TER General Board

Re: $50 is nothing but!!
lisa0302 See my TER Reviews 2419 reads
1 / 35

Just wondering, if you see deposit required, and you think paying for deposits are for suckers. Why contact her.

We’re you hoping to change her mind? Did you change her mind. Everyone’s situation is different.  

Do you have a supply of Im a nice guy and promise to show up  

Are you disappointed when she goes quiet after you say, you are not comfortable paying a deposit.

How do you feel sending emails or texts and you are told NO…not without a deposit.  

Do you respond

No respond

Or respond disrespectful  

I’m not trying to start a fire or anything  

I am genuinely asking.  

Some men pay deposit and it’s all good.

holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 39 reads
2 / 35

It all depends on the provider. I've paid deposits and never had a problem, but I won't pay a deposit to just anyone.

RespectfulRobert 25 reads
3 / 35
holystonethedeck 87 Reviews 22 reads
4 / 35

I looked at your Tryst ad and I have to say that offering incentives for being willing to pay a deposit is an interesting concept. I don't think I've ever seen that before.  

I hope Albany gets better for you.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 25 reads
5 / 35

I'm that guy who won't text, email, or call her if there is a slight hint of "Deposit Required" on her site. I'm charming and cute and all but I'm not about to woo her and waste her time and my time.  
Kinda funny thinking about it, to haggle over a deposit.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 33 reads
6 / 35

I call them carrot danglers it’s really a lame game I don’t have time for & find it rude. I’ve required a deposit to book me, since 2010. I am not going to change my rule because it works for my lifestyle. Those who will pay deposits do & those who don’t should never contact a provider who clearly states everywhere no deposit=no booking it’s disrespectful in my opinion.

I don’t recommend giving any provider a deposit who is not reputable & can not be verified in this wonderful adult community.

It happens everyday & I blocked one just now on Twitter who said he doesn’t do deposits, or read websites, but will pay me in cash. lol Here on TER I put them on my ignore list,  and on p411. It’s entitlement they somehow feel they are so much more important then everyone else & deserve  better. I have a zero tolerance policy for time wasters. They are people I do not wish to share my time with because I am not for them.

-- Modified on 1/7/2024 10:46:43 AM

trimming 30 Reviews 25 reads
7 / 35

I'll haggle over a deposit...sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
No big deal either way for me.
In the end, I'll never pay a deposit.

Also the way you're site is setup it seems like a deposit is optional if you want the added perks, but  
 then I see 'deposits are required.'

Since a deposit is required, what's the need for all of the other "deposits get you..."

Do better with your site, you'll probably cut down text from people who don't do deposits.

Discc 14 Reviews 33 reads
8 / 35

I rarely contact someone that asks for one, although one time I did and just asked that the deposit not be so hefty. I could send it in good faith, but the amount was more than I was willing to send upfront. The provider in that instance was perfectly fine with the smaller deposit I offered and we had a good time.

Typically though I never bother contacting providers who want one. I don’t think anyone’s a sucker for paying deposits, but I am cautious about leaving a digital trail or getting scammed.

brownjack 28 reads
9 / 35

As a rule, I don't contact providers once they mention deposit.

That said, on a couple of occasions, after confirming an appointment with a provider that I'd seen previously, I have been asked for a partial advance payment (deposit?).  The premise being that funds were needed to secure an incall location.

On every occasion, I'd forwarded the funds, and never had an issue.

AvaMarie92101 See my TER Reviews 25 reads
10 / 35

I allow for a $50 Amazon gift card as a booking fee. It isn't part of the donation (that's why it's a fee) and isn't refundable unless I have to cancel at the very last minute.

It's enough to make me feel more confident they will show up. And really who runs a scam for $50?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 21 reads
11 / 35

when you are trying to get a mule to walk towards you.  Not surprised that SOME guys have tried it with SOME providers.  Lol

Do you see the irony in YOU commenting on "entitlement" when you refer to the donation as your "tribute?"  Lol

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 21 reads
12 / 35

It's always been burning since the world's been turning.

djrunner 165 Reviews 19 reads
13 / 35

Entitlement that’s priceless. Is that similar to a tribute ? Call it as it really is, my God so laughable.

djrunner 165 Reviews 22 reads
14 / 35

You really need to ask that question ? Plenty but to you it’s just money right.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 29 reads
15 / 35

Just keep in mind that there are many scammers out there making a good first or second income on other sites 25and fifty at a time and it all even exist as a provider . Some not even in this country. How many here have sent money not only for  a down payment but for gas or hotel reservation and then been ghosted?

