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Phone Tracking
Explorer312 1928 reads

Has anyone had luck defeating Find My Phone on iOS in terms of making it appear you are somewhere else?   I’ve looked into a few options but they seem janky and unreliable. Turning it off is not an available option for me. Any helpful replies are greatly appreciated.

Get a second phone that is an older model or a burner phone to use for your illicit activities in P4P.  These are generally not trackable unless additional apps have been added to the original configuration.

Reading between the lines, he has a suspicious SO. Findmyphone may even work with power off, depending on the app. It would be equally suspicious if he left his RL phone at home. Might work if he leaves it at the office or gym locker.

wrps0731 reads

Before he leaves work or gym, put the phone in a faraday bag. The other problem are hidden apple air tags.  There is an application to find those.

If a suspicious SO, I'd suggest cooling it for a while. Once they are on the case like Sherlock, a phone app is not the only iron she has in the fire.

Can you park several blocks away and leave the phone in the car?

This is a good idea.  Or leave it at a gym and take up swimming.  Buy goggles and swim trunks,  Can't answer a phone when swimming.

This is what I do. I have two iPhones, one being my main and the other we'll call it p4p. One thing that you want to understand, is that across all iOS devices, messenger will receive messages across all devices. Also sending a message through messenger, the recipient won't know which device is sending because its all under one apple account. So if I text my wife(she also has iphone) on my P4P iphone she thinks the text is coming from my main phone. Also on day of, I forward my phone calls from my main to P4P so that any calls to my main will go straight to my P4P.  

This is where the magic happens. Leave your main iphone somewhere like work, gym or wherever and take your P4P with you. You can turn off findmy on your P4P and no one will be the wiser. But remember your SO HAS TO HAVE AN IPHONE for this to work.

Just be sure to turn off call forwarding because if you didnt and turned off your P4P the person who called will go straight to VM. Try it, works everytime.

This sounds like the best option. The caller doesn’t know their call is being forwarded?
Thanks to everyone for the input.

There's no way the person who is calling will know if their call is being forwarded. Also, try calling you SO sometimes from facetime audio. The only thing you can't do is calling your SO from your p4p. The p4p number will pop up on callerID. The solution is to use facetime audio. So if you do it beforehand your SO won't think anything of it if it happens again.

Wouldn't it be easier that before you go you scout out the location (ie: google maps), find a landmark, and then call your SO and say- grabbing a quick bit at McDonalds, then go upstairs for the hour?

Well you see here, I live in GA and most apartment complexes aren't above a McDonalds. Also everything is spread out here and the agencies I frequent aren't anywhere near a restaurant. Do you know how massive these apartment complexes are here? And what if she decided to check in during the middle of a session and see's your location at an apartment? Yeah I'm not taking that chance to save a $50/month. But you do you sir.

So then get a burner, and leave your iPhone in your desk at the office while you see a lady. If you miss her call, well honey I was in a meeting. Seems pretty simple to me.

Again, works best  if both have iphone and it costs the same as burner. You can't call your wife on burner😂

That’s basically what he’s saying to do, as far as leaving his real phone at the office or some other place he’s “expected” to be. The difference is just that the “burner” is one that lets him remain in contact with the wife and pretty much anyone else who needs to get ahold of him.  

If your way works for you then cool. It won’t work for everyone. Just depends on the wife, the job, the appointment length preferences, etc.  If he’s doing this over a long lunch then maybe a coworker could need to contact him. Maybe he has a parent in not great health who might call needing something. Even if they’re NOT suspicious of cheating, some wives get upset if they can’t get ahold of you for a time. That’s because of their own separation anxiety or whatever. I’ve been down that road and it’s covered with black ice. Most people wouldn’t have any proof of insurance if they didn’t have a phone with them. Hell, there are probably some people who couldn’t get through security to get in the building when they get back to work without some app on their phone.  

Point is, some people aren’t okay with being completely unreachable for 2-3 hours in the middle of the day.  

