TER General Board

Re: Btw, TLDR. So, sorry if I missed something...
AnotherDonJohn 83 reads

You should really learn to write and rant more succinctly. Lol

I've been noticing more ladies putting in a cancellation policy an additional fee. So if a guy cancels on them they need to pay an additional 100 on a reschedule.  Or there is a deposit required and if the guy cancels she'll keep the deposit. I'm not opposed to this necessarily.  It makes sense since while you canceled she could have been earning money with another client. However, what I don't see in the policy is what happens when the lady cancels. In cases of deposits they will often just say they'll return the money. However wouldn't it be more fair to say they will take off that same amount on a reschedule?  Just seems like a more equitable arrangement. Just stirring the pot here on a Saturday.

Etc. If it's an Incall cancellation. Otherwise if the guy got a special hotel just for the occasion, outside of his normal arrangements, I.e. travel, does seem unfair.  

CXL policies also, I would think, deter shopping around.

However, how can it be enforced? If a guy cancels, he simply does not reschedule, and if a lady cancels, she doesn't rebook the guy.  

And since there is no legal recourse or CC info passed, it seems it is on a good faith basis.

Cosette891 reads

I wonder if it's a byproduct of men canceling, treating it more as a smart viable business or executing power.  

Personally I don't have them since it adds a burden to me. If I cancel and you give me another chance you can bet I'll make it up to you. If you cancel and want to try it at a later time I'll give you another chance as well. You're free to cancel even up until the first few minutes if I'm not your type, since it's my right as well, just be a considerate adult and we're good.

GaGambler974 reads

Like "scarring" you.

sorry, that one was too easy to pass up. I might be an asshole, but I rarely get pedantic, that's Nicky's job.

I had a provider cancel on me when I had already arrived at the destination. "family emergency".  She said she would make it up to me. i was thinking some extra time. Nope. She was going to give a 100% effort! Oh boy.  Seems to me for $$$$$ I'd expect that.  

Posted By: ZeroDeal
I've been noticing more ladies putting in a cancellation policy an additional fee. So if a guy cancels on them they need to pay an additional 100 on a reschedule.  Or there is a deposit required and if the guy cancels she'll keep the deposit. I'm not opposed to this necessarily.  It makes sense since while you canceled she could have been earning money with another client. However, what I don't see in the policy is what happens when the lady cancels. In cases of deposits they will often just say they'll return the money. However wouldn't it be more fair to say they will take off that same amount on a reschedule?  Just seems like a more equitable arrangement. Just stirring the pot here on a Saturday.

I value my playtime & always look forward to it, but keep in mind I am very low volume too!

I have only had 1 guy cancel & it was for a duo with my twin.  We drove out to LV from SD & he had got bit by a spider that was an emergency, which resulted in a hospital stay.

GaGambler771 reads

I have never lost a single dime by giving one.

See how well this works?

And a heavy TER board presence  LOL

Of course MP is low volume.  There's only so many that would even consider a deposit with any gal...let alone one that has a VERY limited offering.  I'll defer to those who like her look as well  LOL

The good ones don't need to go that route.  They know how to screen well.  

And I am with you as well...never lost and never will lose a single dime as I won't even consider a deposit.  Oh well...I guess MP won't see me.  Next  LOL  

Posted By: GaGambler
I have never lost a single dime by giving one.  

See how well this works?

MikeShanahan947 reads

Had to check her profile. Who believes this chicks BS? CBJ warrants a deposit? Really? And I bet her dates are all of the 'extended variety' right? Uh huh.............

Posted By: ChgoCPA
And a heavy TER board presence  LOL  
 Of course MP is low volume.  There's only so many that would even consider a deposit with any gal...let alone one that has a VERY limited offering.  I'll defer to those who like her look as well  LOL  
 The good ones don't need to go that route.  They know how to screen well.    
 And I am with you as well...never lost and never will lose a single dime as I won't even consider a deposit.  Oh well...I guess MP won't see me.  Next  LOL    
Posted By: GaGambler
I have never lost a single dime by giving one.  
 See how well this works?

rarely post AT ALL on TER or any board for that matter... they are also all above 600 per date.  I do agree that if you're constantly begging for business in every city and on every board, a deposit might not be the best option, but you certainly won't catch me or the women I referenced doing that. When you market yourself as exclusive and elite, the very last thing you're going to do is beg a guy to see you, look at your vagina, etc. It makes you look desperate to do such things, which kills the very brand you're trying to hard to convince everyone is so great.  

