TER General Board

Re: Don't worry.
MP67 11 Reviews 3749 reads
1 / 48

Could someone tell this lady from Dallas I actually exist. That at one time I mattered to some people.  

I went about it the wrong way and that's my fault. I forgot how long it's been since this was down but it's not an excuse.  

All I wanted was to meet a nice lady, but I fucked it up. I take total blame.  

Her name is Hayden Hightower and I'm glad she's prudent with her screening. Every lady should be...!

MisterDanielLoomis 117 reads
2 / 48

hookers in Dallas. And if you want to meet a nice lady, go to Match dot com.

What do you expect? A bunch of fucking fuckboard fuckers to fucking vouch for you? I'm sure she'll roll out the red carpet for you if a lot of horny whoremongers write to her telling her what a great guy you are.

MP67 11 Reviews 105 reads
3 / 48

That being said, I think I'll go back to civvies. My age, they're into revenge shit or just want an escape from the kids for a while. A few drinks is a hell of a lot cheaper than a hooker with an attitude. Especially when she's on a tangent cuz she can't pay her rent and car payment, trying to make you think you're missing out on something when her benefactor kicked her out for a reason...

Tell me I'm wrong?...

inicky46 61 Reviews 134 reads
4 / 48

Well, more like a pussy hound. But rough edges aside he's very respectful to women.
Now to Mikey: of course you fucked up! You're a fuckup!
And of COURSE it's your fault. How many times have you said "Tell me I'm wrong" when you were WRONG.
But I do hope you get to bone Ms. Hightower. LOL.
Hayden, here is actually footage of Mikey. Ain't he adorable? Just ask him.

JIMBOY 149 Reviews 89 reads
5 / 48

Schedule some sessions with other TER-listed providers and, assuming all goes well, ask them to "whitelist" you. I don't know Hayden's specific screening procedures but it's a step that could help and certainly couldn't hurt.

inicky46 61 Reviews 72 reads
6 / 48

You think civvies don't have attitudes? And who says they're "a lot cheaper?" Maybe if your only measurement is dollars. But what about the time (and money) spent coaxing them into the sack? I have absolutely ZERO patience for that. I'm happy to pay up front and cut to the chase.
Tell me I'm wrong?.....

GaGambler 98 reads
7 / 48

This is actually one of those times.

and Mikey, you didn't have to tell us you were wrong, we all KNEW you were in the wrong long before you told us.

I'll make you a deal Mikey, if Hayden so rightfully refuses to see you, I go to Dallas every week or so and I can see her for you and tell you all about it. For a small fee that is. lol

PinkPentouse23 83 reads
8 / 48

1. You are drunk most of the time.  
2. You were bragging a while ago about getting special “ Mikey rate” .  
Red flags, my love .  
3. Besides you regular meltdowns, there is not much contribution from you on the boards .  

Doubt you have much success in real world as well.  
But truly hope things would turn for the best for you .  

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 118 reads
9 / 48

If you want girlfriend(s) in the normal meaning of the word, civies certainly are the usual way to go.  But you don't get girlfriends without drama, especially if you like variety and are trying to juggle several of them and they get wind of it.

And they are huge time sucks.  You have to court them, date them, entertain them, make scintillating conversation.  

Back in the day I followed the exploits of pick up artists.  Even though these guys could get laid regularly (or so they claimed) they had to go through numerous rejections for every success.  They might get laid every week or two.  For all the effort.

I actually now think it might be better to turn an escort into a girlfriend.  You're both sex positive, so you've got that out of the way.  And they're probably going to be just as interesting as any random civie you're likely to meet.  