The point of this system is that the wife thinks she knows where he is when he’s actually somewhere else; and that he can still communicate with her, or anybody else he knows, if he needs to. It’s not a burner for the purposes of contacting providers. He’d probably still want to get an actual burner or use one of the fake number apps for that.

Do the phone thing, If someone calls me from a VOIP, I won't book them. Let me tell you why.  About once a year I get a KID,  A LOON, or just someone with WAY too much time on their hands, booking, not showing up, then start with the Voip #s. It is sad that people are not grown enough to act like they have some sense at this point in their life, but understand , we get those fools. That is valuable time & I've got others that want that time. If someone cancels on me, I will still book them again, but they won't be priority. B/C at that point they are risky. But if they just don't show, I'm done. But all I have is their phone #, so I just block it, or program it as "No:.  So, that is where the game starts. They got mad b/c of something they did, or it's just a random juvenile. I had one using a voice changing app. Busted him. Sometimes people forget our time is valuable, and we are trying to book people that prioritize us & show up.

But won't a prepaid legit phone show up the same way?

Fantastic idea —  I may try it as well  

Not for the SO reason, but because many prospective SBs in sugardating frown at green message bubbles and want assurance that you are using your real number (silly stuff but it’s what it is for some hot ones)

And obviously I don’t want to give anyone my real number either sugardating or escorts  

One issue I can see though - since the second iPhone is also under your name, anyone could trace it back to you via an online search ?  

I do  want to protect my identity, address etc and this is why I use an app called “sideline” on my main and only  iPhone

How could they get your name that you never used it for business or property tax purposes? The cell provider doesnt give out names based on phone numbers. I mean Popo probably could with a warrant but not a SB.

I guess it would have to be a separate carrier and not another line with the same carrier ?

I really don’t know but I have seen info leak out that I totally didn’t expect to since I am very careful giving out phone numbers with my name except for the most important situations (bank etc)

In the past I’ve Actually used one of those privacy services to clean up all mentions of my phone numbers and address from those  ppl look up sites

I agree with others that you are probably using a separate hobby phone but are concerned about someone using FindMyPhone to "track" you even if your iPhone is on you or near you. And the tracker (your SO?) expects to see your phone moving around or stationary at a "known" (office, gym, golf course, ...) location.
The "forgot my phone and left it at the office" or gym, golf bag, or a bar or restaurant or your lawyer's office ... seems like a good idea to me but I don't know if it fits your circumstance. You'd need a cooperating friend: "Keep this for me, will ya? I'll be back in a couple of hours to pick it up." AND, it probably has a expiration date: "Again? You forgot your phone AGAIN? You NEVER forgot your phone and always had it with you for the past 20 years!! Have you gone mental?"
Right out of the standard movie spy book: Give your phone (or phone your your briefcase) to a friend and tell them to drive around for a while ... and make sure to stay out of the sleazy neighborhoods (or other restrictions you have).  Then, tell them to wait until time = X and "Call my SO and tell her that I forgot my briefcase at your office [or restaurant or ...] and I can pick it up any time." ("WHAT? You forgot your phone AGAIN?")
Leave your LOCKED phone on a bus or subway and it will create a trail going all over the city. Claim from Lost and Found or, even better, tell your SO to help you FindMyPhone: "It's where? ... Google maps says that's the subway car maintenance facility at the end of the line. It must have slipped out of my pocket on the way home. ..."
Strap it to a dog or other reliable pet. When ready to reclaim, give a whistle, recover your phone and give the dog a doggie treat for the favor.  
You might even try attaching it to a swallow to carry all over your city / location.  
"African or European?"  
Of course, they would also have to trained to return to their coop so you can recover the phone later.  
Silly ideas ... but maybe one of them will work ONCE.

Posted By: Explorer312

Has anyone had luck defeating Find My Phone on iOS in terms of making it appear you are somewhere else?   I’ve looked into a few options but they seem janky and unreliable. Turning it off is not an available option for me. Any helpful replies are greatly appreciated.

I remember the Breaking Bad episode where the wife discovers that Walter White has a second phone..  

