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No conspiracy theories from me... I just point out Dumbya's record
james86 47 Reviews 3261 reads
1 / 34

While Janet Jackson's Super Bowl antics appear to have caused her some difficulty, recent returns in the Democrat nominating contest have demonstrated that it is the Dean campaign which should have been more careful about flashing its boob.

happy12 3321 reads
2 / 34

Yet it was the GOP who had to get the Nine Whores in Robes (United States Supreme Court) to actually get THEIR boob wronglfully placed in the White House in 2000.


DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 2707 reads
3 / 34

Justice    Nominated by
Back Row l-r
Ginsburg - Clinton
Souter     GHW Bush
Thomas     GHW Bush
Breyer     Clinton
Front row l-r
Scalia     Reagan
Stevens    Ford
Rehnquist  Reagan
O'Connor   Reagan
Kennedy    Reagan

Between Bush & Cheney, They have 3 judges (Thomas Scalia and Rehnquist) directly beholden to them.
May the Fates have mercy on us if they ever secure 5.

-- Modified on 2/9/2004 9:15:17 AM

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 5891 reads
4 / 34

It`s been over three years and you people that think Bush stole the election still haven`t taken the time to do any research to educate yourselves. Gore asked for the recall. He asked for it in a select few democratic controled districts, he didn`t get it his way and he lost.
If you want to argue that "dimpled chads" or such were the problem forget it. If you`re to stupid to punch a hole in a card you have bigger problems than trying to fix the country. I always check the back of my ballot to insure that all the holes are un-obstucted.....pretty simple.
If you must find fault then blame your loss on the one man who could actually be responsible. Ralph Nader. He did to Gore what Perot did to GHWB. Clinton was elected in his first term with less than 50% of the vote.

-- Modified on 2/9/2004 9:26:29 AM

HarryLime 10 Reviews 3124 reads
5 / 34

Get the contract to print the ballots in Dade county (heavy democratic).  Print the ballots putting fewer perforations around the punch areas.  This will cause more chads for eveerybody but will hurt the dems more than the republics in terms of total statewide votes.  

Simple huh!  

It used to be done all the time in PA.

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 3243 reads
6 / 34

Oh my God !!!!!!
You`re creative, I`ll give you that. Insane, but creative.

sdstud 18 Reviews 3168 reads
7 / 34

And we know THAT DID HAPPEN.  And please, tell me that you saw Katherine Harris' even slightly feign impartiality during the various protests that the ballots were flawed.

BTW, the ENTIRE state of Florida did not use dimpled ballots.  Only the part that did was much more heavily Democratic than Republican.  This is an inherent bias, that was almost certainly enough to skew the vote in Florida by more than 1000 votes.  The estimates I've seen indicate that this was a roughly 4000 - 8000 vote statistical bias.  

Whether it was stolen outright, or just fundamentally flawed, Bush did not win Florida legitimately, and none of the Republican posturing to the contrary will EVER change that.  He will have an asterisk after his election for ALL TIME, just like Rutherford B. Hayes, the OTHER illegitimate U.S. President, who was put in power in a brokered deal to end the Reconstruction after the Civil War.

SULLY 24 Reviews 4578 reads
8 / 34


Throw in the Nader Traitors and you see that GW was voted AGAINST by a huge margin.  And he lost the popular vote straight up.

And yet he rules and gives benefices like he has a MANDATE>  That's all those of us on the progressive side object to about him...

Oh, and he's a MORON

It's not often I ASHAMED of my president- but now is one of them.

And I even rooted for Nixon...

Only a complete nincompoop could sqander the outpouring of love and  empathy we got after 9/11 worldwide.  From people who actually had been dealing with terrorism longer than we have.  But he did it!

If your income is below $500K a year- and you vote for Bush- you are a complete dupe.  If you are in that rare income air- more power to you for wanting to rape the real people who make up this great country- but don't be suprised that people are on to Bush's chicanery.

emeraldvodka 2566 reads
9 / 34

   If there is a string on polotical discussions I simply cannot resist the temptation of posting a rude and nasty remark:):) To all you bafoons who still squirm, quip, gripe, and display your anger at the other party for lies, deceit, cheating, theft, manipulation, cowardice, malice, corruption, and a whole slew of other adjectives befitting the lowest of criminals, you forget the most important thing!!  You the voter have made it possible and allowed it to get this far!!
   If most of you were only courageous and smart enough to be Americans first, and Democrats or Republicans second this greatest of nations wouldn't be in such a horrible mess.  But, its not going to happen as most of you can't stop bickering for even a few seconds.  The taliban follow their leaders blindly, why do you??
   As always I must ask, why do we need terrorists to blow this country up when we have a stupid and ignorant public to take this country down??

