TER General Board

No keg dear...
Aug5 9 Reviews 4799 reads
1 / 60

Has anyone read any of the disgusting things people have said about Britney Spears' performance at the VMAs?  I don't mean the quality of her "music."  No, I'm referring to her body.  Every retarded internet blogger and pundit seems to think she's fat as a house.  WTF?  

IMO, as a man, I'd just like to say that Britney never looked hotter than she did at the VMAs.  Her body looked absolutely luscious.  And to give added credibility to this post, I'd also like to say that I've never been a fan of Britney's music, and I haven't followed her career (her joke of a career).  I also think she's an incredibly irresponsible mother.  And, frankly, she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer (is "stupid" too harsh of a word?).  So, obviously, I'm not trying to "defend" her in this rant.  Why would anyone who's worth at least 8-figures need defending.  No, I'm defending her body.  Her beautiful, magnificent, succulent body, and the bodies of women everywhere.

In truth, I'm not surprised that people are harping on Britney's perceived weight-gain.  The reasons why "thin is in" in the fashion and entertainment industries are complicated.  But the end result is an endless slew of ghoulishly thin actresses, models, singers, and dancers; weight gain in LaLa Land usually results in ruined careers.  These are my opinions on why today's young starlets and models look like stick figures.

Firstly, in the entertainment industry, the current camera technology makes a person look fatter than they actually are.  Hollywood newcomers who are lucky enough to snag an agent, are repeatedly admonished to lose weight in order to please casting directors because of this technological peculiarity.  They have all taken this advice too far, and it has gone from an unfortunate necessity of the entertainment business to a repulsive nationwide fashion trend.  

Secondly, in the fashion industry, small sized clothing requires less material, and a size 2 is cheaper to mass-produce than a size 22.  

Thirdly, (and, I know, most controversially), the fashion industry is dominated by homosexual men.  Creative industries often attract gay men, and fashion is no exception.  The masculine ideal is slenderness, and these gay men have transposed their ideals onto their female models.  Gay men have little or no idea what heterosexual men find attractive, because the feminine ideal is clearly NOT slenderness.  Models have been setting this trend for decades, and the film industry has followed suit.  Please, don't misunderstand me, I have nothing against gay men.  I am not a homophobe.  But we should place both blame and credit where it is due.

And, no, by the way, this is not an attempt to appear to be concerned for the mental health of teenaged girls with anorexia (yeah, TER is the new online hangout for teen girls, I forgot).  Frankly, womens' mental health is not my responsibility or my concern.  But skinny women are disgusting.  It makes me want to gag when I can see the outline of a woman's bones underneath her skin.  I like large natural breasts and large round asses, and a lush, soft midsection.  And frankly, the entertainment industry is robbing me of this.  Women are thinner today than ever before.  A week ago I was having lunch with two women and they each ordered a salad!  And they didn't even finish them!  That's just plain ridiculous!  Alright, let's hear some opinions and criticisms.

Love Hurts 694 reads
2 / 60
BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 641 reads
3 / 60

that is they have a figure.  WRT Britney?  I've no problem with her bod... nice boobs... but the fact that she is a boob, well, that is the thing that drives me crazy.  The woman is in serious need of professional help... that much is clear.

Anorexia?  yea, tell me about it, that was the only clue that I had that my friend was in trouble.... I'll never take that lightly again.

brownhound 5 Reviews 1910 reads
4 / 60

I disagree.  I thought she was at her hottest in her toxic video, and also in that one where she was sweating so much.  But she needs another good 6 months of hard work in the gym and also some hard work on choreographics.  Her outfit was stupid, not sexy, she was still noticably chunky, and the routine was clumbsy at best.

I don't disagree that she has come a long way since having her kids and looks way better than she did just a few months ago.

But she just wasn't ready yet for this kind of exposure and I felt embarrassed a little for her. I hope she keeps working on it and doesn't let the negative remarks affect her.

On a brighter note, her bigger boobs are juicy and she's still very f*ckable with that plump rear end  :)

myreality 1066 reads
5 / 60

I'm a guy and not gay and I agree with what you are saying.  I like real women and their "curves."  But speaking for just one hetero man's opinion, when a "star" makes a career of looking like a size 0 jailbait, if she suddenly is trying the same routine at size 3 or 4, it doesn't work and she will not pull it off.

