TER General Board

My vote for worst website design and here's why. Now post your worst site.
trustno20 4306 reads

I haven't see this discussed here. I know TER has a 'best of' category, but how about a worst of?

Maybe if enough of us provide feedback they will change. Here goes.

* The site forces you to use cookies. A privacy no-no and in this hobby, privacy is everything.
* Too heavy emphasis on animation.
* Slow........ because of the animation.
* Overly complicated in my opinion. This is a definite bad trend on many sites. Are you listening ladies? Don't let your webmasters talk you into flash or audio any crap like that KISS is the way to go.

Guys and gals, chime in here. If you don't agree, that's fine, but let us know what you believe is a good design for a web page.

BTW. twp of my personal favorites is www.avalonrose.org or www.msvickibbw.com. both sites use different techniques but both have an elegently simple but effective approach.

at least the text can be easily read and is not too jarring to the eyes.

My vote for worst sites are those that have tons of fine text in pale lavender against a black background.  You can to blind trying to read it all.  Often you will find text that overruns other text

The second most annoying think about some sites is the inability to go from one page to another without a long transition.

Bizzaro Superdude1648 reads

this hodgepodge of difficult to read text and unrevealing photos.  In general it is a very busy web site.  It is very difficult to obtain information or even a good idea of what this provider provides.  I'll be the first to admit that while it loads quickly, it is pretty difficult to read.  And I get no idea of what the provider really looks like - either face or body (for privacy, I can understand not disclosing the face - but bod???  ;)  

Again, she defends this site because it loads ok on HER computer, but my guess, and we are only going on a hunch here, not many hobbiests view her site on HER computer.... so maybe she should FIX THAT SITE!

This is certainly the worst beyond question. Wonder why she doesn't fix it or at least view it on someone elses PC. I think the frames are screwed up.
I'd be suprised if anyone booked after looking at this site!

redundant: CB answered my question in post higher up

-- Modified on 11/8/2005 7:28:12 PM

trustno202290 reads

What horribly overexposed photos. And what's with the goofy expressions?

I've seen this site before and stayed away on the basis of the photos alone.


My site attracts exactly the clients I like, which is - aside from the mysterious technical blur thing - what it's for. People I'm not going to get along with don't like my site and so don't call me.

I use webcam photos because they are current photos that show me, not some glammed-up fantasy crap. I have a few of those kind of photos still on directory sites, and they're coming down.

I'm sorry you don't like goofy. However, thankfully for you, there's 8 billion Boopsy McTits bimbo sites out there for you to peruse.

I cannot see what you guys are seeing! I'm using Dreamweaver, and previewing in both IE and Firefox.

Maybe if somebody would be a little more descriptive and/or send me a screenshot, I can do something about it.

I did some work on the second page in this afternoon; did that help?

When I first saw this site that HWF listed I did notice some overlapping, but nothing too serious.  It looks fine to me now.  I'd give it a 7 out of 10.

Thanks! Ironically, I did some work on it for the first time in a couple months - switched hosts and was having FTP problems - this afternoon, before I saw this thread, so maybe I've fixed some of it. Yay!

I totally agree about the "cookies" issue, and the opening screen was pretty annoying, too.  It's good that they do provide pictures of most of the ladies, and while it's a nice idea to give each girl her own page (but have thumbnails of all her pics on the main gallerypage), the descriptions could be a little more informative -- I really don't give a damn about a provider's astrological sign, and what the hell does "Special: GFE" mean?  Also, things like "available some days and nights" isn't helpful; if the provider's availability changes, then post it when you know -- otherwise, it seems like you're dangling her out there as bait, even though she might never be actually available.  The final thing that bugs me about this site is the massive number of spelling mistakes and plain old errors -- a brown-haired woman is not a "burnett", and if your "touring rate is "+$250.00", then it damn sure isn't "slightly higher" than the regular rate.

Things a site ought to have...
* Accurate photos of the provider.  Face pics would be nice, but I understand if someone is uncomfortable with providing them. Let the reader know how recent the shots are.
* Easy navigation from anywhere in the site; don't make me go back to the mainpage every time I'm done with one of your other pages.
* Complete information about rates; it pisses me off to get told on the phone, "Oh, there's an extra charge for that, even though it's not mentioned on my page."
* Some way to let us know if the page is current.  I've found way too many pages where, when I call or email, I'm told that "I stopped seeing new clients" or "My hours of availability have changed."
* Some sort of information about what services are offered.  It doesn't have to be explicit, but if your ass is a no-go zone (as one example), please find some way to get that information out there. Saying "your enjoyment is my goal" is nice, but ultimately meaningless.
* Make it readable.  High-contrast text color against your background is important, and excessively flowery script is hard to read.  Also, show links in a standard way; having links that only reveal themselves as links when you mouse over them is majorly annoying.

Michelle Aston2103 reads

Well, it beats the average "under construction" page...

WebTerrorist1949 reads

I've seen a lot of "Under Construction" pages I would say most don't mention:

hot wings, nail polish, a black slip, travel packets of toothpaste, dirty socks, email from a submissive, expensive porn, or a clitoris.

Of course it is possible I just haven't seen enough "Under Construction" pages...or that the ones I have seen are limited in their scope...

-- Modified on 11/8/2005 6:59:38 PM

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