TER General Board

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MidnightLover 4874 reads
1 / 20

Do you ever discuss this hobby with your friends and or your best friend? I'm more interested in the responses from the married guys, but you single guys can chime in also. Having said that why do we discuss the most intimate details of our life with the providers? (and for those of you who are more experienced you know we do it).

PokeDaBunny 3905 reads
2 / 20

I'll break down both questions and see if I any sense comes out of my ramblings.

Q1) Do I discuss the hobby with best friends/friends?
-- The answer in both cases no, which ties into the married part.  My SO and I have many friends within the same small social circles, and though there are a few there that I would trust with that info, I don't to prevent any uncomfortableness as well as the potential for the wrong thing to be said at the wrong time under the wrong conditions (ie when drunk at a party somewhere).

Q2) Why do we discuss the most intimate details of our life with providers?

Why? because we're paying them...(TOTALLY J/K)

-- IMHO It falls into (at least in my mind) the same category as why would complete strangers start an open conversation about subjects close to them when they wouldn't tell their own close friends or spouse, then part ways and never see each other again.  There is a sense of detachment there, a feeling of being less judged. A hottie sounding board if you will.  A person that in more cases than not will be less critical of you and your "quirks" on how you handle day to day life.  It's almost like having an on-call hottie shrink sounding board with extra fringe benefits :p

Well, minus the on-call part, unless you can afford it :p

Infrequent 64 Reviews 2948 reads
3 / 20

I've never discussed it with anyone (except my esteemed colleagues here on the discussion boards and in the Chat room). And I don't discuss intimate details of my lifeb with providers either. I enjoy sex with them, and being with them, talking with them, but I keep my home life out of it.

spinner39 35 Reviews 2811 reads
4 / 20

With my regular friends no, my hobby friends you bet, and with some providers yes.........

dc22 21 Reviews 2106 reads
5 / 20

I didn't when I was siingle but since getting married earlier this year, I have discussed it with my wife and we have begun sharing the hobby together.

Kornlover 22 Reviews 1983 reads
6 / 20

I never  discuss this hobby with anyone.   I have other weaknesses when it comes to women, but I do not want anyone to know about this one.

I discuss lots of intimate things with providers.   I think the reason is that the act itself is intimate, and we are all engaged in things we do not talk about.   When I talk to a provider I get a chance to get things off my chest without the fear that it will be bandied about with anyone who knows me.  Another reason may be that I let my guard down when I am engaging in this hobby, and it is another aspect of letting your guard down.

The E Ticket 2566 reads
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I try and not talk with anyone about this private life. When I have done so in the past it came back to bite me. It came back on them much worse.

I don't talk about other providers with the provider I am with and certainly expect them to not talk about other providers or hobbyists when they are with me.

Discretion is a primary tenet in this world. Keep that in mind and you will be safer.


hueyfan 40 Reviews 2848 reads
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My best friend is also a hobbyist.  We enjoy recounting our experiences.

Obviously, you have to choose who you share this information with.  Most of my friends find it very intriguing and are honestly jealous that I can date amazing women and live out fantasies.  I do have an advantage being single.

joercny 17 Reviews 2147 reads
9 / 20

...and with some provider lady friends.  There is still something of a stigma attached to this hobby in the civvie world.

southern_man 3 Reviews 1889 reads
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Waterclone 78 Reviews 3643 reads
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He's the one who got me into this.  He's the only one that I can talk to.

SULLY 24 Reviews 2509 reads
12 / 20

I think its one of the reasons these boards are so active.  somebodies to talk to who share an interest...

joercny 17 Reviews 2055 reads
13 / 20

...and I've got some red meat waiting for you on the political board.

Sswede 76 Reviews 3569 reads
14 / 20
pyramider 1 Reviews 4119 reads
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Nope.  If they bring up the hobby I will aid them but unless they bring it up, it does not exists.

scotdaman 12 Reviews 3586 reads
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MidnightLover 2099 reads
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OK, no surprises here, this hobby is one secret that I will take to my grave. Not because I don't trust my friends , on second thought I wouldn't trust one of those mama's boys as far as I could throw them (just kidding). It's just nice to have something that is mine and only mine.

llcar 9 Reviews 2754 reads
19 / 20

I only told my best friend about it cause some of the reviews just crack me up and wanted to share.  But now I regret it cause he sees my wife often - Not that he would ever say anything I just don't like the idea of anyone perhaps thinking anything is wrong with my wife when ITS ALL MY FAULT.

As far as talking with providers I don't really get personal unless they seem to want to talk about themselves (I take their lead in that respect as well as with the fun stuff).

RalphWiggum 2397 reads
20 / 20

I discuss the hobby with one friend who has covered for me in the past and he has also volunteered to clear my cookies in case of "emergency".

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