I think Britney looked good last night.  But compared to her look six years ago, it wasn't the same.

AtxSally See my TER Reviews 976 reads
7 / 60

Wow ! I new there were real men out their ready to stand proud and erect for womenly bodies.
However though we dont have to go to the other extreme and promote (BBW). Healthy athletic not to muscular,fit,usually non-smoking women are in ,and we can be proud next to erect men.Even if you guys smoke lol.....Sally...

Aug5 9 Reviews 520 reads
8 / 60

I'm curious as to why no one has said anything about the whole "gay" thing.  Not that I'm trying to start any drama (don't worry, FatTony).  But in truth I was half-expecting everyone to tear me a new asshole for being honest about my opinions.

zinaval 7 Reviews 1575 reads
9 / 60

I saw the pictures, and she looked fine and healthy to me. She turned in a bad performance, but her weight is fine. People are just taking low-blows on her now.

ThingsThatMakeUGoHmmm 656 reads
10 / 60

Some people are attracted to the BBW type.  Personally, I like a slender or athletic woman not necessarily a stick figure.  When I did a search on provider reviews for the ones that are well reviewed (10 or more reviews) and have a looks score of "8-Really Hot" to "10-One in a Lifetime", the overwhelming majority of the providers had builds that were described as average, skinny, thin or athletic.  When I narrowed it down to 9's & 10's, over 90% of the reviews were of thin or athletic women.  The pics of ones I saw described as "average" showed a curvy body with a nice flat stomach (I would have called them athletic) and looked in a lot better shape than Britney's body.  So this seems to be what most heterosexual TER reviewers seem to find Hot.  Maybe we have all been brainwashed by the entertainment, fashion, gay community.

Sure, I wouldn't call Britney fat.  But for a "comeback performance" in front of millions of people, the whole number was extremely mediocre.  For someone worth 8 figures, she could have made a little more effort to tone up her body to the condition that made her popular (or at least chosen a better outfit) as well as tightening up that dance routine.  Part of the reason her dancing was so sluggish is probably because she is out of shape.  She can't give an amateur performance like that and not expect to get criticized.

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 1:04:53 AM

zinaval 7 Reviews 827 reads
11 / 60

So, you're right on that count.  What I find questionable is they're actually influenced by anything but what they think women are likely to buy, whether it's really the fashion designers, or the women making the decision on what men like.

rhzbubbaduck 540 reads
13 / 60

I totally agree with you about everything including how the women and model industry is run by gay man and women and is far from what most men like. My dream women are Daphne Rosen and Gianna Michaels or Lindsay Lohan when she wasn't thin, Kate Moss and such, I really don't find atractive. Yet I don't think that is the case with Britney.

First off I disagree with that she looks better now. She looks chunkier. As somebody said, in her toxic video and such, she looked beter. And 2nd she doesn't look fat but she looked out of shape and it was mostly because of her "dancing". It was awful. It was basically the dancers dancing and Britney just walking around on the stage. During the whole performance. It really appeared like she couldn't dance, like she wasn't in shape and would just start gasping. That is how bad it was. She looks as one of those persons who are thin because of their metabolism but aren't in shape and if they ran or something they would get tired easily. She was supposed to lip synch because she had to dance and she did neither. Her moves were so slow and lethargic, it all came out to look as if she wasn't in shape to dance and couple with the fact that she looks chunkier, it all makes it out that she didn't look in shape. It was a train wreck.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 990 reads
14 / 60

Yes in the entertainment industry..shes not "perfect".  I thought her performance was lackluster, like she was going thru the motions, and she lip synched as always, which I hate..but her body was nothing to blog about..people are ridiculous.

 Also I feel bad for her..I mean we all have problems..imagine being talked about and photographed all the time like that!  Granted she should of worn underwear.but I am talking about the other stuff.

 She never had a real childhood, shes been working all her life..and now shes a  mother, someting I am sure she wasnt ready for..or really wanting right away.  I feel sorry for her..I am sure she will pick herself up eventually.

