TER General Board

now let me see if I've got this straight.... $2000/ hour or be a
Bizzaro Superdude 5909 reads

ballarena...   hummm.  So I put it to this august body of intellects.  anyone see her - and if so was she worth it?  comon....... we want the juicy details.  Inquiring minds NEED to know.

you wanna know why she can charge so much? cuz these people pay as much attention to the money they spend, as you or I would pay attention to the number of cookie crumbs we spill on ourselves.

When you make $100,000 a week in the market, and willingly pay $15,000 a month for a 750 square foot 1 bedroom loft in Midtown, whats a lousy 2 grand for a hooker?

This bitch got connected with money players.... thats the only difference between her, and a crackhead strawberry peddling her pathetic pussy for pennies in front of Penn station.

In the Apple, as in "Ho"-wood, its all about connections.

Bizzaro Superdude1943 reads

Was she worth it.  I still stand by my opinion that the best experience that I have had in this hobby was with a very modestly priced gal in DC.  I guess that I will never ever understand pricing....   witness the congressional hearings on gasoline pricing....  wow - and we think that the ladies in this profession are Hos!  Billion dollar profits.....  just a matter of scale!?  Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the word ho!  as in Ho, Ho, Ho all the way to the bank.....

Mr Pejorative1858 reads

Do you actually think any guy (super rich or not)is going to admit that after spending 2K+ on that common looking, poorly complected depository of phlegm and bile would admit that the experience was anything but spectacular? If so; you have a very naïve understanding of the male ego.

Even considering looks, boobs, you name it.  I have had superior providers at $200/hr.  The higher priced ones have sometimes been somewhat better looking or offered more in the way of services, but not 2 or 3 times more, as their prices would suggest.

Even considering looks, boobs, you name it.  I have had superior providers at $200/hr.  The higher priced ones have sometimes been somewhat better looking or offered more in the way of services, but not 2 or 3 times more, as their prices would suggest.

Even comparing looks, body, boobs, you name it.  I have had superior results with providers for $200/hr or less.  Higher priced providers sometimes provide somewhat better services, but not two or three times better as their prices would suggest.

jack-in-the-crack2012 reads

the way that connects to the $1,000 hour ads we see is that some girl realizes that she can talk guys into paying this because (a) she can hype herself, and/or (b) feed his ego by convincing him he can do it - spend the money because he has it, which proves to her that he's a financial Schwartzenegger - so she lets him think she cares aboout his big dick/wallet, and he thinks he can do it "because it's there".  I mean, why do men climb mountains, or pay hookers so much?  Why did I do a lot of the dumbass stunts I've done?  Because we can, and we choose the stunts according to taste.

If I'm gonna pay a woman $Ks, it's not going to be cash, it's gonna be in kind.   I'll buy her a wardrobe and spend a working week or 2, maybe in San Francisco, and she'll need a 3 digit IQ and 4 year degree to keep up.  That's my taste.   Some women realize that other men's taste is to rack up money in the market, and they will drop those crumbs as you describe; or other men will spend the money because they're into financial submission.

And the fact of the matter is, I AM willing to pay $K if the woman is a natural beauty with the poise charm intellect and education to match the sexual uninhibitedness one would expect at that level.
It HAS to be the complete package to justify that rate. This New York Natalia however... I simply don't see it. Its all been a hype from Day 1.

jack-in-the-crack1749 reads

and thousands is too close to what you pay for a wife - and if you have the good judgment to limit your exposure to the downside, then the upside has its advantages.

the old joke about the guy who's selling pencils for $1000/ea.  I passerby tells the seller won't sell too many pencils at that price.  The seller says "I only have to sell one a week."

To my mind, I find very little correlation between price and quality of provider.

But, depending upon the market, I suspect that at least some ladies who charge that much are not actually serious about being escorts.  Some might never intend to have a client, but just want the world to know that they charge that much.  Isn't it a good way to boast?  

I don't mean exactly that it's a bluff, though it can be, but it means more to her in boasting and promotion, even if she sees two guys a year. Maybe, also, she has a sugar daddy, and only needs to see a client occasionally to keep herself in the game.  

There are some twits out there who have so much money that they don't know how much $2000 really means to most people.  Their way of showing status is to show people it doesn't mean anything to him.

Queen Sheba1647 reads

Is there truly a price for a woman's body?  We are talking about donations for time spent....right?  Any gentlemen want to have a good time?  Got a HELL of a DISCOUNT!

Some men need to purchase status. They look in their wallet and say "Hot damn, I gotta get me some status, and I got $2000 in my wallet...and I'm horny".

So he goes and gives the woman $2000.

Next week same thing, except he's got a couple hundred grand and feels like getting a tan, so he buys a sailboat.

It doesn't matter if he could spend $250 on a perfectly decent escort; it doesn't matter if he could lay on a public beach for free, because he's  not buying a fuck, and he's not buying a tan; he's buying a feeling that he enjoys experiencing; status.

The escort is selling status, the sailboat dealer is selling status, and the client is selling money.

It has nothing to do with the amount of money spent and nothing to do with the escort other than her availability *at a rate that allows him to satisfy his need for status*.

So why does everybody go on about how 'no chick is worth blah blah', and 'there's no way I'd ever pay blah blah' when those things are totally irrelevant?

It's not about her, and it's definitely not about you as another hobbiest; it's about him. And why shouldn't he get what he wants? If Joe Hobbiest looks in his wallet, sees $5.00, and says, "Man, I am starving, I need to get me a hotdog", would you stop him from doing so? He's got a need and the means to fill it. Just like Joe Rich Guy and his $2000 roll in the hay.

And if Joe Rich Guy comes my way wanting to buy something I got to give him that warm and fuzzy feeling, will I sell it to him? You bet.

jack-in-the-crack5098 reads

about $2/hour.   That's rough base pay for a PFC under 2.

I should add that they do provide all the toys, AND teach him how to use them - AND there's a little bonus if he doesn't need to eat on the flight home.

-- Modified on 11/10/2005 6:44:00 PM

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