GaGambler 95 reads
10 / 48

Personally I think hookers/ex hookers make GREAT girlfriends

As for ever trying to be a "pick up artist" I'd much rather stick to hookers/SB's and the occasional civvie hookup or actual relationship. It's just so much less manipulative and much more honest than trying to "run lines" on chicks at bars.IMO Plus I can't imagine only getting laid "every week or two"

mrfisher 108 Reviews 116 reads
11 / 48

Now, a girl friend into an escort.....Hmmm, let me ponder that one.


derekmcminn 79 Reviews 89 reads
12 / 48

You want the John community to vouch for you? How about submitting a review more recent than 2011 dude? That was like a decade ago.  Consumer Reports said the 2011 Chevy Blazers were horrible vehicles. I wouldn't vouch for them either.

And leave the feels out of this hobby. Pay. Fuck. Leave. You want a soulmate? Go to the nearest animal shelter and take a cute puppy home.

JIMBOY 149 Reviews 95 reads
13 / 48

I retract my Whitelist suggestion. I have neither the time nor inclination to research the history of forum posters and I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to most. But PP23's post shows that was probably a mistake in this case. Besides, if the characterizations are correct, I doubt any self-respecting provider would give a positive referral.

MDSTUDS2003 104 reads
14 / 48



Yes it a scam she fake please don't send her any money.

MDSTUDS2003 75 reads
15 / 48

Not that fact we all do enjoy you and love you here.

inicky46 61 Reviews 101 reads
16 / 48

especially an alias. Most people know I know MP67 personally, and while I often jab him for fun, it's also true that:
1) He is NOT drunk all the time. He has a responsible job and only drinks at home. I am pretty sure he doesn't show up at girls' incalls drunk either.
2) Maybe he bragged once about getting a "special" rate but he doesn't bargain girls on their rates like Hack Duncey.
3) He does bluster on the boards at times but it's also been several years since he posted here at all, so that critique is baseless as well.
4) He's stayed in my home on a couple of occasions over the years and the last time I set him up with one of my favorite girls who loved his stupid ass.
5) He comes with the "Mr. Fisher Seal of Approval," which should be good for anyone even if they live in (and throw stones from) a penthouse.

PinkPentouse23 86 reads
17 / 48

If my post is damaging to you , MP67, would you like me to ask admin to remove it?  


JIMBOY 149 Reviews 99 reads
18 / 48

After all, this is an anonymous f*uckboard and the opinions herein, including most especially mine, are worth exactly what you paid for them. Besides, you'll notice that I qualified my post with "probably" and "if." And the sum total of the damage was the withdrawal of a suggestion that, once it was already out there, couldn't actually be retracted. Glad you can personally vouch for him but not sure how many people look at this site for monger character references.

Robertini 4 Reviews 81 reads
19 / 48

That happens to me all the time. But since nobody knows I exist I can't ask for help.  
Good luck

HaydenHightower See my TER Reviews 102 reads
20 / 48

At this point, a visit is not a possibility. I can get past the lack of manners, and maybe even the entitlement, but when I get several emails at 4:30am accusing me of harassing him, and to stop contacting him bc he does not want to see me (huh???) then I'm definitely out. I don't do drama, and the need to post a private matter that occurred over email, in a public forum, basically giving me not much choice other to respond, also rubs me the wrong way. There are plenty of ladies in Dallas that are much more patient than I am. I'm sure with his charming attitude, he will have plenty of options to choose from..

HaydenHightower See my TER Reviews 102 reads
21 / 48

You sir, are a FUCKTARD. Not my ad, not my pics. I have 85+glowing reviews on this board. Do your research before throwing out accusations.  

Also, please stop murdering the English language. Reading your posts makes my head want to explode
Posted By: MDSTUDS2003
Re: Not sure where found her but found this add she fake  
 Yes it a scam she fake please don't send her any money.

MP67 11 Reviews 81 reads
22 / 48

Look. Here's the deal, as gagambler, inicky46, and mrfisher, not necessarily in that order, understand. I am what I am. As someone said I haven't posted a review since Reagan was President. Ooops! Fuck me. That's on me. BUT, I have to admit, I got a rise out of some people which fucking cracked me up after I read the posts! If anything we're here for the entertainment. Tell me I'm wrong in that sense?!

