TER General Board

Isabella Narchi
LexPerry 107 Reviews 1627 reads

I've been reviewing on this site for a long time, but I don't think I've ever used the message boards.  I hope this thread is appropriate.

Isabella Narchi was, until recently, well reviewed on this site with many positive reviews.  So, she has been on my radar.  There is an ad saying that she is coming to my area soon.  I did what I always do and came here to review her profile and verify the ad.

She no longer has a profile on this site, which I guess can happen for any number of reasons.

I have two basic questions:
(1) Can I trust the ad--i.e., how can I be confident that Isabella Narchi is really coming to town to do what she has been well reviewed doing?
(2) Should I infer anything from the disappearance of her profile (followed by the appearance of an ad suggesting she is still on tour)?

Any useful input/feedback will be appreciated.

unless it''s confirmed from some other source. Does it have an email contact address?
2) Infer suspicion.

RespectfulRobert44 reads

You can post on her hometown board and try and get info from her guys there. You can also check on the RO board if you have those privileges.  
Odds are she just delisted because she felt she didn't need anymore reviews here or may not have liked TERs policies or whatever. As you said, there can be a number of reasons.  
Just the mere act of her leaving here wouldn't cause me not to see her as I see many women who were never on TER and who were once and then left.
Do you research first like I said, check other review sites and then make a decision. Good luck!

For me, leaving TER alone wouldn't be enough to send me running. But I would want to be able to verify it's still her. She may have left because she no longer wanted her business posted on TER. What I would need though is something to insure it is her. If she has a website or Twitter presence that assures me, I am good. But if she does not and her ads are new and otherwise her online presence is scarce, I would not chance it. I did a Google search with her name and the word escort, and she doesn't seem to have much out there. Personally, this is enough for me not to risk it.

As Robert said, there are plenty of legit providers who were never listed here or who once were and are gone. Plenty of innocent reasons to be delisted, most common being the provider’s choice.  

BUUUuuuT, it’s always possible someone realized she had a good reputation here and is now delisted, and started a scam using her name and photos. Less likely is that she made a pivot from legit provider to some sort of scammer.  

How much do you remember about her old profile and how long has it been gone? If you were satisfied that her reputation here was totally solid and she hasn’t been gone long, then she is probably fine. Is this ad you saw in the same place she advertised when she was listed?

Search engine her name and contact info from the ad you saw. (Each thing separately.) If you can find old ads from before she delisted with the same contact info that’s on the ad you see now, that’s a pretty good sign. If she has a verified, active SM that goes back to before delisting and mentions this tour to your city, that’s a good sign. If she has a currently active P411 that goes back to her time of being on here, then you’re probably golden like the shower.  

At the end of the day you’re going to have to go with your gut and take your chances. There’s no reason to think that her being delisted from here proves she’s now dangerous.  

You will be more likely to get better intel if you post this on the local board of her old home city and/or cities she toured often, if you can remember.

Looks like her twitter/tryst/website is down, so, odds are she's either retired, rebranding, or taking a break.  

Smart money's on retired.

Then it would look like her Eros ad for St. Louis is fake if she is retired??  Ads has her coming this month
But I dunno about her. I don't like her email handle.

Life comes at you fast, and there's a chance that she had a 'burn it down' moment, usually real-life exposure, and the eros ad, for whatever reason, wasn't able to be removed.

Either that or she's using a manager to manage her web presence and they haven't been paid, so she was burnt by someone else with control, and they simply missed eros, or weren't the ones who posted the ad, etc.

Like I've said before though, lots of reasons to remove web presence, especially reviews, none of which stand to benefit you, the customer, at all. So hard pass. I'm sure there are plenty of ladies in STL that'd tickle your fancy.

I'm in LA/ Vagas and not in  St Louis but I recall her from her SLC days and I was just trying to help a dude out.  
But if I was in St Louis she wouldn't be on my list.....not feeling her

-- Modified on 2/29/2024 7:29:26 PM

No need for a provider to play  'hide and seek',unless it's  a scam.

She (?) has a new website.
The e-mail address is vague, and the phone number is new.
I'm still unsure.

Hi, my TER is activated again. I understand your concern but I needed to change my website and email duo personal reasons. However, my number and previous email was always active and I’d be happy to reply if you had contacted me directly. I understand this changes can bring concerns, I’ll keep my account here. Have a nice day 🥰

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