 So many people are quick to judge celebs, just because they r celebs.  Hey we have all had our moments, whatever they may have been, but we have ALL had our moments.

  Peace..Sidney Starr

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 618 reads
15 / 60

I dont agree with this..I dont think her performance was sluggish becuase she is out of shape..in fact where her body is now is becuase shes been working out..shes gotten in much better shape then she was months ago...

 If she wanted to give an awesome performance..I mean if she really had her heart set on it..she could of done it easily..I mean come on..shes not obese..she could do a few minutes dance number like she used too..I dont think her performance had anything to do with her body or shape.

wanahavefunwithu 2 Reviews 956 reads
16 / 60

Britney, I didn't like her when she was thin because she was a total air-head. I still don't like her. Sometimes you can take the girl out of the trailer park but you just can take the trailer park out of the girl.

(Of course a lot of decent folks live in trailers, those aren't the ones I'm refering too. I'm talking about the stereotype which fits Britney.)

Her only two strong points in entertainment have always been appearance and dancing. Neither are at their best at the moment. I think the world would be a better place if Britney, Paris Hilton, & Lindsay Lohan got about 1/10th of the media attention that they get.

Aug5 9 Reviews 936 reads
18 / 60

I noticed that you and several other people mentioned Britney's "performance" at the award show.  I just thought I'd let you know that this post wasn't really about her performance, or the VMA -- I just used the media uproar about her weight to introduce my point about womens' bodies in general.  I didn't see Britney's performance at the VMAs -- I don't listen to the crap she calls music, and I don't watch music award shows because I am an adult.  The only reason I even know about her performance is because I saw pictures and an article in a newspaper.  

And as for feeling sorry for her... I hope you're being sarcastic.  It's a shame she didn't have a childhood and all, but I would trade every childhood memory I have in exchange for her money.  Wouldn't you?

Size14 972 reads
19 / 60

When and if, I have a melt down, I want my "come back" to look like her! Common sense and mental ability a plus, but not required

dragonfly2006 49 Reviews 1446 reads
20 / 60

I am far from a Britney fan.  I can't stand her music at all, and I have no interest in her career or the crazy situations she gets into.  But I can't deny it when a woman looks beautiful.

I have never really been overly attracted to wafer-thin anemic looking women, which is why I don't think many supermodels are good looking.  They could use a couple of steak sandwiches once in a while.

Britney's present body is the kind of body I'm attracted to.  It's true that given her resources, she could have gotten into more athletic shape, but on the other hand, maybe she's sick of going through some intense workout routine for the purpose of her career.  Workouts can be torture if you're not doing them for enjoyment and health but to keep a job.

She chose [it's not clear how much a kid can "choose"] to have the kind of career that's heavily appearance-based.  I don't feel sorry for her or any other millionaire celebrity.  Unlike a lot of us, they can quit their jobs anytime and still be set for life.  I just think the pressures have become too intense for her and the cracks are showing.  One expression of this is her body shape.

swimtrekr 58 Reviews 852 reads
21 / 60

should have a gf who is as out-of-shape as Britney.  DUH!!!  Fat?  I would hardly call her appearance fat.  I would much prefer a girl who looks like she does than an anorexic skin-and-bone model type with no chest. Sure, maybe she could use a little more toning, but she has had two kids and we all know what pregnancy does to the female body.  

Yeah, I am not a fan of her music either, but her bod?  That I am a fan of.


RaeMonroe See my TER Reviews 1089 reads
22 / 60

Not the whole money thing but people having an unreal expectation of their bodies. I have a curvy woman's body. I am a nice size 3/4 and LOVE what I look like. Sure I could tone up some...oh yeah that's in between my real life job of being a mom, personal trainer, nutritionist and every man's fantasy girl....

I recently had a review where the reviewer said my butt was "a little large". HMMM? I don't touch up my pics. The ass in the pics is the ass you're going to get. I even have a pic on my site that shows my ass directly from behind, I don't like the pic at all but I don't deceive ANYONE about my looks. If you don't like my ass, it's simple, don't set up an appointment with this curvy assed lady.

