TER General Board

Spread the Word....
InLA 2403 reads


Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for your wife or girlfriend by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic.

Secret...guys feel left out. That's right...left out. There's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or just too embarrassed to admit it. Which is why a new holiday has been created.

March 20th is now officially "Steak & Blowjob Day."

Simple, effective and self-explanatory...this holiday has been created so your ladies can have a day to show your man just how much you love him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town-the name of the holiday explains it all...just a steak and a BJ. That's it. This twin pairing of Valentine's Day and Steak & BJ Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere will try THAT much harder in February to ensure a more memorable March! It's like a perpetual love machine.

The word is already spreading, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world.

Valentines day is for lovers.. It isnt a stand alone holiday set up for women

-- Modified on 2/16/2006 3:24:14 AM

just kidding ciara, i don't want to get into a battle wits with you, i'd be unarmed.

but my understanding of valentine's day is that it is a hallmark holiday designed for men to spend money on women. i'm not aware of an increase in the sale of power tools, sports equipment, or duct tape on V-day, but i am pretty sure that the candy, flower, and jewelry sales go through the roof.

i think steak and a BJ is a pretty good idea. i'd settle for a burger and handjob :-)

. . . vegetarians. . . for both parties -- steak for men and BJ for women.

capitalist_pig1624 reads

I don't know of it's origins but a DJ in San Diego has been promoting this holiday for years.

Sounds good to me!!! (Now just have to convince the SO) :-(

Valentine's Day is for both genders. If you didn't get something from your lover, wife, girlfriend, then you've got the wrong honey.


reguardless of which partner is the bread winner.  All of these holidays are just silly commercialized foolishness, if you really care for your s/o and want to keep them happy and content you would not wait for some holiday to dictate when to ration out the loving.

For real, though...I so agree.  If that person is the most important person in your life, always give your best and let them know that...regularly.  

Love...the gift that keeps on giving.

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