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My twin sister...
sweetnicole1 See my TER Reviews 2380 reads

I have a twin, she's wonderful...she knows what I do, I had to tell her, she's my twin after all. No secrets here. She is a shrink and as you can assume she at first thought this was wreckless and poor behavior. We are Identical in looks, but so very different in every other way.
All her shock for what I do passed years ago when she first found out, and she has come to terms with my choices. she was at a seminar not long ago and ran into one of my reg gents who thought she was me, after a few seconds of confussion she simply said, That would be my twin sister, I'll tell her you said hello. Then she called me to inform me of how uncomfortable it was for her.  She was never worried about anyone thinking it was her til that moment. Now she doesn't know what to think.

THFKAM431 reads

But your client should have his head examined (no pun intended) for approaching someone he thought was a provider AT A SEMINAR FOR PROFESSIONAL THERAPISTS.  There have been many threads on this board in which most hobbyists have agreed that it is bad form to approach a provider in public.  And this is worse -- he saw your sister in a professional setting.  What the hell was he thinking -- that you might be a therapist moonlighting as an escort and therefore it was OK to mention your moonlighting to you in public??!!

If I were your sister I would have said:  
"I don't know what you are talking about.  
I have a relative who was once in the escort business, so maybe YOU have been her client."

She was so taken by surprise and I feel terrible about that. She left immediately afterwards. I then recieved a call from my client to say he was so sorry he said he was so sure it was me.
Their conversation started as if he knew her. She thought it was professional until he said he had a wonderful time last week and wondered if she was working on Fri. and would love to see her. She was so shocked |I think she didn't know what to say. Thankfully it was out of her area and hopefully would never run into him again.

That has never happened to me..yet..thankfully. But in my professional life if it did, I would just die..don't worry I have been told I have a few twins  out here too (celebs mainly) helps keep me UTR..(smile)

She will be ok..

my2cnts166 reads

I know it's not the issue but Moment is 100 percent correct.  It has been discussed before and the general rule is that you do not approach a provider in public.  Very bad move on the client's part.

tokai307 reads

Lots of ways we could poke fun at the situation, but given that you are serious, and it is a serious problem, I'll pass this time.

One would think that a Shrink could dissect the situation, and figure out an appropriate response. She doesn't approve of what you do, but She is not you. Hate the sin, but love the sinner.

Other than that, the fundamental problem here is: Is what you do affecting her? In particular her reputation? Because you are identical twins, it would not be unreasonable for someone to mistake the two of you, and somehow gossip is started that your sister is an escort.

If it does happen, then the only thing she can do is to out you. If push comes to shove (let's say her license is at risk), then she would have to explain that her twin sister is an escort, and that the accuser had mixed up the two of you. At that point, you are outted. That is the risk you are taking.

It would not be a comfortable situation for either of you, but it is not a situation of her making. She is the innocent party, and has a right to defend herself. Obviously she will feel responsibilities to you. But, if it is a choice between everyone thinking she is an escort, or you are the escort, there is not much left to protect.

I have no issue with what she said to him I only wish she had not been put in that situation. My sister is very dear to me, we are very close and she did need to seperate herself from me and to say to him its not her but me I am ok with. We do look still identical. Quite often as twins grow up they look less and less alike, we still look so much alike to most people so I am fine with her reaction. I was and still am only concerned with her feelings. I never would do anything to harm my sister.

kerrakles109 reads

for not using good judgement.

Society in general has become very tolerant about people doing stupid, ridiculous and brain dead things and apologizing for it. One should use good judgement to begin with.

Moreover, we accept people saying I did not know, I was unaware of it, so on and so forth and we accept these lame excuses.

Everyone knows or should know this business is frowned upon by the society at large or at least they pretend to be, so, one should always use their head and good judgement.

Calling you after putting your sister in an uncomfortable situation is no excuse. There is no excuse to behave in such a manner even if it was you!

tokai464 reads

I'm not sure if the guy did anything wrong. If he was discrete in approaching the sister thinking she was the escort, then it seems ok to me. They were in a public place (conference) where random attendees talk to each other. It was the sister that called the escort, not the guy.

