TER General Board

Providers - How do you prepare
Too many questions 2515 reads

your hotel room for each client, provided that you see more than one a day?  For instance, you check in around 3pm and see one client at 4pm and another one at 7pm. How would you prepare the room (everything in the room) for the second client?

We, hobbyists, all know the possibility that we see providers after someone else in  the same room and on the same bed but we don't want to "see" that upon arrival.

On some occasions, the bed was messy, there were some hair on the pillow (dark hair when I was seeing a provider with blonde hair..) and there were wet towels left in the bath tub. That turned me OFF so much that I've never gone back to those providers.

We, hobbyists (at least me), make sure we are as tidy and clean as possible for each session so we deserve the same in return.


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