Someone said some disparaging remarks about said lady. Fucking probably know better than I do. But isn't that the point?  

Actually, after I curred to her through email that she was right and I was wrong, she insisted to blast my ass, which of course doesn't fucking fair well with me. Don't mistake my kindness as weakness...

BUT, I like that attitude! It tells me she'd fuck the taste out of mouth and leave me for worm food!... ;)

Anyway, I got a kick out of the whole fucking deal. Of course I have no bad will towards Hayden. She's just doing Hayden while Mikey is fucking being Mikey.  

There's 8 billion people and this God-forsaken mudball called Earth and half are women. Fucking break it down to HWP, age, WTF chubs your wood, you're looking at millions of options.  

The way I see it, too many fucking options, not enough fucking time..!

I KNOW I don't have to ask tell me I'm wrong in that sentiment...

Fuck you all very much!

MP67 11 Reviews 101 reads
23 / 48

Yes we have, and I'd still be there if they didn't insist on trying to change me. I mean, wtf? They dug me in the beginning? They're wonderful ladies, though, and of course I wish them all the best...

MP67 11 Reviews 95 reads
24 / 48
MP67 11 Reviews 107 reads
25 / 48

You, sir, lmao! Yeah. Btw, whose turn is it going to the other's?... ;)

MP67 11 Reviews 86 reads
26 / 48
MP67 11 Reviews 76 reads
27 / 48

I can dig, meaning, you and some others get it. Most don't, or won't, but that's their fucking gig. You and I aren't everyone's idea of perfection. Maybe they should fucking look in a mirror sometime... ;)

MP67 11 Reviews 89 reads
28 / 48

Not at all. I'm not that thin-skinned. Personally, PinkPenthouse23, I dig that you said what you thought. I wouldn't dream of you or I going to admin to retract it. You're just stating your opinion. I don't have to like it. That's my problem, not your's. Cool?

MP67 11 Reviews 120 reads
29 / 48

Now I'm confused. How many alias' or handles do you have? What's the point of having more than one?  

Lady, we rubbed each other the wrong way. I'll apologize for the third time. If anything possibly, hopefully, you'll get PMs from gentlemen that want to meet you cuz you stood up for yourself and showed you're just as strong and willful as you are stunning.  

I can flatter you all night if it meant a fucking thing to you, but we're beyond that.  

All I want, is a truce and for you to be happy, healthy, wise and safe.  

Is that cool, lady?

MP67 11 Reviews 40 reads
30 / 48
MP67 11 Reviews 96 reads
31 / 48

Not everyone does and that's fine. In real life also. WTF you gonna do about it? Off yourself? Personally I relish in the fact some wish I was dead. I keep going just to piss them the fuck off!!! :D

MP67 11 Reviews 84 reads
32 / 48

i remember you. Vaguely. It's been a while and as so many others stated I drink to excess.  

In any case, dude, do you. Fuck the detractors. You define yourself. You dig?...

MisterDanielLoomis 97 reads
33 / 48

the wrong way. She claims you sent her several emails at 4:30 am to stop contacting you because you didn't want to see her. Is that true? What did she do to you?

MP67 11 Reviews 110 reads
34 / 48

You know what motherfucker? You're right. In your response. But you fail to see the trend.  

I was on TER while you were still sucking on your mommy's tit. TER took a hiatus for a while, kinda, and some brothers of mine turned me back on to it, so here I am.  

You wanna play nice or you wanna be a dick?  

Your choice

I guarantee you you want the former and not the latter....

I'm not fucking kidding

MP67 11 Reviews 101 reads
35 / 48

She didn't do anything to me, personally. All she did was turn me down because she didn't dig the answers for her screening. I told her she was right, I'm sorry for wasting her time, and take care.

Then I came home the next day, made a drink and saw my emails. There were two blasting me from her.  

