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Question for hobbysts.
AnyOneNormalAnymore 1562 reads

What age did you start taking ED (Erectile Dysfunction) drugs ?

Fifty-Six So far, I haven't needed the prescription drugs. The one I take is herbal, and works fine for me, but even with herbs, you need to be careful. There are some with side effects that you don't want, like kidney failure.

I started when I was 49 but age is not the only factor here.  Various medical conditions and medications can bring on ED. If you think you need it go see your doctor for a check up.

Agree with Boston Guy.  Age is only part of the equation.  Medical conditions and meds you're taking will contribute to ED.  If you think you need them ... see your doc vs. going on line.

Try some of the following before going down that route. They may or may not help with all ED cases, but I've seen where they've been beneficial to some. (And you'll be in much better shape from doing these anyway)

Exercise -
  - Do some weight training
  - Try to get to an 'exhaustion' point. Doesn't matter how long it takes. I was listening to a neuroscientist speak and he said new research has shown getting to the exhaustion point tells the body to generate HGH naturally. Even five minutes of intense exercise (cardio or anerobic) caused it to occur. Over time, very good to the system. Not to be confused with a 45 minute run where you can still move about easily when done.

Diet -
  - Take 2-3 grams of Omega 3's (EPA/DHA) daily. Great for the system. Use a good source. Blood becomes 'silkier'.
  - A great source of energy, and very beneficial to the body, especially during sick season.
  - Eliminate all soy from the diet, especially if it is unfermented. It is full of phyto-estroegens. Bad for men.
  - Eat an egg each day (great for trace minerals guys need in a bio-available package)
  - Eat grass-fed beef only, where possible. High in CLA (Conjugated linoleic acid) which improves fat burning, muscle growth, libido, and erections.

I take flax seed and use soy. When I saw your post regarding eliminating soy, this is what I found:
"In theory, exposure to high levels of phytoestrogens in men could alter their hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. However, studies have shown that such a hormonal effect is minor. [18] Isoflavones supplementation has no effect in sperm concentration, count or motility and show no changes in testicular or ejaculate volume.[19][20] Researchers are studying if these mild effects may explain the protective effects of phytoestrogens in prostate cancer prevention."

Sounds good for you!

These are all wonderful suggestions but I would like to reiterate to the OP here that, if you are having any issues that you think may be ED, you need to go see a doctor to find out what is causing the problem.

This is especially important before starting any sort of strenuous exercise regimen.

take flax seed, until I found ~40% of people have difficulty converting alpha linolenic acid (ALA) into EPA. So I decided if I was going to supplement I might as well get the best source for the EPA, which was via pharmaceutical grade  marine oil.

I also used to include soy in the diet (I followed the spy arc through the 90's and into the early 00's) until about 5 years ago, when I started seeing more info related to the ill effects. A lot of shenanigans also was going on with soy lobbying. While not an exhaustive site, you may find some intersting reading here:

Finally, having read more than my share of peer-reviewed journals on health, nutrition, cancer, and neonatology, I've come to the conclusion that abstracts are almost useless, especially when the issue being discussed has $ ramifications and organized lobbying efforts. Just as an example, related to what we are discussing, here is a pull from one of the articles in the site above:

"A good example is a recent University of Iowa study, funded by the formula industry and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, comparing the reproductive health of adults who had been fed soy- or milk-based formula as infants. The survey found that the soy group had higher levels or reproductive disorders, asthma and allergies. Females of the soy group were more likely to be sedentary and to have taken weight loss medications. Yet the authors omitted these findings in their abstract and concluded that ". . . the findings of the current study are reassuring about the safety of soy infant formula." The University of Iowa study was widely reported in the press as a vindication of soy formula."

It was reported that way in the general media as well because the 'health' reporters on tv/radio for the most part do not pay to subscribe to the full journal articles, let alone read them.  

They can put soy in my gas tank, but it aint goin' on my plate anymore.  ;-)

VBD995 reads

56 to get it stiffer.

I am very fortunate that at 55 I do not need any medicine to stay hard. I have been following the advise of the Love Godess regarding masturbation. This has not only helped me stay hard but has definitley improved my sensation with the condom.

It ws not easy to cease spanking the Judge burt once I got past the 1 wk mark it was a lot easier to contine with the regimen.

...at 49.

(Time catches up with us all, just at different points.)

Never. Never will, if the equipment stops working I'll actually be grateful as I'm an actual sex addict (not a joke).


47 here, no need thus far.  A woman who takes her clothes off is all the stimulus I need. :) Now. if they ever invent a drug that cuts the refractory time so that a second or third cup can becomes a reliable option, I'll be first in line at the doctor's office, and on the phone with my broker to buy a few hundred shares...

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