TER General Board

Re: And what gland is all that liquid coming from?
ILoveToFuck 2572 reads
1 / 58

How many of you ladies have squirted?  Let me know who you are; I would love to fuck you.  If you are not in my local area, I'll get the next plane ticket to fly to you. By the way, what is that shit that you squirt out?  Is it piss or pussy juice? lol

inicky46 61 Reviews 1307 reads
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skarphedin 1326 reads
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TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1266 reads
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I'll be honest. If I diddnt see it.
I wouldn't belive it.

skarphedin 1137 reads
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MasterZen 33 Reviews 1508 reads
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but sorry. Squirting requires a high state of arousal for a woman.  

Keep asking those questions, though!!!

JackDunphy 1394 reads
8 / 58

99.9% urine bro. Science has yet to determine the other .01% but give them time.

Years ago, the hookers here came up with this "squirt" bullshit and dumbass johns like yourself buy into their douchebaggery to increase sales.  

Do you REALLY think "can I piss on you now" would have been a big selling point for them? Fk no.  

But a little packaging, some smart branding and a Madison Avenue style makeover and...VOILA! "Pee" suddenly transforms into "squirt." See how this shit works dude?

Looky here bro. Screw their marketing tactics, save your money on her fee, and don't buy that airplane ticket.

I'll piss on you for free

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1170 reads
9 / 58

She had no reason to piss on me...lol
That didn't come out right..

skarphedin 1155 reads
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AuroraGFEPro See my TER Reviews 1533 reads
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And it's not something women can really do on demand. Certain positions definitely help (me ontop) but it also has a lot to do with what you're packing too and how you're shaped. You could be huge and not the right proportions to get my G spot but luckily hands can do the jobs just as well :P

Located in D.C. btw.

Skyfyre 1632 reads
12 / 58

Yeah I always believe it's probably 95% urine plus whatever vaginal fluid was present at her arousal state, i.e. vaginal lubricant

xyz23 45 Reviews 1586 reads
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...think it's urine then I won't argue the point. I have experienced it several times and I'm convinced it's not urine. Different color and viscosity. What I've read about it makes it plausible. My experience backs it up. If you have sources that debunk it I'd like to read them.

henryb61 5 Reviews 1330 reads
14 / 58

You need to find Chole Carter. She was based in Vegas but I think she is touring the east coast now

89Springer 1289 reads
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I've experienced it many times, felt it, tasted it and slept in puddles of it. The real thing isn't piss.

If I said any more about how I know all this, skarphedin would go nuts.

skarphedin 1365 reads
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Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 1703 reads
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According to the Journal of Sexual Medicine female ejaculate is not urine and comes from a gland surrounding the tentatively called the female prostate.  The link is to the abstract.   Feel free to download the full article  Granted only two women who were able to squirt relatively easily and were thus chosen for the study, but it is rather conclusive base on ultrasound and chemistry studies.  I note that in none of your posts do you cite any literature proving your contention that it is medically proven that its urine.  That makes you ignorant or a liar.  I make no comment about that.

That said, I am sure there are times when a female is not actually ejaculating and is really peeing, but your blanket statement that female ejaculation does not exist is nullified by the scientific evidence.

mona38 See my TER Reviews 1443 reads
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They see these amazing women squirting all over the place for the "Camera", but what they don't see....is the true feeling behind that liquid.  I have a spot that generates liquid separate from where I pee from. It only takes a few seconds and I am in a zone of my own. I love the feeling it brings me. And If my partner is willing to allow me to express myself, then I am even more excited.  It might not be for everyone, but for me it is a real feeling. I get turned on just by a few simple naughty words, and I am good to go. It's natural and wonderful.

PhillyAbbey See my TER Reviews 1139 reads
21 / 58

You KNOW it, MZ!!!

Posted By: MasterZen
but sorry. Squirting requires a high state of arousal for a woman.  
 Keep asking those questions, though!!!