I knew I would lose business when I raised my rates, stopped touring, working late nights, early mornings, and weekends, when I pulled all nudity off the web, required 3 day's notice, and password protected my site... it's no shock I do not see many gentlemen, nor do I want to. Those days are over, which is why I made so many of those changes above. Then again, most of my changes were made for more discretionary reasons.  

I would imagine most women are smart enough to know they are going to lose a chunk of business by requiring a deposit, but I also think most of them want it that way, save a few examples lol.

I don't see any ladies offering sessions on credit.

MikeShanahan743 reads

Oh and better yet. Deposit gets you no Greek. Priceless.

about some guy pulling a NCNS. Do you know why more women don't require deposits? Because they are afraid of the business they will lose by doing so. If they were sooo concerned about having their time wasted, they would do just that because that would END this deal period. Sorry, but whn a guy sends a deposit (even only 100 bucks) you can bet your ass come hell or high water, he shows up. I have NEVER had a guy cancel on me since requiring a deposit... never. I can't count the bogus excuses for cancelations when I did not require one.  

I will NEVER waste a second of my time on someone who can't even part with 200 bucks in case HE has to cancel on the hooker he happens to be paying to get him off, but who becomes nothing but a hole to fill when a cheaper option happens to show up in town.

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 2:42:50 PM

AnotherDonJohn725 reads

There are horror stories on both sides to justify our behaviors. It's worth bearing in mind that the transaction is completely based on trust. By and large, we'll only have an email, phone number, and a fake name for one another. The arguments about the cost of each person's time are a push. Even if I didn't earn more an hour than most providers, it wouldn't make a difference to how I analyze this. My title suggests where MY business bias lies. One generally does not prepay for a service, especially if there a chance of taking a loss on bad goods (an inventory thing not a comment about providers).

Like any reservation based business, like a fancy restaurant, a provider can do what the market will bear. If someone really has to see you and doesn't have a hard rule, he might put a deposit. Your deposit policy will be consistent with the volume and income you like to have.  

For me, I see people with 500+ hourly rates and i've never been asked for a deposit. Then again, I'm a business person who keeps all my appointments unless I modify them well beforehand. Even in emergencies. I start from a hard rule of no deposits then make very few exceptions.  

Again, seems like a topic where it's pointless to convince people that one's policy is right. It's right for the individual or else he/she would change it.  

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 3:23:59 PM

I don't know her business, how much she gets, charges, etc. but like her, I would never put 'trust' in the unknown again. You can't screen "My wife came home, and I can't make it... sorry you spent 500 on a fkin suite just for me, but see ya." Women who require deposits know we are losing business because of it, but we are sure as hell not losing time and money with the guys we actually want to see. At 500 plus, yes I would always suggest getting a deposit if that guy was the ONLY one she was seeing that day. Not all of us have a list of clients we can just call up when one does not show up... we simply do not operate that way. We are generally seeing only a couple guys a MONTH, not a week or a damn day for sure. If someone cancels on us, we can't just 'make that money back' the next day. Get real. If I wanted to be begging and high volume, I would still be offering an hour and using BP.

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 4:12:26 PM

I know I have...as well as many others as well.

Heck, even LR babbled that she was changing her deal for a variety of reasons.  Works for her...but won't work for many others however.

What I've always found interesting is the gal(s) that moves her rates towards the stratosphere....usually seems to coincide with a SD.  And of course a few months later she's back here and scrambling to make rents.  Changes up the fee structures, board presence and such.

But I've also seen quite a few gals start at the beginning and learn how to create for themselves what worked best...with a serious plan on how to get there.  It's been quite entertaining and interesting to see that work.  Not a whole lot different than watching any smart business(wo)man work the deal.  But alas, that is not the norm.  Most seem to wander through HookerLand aimlessly.

