TER General Board

Oh yea this ought to be good...
KatWalkerofHou See my TER Reviews 3127 reads

1) Men don't like it because it ruins their fantasy that all the women adore them, like them, and have big "O"s with just them!  Oh and you don't have stinky breath, nasty BO, and you are very good looking!  Wink

2)  Men get nervous because, God forbid somebody will actually find out just how many other women they are actually seeing!  It compromises their right to privacy.  (But it's ok to do compromise the ladies privacy, right)? I can hear it now, "Oh no, she can't know that I paid more to so and so". Or "She might find out I cancelled on her and really saw so and so that day"!

3) With all the FBI crap and LE clamping down on the hobbyists the men fear being compromised with their info if it is listed on a review site.  (But it's ok to do it to the ladies... right)?

As far as I am concerned lots of double standards here...

Well, I hate to break it to ya, the ladies do review you, but your not privy to the reviews.  It's all "Behind Closed Doors"!  LOL


BaltimoreBob3938 reads

I would really like to hear what women think about their clients. (Within reason, of course. No reason to kill the golden goose.) However, some geese may be only guilded in gold with poopydoop underneath (like a vermille). The need to be exposed. Come on..... be honest or use an alias with the TRUTH!!!  Thanks ladies:-) OXOOXOX  Let the guys know the truth!

-- Modified on 2/15/2006 3:34:59 PM

I've heard some conversations from more than one lady that made me wonder if any of them like any of us.  Of course, the next words were "but you're not like that".

...the DC guys how they felt about it.  My recollection is, they didn't like it AT ALL.

Not a pretty sight.lol Even had people asking to be reviewed by this lady.. Until they found out her site wasn't hobbyist friendly..lol

Don't go there..

-- Modified on 2/15/2006 6:19:07 PM

1) Men don't like it because it ruins their fantasy that all the women adore them, like them, and have big "O"s with just them!  Oh and you don't have stinky breath, nasty BO, and you are very good looking!  Wink

2)  Men get nervous because, God forbid somebody will actually find out just how many other women they are actually seeing!  It compromises their right to privacy.  (But it's ok to do compromise the ladies privacy, right)? I can hear it now, "Oh no, she can't know that I paid more to so and so". Or "She might find out I cancelled on her and really saw so and so that day"!

3) With all the FBI crap and LE clamping down on the hobbyists the men fear being compromised with their info if it is listed on a review site.  (But it's ok to do it to the ladies... right)?

As far as I am concerned lots of double standards here...

Well, I hate to break it to ya, the ladies do review you, but your not privy to the reviews.  It's all "Behind Closed Doors"!  LOL


yes or no to rimming? LOL

I get nervous that girls will pass on that I'm hung like a gerbil, couldn't get it up for a 2nd pop if my life depended on it, and look like Jabba the Hut in drag! However the newbie board reassures me that, however hideous, I'm not the ugliest client the provider has ever seen (but maybe a close second)

Why a provider would see men she does not like is beyond me.  If you find a provider who can only speak negatively of her clients, the people she chooses to see, perhaps her screening methods are not up to standards?  

The truth is most true gentlemen are kind and polite, pleasant to be around and have perfectly fine hygeine.  I would say that a lady who complains about her clients all the time needs a better business plan and a lady who is in love with all of her clients is lying.



Too bad some of these sniveling, low lifes didn't read your book of provider etiquette. Some of these ladies are treated like shit because they bring it from home and they expect what? This biz has enough negative connotations and needs something short of a match to fan the flames. That ladies ask for $$$ for a HJ and a scowl borders on hypocrisy of the worse kind. I will do you one better and say the ladies that complain about men need to find something else to do. If you read bewteen the lines of those blogs, you'll find jealousy, greed, drug addiction, years of child abuse, neglect of their own children, paranoia, narcissism, and a long list of isms that don't need to be listed.

Continue to be class act KB, because reviews on either side of door shouldn't cause anyone loss of sleep. And when they do, somebody is guilty of defining themselves too tightly with what they do rather than who they really are...

