced, so it would also be best if you indicate the specific segment of sex work you are referring to. Thank you!

I believe MissScarlet was asking for some examples that she can look up and read about, which is a legitimate question that does not warrant a denigrating comment about her lack of research.  She said if you will point her in the right direction, she will be happy to do her research.  She even said thank you in advance.  Instead of helping her, you went from zero to bitch in 10 seconds.  Lol

I think it would benefit everyone here if you would provide a few specific examples of what you are talking about where LE has paid a deposit to a provider and then showed up and arrested her.  I've been doing this a long time and I have never heard of it either.  Links to the news articles when this has happened would be especially helpful.

If there is evidence of LE targeting providers asking for deposits, I second the request for known incidents. This is something, if true, that should be exposed more.

It's interesting, I am currently reading a 60 page Affidavit filed by an agent to take down two Brothels in Boston and Virginia. In the affidavit it stated that they used TER to find their targets. The bottom line is none of this is safe. I am not even a third of the way and the sense I got is we are just fish in a barrel being on these review sites. It's a good read.

Meh. Unless my name is mentioned I am not too concerned. I have not read the affidavit yet, but I will and report back. Stay tuned!!

We should not be under any illusion that our internet activity is in any way private. There is absolutely a digital record of each of us and this will tell a tale about our activities. Some of this information can potentially be hidden using technology but this takes a fair bit of knowledge, aptitude, effort, and interest to attempt.  

Review sites?  Ad sites?  Those who are looking for this activity know these sites, not just TER. So what’s the alternative?  Scouring your local streets?  Legal brothels?  Reality is there are some risks involved in this activity in the US currently.  I doubt however that TER participation is going to pose a threat to anyone who exercises common sense in their extracurricular activities.

OK, read all 60 pages. First, I am not sure if I would call it a "good read", as I found it to be drier than a popcorn fart. It was quite accurate, but I would expect nothing less with someone putting 3 gawd damn years into it. My only take away that I found very odd was the writer kept saying "I think" and "I believe" which I am pretty sure will be thrown out as only the facts can be presented in a court of law.  
There was nothing in the document even possibly alluding to trafficking, but the owners will obviously get slapped with "facilitating a prostitution scheme" which they do have ample evidence of. They will be charged with violating the Mann act and they do also have evidence the gals were available in several different states. They will be charged with pimping because they did arrange all of the encounters and the finances. They will be charged with "maintaining a bawdy house" (illegal brothel).  
If the gals are illegal they will be deported. Really not sure if they will charge the clients with anything, except maybe for the few yahoos that admitted what they did.  
The short of it: DO NOT ADMIT YOU DID ANYTHING TO A COP. Nada. Zip it. Lawyer up.  
Oh, and we need to decriminalize all adult consensual sex work!!!!!!

I apologize for asking this but do you have a link to the affidavit? I know I saw it somewhere here but I cannot find it.

Thanks in advance.

Since when does TER allow links with real names? You always banned this sort of thing. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Which is kind of stupid in a case like this one. It's a publicly available document. It's not like someone is being outed.

But that (perhaps now abandoned rule) was also applied to published news articles and and think links to LE bust reports that local police make available to the public. Could be that since this is a trafficking claim that it's being given more tolerance.

But could also be that the newer management just has other priorities than narrowly imposing the rules established by the founders or prior management.

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