Inventory...on open account?  Try getting a container from China without an LC.  LOL

Posted By: AnotherDonJohn
There are horror stories on both sides to justify our behaviors. It's worth bearing in mind that the transaction is completely based on trust. By and large, we'll only have an email, phone number, and a fake name for one another. The arguments about the cost of each person's time are a push. Even if I didn't earn more an hour than most providers, it wouldn't make a difference to how I analyze this. My title suggests where MY business bias lies. One generally does not prepay for a service, especially if there a chance of taking a loss on bad goods (an inventory thing not a comment about providers).  
 Like any reservation based business, like a fancy restaurant, a provider can do what the market will bear. If someone really has to see you and doesn't have a hard rule, he might put a deposit. Your deposit policy will be consistent with the volume and income you like to have.  
 For me, I see people with 500+ hourly rates and i've never been asked for a deposit. Then again, I'm a business person who keeps all my appointments unless I modify them well beforehand. Even in emergencies. I start from a hard rule of no deposits then make very few exceptions.  
 Again, seems like a topic where it's pointless to convince people that one's policy is right. It's right for the individual or else he/she would change it.    

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 3:23:59 PM

Few gals go that route...and the ones who do are not terribly interested at that moment in expanding their close circle of friends.

Cancellations are a part of life.  However with good screening that can be minimized as you well know.  While never 100% fail safe...seeing anyone here is a gamble.  But if a guy has a history of that shit, why even waste a second on that guy?  Your solution is to get something in advance, and when they won't on to the next inquiry.

As I suggest...that model may work for some...but not most.

Frankly the gals in the seriously high ranges don't need those deposits.  Seems an oxymoron  LOL   Maybe because those gals have developed a routine through contacts and screening to weed out the window shoppers?

Sure wouldn't want to see gals trying to get those deposits....not end up with enough jobs to cover the rents and such because of the lack of interest.  Shit....then a gal may be doing what MP does, and that's a real shame  ;)

Posted By: London Rayne
about some guy pulling a NCNS. Do you know why more women don't require deposits? Because they are afraid of the business they will lose by doing so. If they were sooo concerned about having their time wasted, they would do just that because that would END this deal period. Sorry, but whn a guy sends a deposit (even only 100 bucks) you can bet your ass come hell or high water, he shows up. I have NEVER had a guy cancel on me since requiring a deposit... never. I can't count the bogus excuses for cancelations when I did not require one.  
 I will NEVER waste a second of my time on someone who can't even part with 200 bucks in case HE has to cancel on the hooker he happens to be paying to get him off, but who becomes nothing but a hole to fill when a cheaper option happens to show up in town.  

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 2:42:50 PM

Guess what... when I started asking for a deposit (knowing I would lose half my business) being the Marketing and Economics fan that I am, I upped the fkin rate lol. So you see... I lost VOLUME, not CASH ha ha. BTW, I would never do the cancelation policy thing, because I find it to be more time wasted and a pain in the ass. You still sat there for however many hours waiting on some guy who never called, then you have to basically make a threat to blacklist him if he does not pay it. No thanks. Pay me upfront for what I am about to spend on YOU, or move along.

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 4:09:17 PM

If I recall your old rate was 700/2 and now your rate (on TER anyhow) is only 1000/3.  If you lost half your volume you won't be close to making that up with your current rate structure.  But that's the accountant in me  LOL

Your changes were due to your new employment...as you told the board.  Most gals are in here full time.  That methodology just won't hold true for most full timers here.

As always...each gal has her own agenda.  Whatever works is the best deal for them.  Rarely is it best for everybody.

Posted By: London Rayne
Guess what... when I started asking for a deposit (knowing I would lose half my business) being the Marketing and Economics fan that I am, I upped the fkin rate lol. So you see... I lost VOLUME, not CASH ha ha. BTW, I would never do the cancelation policy thing, because I find it to be more time wasted and a pain in the ass. You still sat there for however many hours waiting on some guy who never called, then you have to basically make a threat to blacklist him if he does not pay it. No thanks. Pay me upfront for what I am about to spend on YOU, or move along.  

-- Modified on 1/5/2014 4:09:17 PM

I just tossed in the dinner for free basically, because you know that's how I roll, so NOW any guy booking 2 hours for 1k can get up to 4 for the same rate. Just call me smart.  