singleton 5 Reviews 2987 reads
10 / 34

is a President who is articulate and intelligent and who can at least ACT dignified ... i'm ok with the hypocrisy and lies -- they are part of the job description for a politician  

just give me a President who doesn't embarrass us in front of the whole fucking world ... as it stands, everytime GWB opens his mouth and mugs for the camera (like an ape) i cringe

i really do mean that, i literally CRINGE ... it has nothing to do with Left vs. Right or my personal slant ... it's quite literally SHAME that i feel that this man represents this country and moreover that he is the appointed "leader of the free world"

at least Reagan, Nixon and Bush senior could ACT the part

sdstud 18 Reviews 2916 reads
11 / 34

The Dems will have a nominee who has demonstrated his courage under fire at wartime, and who has more intellect and character in his little pinkie that George Dumbya Bush ever demonstrated in his entire person while snorting coke or getting drunk while AWOL from the Alabama Air National Guard, or in begging his Brother and his Daddy's cronies to steal him the election in Florida against a FAR less worthy candidate than the one which he will face this time.

This election is going to be about Character and Integrity, and about Foreign Policy Leadership and Domestic economic policy.   Bush is a total loser on ALL of those counts.  Enjoy the next 11 months - they are all you got.

I can't even believe that any REPUBLICAN could, with a straight face, justify Bush's management of the Budget, OR our Foreign Policy - he has created the most egregious deficit in our nation's HISTORY.  And he doesn't even have the guts to ask you to pay for it.  He'd rather take the money from your children to pay for it, because they aren't old enough to vote him out of office.  He has compromised our nation's financial future, and he has compromised our National Security by screwing up our relations with all of our Allies.  So the next time a REAL nuclear threat faces our country, because North Korea, or Chechnya, or whomever who REALLY has nukes and hates us, actually DOES choose to work with Al Queda (which Saddam never did) we won't have any foreign assets helping us to deter this attack.  It's CRIMINAL the degree to which Bush has mismanaged this country in the post 9-11 world.  He should be impeached on simple grounds of incompetency.

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 3687 reads
12 / 34

You say...........

Throw in the Nader Traitors and you see that GW was voted AGAINST by a huge margin.  And he lost the popular vote straight up.

And yet he rules and gives benefices like he has a MANDATE>  That's all those of us on the progressive side object to about him...

What does that say about Clinton?

james86 47 Reviews 3728 reads
13 / 34

I agree that Nader's radical votes would have given Gore the election, but it wouldn't have been by a "huge margin."
    You must also concede that Perot's fiscally conservative votes would have given Bush the Elder the election in '92, when Slick Willie got only 43% of the vote (and couldn't break 50% in '96).
    And BTW, if he's so stupid, how come he regularly outmaneuvers you "progressives"?  He governs like he has a mandate because, like Clinton, he only won a plurality of the vote, but 100% of the White House.  Indeed, if one looks to the Congress, the GOP is much more strongly positioned than the Dems, having obtained clear majorities of the aggregate congressional vote for five consecutive cycles.  Mandate?  You bet.
    As for squandering empathy, I much prefer a President who achieves the goal of reducing the terrorist threat to one who worries only about his own political posterior.  The difference is between a man who ran to do something, and one who ran to be something.  Like, the difference between GWB and Slick Willie.
    Your last line makes it clear why you find so welcome a home among the radicals.  But you're right about one thing: the GOP only represents the rich ... and those who want to be.

emeraldvodka 3276 reads
15 / 34

  You wouldn't be talking about John Kerry would you??  The man who has taken more special interest money than any senator, even more than any Repbulican!!  The man who voted for this illegal war, and didn't vote for the same war in 91 when there was a legitimate threat of destabalization to the entire region.  The man, who took in thousands of dollars in speaking fees early in his career and at one time fees from a group that was later found to have ties to the Cali drug cartel.  The one who voted for the Patriot act which is helping steal(as the assertion goes) our civil liberties.  The same person who appointed members to boards right before receiving campaign contributions from them??

  My friend try this experiment.  Call all you democratic friends and tell them a Republican, don't give them a name, is running for President.  Tell your friends this Republican is the biggest recipient of special interest money, voted for the Iraq war, voted for the patriot act, took money for a speech from a group found to have drug cartel ties, and appointed members to boards right before receiving campaign contributions from them.  They will start ranting about how corrupt Republicans are and how they should all be put in jail.  Once they are finished ranting tell them the person is not a Republican, but rather John Kerry.  It will be a real kodak moment, please I encourage all you Democrats to try this on your fellow Democrats.  Do post pics of facial expressions once you tell them this person is none other than John Kerry.  
  Yes Kerry served honorably in Vietnam and should be commended.  But is seems like he was a more courageous soldier than he is a politician.  Why this man would vote for the Iraq war this time and not in 91, specially after he lived through the hell that was Vietnam is a question that I go nuts trying to figure out.  Kerry is king of special interest, voted for the Iraq war and voted for the Patriot act.  Please tell me then why do you insult Republicans for the exact same thing, why??  kerry said this war is justified, only that he would have gone about pursuing it differently!!  Then why do you insult Bush when he claims this war was justified.  Your presidential nominee to be says the exact same thing too.  
    A good majority of them are the same when they get into office because they know the public doesn't bother to hold them accountable once in office.  