In hindsight, I should've just let it go but I'm not as smart as I try to project myself to be.  

I'm trying very hard to not besmirch the lady. Shit happens. Sometimes people just don't click.  

The thing is, I know my character. And there's others here also that can vouch for me. There's just some things I won't do.  

But when someone insists on pushing my buttons, it comes to a point where who's at fault.  

Does that make any sense?

mrfisher 108 Reviews 125 reads
36 / 48

Plus we have to go to you-know-who's and smash up the rest of his glass ware.

MP67 11 Reviews 126 reads
37 / 48

LOL! That was Bev's deal! Kinda pissed me off cuz I wasn't done eating dinner and I thought there might be shards of glass in my lasagna.... :D

Anyway, after this trip I'm supposed to go to 3 more and told my boss let's fast track it so I can get another couple of dogs to run my life like Hoss and Joe did!...

You wanna go there or meet someplace else?

OH! And tell B I love her and miss her!

inicky46 61 Reviews 65 reads
38 / 48

It's been fun and thanks, Mikey, for the train wreck. Also thanks for revealing your new, diplomatic side. Well, perhaps "diplomatic" is the wrong word. Maybe we should just settle for "less stupid and self-destructive than the old Mikey, but still an idiot."
I'll take it.
So when are you, fish and Bev coming to my new place to break more shit? As long as fish brings lasagne its all good.

derekmcminn 79 Reviews 107 reads
39 / 48

How about posting a 2020 review? Now that would be nice. The ones in your list are either retired, dead, or kidnapped by green aliens a long, long time ago. Try to be a little relevant dude. The purpose of TER is to share intel, not to incessantly blog all day long. More reviewing, less blogging.

PinkPentouse23 84 reads
40 / 48

More reviewing, less blogging!!!!  Love it!

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 85 reads
41 / 48

his ass from a hole in the ground.  You got it right.  He's an annoying dick who is full of himself.  He fucks pimped teenagers for loose change and then thinks he's an expert on P4P.    Ignore him.  He's not in your league.  

MP67 11 Reviews 66 reads
42 / 48

As a matter of fact I asked mrfisher that question a couple hours ago. I'll tell you what. Let us know when you get back and want guests. I have three weeks of vacation to burn before end of fiscal year which is May 31. I can carry over a week but have to use the other two between now and then.  

What do you think?

Oh, and btw, go fuck yourself you fucking fucker!..  :D

MDSTUDS2003 86 reads
43 / 48

Only trying to help if don't want it you lost sorry if feel offend. I never want to offend any one.

MDSTUDS2003 124 reads
44 / 48

I gussing you claiming to have a stage name of Hayden Hightower and a Screen name of payton_palmer.   He ask if Hayden Hightower was real she seem to be very pickety so found what I could.  
2. If head about to explode call 911 you about to Brain Aneurysm And Stroke and there can drain it I meant quite few people that came out afterwards.

MP67 11 Reviews 88 reads
45 / 48

Whoa, back up. I appreciate it. I think you lost the point of the whole deal.  

Yes, I wanted to see this lady and no, she doesn't want anything to do with me.  

How do I say this without sounding like a self serving asshole?  

I can't.  

Look. I drink a lot and by your response I'm assuming you're under the influence of something and that's cool. Just don't let it do you...

Anyway, I fuck around a lot, and some people here know it. You can tell by the way we interact with each other.  

Just hang out and watch. You dig?...

derekmcminn 79 Reviews 88 reads
46 / 48

In a world of tricks I bow to you O' Mighty King. I should throw rose petals at your feet when you walk by. I will yell out your name the next time I creampie my next chick, out of respect and deference to your pompousness Lord P4P.

Crazy Diamond 12 Reviews 109 reads
48 / 48

It's perfectly OK to fuck up.  Shit happens.  All the best, dude.  "Nobody knows where you are.  How near, or how far."    

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