-- Modified on 2/15/2006 8:54:16 PM

Mr. Info2571 reads

Predictably, the guys on that board were less
than amused.

I'm pretty sure it's been taken down.

Significant Other2213 reads

Forum or website as part of TER, Staff rejected my idea for a few logical reasons, one was that:

Providers are public icons, and reviewing a public Icon is legal, but clients are individuals and it is against the law to review an individual private party. You do not see any service provider reviewing their consumers; it does not make any sense. Providers can exchange this information privately by e-mail or phone but not in public. besides, considering men's lack of luck, letting some beautiful ladies reviewing your performance in Bed would do you no good but to increase your SO's chances of finding out about your hobby

Well that is interesting, did not know that it was illegal to place such things in a "Chat-Forum" or site of nothing but fantasy reviews, with all the disclaimers and aliases and such.  I have just learned something  new!  ;-)

However, the point I was originally trying to make in my earlier post is that the "men" in my opinion feel they have more to lose than the ladies and when purchasing such a service they expect to be catered to and what they do in private they want to remain private.  I just feel in some ways there is too much of a double standard, but most of this is due to the illegality of the trade.  Besides men do have egos, and they don't want to know the truth behind some of what goes on in a ladies mind during their time with them.  But keep in mind that ladies do talk to one another, (why do you think so many ask for references)?  and get a feel for what a man looks like, how did he treat the lady he last saw,  is he weird, does he stink... etc.  So in a round about sense there is a review of some sort going on.  This thread makes me laugh..!  It is interesting to see the varied responses from different individuals.

Significant Other2180 reads

I hear you, .... Not all men are well behaved and groomed, it's a tough job for a provider,... I wish there could be a forum for providers ( you never know I might start it myself) :)

Sentimental Old Fart1797 reads

I paid good money for the illusion, please let me keep it...
When she kisses me I want to look in her eyes & know that she is "into" me.  When having sex I want to see in her face that she is having a fabulous time with me & wouldn't want to be anywhere else.
Of course I know the truth, but I am, after all, a Sentimanal Old Fart.  
There is in magic something called "suspended disbelief"  I KNOW the girl isn't being cut in half, but I am willing to allow myself to temporarily accept the illusion...

edit: typo

-- Modified on 2/15/2006 11:45:25 PM

I don't care if she hates men to the other side of the earth. The so-called blogs are full of venom about men and their ways, but who gives a rat's ass as long as you are treated with the same courtesy's afforded to the money and time you are spending. Sure, I think I've run into a few who spit fire when the guys walks out the door, but since my ass was clean and my money was green, let her be mad at her daddy, her ex, her lousy ex-boyfriends, and her lying ass mama... so long as I get the value I paid for, let her take it out on someone else.

...that might make me a better lover.

Suggestions about being a better person, a better client, a better husband, a better human being.... Nah. Not so much.

Lane Bryant Lovr3427 reads

I certainly don't need personality, or weight loss advice, but technique advice, I would appreciate.

"However, some geese may be only guilded in gold with poopydoop underneath (like a vermille). The need to be exposed. Come on..... be honest or use an alias with the TRUTH!!!"

What you're implying here is that, no matter what we tell you, you're already pre-inclined to assume we're lying.

I've seen that same mind set, over and over again - if we don't feed your desire to hear how we hate our clients, our work and our lives, we're liars who are simply putting on a good show.

So, what's the point? The people who matter - my clients and my friends - know how I feel. I am past the point of feeling the need to justify my satisfaction with my work and my life to strangers.

Morgan, aka a happy hooker


From my perspective, the mutual interaction between conscious adults is a wonderful choice.  I view the providers as making this active choice to participate as an act of service and compassion to the clients.  I also take the time to thank the providers for sharing themselves so generously.  It is a very beautiful and loving gift.

kyoto12681 reads

I don't mind if an escort reviews me as long as she starts paying the donation for sex.

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