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 27 reads
16 / 35

To be honest this is your business & you can run it anyway that works best for you. I used to require a voluntary contribution of $25-$15 to be considered along with the booking details. I see why I did that because these rude people will continue to waste your time going back, and for with nothing, but wasted time. I saw a provider who requires $50 to inquire, if you pass her screening she puts it towards the session.

Do what works for you. I have had a 50% deposit to book, since 2010 & I just changed it to 25%. The best part of this business is you are in total control. Your the boss & CEO. You reserve the right to change anything at anytime. I see why we continue to have hatters. Jealousy, and envy that's why I block them it's unhealthy.

The only in person booking I have received this New Year 2024 paid in full after reading my new creative & unique website. It's funny because after the dinner date he sent money for a monthly arrangement. No sex needed. Some people are not here to fuck & only desire a true connection with a honest companion. We are all not the same. Those who matter don't mind paying a deposit to book.

RespectfulRobert 25 reads
17 / 35

I have never seen a request for a $25 or $50 deposit in this realm as yet until I read this thread. To me, the site on which the girl advertises is irrelevant. I can either verify her as a legitimate, professional SW or I cant. If I cant, and I still send her money, I would be at least somewhat at fault.  
"Buyer beware" is an age old concept and one that surely works. Is it perfect? No but then again nothing in life is a guarantee.  
It seems like the people who do their due diligence here with deposits have no issues. I am just very careful to whom and how I send them.

cks175 44 Reviews 22 reads
18 / 35
Kitty76 See my TER Reviews 53 reads
19 / 35

First of all, it should be "FIRST COME--FIRST SERVED" Policy. Not a Deposit Policy.  Cause if the Hobbyist wanted the Provider, then the Hobbyist would schedule an appointment & actually show up to the appointment location.  

cks175 44 Reviews 26 reads
20 / 35

To be honest, it’s a little confusing. In some areas it appears to be optional, in others it seems like you’re saying it’s required.  

At the end of the day I think you would get less guys trying to negotiate the deposit if you would drop the discounts for deposit dates and then stick with a clear deposit policy.

Your cancellation policy is also likely costing you business too. Full charge for any cancellation? Even a week out? That seems a bit extreme.

Finally, I would suggest rewriting your intro.  Maybe you were feeling some type of way the day you wrote it.  I would replace
Just moved here from Chicago and you Albany guys suck
to something more like,
Just arrived in Albany from the Midwest and looking to meet some new friends. Looking forward to helping you stay warm this winter. Blah blah blah.

trimming 30 Reviews 35 reads
21 / 35
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 25 reads
22 / 35

So now instead of "Just moved here from Chicago and you Albany guys suck"

it reads

"I have found unfortunately, it is a lack of reading comprehension in this city"

Nothing grabs a clients interest as much as when they read a seller being adversarial towards them on their ad. Lol.

Personally I would make sure that every Albany guy who tries to book knows this provider have said this. Which client wouldn't like to know what the seller REALLY thinks of their clientele?

lisa0302 See my TER Reviews 21 reads
23 / 35

Thanks to the PM

I forgot about this thread.

Thanks to the people who actually answered the questions.

If you choose to pick apart my website. Ok.

Yea, like I said lack of reading comprehension.

Why do you contact ladies who ask for a deposit if you don’t pay one.  

If you don’t ask. Good for you.

What is the reaction expected if she says yes or no

How many ladies to you continue to ask before you get a yes.

These are just questions  

What else is being read here. There is no “Oh geez, wish hobbyist would a deposit” do you see this anywhere  

Keep it simple stupid

And to the guy who said he won’t bother wooing a gal.  

Sir that is respected on many levels. Seriously  

You will be surprised. SMDH


To all those picking apart my wording on my ad.


What reaction did you want?

A meltdown?

An anxiety attack?

Name calling?

Was I supposed to get angry?

On the other hand, you looked on my ad. You stopped your day to copy paste words off my ad. I was on your mind for about 5mins copying and pasting. That’s dedication to prove a point.

How did that work out for you?


Alrighty then.

For the record. I hate deposits. Sticky stuff. I will send them back if the vibe is not cool. I prefer days where people used to show up, have a good time, shower and say bye. Those days are gone.  

Y’all have a good day and stay warm out there

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 29 reads
24 / 35

for her that she is doing so well that she doesn't need my business.  Then I draw a line through her name and move on to the next name on my list.  If she doesn't respond, why should I respond back?  I have been known on occasion to beg for pussy, but I will never beg to pay for pussy.    She gets 48 hours to respond before I move on.  Agencies get one hour.  