sdstud 18 Reviews 3481 reads
16 / 34

Kerry, like EVERY other senator, took donations from interested parties.  During a carefully chosen time window, he got more donations than other senators.  But when did his VOTES actually betray his long stated positions?  I contend that they never did.  The fact is, you can't succeed in politics without taking donations.  What MATTERS is whether you continue to vote your principles.  Kerry did.  If he DIDN'T take donations, he'd get steamrolled by Bush in the election.  Now, he can ALMOST match the war chest that BUSH got from PACs and Lobbyists in the Oil industry.  

Unlike Kerry, BUSH and Cheney has CLEARLY swung business the way of Halliburton in no-bid contracts, after receiving donations.  Which, BTW, Cheney actually profits from because of all the Halliburton Stock Options he holds.

And pretty clearly, the main reason that most of the top folks at Enron are NOT on trial, with Perp Walks in Prime Time, is that they were HUGE donors to Bush / Cheney.

ALL Politicians take donations, from both savory and unsavory sources.  What matters is how they ACT, not where their bankroll came from.  And, BTW, the fact that Kerry has personal wealth that is UNRELATED to this stuff makes him at least as resistant to corruption than Bush, and I would argue more so.  But that's a red herring.  The problem is that Bush's ACTIONS IN OFFICE are why he needs to go, and SOON.  Those craven actions WERE predictable on the basis of his lack of character, demonstrated all through his life leading up to the Presidency, and now we are stuck with him, but only until this illegitimate term is over.

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 2352 reads
17 / 34

I forgot about the original post. I got a big laugh out of it...very funny.

sdstud 18 Reviews 2968 reads
18 / 34
SULLY 24 Reviews 3108 reads
20 / 34

Bill Clinton was so strong because he regularly purloined any good ideas the GOP had and blended them into his package.  

And thanks to a president who alienates so many, you are actually less safe than you were before 911.  Or do you think taking off your shoes in airports is actually achieving something?

But you are clearly into self delusion- as well as typical American  ignorance of history- so enjoy it while its going.

BTW- since you are against progessives- will you be calling for a return to slavery soon?   Perhaps a repeal of the woman's vote?  

Enjoy yourself now- and I trust your children will enjoy the penury you bought for them with your vote!

And FYI- I used to be a Reagan/Thatcher righty-  and then I saw the damage done up close.  Now I am about as middle of the road as they get.

happy12 2788 reads
21 / 34

I find it ironic that a person who partakes of illicit BJs, whould prefer Mr Bush, who is a convicted drunk driver, to Clinton who also partook of illicit BJs. But then conservative GOPers have never been known to be consistent with their moral family values have they.

BTW the terror threat against America isn't lower. That's just spin from the Rove and Scooter Libby lie machine. Howerver the threat and intimidation from the Cheney and Bush FEAR machine against people like Amb Joe Wilson and his wife Valeri Plame is indeed growing.

But Bush has not only squandered sympathy, he has also squandered the projected budget surplus on a war based on lies. He has squandered over 530 American lives so his corporate pimps can reap huge profits at the expense of the poor and middle class people of America.

If Bush's actions are not "high crimes and misdemeanors", then nothing is.

Yes, Clinton Admin had 8 years of peace and prosperity. Bush in 3 has managed recession and war.


AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 3896 reads
22 / 34

That`s ridiculous.
Number one, nobody cares much about an affair in the Whitehouse. At least I don`t. What I thought was wrong was this.....we have a president lying his ass off to effect the decision in the Paula Jones case. It was relevent information and regardless of your opinion of her or her case you have to admit that of all people, the president, who happens to also be a lawyer, should be expected to uphold the rule of law and give honest testimony and let the chips fall in that case where they may. Face it, it was spun to be about a sloppy header when in fact it was about Clinton lying under oath to screw Paula Jones out of her day in court and to beat the rap.
Secondly, You`ll never get anyone except those blinded by hatered to believe that ANY president would send American soldiers to fight and die for a few "corporate pimps". Come back when you get past your conspiracy theory state of mind and join in a realistic conversation. BTW.....where exactly is this recession you mentioned. Maybe someone else can give the correct definition but I thought it was something like X amount of quarters with no growth.

