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Perhaps reviewers mean that their braces locked (eom)
THRUSTER 78 Reviews 418 reads


After reading reviews on this site for over a year, I would venture to guess that this is one of the most commonly used phrases/cliches:

"Then we made out like teenagers"  or some other variation.

Now I ask you, were your make-out sessions back in those teen years that much better than those in your later years?  Was it just the thrill of doing something so new, so ... taboo?

I personally think my kissing sessions are better these days than they have ever been.  I know more about what I am doing.  My partner, generally, knows more about her doings (as long as she is not actually still in high school [JOKE!]).

Maybe we just spent more time concentrating on the kissing back then.  Maybe now we are just too eager to skip ahead to the grand finale.  Of course, spending $300 for an hour CAN put a bit of urgency into the proceedings ;)

I know that a good, sensuous, lingering kiss can rev my motor faster than anything.  A combination of slow progression, free form art, and a hint of background animal attraction is unbeatable.  Don't know how many teeny boppers manage to learn those things.  Then again, maybe I'm just a crusty old 40 year old.

Thoughts anyone?  Think your make-out sessions then were that much better than now?  Do you think we should all spend a little more time puckering and a little less time ... uh ... doing all those other things?

I guess I'm guilty as charged.  I use this phrase whenever the session involves a lot of passionate foreplay.  I am enthusiastic about kissing and if the provider is as well, then we made out like teenagers in lust.  Most of the ladies I see enjoy the experience rather than rushing to the ending.

I could kiss for hours back then.  I remember parking with a girl and just kissing for over two hours one time.  Sure I copped a feel for good measure, but mostly we just kissed and kissed.

Nowadays who has the time for that kind of indulgement?  life is so busy and everybody is scheduled to within an inch of their lives.

I miss those days of passionate kissing where you kissed and that was the goal.

Now there are more things to do and they are great, but my favorite friends in this hobby are the ones who know how to kiss me really good.



In response to the idea of concentrating on mainly kissing.

Back when I was in college, I had a shockingly HOT girlfriend and our sex life was amazing.  After about a year of intimacy, we got the interesting idea of experimenting with backing down ... WAY down.  We wanted to see if we could devote one day completely to each of the "Four Bases."

The first day was kissing and only kissing.
The second was kissing and groping, but no playing with the genitals.
The third was kissing and all-out groping, but no DATY, BJ, or intercourse ... and no O's.
The final day ... couldn't come fast enough ;)

We made it, but we were practically delirous and the fourth day was almost savage from the get-go.

Ah, crazy youth!

Kissing is important, but to say that the teenage years were the best is not something I would venture to do/say. I will say that the energy and force you experience as a teenager kissing might be something that ppl using such descriptions are referring to, but then again, would you really want to re-live those teenage excursions into zones of the sensual?

re-live my teenage years.  The things I would do differently could fill volumes...or at least a couple of slutty paperbacks.

Just knowing that your life would not end if you had sex, would be a big help.  Darn strict parents!!!

I have to agree with that!  My teenage years were a lot of fun, but I think that kissing is an art form that needs to be learned as well as practiced as often as possible.  I know that I am a much better kisser today because I've learned how to pay attention to my partner to determine who she likes to kiss.

No, I didn't kiss as well back then, although I spent a lot more time doing it, because back in 1965, I couldn't find any good "bad girls" to learn to do anything more.  Now I have the sense to really enjoy DFK for itself, not simply the "first stage" of a sexual awakening.

And of course, if I knew then what I know now, HA!
I'd be (like all of us) King of the Bedroom!

I know when I was a teenager, I was pretty clueless. I'd like to think that I'm a better kisser now than I was then. I know the ladies are, and I absolutely love the sessions with the ladies who like a lot of kissing.

As someone who was a teenager not so long ago, I think these guys are recalling their glory days when they were making out in their car or on their parents' couch. EIther way, I don't think they're necessarily trying to say something about her skills, but moreso that desperate longing and groping that teenagers are quick to engage in... brings back a few memories when I hear the phrase myself. lol.


I would love to spend more time just making out with girls I meet. All too often, kissing is just thrown in for good measure. The only problem is, if you use your whole time making out, then you spent 300 bucks to make-out. So it gets rushed and passed over. Sometimes I book 2 hours if I know the girl is a good kisser just so I can slow down and spend a good while making out with her. The best session I ever had started with kissing that turned into passionate making out, so much that we almost forgot the rest of the date. It was very intimate. I dream of that every time I have an appointment with a new girl.

How About A Foreplay rate?  A lower rate for only foreplay, kissing, groping, cuddling.

Of course you could also offer a FO session.  Foreplay and oral only.

Are there any ladies that would meet a guy for an hour of kissing, cuddling, and caressing?  

Would the donation be the same, since it is for your "time" only?

I think a foreplay play would be great!  I know I would add a 1/2 hr to an hour of foreplay to every appt I went on, if it was a reasonable rate.  

It is just hard on a limited budget to justify indulging in two full-rate hours to spend half your time kissing and cuddling.

I am curious what others think.

Cheyenna397 reads

It is part of the GFE in my opinion. It is time spent together though, so this different rate would probably not fly. I have had requests for dinner only, throwing pies at some dewd in the shower., (Yes, I really did get asked to) Massage, A trip to a wedding posing as the GF, whatever... it is all the same TIME deal. onsider that during the hour/hours there are other clients who may want the time but had to be told no and if the rate differentiated, then it would be a loss of income.

I love foreplay and making out. It is always a pleasure if I am with a clean attractive gentleman. But keep in mind that it is also a living for most ladies.  

Some ladies still do have the "whole package" going on, all you have to do is search around and find them. I am one of them as well.


and that isn't what we do here, that is, if any of this were more than fictitious adventures...

That said, I have to admit that I do enjoy it so much more when they have a social rate and I can take them to dinner for less than lots.  Dinner with nice talk, some hand holding, and just a bit of leg caressing  makes me all squishy inside and primed to move upstairs for LFK developing into DFK with groping then finally (crap, I just finished, LOL)

Anyway longer and slower is way better _for me_

That is my absolute favourite thing at home, especially after getting fucked all the time at work! When I meet a guy I like outside of work, all we do is kiss & caress for DAYS on end, with just food & bathroom breaks......It's the absolute best, but I find it's mainly young guys who are into that, the older ones have gotten into the instant score habit. That's too bad!

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