I support the right of providers to limit their revenue opportunities to only those customers who are willing to pay a deposit and/or provide real-world personal information for screening, but the general consensus on this board among the customers is that MOST will do neither.  Go back a few years and every time this topic comes up, guys and gals who hobby come on the board and say they will never pay a deposit. If you are taking deposits, and you are making the kind of money you want, then keep doing what you are doing, but if you have had to have a side job emptying the drool cup of some old guy in a wheelchair for chump-change because business is slow for you as a provider, then maybe you should reassess your stance on deposits and/or aggressive screening.   Either way, I support your right to choose, just don't waste your time trying to sell "deposit culture" to the masses here, the majority aren't buying.  

team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 25 reads
25 / 35

"To all those picking apart my wording on my ad.


What reaction did you want?

A meltdown?

An anxiety attack?

Name calling?

Was I supposed to get angry?

On the other hand, you looked on my ad. You stopped your day to copy paste words off my ad. I was on your mind for about 5mins copying and pasting. That’s dedication to prove a point.

How did that work out for you?"


Well I can't speak for everyone so I'll just speak for myself.  
I didn't expect nor want any reaction from you.  

It was more of a "here's what they really think about you" thing directed at the monger audience. You know, like in Ice Cube's "No Vaseline" intro.  

Worked out just fine for me, thanks for asking. Hope you have a great day.

beechnut 1 Reviews 27 reads
26 / 35

It wasn’t always like this though. And I am one of those no deposit people. In times past prospective escorts weren’t so much into blocking and blacklisting like they are now, and find these practices quite mean spirited save for extreme situations. And wouldn’t a casual ten minute or so conversation be a potential ice breaker? At least I would think so.

beechnut 1 Reviews 32 reads
27 / 35

The former you could avoid by using a burner phone; the latter is definitely a real issue. I don’t trust all these digital wallets like Venmo and Zelle because there are so many scams connected to them.

beechnut 1 Reviews 19 reads
28 / 35

If we were to boycott those who demand deposits the practice would actually end sooner or later. But today’s society doesn’t seem to possess the will for boycotting anything.

alee43 49 Reviews 24 reads
29 / 35

Any deposit required, and I normally go on to the next ad.  No lady is a for sure honest person unless I had a meeting with her already.  Hence I am wary of any new potential provider, and besides there are many choices.  That being said, I DID pay a deposit for a first time meeting to one provider but it was because, I was extremely wowed by her photos, description and reviews. So, in that one case I could not resist.

beechnut 1 Reviews 21 reads
30 / 35

This part is on many clients, but we could help things along by not making date unless you are, I would say, at least 85 percent you that you can go through with it. The remaining 15 percent allows for legitimate emergencies, which can happen on either end. Maybe better to book within two days if possible.

6onmymind 5 Reviews 22 reads
31 / 35

If is see "deposit required" i just skip that provider. I've been scammed with that before. It's a fool me once sort of situation for me.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 25 reads
32 / 35

If she’s reputable & has a good reputation m, then you did your due diligence. I don’t see many providers who spent time and $ building their brand tarnishing their name for a deposit. For me it’s a quick return if I have to pass on a booking. No harm no foul. Shit happens that’s life. Here’s your money back.

Boobsman100 20 Reviews 20 reads
33 / 35

I will pay a deposit for well established providers with good reputation only - like yourself. Professionalism is something I take seriously, no fake, mediocres ,or scammers - don't  have the time for that shit.
If something should come up and a cancellation is warranted ,we deal with it as per the agreement- plain and simple.
It should be the simplest understanding that cancellation or not showing up can fuck things up for either party ; the client missed out on a date or the provider could have booked someone else. So again,the suitable solution should be in the agreement .

brownjack 20 reads
34 / 35

Economically, the boycott of a product by consumers is a questionable tool to inspire change.  

As a rule, its very difficult to get full, extended participation from the customers to boycott any product.  At the peak of the Bud Light boycott, sales dropped by 24% (76% of the customers continued to purchase Bud Light).  And sales recovered after about six months.  

What is more powerful than the boycott itself, is the actual reporting of the boycott by the media, the resulting sympathy from the public for the boycotters, and subsequent pressure on the producers.

Media attention of an escort boycott would be wholly unwelcome.  And, even if it were widely reported, a monger-wide boycott of provider's deposits is unlikely to garner any widespread public support.  There certainly would be no public sympathy.

So, even if "today's society" does have the will to support a boycott, any boycott would be unlikely to have any meaningful, lasting impact.

Marvier 24 Reviews 27 reads
35 / 35

I've paid a deposit exactly twice.  The first time was a legit reviewed provider and all worked out well.  The second time was a scam where my little head made me do things I shouldn't have.

Nowadays when I encounter a provider that requests a deposit I kindly say "Thank you I'll pass."

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