Now, if they had passed each other randomly on the street, that would be a different issue.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 6:34:26 PM

RubberDollAtUrSrvc141 reads

No, it NOT ok to just walk up to a lady. EVER. Under ANY circumstances.

You never know who might walk up to her while you are chatting and say "Who is this hon?".

WE have the right to discretion, the same as you. If you see a lady in a public place have some RESPECT for her privacy and private life.

I'm not a legal expert but my understanding is that one's license would not be in jeopardy because of gossip, but her livelihood coud be. Usually a person's license is only challenged when there is a specific charge by a specific patient or client directed at their therapist. But, your sister will definitely need to think of how she will deal with this without outting you. I hope you both can dialog about this, and it doesn't become a major obstacle in your relationship.

By having a website I see myself to some degree as already "outing" myself by putting myself out there to begin with more than she ever could. If it were to be a problem in her career I have no issue with her stating that it was her sister. I also have no shame for who I am or what I do.  I see the world differently than she does is all. There was never a threat to her career but I feel terrible with putting her in such an uncomfortable situation.

DickWart321 reads

I'm not trying to be rude or offensive here, but two things come to mind:  1) EVERY guy reading this is wondering the same thing, so I might as well put it out in the open... and 2) Obviously we don't know your sister, but she could truly be envious of you and it could be a fantasy of her's to step into "your world".

I suspect many of the guys were not thinking of 3 ways; I certainly was not.   I am afraid the post suggests a mind-set that thinks of providers as objects, rather than as people.

lol...not a chance...
We are so alike in looks but truely thats where it ends. My sis is not nor has she ever been even a bit sensual.
She is all business, very uncomfortable with sexuality and believe me, thats the main reason she was uncomfortable with my choices. She could never see herself doing what I do.
She really doesnt understand that there is So much more to it all than sex. Passion, Intimacy and Sensuality are the main factors in a truely Erotic Fantasy experience. Some people are just not Passionate in that way. My sis is one of them. I do feel she handled herself fine and we will all in one way or another grow from it.

maybe your sis is just waiting for her evolution to her alter ego.  Or she is already indulging in her desires and am ashamed of them.  help her.  Sex with twins has always been one of my fantasies.  especially if the twins pleasure each other as well...

Now THAT would be a Dr's appointment of my dreams!

It is great that your sister & you are able to accept each other as is.

is set up a full length mirror next to the bed and you'd have nearly the same thing, and save half the cost.

Then you have quadruplets or actually an infinity of the same woman giving you pleasure.

RubberDollAtUrSrvc950 reads

My sister is a provider as well, and the fact that we are sisters is something we are both very careful not to reveal. First a$$hole that suggests I engage in INCEST is going to get a knee to his groin. Just the thought is SICK.

how anyone less adventurous than you in the bedroom is a repressed prude, and anyone more adventurous is a disgusting pervert?

Anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anybody driving faste than you is an asshole.

Everybody has their "hot button" issues that push them over the edge of reasonable thought and make them revert to to the standard "you are a sick person" response.

We have just found out what her issue is.   To bad we will never know the person to attribute that to.

..because she would never have me?   I am simply not her type.   :)

But seriously folks:

The concept of two sisters pleasing a man is a fantasy that many a man has, and if the two women are naked, but not "doing" each other, then it does involve incest, but just two sisters pleasing a man.   In the non-hobby world, I am sure it has happened many times that a woman has been with "her man" and the sister of the woman joins in and helps the pleasing of the man without anything happening between the sisters.

Not all FFM interludes involve the two women going at it.   In fact I much prefer if they pay attention to me, not each other.  Just watching:  I can do that with a video tape.

There are many different scenarios where two women can be with a single man, but not get involved with each other, just like there are many ways that two straight men can be with one woman and still they do not "touch" each other.

So it does not involve incest in many cases, just nudity.   There is a difference.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 11:34:43 AM

Just a joke, please bring the heart rate down. :-)

It doesn't have to be incest because they don't have to have sex with each other.

BTW, you rail against incest, but say nothing about the wholesale abuse of rubber dolls.  Hidden agenda?

LOL  :-D

It's a biological fact: children raised together have NO attraction to one another.

Identical twins might be an exception. It must almost be like masturbation. I have heard of identical twin providers.

harryj429 reads

different approaches to providing therapy but it is my guess that the therapy you provide is at least as beneficial as hers.

