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QueenBia See my TER Reviews 885 reads

When judging a provider’s looks 👀 what are you looking at in particular?

Face, body, teeth, hair, nails, make-up, etc.

YES -but  add the self confidence that brings it all together!

A smile just makes a woman much more attractive, imo. The right clothes can really accentuate beauty as well but notice I didnt say expensive clothes as that isnt a must for me at all.  
Smile for me Bia! :)

YES!!! You can tell when someone enjoys what they are doing, and the smile is real!

First is body for sure...slim or TRULY athletic, with flat tummy. I prefer smaller ass (not Brazilian).
Next, face.  GND or better.  
Then breasts...smaller or average. I'm not a huge boobs guy. Natural is better vs man-made.
Everything else is pretty flexible, although shaved is preferred over bush.
Although not looks related, a fun, even spunky, personally is great.  Not an endless dirty talker, but vocal about what she likes while we're into it.  

What the hell is GND? Grounded electrical? Green New Deal? Graduate Non Degree?  
These acronyms are just silly.  
Spell out what you want for those of use that don't live and breathe the "menu" terms!!

LOL, I am dyinnnnggggg

GND is short for the Girl Next Door look.  

Rafl8 reads

The whole package. I prefer petite dark hair so I’m almost always skip taller women and I’m 6ft. Then I work my way to teeth,tits and ass. This is all assuming they pass my social media screening. She could be hot as fuck perfect but if she’s posting stupid social media shit then I don’t bother. Nails are also important. I can’t stand those huge ass dagger nails.

Face:            At least GND pretty.
Body:           Slender
Nails:            Short, but professional manicure
Make-up:     Medium
Hair:             Fresh-Smelling
Teeth:          Yes, no gaps
Breath:        Fresh and minty, no residual odors of food, smoking or semen
Etc.               Pussy Shaved smooth, no stubble, fresh smell and taste

Recognizing that beauty is subjective, yes--a pretty face is essential. I've had the pleasure of a couple of women who I thought had just OK faces, but who had banging bods and who fucked me silly. But if I have my druthers, I want a woman who looks like Gal Gadot, but I'd gladly settle for Jean Arthur (look her up).

Yes, she has to be in good shape, but I'm something of an omnivore. I like petite, tall, As to DDs, any color hair, art or no art, pierced or not, short or long hair, you name it. If she takes care of herself, it will show.  Feel free to leave the 3-inch long nails off and your game face on.

Being comfortable in your own skin is sexy. I remember a stripper I saw who was pretty and had a lovely figure. But watching her walk really made me want her--erect bearing, confident, and strong--she looked purposeful and as if she could kick your ass.

As for the rest, any lady that makes even a modest effort will earn my favor. You put on flattering clothes, you look as well groomed as your pictures, and you made an effort to look like you're ready to host a guest? I'm sold.

Your smile! For face-out gals, definitely your smile. For me it reveals more about a potential partner than almost any other feature. And easy to tell if faked or forced or rare. I usually avoid man made boobs so my eyes go there quickly. Body shape is also important to me; not size or weight - but proportions. Yes, for me no face gals are at a disadvantage but I still meet plenty of them!  

Pics on ad or review or content sites are probably 40% of my decision. Another 40% is your vibe/brand//reviews, plus maybe tenure (or tenacity). The last 20% is cost and convenience.

Reading through the comments I am glad no one mentioned the lip fillers. The fish lips look stupid as hell and fake as hell. I am all for women doing what they want with their bodies but put your time, money and effort into something that at least looks nice.  
I also am not a fan of the long fake nails. How do they get anything done? How do they do basic things like wash their hair and well,  um, go potty with those?? There is no way it is clean under them. No freakin way. There has got to be a whole damn colony of e-coli just breeding away under those acrylics.  
I am 100% in agreement with the teeth. And no, I am by no means saying you need perfect teeth. Floss and brush twice a day (for 2 minutes!) and use a rinse. Go to the dentist twice a year. It is a two way street when it comes to a smooch fest...
In closing to look and feel your very best:  
drink lots of water  
eat lots of fruits and veggies  
brush your teeth twice a day
get 8 hours of sleep  
Exercise 30 minutes a day  
reduce or eliminate alcohol and smoking  
This is for the guys and gals. Trust me, these tips above will do more in the looks department than any plastic surgery will. A sexually attractive person is a healthy person. When you feel your best you look your best everything else falls into place!

I just hate them. Also not a fan of bright red lipstick. I guess I just like a much more natural look all around, be it make up or body. Funny thing is when I was in my late teens and through out my 20s, I was really obsessed with big, fake boobs. I have no idea as to the why or when, but at some point, I morphed into liking natural breasts of any size.

I agree with the gross fake eyelashes. I seem to see more of these out in public and some of them are just over the top and the girls look like clowns.

I know at least one girl who gets lip filler done once in a while and she looks good - they're realistic and tastefully done. Most that I see out there are over done and very obvious.

Eyelashes, yes! My niece has started to wear the fakes ones also, I just don't have the heart to tell her they just look silly. Maybeline great lash, the #1 selling and most used mascara by women, can be found in any department or drug store for $8. That is all you need ladies for your lashes!!

…for a good laugh. LoL

Some of that stuff just looks bizarre. Who is telling women that is what looks good?

how they look to other people, regardless of how hideous it is.  The one group that always puzzles me is the young, chubby Latina girls that are in love with spandex, which shows every fat roll and cellulite bump on their body, but they all act like they look sexy.  Clueless.  

doesn't mean Latino men don't love them back. It's also true of American blacks. Lots of black women stuff their bulbous bodies into spandex and lots of black men love it.
As with everything else, it takes all kinds.

of whom you speak, it's not a question of who they want, but who they can get.  Loving it is different than settling for it.  I doubt that many of them "love" it, at least as far as the black and Latino men I know.  Of course, the ones I know are a little more upscale.  Many are business owners.

I saw a girl once on the street in Jamaica Queens who had herself stuffed into this yellow outfit I can only really describe as similar to a sweat suit. She literally looked like the Michelin Man.

There are lots of styles on the market that can make chubby girls look a little less soft and pudgy, so I never understood the attraction to spandex for anyone except the toned, fit ladies, who obviously want to show off the results of their hard work.  The Michelin Man is an excellent analogy.  Lol

on lip fillers.  They seem like something unnatural in multiple ways that a man should not let near his dick.  

It's not all about just looks. Sometimes, Personality can help.

Rafl9 reads

Personality is number 1 to me but can’t judge that off looks.

Posted By: Kitty76
Re: Looks
It's not all about just looks. Sometimes, Personality can help.

"looks" is merely the first hurdle for a provider to overcome to remain in contention for our hobby funds.  Once a provider has passed my check-list as stated above, then I go on to personality (which is also a paramount consideration for me) and service reputation, either of which may still disqualify her from consideration, even though she passed my "looks" requirements.

I have no hard and fast rules. I tend towards women I feel a physical attraction to. Of course, in my experience most women are not "face out". I've seen a number of women that might be described as "plain" or GND but have provided an amazing time.  I feel personality makes up for short comings in appearance.

BWALover2 reads

What I'm looking for in particular are:
1. Firm round ass
2. Great legs
3. Natural Firm 34 D-cup breasts
3. Attractive face (not looking for a beauty queen) with tasteful makeup

What I don't want:
1. Rock hard, unnatural man-made breasts
2. Clown makeup job
3. A body plastered with tons of tattoos (such a distraction!)

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