-- Modified on 2/9/2004 2:05:09 PM

sdstud 18 Reviews 3999 reads
23 / 34

He did it for ALOT of corporate pimps.  And, it was simply his lack of grasp over the actual situation that led to this.  Dumbya thought he could do this with maybe 50-100 American lives lost.  He even thought he was done (as in "Mission Accomplished" Fly me to the Carrier to Brag) when there were only around 120 Americans killed.  Also, do you believe that the fact that Dick Cheney has personally benefitted to the point of MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the value of his stock options due to the no-bid largesse bestowed upon Halliburton might not POSSIBLY influence the man's judgement and counsel to the President.  How naive can you be?

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 3761 reads
24 / 34

Look.......We all have our opinions about this stuff and I know that there aren`t going to be any minds changed here. I don`t agree with allot of what has been said but I`m willing to wait and see what the country has to say in November. If you guys win then so be it. I`ll certainly get over it. I`ll back my president and hopefully we`ll all get out alive no matter who runs the show. It`s a difficult world to navigate through and I think Bush is doing as well as anyone could expect given the cards he`s been dealt. I have to say though that the thought of Al Gore as a wartime president would worry me.
The oil issue has been a favorite of the libs since day one and I`m amazed at all the theories surrounding it. It`s the nature of politics I guess.  

sdstud 18 Reviews 4269 reads
25 / 34

As for me, I consider it my utmost patriotic duty as an American citizen to do ANYTHING I can to get this cretin OUT of the White House, and back to a job he has the aptitude for:  shovelling sh*t on his ranch in Crawford, TX.

This nation can't afford four more years of Bush and Cheney.

bribite 20 Reviews 2643 reads
26 / 34

Bush's nickname -  "43"!

Oh, one other one, sdstud is a whiner and most likely has always been and will always be a whiner.

bribite 20 Reviews 6002 reads
27 / 34

The weirder you morons get with these conspiracy theories the more responsible voters are sickened by it.

Keep it up, you're sealing the deal, and I appreciate you doing your "patriotic duty"!

sdstud 18 Reviews 4407 reads
28 / 34

And I won't be whining while Dumbya is back to shovelling sh*t on his ranch in Crawford.  I'll be celebrating the return of Democracy to our nation.

sdstud 18 Reviews 4474 reads
29 / 34

That's all that's required to get him voted out of office.

Dumbya can stand on the following "achievements":

Presiding over the worst increase EVER in the Federal Deficit

The first administration to suffer net job loss since Hoover

Destroying our nation's prestige worldwide

Getting us into a quagmire of a war on false pretenses that WE started against the consensus of the rest of the free world.  And getting 530 brave (MUCH Braver than the AWOL President, I might add) Americans killed, and 3000 of them maimed.

Yes, that is quite a record of accomplishment for Bush.  Qaddafi would be proud of a record like that.

bribite 20 Reviews 3342 reads
30 / 34

and more about the stolen election!

Republicans will pick up 3 Senate seats and around 15 House seats.  Bush by 9%.

And 15% percent of the country will whine and pout and continue to subscribe to conspiracy theories.  Oh, and believe that Elvis is still alive.

sdstud 18 Reviews 2918 reads
31 / 34
gtown 3 Reviews 2261 reads
32 / 34
emeraldvodka 2408 reads
33 / 34


  First of all you do not get solutions by voting for the lesser of 2 evils, you just get the lesser evil.  
  Its very very simple and elementary!!  Hold every politician accountable, don't vote blindly for a party like the Taliban do, and question everything coming out of a politicians mouth.  Those 3 things made the birth of this nation possible.  
  If you are a Democrat and are  going to support Kerry, then shut your loud trap about Bush lying and misleading us into war, how the Patriot act is going to steal civil liberties, and how special interests rule govt.  Or hold  Kerry accountable for voting for this war, voting for the patriot act and being king of special interests.  Just don't give one person a free pass because that person belongs to your party.  And when people stop giving free passes to people, this country will have a much better crop of leaders to choose from.

sdstud 18 Reviews 2028 reads
34 / 34

Specifically to be used IF it was justified.  There is a HUGE difference between authorizing the President to act if HE deems it necessary, than in actually taking the action the President took.  

Kerry, just like everyone else, did not know the degree to which this Administration was lying to America and brazenly following a personal agenda.  And, as a representative of the people, he was following the popular will in voting for the authorization.  Remember that public opinion was over 85% in favor of the Iraq war, because we had been led to believe that Saddam had Nukes that would soon become an Imminent Threat to us, were Saddam not overthrown.  Yes, when lied to by our leaders, we are all capable of making incorrect decisions based on those lies.  Kerry is one of MANY in the Congress that did so.

-- Modified on 2/10/2004 11:07:47 AM

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