JackDunphy 1408 reads
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A study done of 27 women found this:

"It supports the contention that there are two distinct types of female orgasm, vaginally evoked and clitorally evoked. It also supports the finding that some women expel a fluid through the urethra at the time of orgasm. In this particular case the fluid was chemically indistinguishable from urine."

Stop listening to these hookers around here with their bullshit. These are the same women telling us they came 5 times in 60 minutes, right?

JackDunphy 1298 reads
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The other vag fluid dilutes the urine a bit and changes its color or smell a little but your right, its 95+% pee.  

Thanks for a rational answer honey.

TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 964 reads
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TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1465 reads
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PhillyAbbey See my TER Reviews 1618 reads
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I am chiming in ... I am in the health care field.  I have worked in nursing homes and the home health care field.  I know what urine looks like and smells like!!  

I am also a "squirter"....but prefer the word "gush"!  The liquid I expel is colorless, has a very different but light scent, and a different viscosity.  I don't always gush when I cum but I always cum when I gush.  It's not guaranteed!  I would be mortified if I thought I had urinated on someone but I am 100% sure I have not.

I know I will get some abuse for posting this but I had to add my two cents in.


TheHoundOfCullin 9 Reviews 1360 reads
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Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 1126 reads
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That has since been widely discredited by numerous more recent studies.   The  study you cite was basically done by Alzate finger banging prostitutes and a few female students and observing the results.  No radiology, no chemistry, he just thought the ejaculate was like urine and left it at that.  From this he also concluded that it was impossible for women to achieve orgasm from penile friction alone and that there was no such thing as the G spot.    All of this was disproven by Masters and Johnson shortly after Alzate published his questionable results.  There are more recent studies, including the one I cited above.  You are rapidly approaching idiot status with this "argument" of yours.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1393 reads
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Meena Valero See my TER Reviews 926 reads
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Sure you can.  

Women can also easily orgasm without being "attracted" to the source of the sensation.

It just has to feel good.

Gemma Coreana See my TER Reviews 1195 reads
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Oops, Never-mind on visiting cuz Ive only squirted maybe 6/7 times & it was via Finger Fucking.... But Only once with a client... Whom also achieved it with his fingers!!

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1210 reads
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WickedBrut 27 Reviews 879 reads
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It's like ordering a banana split at closing time. Try it. You'll see what I mean.

Posted By: MelinaValentina
Sure you can.  
 Women can also easily orgasm without being "attracted" to the source of the sensation.  
 It just has to feel good.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 1383 reads
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WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1368 reads
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Someone had to flame you.

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
How many of you ladies have squirted?  Let me know who you are; I would love to fuck you.  If you are not in my local area, I'll get the next plane ticket to fly to you. By the way, what is that shit that you squirt out?  Is it piss or pussy juice? lol  

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1255 reads
39 / 58

And claiming that they are the same is like saying a cabernet blanc is the same as white vinegar.

They taste totally different.

I enjoy both in their own way too.

skarphedin 1303 reads
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skarphedin 1286 reads
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89Springer 1389 reads
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I've tasted urine (long story). Also, if it were urine, the bedsheets would be stained yellow, which they were not.

If you've never experienced it, book with a provider who says she squirts. You'll see that there's a difference.

2labman 26 Reviews 1223 reads
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Doesn't smell, look or taste like urine.  Almost clear, maybe a whitish tinge, definitely not yellow.  Pretty much odorless, except for maybe some musky smell, but that could be because it mixes with some vag juices.

I'm completely convinced, but I knew a girl that was a major-league squirter.  She's out of the business now, miss her.

If you've never been with a squirter, I can understand the skepticism, but once you've encountered a real one, you'll become a believer.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 1147 reads
44 / 58

I was finishing, and all of a sudden, psssssssht! Wtf was that?

89Springer 1252 reads
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Maybe it's like the sensation some women feel when a guy cums on them. It's a rush for me. (Squirting, not guys cumming on me).

JackDunphy 1183 reads
46 / 58

Both are still soda Fish.  

