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okay this is going too far!
lilpusykatt See my TER Reviews 3586 reads

I was looking for info about pets as I'm planning on moving soon and fancied getting a rabbit as a pet. Having never had one, I know nothing about what it would take to care for them and while rummaging through the thousands of sites about pets, came across this site. I've heard of people leaving property and money to their pet to be cared for after they should pass away, but to MARRY your PET?!?  On the site are 'love stories' and also pictures of people that have already undergone this. ::shaking head:: This is going a bit over the top.

Here's the disclaimer on their site:

Please note that by marrying your pet he/she may be entitled to half your house and all your income. You are not allowed to mistreat your pet in any way. You cannot make him pick up your pants, put up with your nostril hair or use him as a general dogsbody - even if he is indeed a dog. You may not get excessively fat. You may not embarrass your pet at any time. Marriage is for life* or until your contract expires. For further details see full terms and conditions.

It was too amusing not to share!! lol

Judge: Do you cow take this farmer to be your husband?
Cow:  I Moo

i love and stroke and play with my pets, not marry them lol

As I lay beside her in bed, I heard a comforting voice in my head that said "Don't worry, Howard, you're not the first doctor who's had an affair with a patient."

But, I couldn't ignore another persistant voice in my head that kept reminding me, "But, Howard, you're a Veteranarian!"

ROFLMAO! Damn that's funny.

BTW, just in case there are any dunderheads in the audience who would take that website seriously (after all, if it's on the internet it must be true...), there are no legal ramifications to engaging in matrimony with your pet as long as the ceremony is officiated by that psycho fat chick on the home page.


I am sorry we do not allow pets in this hotel


That happens to be my wife


There is an AA meeting place two blocks over sir

-- Modified on 11/8/2004 11:43:15 AM

aboutface3356 reads

It's an old post, but I thought I'd add my two cents for the newbies reading archives.
It seems to me that this site is one of two things.  I cannot, however open-minded, take this seriously.  So, therefore, it must be a joke.
1) The person who came up with the website is English and resides in the Netherlands.  We all know how off-beat English humor can be (yay Monty Python!).  It's a strange joke.
2) I've seen protesters at gay marriage marches with signs that say "I Love My Dog" or "My Dog has the same rights"  That sort of thing.  It's always possible, because you know how hate-mongers are so fond of their cross-stitch! In this case, it would be a hateful joke.  I doubt it though!
But if it's real, good for them? :)

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