Britney looked good to me. She looked like she had been working hard to get where she is and YES she still has a long ways to go to get the HARD and TONED body that she used to have and with her money I am sure she can get there. The expectation is that she is going to get there overnight. The girl hasn't had it so good in her personal life and no amount of money can mend a broken heart or cure depression. It can make it easier but I don't think anyone really believes that $ is the answer to every evil. Sure, she has a comfortable life and she's a shitty mom, a crappy role model and very messed up in the head but everyone has moments where they want to throw their hands up and just revel in being no one.

As for women's bodies in general, I am totally bi and I know what I personally like in a girl. I like brunettes with big boobs, nice legs and great lips. I am not looking for perfection. I like women who are soft, cuddly and REAL.

I appreciate the argument that you have brought up but I am certain nothing will change. Take a look at Scarlet Johnansenn. She is gorgeous. That is the kind of body I LOVE. That is the kind of body I LIKE. She is real, curvy, and not ashamed to let her hips, and tits do some talking for her.

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 10:26:38 AM

grain_of_salt 1171 reads
23 / 60

sorry - but this is crap !!

She is a Professional  - and when you get that opportunity and that money - everything should be perfect - not your perfect or my perfetc - but perfect-perfect!!

She should have waited another 6 months - gotten in much better shape - period.

This isn't the real world, folks, it is fantasy - and in a fantasy world, where you get paid millions to do stupid things, you have no excuses.

If a professional athlete showed up out of shape - versus his peers - you would berate him. If a designer showed clothes that looked liked they'd been stitched togerther by you or me - you'd be appalled.

This debate, and my opinion, is not about what real women should or do look like - this is about what the privileged few should look like if they want to stay privileged.

Damian1 148 Reviews 834 reads
24 / 60

Boy Britney cracks me up!  I think he gave a better performance than the real Britney!  LOL

CYNIC 655 reads
25 / 60

big fan of hers anyway, but I thought she looked ridiculously chubby in that outfit.  As far as I'm concerned, she has no talent, no taste, no class and no brains!  She's through as an entertainer, and if her money ever runs out, her life will become thoroughly miserable.  She needs psychological help, and will likely wind up being institutionalized if she continues down the path she's on.

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 9:10:56 AM

ThingsThatMakeUGoHmmm 1044 reads
26 / 60

If Britney wants to stay home and be average and magazines were showing her picture and making fun of her body, I'd say stay the hell out of her life.  But if she wants to make a career comeback and get paid millions to appear on stage in that outfit, then she should give the fans the body and performance that they wanted and made her successful.

I saw Heidi Klum a couple months after she had her third baby and she looked awesome!  Have you seen her topless ads for Jordache?  If you want that type of career you have to put in the work.  Maybe Britney could have been in better shape if her workout didn't include partying at the clubs.

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 7:18:08 PM

little phil 37 Reviews 823 reads
27 / 60

Thankfully, someone else realizes that she's FAT.  OK, to be fair, she's thinner than she had been, and she popped out 2 soon to be trailer dwellers in rapid succession.  She also is thinner than I am.  All that means is that I'm even fatter.

I have no idea about her performance, because... well, I guess I couldn't give two shits about her.  After all, she's fat, so I'm just plain not interested.

christophtrac 267 Reviews 830 reads
28 / 60
christophtrac 267 Reviews 797 reads
29 / 60

But she definitely was not in good enough shape to be prancing around a stage in front of her peers clad in panties and bra. Do we hold Brittany to a different standard...HELL YA. The girl gets paid MILLIONS to be a fantasy. She didn't look half as good as her backup dancers. She is not a good singer and last night she was awful performer. So please stop with the comparisons. She is a PROFESSIONAL entertainer and she was out of shape and looked a hot mess!!!

dreamweaver7 618 reads
30 / 60

There is a big difference between discussing body types and perception from a general, everyday, health perspective vs. discussing this in a specific industry sense (magazine cover girls, models, dancers. TV/Movie film, etc.).  The former will ultimately revolve around the greater population and issues of self-esteem.  In this light Britney looks fine and is certainly not even close to representing 'fat', which in this context is tantamouint to obese.
The latter revolves around those special few who are blessed with great genetics and some combination of extraordinary work ethic in terms of fitness and/or use of external aids such as medications, surgery, etc.  In any case in this light it is in fact fair to compare those who play this game with each other vis a vis, who is fat and who is not.  The game is 'Sex Sells' and there are both sellers and buyers.  Britney has CHOSEN to be a seller. In that setting she is certainly not in the shape that would be expected of someone wearing such revealing/skimpy attire and clearly trying to push her physical attributes over her other talents.  Sorry to say in that setting she is fat.        

