TER General Board

stilltryin25 16 Reviews 3202 reads

Does anyone have any guess of what percentage of people who view sites like EROS are TER members or members of other review services?  When one checks EROS provider postings then look for reviews here, the percentage of providers who have reviews posted seems to be around 5-15%.  For those who have used other review services, are the percentages about the same?  I suspect that they are.  Some of the provider postings on EROS seem to good to be true, I suspect that many, if not all are.  So, are many hobbyists being disappointed and are not shouting to the rafters, no more!!?  I have read a number of reasons for not posting reviews, some seem noble, but I suspect that when a ripoff or big disappointment is involved, many hobbyists are too embarrassed to post a review.  Interestingly, if one takes the names of providers who have good or great reviews posted and look for them on EROS, a similar situation to the one above seems to happen concerning percentages.  Why?  

-- Modified on 2/28/2004 6:23:12 AM

Carrie of London3966 reads

I've often wondered what % of guys looking at the free boards (eg Eros) do actually see escorts.  I think it's very possible many are just there for the titillation.   Otherwise, why not spend a small amount of $ and join a site like this one?

Actually, I suspect there are many visitors to these sites from all sorts of demographics. Wives, LE, kids, and (sure) probably many guys who never see a provider.  Reading the boards may induce some (like emeraldwadkid) to actually see a provider.  They've certainly increased visibility and accessibility. The web has undoubtedly increased the size (no pun intended) of the available client (and provider) market.

Anybody who's viewed web logs of providers' websites knows traffic increases tremendously because of hits to links from sites like this one.

I would agree with Carrie about the many guys who view the free sites to maybe fantasize about the pictures or erotic reading material. Although I have no idea the actual numbers, or how we could calculate the percentages.

My main reason for posting was what you mentioned about guys not reviewing bad experiences. Certainly, the embarassment of a ripoff or the need and desire to remain discreet does come into play. However, I have had trouble getting a couple reviews approved because TER was not able to follow up on this lady's information (could not verify her web ad, contact info, etc.). This is probably mostly attributed to the multiple names, name changes, various email accounts and phone numbers, among whatever other tactics these ROB's utilize to avoid bad reviews, or being recognised in their next ad.

TER has done a wonderful job maintaining good accurate and reliable reviews. Unfortunately, this attention to detail and concern for quality has undoubtedly eliminated many reviews similar to mine. So where do we draw the line between chasing after bad providers, or spending our time, effort and resources on the great ladies that continually provide excellent service?

best regards, mr.man

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