TER General Board

No, I have not....
Bostonguy57 48 Reviews 545 reads

The bottom line is that most providers are much more careful about this than civie girls are. I've been married for 25 years and seeing providers for about 20 years-easily a couple of hundred women if you count my days of picking up street walkers in Boston's old "Combat Zone". My oldest male friend, who I have known for almost 30 years, has been single all of that time and has had several STD'a even as recently as a year or so ago-all from girlfriends and one night stands.

This obviously doesn't mean it can never happen. Always be as safe as possible and remember that certain activities always need to be covered.

jay19672129 reads

Hello all,
I am new to all of this and have a really good question about STD's. Have any hobbiest or Professional gotten a STD from bbbj or daty or even dfk? I know unprotected intercourse or anal is a big risk but what about some of the other things? I tried to do some research but to tell you the truth, I doubt they know. I figured no better group to ask then you all. Please give me what you know to be true. I greately appreciate your time!

wantbrain743 reads

How would you know?  Almost everyone here has some sort of "real" life besides visiting providers, and anyway, unless you see one lady exclusively and have no other sexual life, by the time the symptoms of an STD show up ...

I have seen well over 150 professional gals over the last thirty years without so much as a rash.

On the other hand, out of about 12 civies I've known over the same period I have come up with two STD's plus a case of crabs.

How's them for stats?

The bottom line is that most providers are much more careful about this than civie girls are. I've been married for 25 years and seeing providers for about 20 years-easily a couple of hundred women if you count my days of picking up street walkers in Boston's old "Combat Zone". My oldest male friend, who I have known for almost 30 years, has been single all of that time and has had several STD'a even as recently as a year or so ago-all from girlfriends and one night stands.

This obviously doesn't mean it can never happen. Always be as safe as possible and remember that certain activities always need to be covered.

I wonder how many gents here are going to chime in "oh yeah, got me a case of syphillalis" Dang, I can't even spell it!!

I think you'll be hard pressed to find a gent to come in this public forum and say yes, he's gotten an STD.

the ladies at risk with their civvie behavior.
They don't realize that all sex partners put them at risk . The entertainers I have known ALL got sick from civvie partners as well.
The women are only as clean as their clients.

People are in denial about the risks of "just" oral sex and kissing.

Can you spell C H L A M Y D I A ?

Check the porn industry websites like AIM to get a realistic idea of the risks .

Neurosexy4442 reads

Dear XXMeowbabyXX:
I am wondering would women test blood now days before engaging? Or would they have a doctor on retainer for that purpose?

...I didn't start hobbying until I got to LA 18 years ago.  All I remember about the combat zone was walking through it as a teenager, a little scared, a little curious.  But I haven't heard the term in years!  I miss Boston.

Just was there, and hobbied some.  Fun!

It was in the early 70's and I had just flown up to Boston in a helicopter to flew planeguard for an aircraftcarrier that was in drydock for repairs. The trip was in the dead of winter and just be before we got paid, so we were all broke, hence no hobbying was on the menu for us. We thought we were going to totally freeze to death on our way from the ship to downtown, so we stopped in a topless bar in the combat zone. We could only afford a "split" (small bottle of champagne) which we kept our hands around so no one would know when we were empty. Didn't work for long. We were invited to leave, but at least we were thawed out by then. On our way back, not certain if we were in the combat zone yet, we stopped at a bar were the guys seemed very nice. They kept sending us over bottles of beer. After about 4 rounds, we began to sense some tension, so we left before being invited once again to leave. Very lucky we didn't get our heads kicked in.

If you took pictures from there 25 years ago, and today, it is totally weird the transformation between then and now.

Then:  If you were a woman alone there, you were definately "for rent"

Now:  If you are a woman alone there, you are going to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, or one of the many stores and restaurants..

I just find it sad that I was not old enough to actually go there when it was in its "peak"!

I got "the clap" from an escort a few years ago. The only thing uncovered was the BBBJ. It freaked me out so bad that I stopped hobbying altogether. Even though the professionals are probably more diligent than "civilians", they also have partners outside of the hobby who have other partners, and so on. Maybe I was just unlucky, but I would think that the probability of catching something eventually is pretty high.

Hey, if Magic can admit to the world that he got HIV, we should be able to admit when we get something on an anonymous message board.

Bodercollie1169 reads

Do you really think you can assess the truth of the matter from posters’ response to your question on a board that promotes the hobby? A good source for the STD risk you ask for BBBJ, DATY, & DFK is http://www.dph.sf.ca.us/sfcityclinic/stdbasics/stdchart.asp . Searches of TER Poll archives you will find that 43% of us admit having a STD and 50% of us have never been tested (http://www.theeroticreview.com/poll/pollarchive.asp). Were all theses STD infections a result of civvie relationships only? Most who claim (especially hobbyist) to be tested negative regularly, have never been tested for all STDs especially HPV, the most frequently transmitted STDs.  Fortunately most of the time, HPV causes no symptoms or health problems and goes away by itself and most people never know they had HPV. Nevertheless there is indication that HPV infections may be a significant factor in this hobby.  One popular Lady indicated she knows “at least a dozen ladies who have had pre-cancerous (cervical) cells removed”


If this is true, it is significant because practical all pre-cervical cancerous condition or cervical cancers are a result of HPV infection indicating nearly all these ladies had persistently HPV infection. (http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/HPVCervicalQandA).  HPV infection may not be so benign for men also. There is increasing reports of a linkage of HPV infection resulting from oral sex with oral cancers (google  “HPV oral cancer”).

The truth of manner as participants in this hobby we are at a somewhat higher risk for an STD infection by the various routes because we have multiple sexual partners; sexual partners who have multiple partners who may participate in high-risk sexual activities in and out of the hobby. You need to assess your own tolerance to risk and take the appropriate action you think necessary.

jay1967362 reads

Wow! Great info. Thanks for the time.

GaGambler576 reads

I have been with hundreds upon hundreds of providers in the years since, and I have never contracted an STD.

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