From the article:

This emission is generally as a result of one of three phenomenons:

*A small gush of whitish fluid from tiny glands on the side of the urethra, called Skene’s peri-urethral glands, but also sometimes referred to as the “female prostate”

*Urine expelled from the bladder. Coital Incontinence (CI) is divided into 2 groups: women that have problems with incontinence in general, including during sexual activity, and women who lose urine only during orgasm. Women who squirt urine only during orgasm usually don’t identify it as urine because it is far more dilute and doesn’t smell or look like urine even though it comes out of the bladder.

*A combination of both.

When a girl gushes/squirts, as opposed to drips, it is mostly urine with vaginal secretions that alter its taste. Sorry Fish.

JackDunphy 1190 reads
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It is a combination of fluids most of it being urine.  

And from your link:

"Some believe that the Skene's glands are the source of female ejaculation."

"If Skene's glands are the cause of female ejaculation and G-spot-orgasms, this may explain the absence in many women."

They use the words "some believe" and "if."  

In other words Nick, they don't know.

But keep buying the hookers drivel. No one wants to think they are drinking her pee but her nectar! lo

JackDunphy 1151 reads
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What gland is large enough Abbey? It comes from the bladder. When tested, so called squirt was the same chemically as urine.  

Urine isn't always yellow nor does it always smell. You would argue that point?????

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1061 reads
49 / 58

The fact remains, one is a product of a need to urinate, and the other is ejected during sexual arousal.

They have different tastes.

So, there is a distinction, and that's what is important, to me at least.

inicky46 61 Reviews 1480 reads
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I also have my own experiences.  One gal, especially, gushes a clear, syrupy liquid that is nothing like pee.  And she's not the only one.
But keep buying Rod's drivel, LOL!
He's still "100% certain it's pee."  He's just afraid to say so.

JackDunphy 1047 reads
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You are getting very confused as you are interchanging female ejaculate, which I haven't commented on, with "squirt" in the p4p sense i.e. copious amounts of fluid, which I have commented on.

There is no gland in the female that can hold THAT much liquid i.e. cups or quart fulls other than the bladder.

Yes, some woman may excrete small drops of female ejaculate but when the hookers and pornstars "soak the sheets" they are doing it with urine with some other bodily fluids mixed in that may mask the scent and color of urine, much like when you drink alcohol and your urine becomes clear and has a different or no odor at all.

So tell me what gland what gland is large enough and can hold all that fluid and I'll reassess my view. Until then, I state the large amounts of fluid is overwhelmingly pee, as the study of 27 women showed clearly and the doctors review of many other studies that I posted separately as well. ;)

JackDunphy 1261 reads
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They are different Nick. Female ejaculate is only a few drops of liquid, not the massive amount of liquid people associate with girls squirting.

Did you see the link I posted previously? It stated:

"Women who squirt urine only during orgasm usually don’t identify it as urine because it is far more dilute and doesn’t smell or look like urine even though it comes out of the bladder."

So yes, I can see why you and the gals et al would not think it is pee, but the reason you think that it isnt is because it has been diluted with other vaginal secretions.

But I must admit, having Turdwell agree with me def makes me want to reassess. LOL

PhillyAbbey See my TER Reviews 1353 reads
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Skene's gland....and no...I have been on meds that turned my urine pretty colors (lol) but the ejacualte was clear.

PhillyAbbey See my TER Reviews 1228 reads
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Further....just read some more info...biochemically, the fluid excreted from the Skene's Glands was more comparable to prostate fluid and not comparable to urine at all.  I don't know where you got your information from but I have several sources when I searched Skene's Glands

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1235 reads
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What I meant was, for the woman, is the sensation of squirting a totally different or more intense sensation than a non-squirting orgasm.

SuperBustyBlonde See my TER Reviews 1421 reads
58 / 58

Air Force Amy taught me how.   When I am about to climax  my l over puts his fingers inside and stimulates my GSpot and I feel pressure, instead of holding back, I release and that results in the squirt.  

Amy has taught a lot of couples this technique and I feel honored that she was willing to teach me

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