Posted By: ChgoCPA
If I recall your old rate was 700/2 and now your rate (on TER anyhow) is only 1000/3.  If you lost half your volume you won't be close to making that up with your current rate structure.  But that's the accountant in me  LOL  
 Your changes were due to your new employment...as you told the board.  Most gals are in here full time.  That methodology just won't hold true for most full timers here.  
 As always...each gal has her own agenda.  Whatever works is the best deal for them.  Rarely is it best for everybody.  
Posted By: London Rayne
Guess what... when I started asking for a deposit (knowing I would lose half my business) being the Marketing and Economics fan that I am, I upped the fkin rate lol. So you see... I lost VOLUME, not CASH ha ha. BTW, I would never do the cancelation policy thing, because I find it to be more time wasted and a pain in the ass. You still sat there for however many hours waiting on some guy who never called, then you have to basically make a threat to blacklist him if he does not pay it. No thanks. Pay me upfront for what I am about to spend on YOU, or move along.  
 -- Modified on 1/5/2014 4:09:17 PM

So you see, I am not such a greedy bitch afterall lol. In fact, when my 2 hour rate was 700, I OFTEN went to dinner OTC with a ton of guys I really liked. I feel if a guy is already paying a premium rate, it's costing me NOTHING to go to dinner with him or have drinks after the playtime. In fact, it is saving me the cost of said meal and drinks, and I don't have 'another date' after him that day or likely for the next couple days either. Now, if I were charging by the hour and having to see multiple guys in a day, that would not work because I would in fact be losing money, so I don't pretend that would be wise for everyone.  

And, my hourly rate for SEX TIME is higher, not lower. It is now 500 an hour (2 hour min for ONLY sex) compared to 350 an hour when I had a 2 hour rate of 700. All I am discounting is public time... I do not discount sex time, or give it away in RL, period.  So you see, I happen to know very well what I am doing.

-- Modified on 1/6/2014 10:53:13 AM

My cancellation policy doesn't compensate me for my time.  It only covers the cost of the expenses that I incur to reserve a space to host our meeting, reserve travel accommodations to a trend our meeting, etc.  I don't live in a private apartment in Midtown which I use as an Incall 24/7 as many guys seem to think.  I have a full personal life which I love, and to disrupt my personal life to make myself available to spend time with gentlemen who I don't know, is an endeavor that costs money as well as large amounts of time.  The reason it makes sense for providers to have a cancellation fee, but not clients, in terms of the client-provider relationship, is that the cancellation fees we charge are associated with the fact that we are handling the business end of hosting the meeting.  Also, this is our livelihood.  Not our hobby.  When I attend an event in the city for pleasure, and upon arriving discover that the event has been canceled without notice, that sure is a frustrating experience.  I do feel infuriated for having my time wasted especially given that my job has taught me how much time = money.  But that doesn't change the fact that everyone has their time unfortunately wasted in their pursuit of pleasures.  When my time is wasted by a last-minute cancellation, the fee I request is not to compensate me for my time but to cover the expenses of the non-refundable arrangements I have made to host our meeting.  I can't force anyone to send the fee, but it seems fair to me to ask the gentleman to cover at least part of the cost of the Incall rental if he is the one who decides to break our appointment with too little notice to cancel the reservation.  If I have to break our appointment on short notice, then I have to cover the cost of the non-refundable Incall myself.  The cancellation fee is not about compensating for lost time, it's about the resources that a business has invested in preparing to provide you the services which you have requested.  IMO, my least concern when I get cancelled on at the last minute is what other money I could theoretically have been making at that time.  My concern is usually, "Wow, now I still have to pay for this Incall and spent all that money on transportation which means this whole situation not only wasted 4 hours of my time but also cost me $150."  So the cancellation fee is like, basically a request for a gentleman to please make good on covering the resources expended to prepare to meet his requests.  Not some sort of assertion that a provider's time is somehow worth more than a client's time.  At least that is my relationship with the "cancellation fee".

Posted By: ZeroDeal
I've been noticing more ladies putting in a cancellation policy an additional fee. So if a guy cancels on them they need to pay an additional 100 on a reschedule.  Or there is a deposit required and if the guy cancels she'll keep the deposit. I'm not opposed to this necessarily.  It makes sense since while you canceled she could have been earning money with another client. However, what I don't see in the policy is what happens when the lady cancels. In cases of deposits they will often just say they'll return the money. However wouldn't it be more fair to say they will take off that same amount on a reschedule?  Just seems like a more equitable arrangement. Just stirring the pot here on a Saturday.

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