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Interesting perspective on leasing vs buying
numbnuts11 3781 reads

Saw this article and thought I'd post. Is this accurate???

My perspective on "leasing" vs "buying".

When you get married you "bought" your marriage. Like everything, when it's new, it's great and a lot of fun. You use it a lot at first, and show it to all of your friends. And she does the same thing with you. You are both in love. What a great thing. Then, things start to cool down a little. You don't need to use your new "thing" as much, and/or your partner doesn't want to use her "thing" as much either.

Then you discover little tiny defects in your new marriage. At first, the little defects are "cute", then they become annoying. You know, the way your partner has this cute thing about eating its vegetables in alphabetical order - later it's the "damn alphabetical eating disorder" that makes you climb up the wall. Then the sex that was so great at first is now slowly, but surely, declining in frequency. First it was everyday, then every other day, then twice a week, later; once a week, then once a month  if you’re really lucky. Let's not count headaches, time of the month excuses, kids, people staying over, of course the "I'm too tired, I promise we'll do it tomorrow" great saying.

Your new thing is now an old model that does not work as well as when it was new, requires lots of maintenance, warranty is over, sometimes you have a hard time figuring what's wrong with it, but, you just can't change it for a newer model. As we all know, it is a VERY costly change. And you still love the older model nonetheless. it has brought you lots of joy and lots of very nice rides. You just can't come to trashing the older model.

So what to do?

Leasing!!!! That's the ticket!

Short term leasing is efficient and brings you lots of joy that your older model can't provide you anymore. The beauty of leasing is that you don't have to buy it afterward. You use it for the period of time you need and then return it to the dealership. What more can you want? You can also lease while you own. When you lease, the leased model will not brag to the older model that it is better. The leased model will not boil your bunny (RE: Fatal Attraction).

While you lease, your owned older model will not depreciate as fast. As a matter of fact, leasing will increase life expectancy of the older model. You will appreciate your older model more and little things in life that were bothering you will not bother you as much anymore.

Remember the old Mastercard joke:
Motel - $45
Bottle of wine - $25
Escort - $200
Being able to send her home and never having to hear her bitch ever again - Priceless.

What do they say - it's not the destination that is important but the journey. Enjoy the ride - bought or leased - maybe a little of both. LOL.

Roué2149 reads

it's always cheaper to rent.

This post is more cynicism about marriage.   While my marriage is hardly perfect, I have been married for 40 years and I have a different perspective on it.   There is a tremendous investment when you marry (buy), and if you have children and grandchildren, as I do, a tremendous dividend from the investment.   Too often on  these boards I find marriage sold short.

can I be Junior 4583175 reads

Or can we accumulate years on multiple purchases?  Oh hell, I still won't get to 40 years.

have a celebration for the 25 years, invite all friends and families and then bring one of our ladies as my escort for the evning. Any suggestions who would piss off the ex wives most?

sicnarf2233 reads

Walk a mile in my shoes - or even better - try to buy some shoes with what she (exwife) left me....  She said that she still loved me...   about 3 weeks after I was out of the house...  the new guy moves in...  she - pregnant...  coaxes church to send her on a missionary mission.....   guess what - missionary mission for 24 h.... recovery in Aruba 4 days... suntan - priceless....   Marries guy, while pregnant in church... I then have to explain to my 7 year old daughter - that you normally get married then have a baby....!!!   oh, while she could not ask for alimony - she does get 1/4 of my salary in child support - even though I get the kids about 45% of the time...
So, while I am happy for you, and while my parents were married for over 40 years until my dad died, and I never dreamed that there were people like my ex and her family.... well, lets just say - what an education...
Cynical, nah, just the cable fees....

TatterednTorn2668 reads

She's a bitch and then some. Keep a good relationship with your kids and forget she still walks the planet.

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