It was his WIFE.  I understand they are much more dangerous.  Lol

AllTheTimeBaby14 reads

Faraday bag makes the most sense! They're available on Amazon and they're  cheap. I think I'll get one and try it out.

NOTE: A Farady bag will not make the phone appear anywhere else, it simply will not appear.

that she's tracking his phone, won't it get her attention if the phone suddenly drops out of site?

given he even said turning the location service off was not an option. LOL

Personally I just hope he has a really good prenupt.


You also can’t send or receive calls or texts with the phone in the bag. Which can raise suspicion, depending on the spouse.  

I’m pretty sure the findmy app will still display a dot wherever he was when he stuck it in the bag, along with “last known location 98 minutes ago” or something similar. So she could potentially know how long his phone has been off the radar, and that he “lost signal” in an area that usually works just fine.

If she’s watching him that closely his problem is way bigger than finding a way to sneak around to see a hooker. Maybe he needs to join a country club or yacht club or something that would explain him being off the grid for a few hours.  
Or maybe just bite the bullet and cut his losses now before she catches him.

I never did any mongering or cheating while I was married. Never gave her a reason to be suspicious. But she always wanted us to share location with each other and she would frequently try to text me or whatever during the day. We had the conversations about boundaries, when I’m at work I’m busy and my time belongs to them, don’t call me unless it’s an emergency, etc. but it didn’t do much good. She still would want to be in touch during the day. I’m pretty sure she only ever checked my location when I didn’t respond quickly. I really don’t think she was suspicious I was cheating, she was just codependent. I never got the “where were you what were you up to” talk, it was more like “don’t ignore me I’m important.”  

Anyways, based on damn near every married guy I know, this seems to be extremely common with women 40 and under or so. Most of them just have an unreasonable expectation to be able to talk to their husbands any fucking time, and to know where they are. Like I said I really don’t think my wife thought I was cheating, but if I’d said I wanted to stop sharing locations or if mine dropped off the radar for no good reason every now and then, she probably would’ve become suspicious. All that is why I think the faraday bag is a bad idea for the OP.  

I know that most likely you’re correct; it sounds like the OP’s wife is suspicious. Maybe she already caught him once. He also might just be trying to avoid arousing such suspicions though.  

I agree about the bullet, if it’s all that bad maybe just get out. A few providers I’ve become friends with tell me about some of these guys they see whose wives haven’t touched them in 20-30 years or more. Apparently a lot of them do massage HJ because it’s less like cheating. Some just get the massage and then rub one out while using the provider for visual stimulation, rather than cheat.  

I do respect these guys for wanting to be faithful to a partner who doesn’t give a flying fuck about their needs. At the same time, I don’t want to BE that guy. When the writing was on the wall, I accepted reality and got out. And that sucked. Hardest thing I ever did. In the short term, staying would have been easier. But why spend a couple decades or more making each other miserable?

to confirm where YOU were so that she would not run into you while she was seeing her boyfriend.  I've met a few married women who were like this.  

I agree with you 100%.  If you are married to a woman who doesn't WANT to have sex with you, get out.  It's worth dividing up the assets to be on your own and free to do what you want without accountability to someone that has become just a roommate.   Many wives in this situation would agree to an amenable split.  Never underestimate how much she might detest you, or how much happier you might be without her.  I've tried to give this advice to Steve, but he doesn't listen.  

LoL I’m not so arrogant as to say that’s impossible. I really doubt it but I also know that I can’t really know, ya know?

Not enough sex wasn’t in our top few worst problems but I knew those days were coming. We had…. a lot of problems. Two good people who weren’t good for each other. Yeah she hated me for leaving but not half as much as she would if we spent another 20 years unhappy together. Now we both have another chance to be happy.

Buy another phone just like the old phone and switch the number over to the new phone.

Same deal w/ Android. There's probably a workaround but I try to keep it simple by leaving the phone in the office & forwarding calls to a burner. It means I won't get texts & limits where I can go and for how long but it's better than nothing.  

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