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Re: Here's another one for the guys:
mrfisher 108 Reviews 5127 reads

Many years ago, while with a provider, I mentioned that I am an electrican.  Her eyes lit up because she had been trying to get an electrician to hook up a dryer outlet for her for months, but couldn't find one.  I ended up bartering a session with her in exchange for the work, which turned out to be a good deal for both of us.  I've never gotten another offer since then but was wondering how (un)common this is.  It would seem to be a great was to conduct business.  By the way, the electrical job took about four hours versus a one hour with the provider, plus I spent about $25 for the materials.

Last time I saw my regular, she showed me her web site in progress and asked me how much I charge for doing web sites. I hesitated and didn't know how to respond. If I charged my normal consultation fee it would be much higher than that for web design. I'll see her later this week, I'll probably suggest that to show her how to do it herself and get her started. I thought about exchange in service, but the situation was differnt from yours in that it would NOT be a one-time job. I don't think it is to her advantage to have a client having control of her web site. Besides, I probably would get more free time with her, although without FS, than getting paid. . . I think. . . . right? :(

and is really looked down on..

however if youd like to barter,  I do want a new laptop and a jag ;)

I recently was viewing a provider's website and when I clicked on the donation part, guess what I saw? She had her rates listed as well as what services she was willing to barter for? I thought it was kind of strange, but the more I think about it the more I realize this must happen more than we think. Sorry, but she wasn't looking for an electrician....lol! ;)

trustno202783 reads

Hope this link comes out alright. Look at paragraph that says "How did the Chicken Ranch get its name"

Otherwise visit:

And click on History

-- Modified on 11/28/2005 5:38:07 PM

that it only involved bartering chickens.  For a moment I thought it might have something to do with that old joke about the guy who goes to a whorehouse and asks what can he get for $5.

PeopleInGlassHouses1778 reads

Primates engage in prostitution by "bartering" with food and/or political favor amongst themselves. This is the only form of "money" they understand. Our own beloved Internal Revenue Service has a provision in their endless tax codes for "bartering" and they expect their cut even though no monies were exchanged. Whether it be the abstract concept of "money" or a new starter installed in your car it's a trade within a value system.

What did  I say ?
Its unprofessional..however if you have a jag or laptop :)Means, i am not against it now am I ?

Now stfu and get off my ass and read before you get all over me. You all look foolish.

Thanks Ello ! :)!

I thought that barter was the backbone of most economies. I'm not being critical, but I exchange my services for others all the time and at very high levels. (over 500 per hour)

Maybe what you are talking about is only in the hobby?

I would think it would be a great way of doing business. No cash and no contract. easy?

Just a thought.

Except if the lady raises the option.

On a couple of occasions I have had ladies ask me, after they knew my situation. In these situations I see nothing wrong with it.

But I have to say, I would never raise it first.


But the lady needs to suggest it.  Not you.
Web skills, photography, Ciara's lap top...

You just need to let the lady know your skills and resources.  Particularly if you've seen her before and there's a trust established.

-- Modified on 11/28/2005 7:00:36 PM

I bartered a Bally's membership for a session.  One of my favorite ladies offers barter for things on her wish list.  She has one of the most unusual things I've ever seen a lady ask for, and offers barter, too.

"...a little small second car that is good on gas. Doesn't have to be newer or anything. I will barter for this if anyone can help or wants to work out something."

How I wish I still had my Geo!

rocks in, plants trees, connect drip systems to the existing system already in place, etc.  Get your head out of the gutter (pardon the pun). Wink!


...to the one you have in place, Ciara.  Be careful, though!  If you keep playing with the nozzle, the overpressure is gonna make that drip system GUSH.

I'll hose out that gutter, too, babe, just shuck those step-ins down and show it to me....   ;)

-- Modified on 11/30/2005 2:23:15 PM

kcbbw4u1824 reads

I think she still owes you a bit of time ;)

I'm not against it, but it would definitely have to be discussed.

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