TER General Board

On Race (again)
Hu11 40 Reviews 2167 reads

Being an Asian/Chinese myself, one reason being in the hobby is: most providers are white women, and I happen to love them.

For all these years, I have never been turned down by anyone.  One thing I like to get it straight is: Asians and small penises.

Since providers are most qualified to opine on this matter, I asked my regular provider (who is a beautiful white woman, and a typical southern girl).  Her answers are: 1).  Asians do have small penises; 2). She does not mind at all.  According to her, may be some big women started all this.

What do you think?  I know many white men like Asian women.  That's just fine with me.

TruDat69688 reads

Who said it's not the size of the dog, but the size of the fight in the dog. and yes, all races love Asian women and women from the Asian continent. What a potpourri to choose from.

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