She could have chosen to wear a dress or pants and played to a target audience of 12 - 15 year old girls.  She did not.  She went for an alluring sexy-sizzle appearance and she currently does not have the physique to pull this off.          

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 10:21:57 AM

little phil 37 Reviews 494 reads
31 / 60

I already did.  If you did too, it might be seen as piling on.

GaGambler 587 reads
32 / 60

No, I think it's the fat that makes her look fat. lol

Sorry about piling on, but cmon, the girl is fat.

Aug5 9 Reviews 1424 reads
33 / 60

I can't believe anyone would describe your ass as large!  To be perfectly honest, you're WAY too thin for me.  No offense, but it's true.  I like curves.  When people use the term BBW, I always think of some 5'5", 280 lb. monstrosity.  But if guys are telling you that your ass is too large... well, I guess I prefer BBWs.  I suppose this settles the argument -- there's no accounting for taste, and Hollywood will always be able to brainwash some of us.  Of course, genetics and personal preference probably take some responsibility for this too.  

But you have to admit, if you look at pictures of women from the days before the film industry took off, they look considerably fatter than they do today.  And food was less plentiful and less processed than it was today, lest we forget.  It must have been almost a challenge to be chubby back then, but they accomplished it.

PS - Yes, Scarlet Johannsen does have almost a perfect body, IMO.  But I bet when you see her in person, she's way too thin.  The camera adds weight.  I've seen a few celebs in person, and I can tell you they always look thinner in person.

runningman65 7 Reviews 773 reads
34 / 60

Whenever I see a female celebrity criticized brutally on their weight, I immediately think of the effects of that criticism on the female youth in our country.  I work with teenagers and they really do pay a lot of attention to actresses, singers, etc, and I  know that when they see celebrities get ripped apart in the  media for a weight gain, teen girls tend to think that what society wants is for women to be thin.  I"ve run body image groups for kids and it can really be a sad thing to know the kind of pressure they feel to be thin.  It's one thing to criticize a performance, but another to rip on the physical appearance.   This is a complicated issue, and I don't want to ramble on, but I've already talked to some teens since this performance, and they sure do pay attention to what the media is saying about Spears.


Ms. HumpAlot 395 reads
35 / 60

But, I thought that Britney looked damn good lol I will be honest and admit, that I do find some women attractive that I would probably accept an offer just for that one brief moment lol But, something kicks in, and tells me that it's just not for me. But to each their own.

As for Britt, well .. girlfriend looked ripe, and I actually find that attractive in another female, ripeness, with some meat: front and back... like baby's got back.. back ;) Again, to each their own.

zn_garden 496 reads
36 / 60

You guys are kidding right? You call that fat! In that case 90% of my clients are morbidly obese if you think she is fat. Lord knows what you think of most of the ladies that provide then. I do agree her choice of outfit left a lot to be desired.

Yes she has an obligation of sorts to look good but there are so many ideals of "looking good", which one do many of these female performers choose?

Jesus, Jack Black must be utterly obese then. Oh I forgot...guys can have 20 extra pounds and it's fine. And I know a$$holes and opinions alike...everybody has one.

dragonfly2006 49 Reviews 739 reads
37 / 60

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 4:54:16 PM

marere4 See my TER Reviews 353 reads
38 / 60

I just googled the photos, and honestly, how is she "FAT??" Yes, she's not stick thin, she's not as toned as she has been in the past, but I am really shocked that people think she is "fat" in these pictures. I think, body wise, she looks really hot! I agree that, yes everyone has different preferences for body type, and yes, she is held to a different standard because of her fame and fortune, but sheesh. The girl ain't fat! Nowhere NEAR it!

