TER General Board

My pleasure.....regular_smile
MrSilk 4 Reviews 1926 reads

However, I was not really trying to "change the world" only bring this forum back to what it is supposed to be....about having fun getting laid.  Also, my post was nothing more then one of "observations," not judgment or condemnation.  Some may agree, some may not.  I just would like to remind all that there are plenty of other sources for bad, serious news.  Just maybe this isn't one of them.

Happy Bunny4793 reads

The sky is falling cause I agree totally with your thread below. ;) I find you to be such a pain in the ass most of the time and I am delighted to read something I agree with. You see how I continue to make this about me...it's an art form...trust me.

And because I am such an egotistical c*nt, I have chosen to start another thread for fear my comments will get lost, therefore losing what little limelight I can gleen from these boards. Because being retired and obsolete is so damn frightening.....

I fear me and my alter egos (i.e. Lass, Gracie and Wyked) may be a part of the list of those damn people who always have an opinion. I have noticed more often that there is less time spent on the intricacies of this arena and more concern over peoples personal lives. But don't most of these people say their private lives are off limits? Don't ask me my info, I won't share it. Don't ask my real name, it's none of your beeswax. Don't tell me who and when you work or what your alias is because, because, because. And then it is...oh my cat Fluffy has carpel tunnel in his left rear paw and I need $10,00 for surgery, here is my Pay Pal account.........

Now, I have known women and men in this playpen who have been seriously ill. I have even on an occasion donated to whatever fund was going at the time. The diff was, it was done privately. Thru e-mail and phone calls. I have watched too many people scam the public, counting on the fact that most hobbiests and providers have some sort of short/long term memory loss, and feigned illness or despair and gone on vacation or gotten married or had some frivolous surgery. It makes my ass twitch to think about it. But..it goes on all the time. (No Jill I am not talking about you hun...)

I have also seen many people get up and preach as though their opinion was the Gospel...but whose Gospel I ask? Some don't even realize it's a question.

So when is it we go back to talking about getting laid...realizing that the women are really whores and the guys are tricks and this is about MONEY and Pleasure and Fantasy and not try so f*cking hard to sugar coat it. There is nothing wrong with being a Hooker. I was for 4 years. And those tricks...well I dated one and a few others became my friends that I still have. If you are hung up on labels then you will never fully appreciate the intimacies of this hobby. But most of all, you just begin to annoy the shit out of people....

I probably should have read this before i posted above, maybe....

Thank you.  Every once in a while it's healthy to have someone call it as it is.  And re-establish some sense of perspective to this entire situation.  Keep it up, luv.

However, I was not really trying to "change the world" only bring this forum back to what it is supposed to be....about having fun getting laid.  Also, my post was nothing more then one of "observations," not judgment or condemnation.  Some may agree, some may not.  I just would like to remind all that there are plenty of other sources for bad, serious news.  Just maybe this isn't one of them.

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