RubberDollAtUrSrvc166 reads

Helloooooo IDIOTS!!!!!!! Just because we are providers doesn't mean that our discretion is not just as important as YOURS.

If you see a provider in public DO NOT....DO NOT.....DO NOT act like you know her. Would you want HER walking up to YOU and striking up a conversation while you are standing there with your boss or God forbid your wife????? The lives we lead are often just as secretive as yours is.

Your regular gent should have NEVER spoken to her (you) in public. My suggestion - drop him like a bad habit. If he is that careless of your discretion, he is not worth continuing to see.

AWomanLikeNoOther760 reads

who has no respect for another's privacy. He should never have approached "you" in public.

absolutely...it was out of line, and he IS gone

shudaknownbetter99 reads

Agreed, the "gent" was a dumbass.  Everyone knows to never approach (let alone talk business) to a provider/client in public.  What was he thinking/drinking?  At least he called to appologize so you can identify the moron!  

Fortunately your sister knew and handled it as best possible.  I'm sorrry she was placed in that embarasing position.      

My current Fav frequents the same resturant as me...  we joked about it at an incall far far away.  If we ever bump into each other, we're strangers.  I will not use her incall when she's local...  it's just not smart.    

I don't know how you advertise or where you live, but if you have your face picture in your ad/website, you are putting both yourself and your sister at risk especially if your sister lives in the same area.

Have you ever had one of her patients come up to you?

Do you think you guys share a client without knowing, and wouldn't that be one of the luckiest guys in the world- being able to connect with his shrink on two very intimate levels?  This one has the making of a great screenplay, and if it is happening, he deserves to be in some sort of hall of fame.

Along the same lines, have you ever considered trying to finagle some third party billing options through your sister's practice for your services?  I, for one, would love to have Blue Cross / Blue Shield pay for me to see you. :-)  If taken further and combined with the whole shared client concept, you could sneak into your sister's office on alternate sessions and really reset the guy's mental health.  (great, now I'm popping wood)

A comment.

IMHO, Good shrinks and good providers work on the same level - making a connection with their client's; whether through listening and feed back skills like your sister does, or through sensuality and great sex like you do.  When you say that you and your sister are less alike as you  grow older, you shouldn't loose sight of the fact that you are both helping people through the connections you make with them.  I would never go see a shrink, but I will make every effort to see you.  Please expect an email.  

BTW, I'm with the Wart, if there is ever a double in the offering, there's not a whole lot I wouldn't do to make it happen.


Sorry All...
thats not going to ever happen. I do understand that it is a fantasy but Some fantasies I just can't make come true. For that one...the sister doubles thing, you will have to look elsewhere.

And I got your email and you should have gotten mine by now.
Have a sweet day all
xoxox Nicole

My question would be, how can you be a shrink and be sexual repressed. Dealing with sexual issues is a major part of therapy, or so I thought. I wonder how she deals with other people detailing there sexual needs and desires.

Maybe she could refer you some business (That's  intended to be a joke)

you - a provider - she a therapist...
both are professionals.. Just different professions....
Both relate to the client/patient on a personal level and they reveal secrets to you...
both require skills.....
both get paid by the hour....
both involve "the couch"!  lol!
both professions require that you care about people

and you say that you and your sister are not alike...  obviously you are more alike that you both are capable of imagining.....

I've had people confuse me with my twin brother..... many times... which is confusing to them... as I am an only child.  They say that everyone has a double... this "client of yours" should remember that the next time he sees someone he thinks is a provider... as I do think that there are doubles out there.... who are not even related...  just happen to look the same.  ME???  who is the twin that I am confused with?  well there are several... Sean Connery, Ralph lauren, Richard Gere, and my fave.... Brad Pit.

-- Modified on 3/10/2008 2:16:24 PM

I too have a twin and I engage in some pretty out there sexual diversons. I got her in trouble at college (we attended te same one) I was such a party girl. My sister kinda knows what I've done for years. I am not a provider, just a kinky girl who likes to have fun. We don't look much alike anymore though, she has 20 lbs on me and dresses out of Talbots. I dress more like Bebe or Versace. My hubby loves that we do what we do and if she ever wants to join us she can.

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