Just my 2 cents.


edit to add photo

-- Modified on 9/11/2007 7:54:58 PM

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 467 reads
39 / 60

Some men think Barbie dolls or Baywatch is actually what women should look like.

little phil 37 Reviews 1829 reads
40 / 60

Yup, it's true.  I need to lose 25 pounds to get to where I should be.  I guess if there's a 20 pound buffer for guys as you suggest, I'm only 5 over the top.

The point is, I haven't been in my 20's for at least that many years, so comparing her to me is unfair to me.  Additionally, I make a living sitting behind a desk, not performing on stage in a sexy outfit (whoa, I just got an image that I'm now trying to shake).  When I see a provider, at least so far, she's never paid me, so I'm the one more entitled to have an imperfection overlooked.  Since you asked, I think that most providers are overweight.  As a rule, they're in better shape than the general population, but in case you haven't noticed...America is FAT.  I spend a good deal of time researching what I find appealing, so I think that my reviews reflect my taste pretty well.

I don't get upset if a provider is overweight, I just move on.  I'm sure that a lady or two has passed on me as well, cuz sometimes I don't pass the asshole test.  But, Britney is still fat, whether I'm an asshole or not.

little phil 37 Reviews 548 reads
41 / 60

That's the best of the pictures that I saw of her, and were that the only one, I wouldn't be mooing so loudly.  I'll freely admit that I think Kate Moss is incredibly sexy looking, so even in this shot, her gut shows a bit.  If I can find the one that I saw the other day, I'll be equally as shocked as you that anyone could say that she's not fat.

GaGambler 939 reads
42 / 60

I couldn't have said it better myself.

GaGambler 1055 reads
44 / 60

Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day. lol but you sure nailed this one.

Some people are just way too sensitive, call it political correctness run amok or whatever you like, but it is the reason we are turning into a nation of wimps.It's probably the reason we need an asshole or two to balance the scales...Of course I am always willing to volnuteer...

zn_garden 489 reads
45 / 60

I wouldn't toss her out of bed..but you with your extra 25 pound tub of goo hanging off your waist and ass wouldn't get within a mile..not that you're asking...it's more of a rhetorical thought.

I guess that's why you're here...the ladies you seek wouldn't give you a fifth look...what with the extra gut goo and all.

little phil 37 Reviews 689 reads
46 / 60
zn_garden 564 reads
47 / 60

Don't flatter yourself...you're fat and she's not. No sensitivity here...you just don't like being disagreed with.

Here's a thought... suck in your gut and call up an ASP.

GaGambler 434 reads
48 / 60

Why shouldn't a woman who makes millions a year not look better(much, much better) than the average woman?

ThingsThatMakeUGoHmmm 1034 reads
49 / 60

You can definitely see her gut in that pic.

Here's another one:

-- Modified on 9/12/2007 9:38:28 PM

Aug5 9 Reviews 645 reads
50 / 60

Women will always have a slight bulge in their abdomenal area, regardless of whether they've had children or not.  Their reproductive organs are inside their lower abdomens!  Duh!  If we men had our cocks and balls inside our abdomens instead of hanging between our legs, we'd all have a small bulge there too (very small in some cases).  It doesn't have anything to do with being overweight.  It's just female anatomy.

GaGambler 494 reads
51 / 60

Did someone strike a nerve?

zn_garden 976 reads
52 / 60

Not a bit...I'm in great shape...a competitive cyclist. Me thinks some can dish it out but can't take it....maybe I hit a nerve or ten.....;)

little phil 37 Reviews 628 reads
54 / 60

I'm fat, and so is she.  I'm now starting to wonder about you.  No biggie either way; I don't think we'd click.

little phil 37 Reviews 498 reads
55 / 60
zn_garden 390 reads
56 / 60

Wondering what..about my six pack and your keg? And as far as the clicking part...HELL NO!

GaGambler 828 reads
57 / 60

No, not fat. I don't think I have been accused of being overly handsome lately, but not fat. and I do agree, I doubt that we'd click. lol

little phil 37 Reviews 1290 reads
58 / 60
ThingsThatMakeUGoHmmm 400 reads
59 / 60

No gut/bulge.  Maybe she didn't have reproductive organs at that time...

-- Modified on 9/13/2007 9:25:42 PM

GaGambler 1104 reads
60 / 60

Now SHE could definitely borrow my reproductive organ for as long as she wanted.

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