TER General Board

Rambling guy won't you settle down...(eom)
balathazar 1 Reviews 564 reads


I was wondering from the ladies and gents who know. What are some of the top towns for touring?

I know each town has a different price point.
So say the 300-500 ranges. I'm familar with Los Angeles, San Fran., Vegas, NYC, DC.
I know it depends alot of the provider too.
Any other suggestions are apprecaited...

Jai :)

-- Modified on 2/22/2008 6:55:41 PM

DC, DC, DC, and during leap years: DC.

Pretty please.  With sugar on top.  And a cherry.


Because it's only ten miles away!  NYC is obviosuly a popular destination...one of the most prestigious cities in world history, populace is the wealthiest of any U.S. city, many things for you to do here besides providing.  Great restaurants, shopping, museums if you're into that, shows that rival Vegas, etc., to name a few of the City's charms.  Your note implied you already knew this about NYC, but it never hurts to remind you and every other lady reading this of that...

rockchick470 reads

Most girls think that. Too many girls in NYC and visiting. Hotels are too expensive.

Now, if you want a good place, visit Boston or Chicago.

is the one that YOU are visiting ;-)

OK, that's the obsequious sycophant in me peeking out.

I travel quite a bit and everyplace I've been has had "something" positive to offer, but I am partial to Chicago and the Midwest. There are other cities that have something better to offer in any one of the categories. . . food, prices, accommodations, weather, ease of transportation, entertainment, traffic, history/sites and people. But it’s Chicago that has an excellent blend of all those things. There’s a reason that more U.S. based call centers are located in the Midwest than elsewhere. The people, on average, are just friendlier. It’s easier for companies to hire people with good and patient attitudes.

an "unbiased" ladies' recommendation, I suggest posting this on the providers board. While these gents are all sweet in asking you to come visit, there are things the ladies can share that the men cannot.

I don't tour, but if I did, I'd start by asking the ladies on the provider board and other reputable ladies' sites. There are some dangerous areas with some well known dangerous men that these ladies can help to steer you clear of...


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