TER General Board

anabangbang 2788 reads

you do the research
pick the girl
you schedule appt
then cancel or ncns

most often the reason given is work.

but whats the real reason ?

It would really be work.  If you have guys from out of town that do this it is because travel jobs bring a lot of unknown factors into the equation and you just have to stay to complete your tasks.  It is expensive to travel and your employer is counting on your travels to bring in business or they wouldn't send you out.  

To help overcome the unexpected, I try to schedule on a "travel" day when you don't plan to work with customers.  

The local guys who do this probably have some family committment that comes up unexpectedly.  

I would think that most men don't go though the trouble of getting screened and making an appointment knowing they will cancel.  There are probably a few twisted individuals that get their jollies from making an appointment and cancelling but it's not the majority.

And it's definitely not the majority. Wouldn't you agree, Probasses and mlevy1600? -e

BetterThanADumbAss587 reads

stopped for gas on the way and had to use donation to pay the pump ...

... or some other manifestation of incidental poverty :(

Don't know. Never have. Would never ncns. Don't make the appointment unless I know for sure I won't have a work or family commitment.

I have never NCNS, but  have canceled a couple of times.

Once I just didn't have a good feeling about the lady.  Good reviews, but believe it or not she just didn't screen me well enough (at all) to make me feel warm and fuzzy.  I figured that if she was careless with screening, where else was she careless?

The second time, I'm not proud of, but to be honest a better opportunity arose. Read that, an opening with someone I really wanted to see but might not have another chance.

Neither time did I make up a bullshit excuse, just sent a "sorry but I won't be able to make it" with an apology.  Of course, both were also with over 24 hours notice.

several times i've hung up the phone and thought to myself, this guy isnt going to show up.

something he said
or something i said

and i think damn wrong thing to say and his voice changes and i know.

i've gotten some reference requests from girls who sound like uh eeeeewww on the phone.
i put alot of weight on the phone conversation so i would think that you guys do too.

That is something I have never done.  If I go to all the trouble to set up an encounter, I would not cancel unless something happened that made it impossible for me to make it.  I don't understand the mentality of those who do it just for fun.  In my book, they are idiots and inconsiderate assholes.

Since I am retired, work would not be a reason to cancel, but it would have to be something major for me to cancel.  And I damn sure would not NCNS on a lady.  Ladies, if I schedule with you, rest assured that I will be there.


shudaknownbetter132 reads

I've only cancelled once, very early in my hobbying.  That was the day before, a confirmation call with the provider...  I just felt that it was a terrible match.  I think she was relieved when I spoke what we both felt.

I learned from that experience and only select ladies who I feel will be a good match...

And yes, I have cancelled once or twice because of a work requirement, but I called.

There is never a good reason for NCNS, except perhaps your demise.

So far over a month and I have not had a reason to cancel, but I can imagine it might happen. However I would never NC/NS! Really, thats just Rude!

I can imagine that someday a group of providers will put together a national NC/NS list - like a "Bizarro-TER", and I wont be on it!!!

I'm sure I have, but it is so rare I can't remember.  My cancelled dates are usually by NCNS by providers or cancelled by providers.

I would quit my job before missing an appointment with you.:)

All kidding aside I've never had to cancel but I can imagine that any number of reasons could come up and require canceling. I usually try to set appointments for the same day when I know that my schedule is pretty well set. That may not be as convenient and I may not be able to see my first choice in providers but it pretty much eliminates the need to cancel.

I tend to make plans far in advance, and have never canceled.  Did change the date to accommodate the provider a few times.  Life happens, and we all have to be flexible.  But, after all the trouble to arrange to meet that special someone, it will happen - cancel is not an option.

i want to be able to come back and read about some more scary phone calls

I've never been a NCNS, but I have had to cancel on three occasions. Actually, only one was a cancellation. It's all on me, and my fault, entirely. No excuse, except for my poor planning. I hobby only when I travel, so when I first plan a trip, I find a lady that I'd really like to see, and set up an appointment. This is usually way too far in advance. Three times, my plans have changed. Fortunately, only one was a cancellation. The other two, were only changes to the dates, and we rescheduled. I think I'm getting better at holding down my excitement, and waiting a while to make an appointment, but it's not easy, and I've always called.

tokai512 reads

I've canceled because I've gotten sick or for business reasons. In those cases, I've eventually met with the girl (unless she is a touring lady and never came back to my area).

I've also canceled because I've done further research, and decided maybe she is not the one for me.

In all instances, I cancel well in advance, except for being sick, when I cancel as soon as I get sick.

Never done a NCNS. I almost did once. LE scare, something didn't feel right about her and the location. I chatted with her on the phone, and decided it was ok, and she has become my ATF.

once had to cancel an am because I woke up sick..felt bad because it did not give the provider much warning, so next time (she's an ATF) I did a 2 hour and left a nice tip.  But she's also cancelled on me due to illness and I think in those cases, not a problem. (and much worse than showing up with a provider and finding out mid-appointment that she has a cold - as happened once - and of course I got the same a few days later).

otherwise, wife or co-worker deciding to accompany me on travel when I had not planned it.  Its hard to find an excuse to block that, and its a pain, but sometimes it happens.

Have never NCNS'd. Cancelled twice due to illness. One other time I had to cancel due to a mishap while grooming down below, just a little nick but couldn't stop the bleeding. I told her it was because I got busy at work, over the phone, but when I met with her on our reschedule, I told her the real reason. All of the cancellations were on the day prior our appointment.

I am travelling to a new city and have a lot of girls I want to see. I am definitely an over-planner. I start looking 2 months before a trip and check regularly for new girls, etc. Sometimes I will book an appointment and then decide to go another direction. If I do this though, I always cancel a week or more ahead of time.

To prove how much I hate to cancel: I once went through with an appointment despite the fact that I had food poisoning. I had already spent a round in the bathroom, but started felling better. So I took a shower and went to the appointment. We made it through about 30-40 minutes and were wrapping up with her giving me a nice massage to end the date. I started feeling very uneasy again and did NOT want to spend time at her incall toilet. SO I told her I wasn't feeling well at all and decided I wanted to go ahead and leave. It got really bad (aches, sweating, light-headed, stomach pain, the whole nine yards) and she could tell I wasn't well. She was awesome. She offered to get me a warm bath, medicine, food, and even to drive me home. She was so worried, she didn't want me to leave. She even offered to let me stay in her hotel room and said she would get another one. I miserably declined and made it home in time to spend another 20 minutes getting to know my toilet. I should've cancelled as it was hard to enjoy the experience, but I hate to cancel!

probably some flakes, but sometimes they probably didn't schedule right, or they found someone they like better (pre-emptive buyers remorse) but I'd bet about 60 percent of those are legit, most of us that can afford this do work are damn asses off. ( I work 60-80 hours a week depending on the season - and am on a seven day rotation during the early spring/summer )

Also -- I've run a few providers through the schedule mill completely un intentionally, but If i do that I always make sure to get an appt even if I don't feel like it the day shes free . . (tired off my ass..) and I always leave extra dough in the envelope for causing so much shit (usually 10-20 per reschedule)

-- Modified on 3/7/2008 10:05:40 PM

I am really trying not to cancel, and being in transportation, I "usually", and I us that term advisedly, know where Im going to be, how much turn around time off the clock I have and take the time to schedule accordingly.  Id be willing to say so do other pilots, trainmen, mariners and so on.  But sometimes in this industry shit will happen.

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