TER General Board

Mine are real. Hello out there!
CiaraPhx See my TER Reviews 5609 reads

To the man who wrote my last review: Why don't you ask me first before posting something inaccurate in a review? My breasts are not enhanced. If you don't know, then please ask me.  

Normally, I would ignore something stupid like this, but I don't like false statements said in a review where hundreds of men read these reviews and base their decisions on them.


-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:00:14 AM

When in Chicago last, I examined you, them thoroughly and they were not enhanced... ;)

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:27:19 AM

it's like he thought you were trying to fool him with those real boobs of yours, but he wasn't in any kind of mood to be fooled, LOL.

Take solace in the fact that he thought they were some of the most realistic ones he'd ever seen. You nearly fooled him.

I'm glad that I'm always simply in the mood to enjoy ourselves.

That's too funny and I agree.  However, when you make your living off of your "real" body then it's a lie in a review. Can you imagine if I said someone's/hobbyist's name and then stated, "He is small and limp and has to take three Viagra to even get close to getting it up. Now, would that be nice and true? Perhaps, but would I say it?  Maybe now. :)


Darth Hideous631 reads

"You're" is an abbreviation for "you are"....as in "you're not good at grammar". I think what you meant to say is spelled "your"....as in "your grammar is poor."

Seriously, who cares about the grammar. Making a post to correct her grammar is childish...about like a fifth grader.

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:28:01 AM

I think that's two people on this thread you've called Einstein.  Make up your mind.  BTW, the disclaimer on this website is "everything contained in this site is a work of fiction that is published for entertainment and amusement purposes only."  So are you admitting to prostitution here by only exposing just one part of the guy's review and thereby implying that everything else he wrote is accurate?

Consider this: you have a plethora of great reviews and this review in question is also a great review.  This guy spent his hard-earned money to see you and had a great time.  Now you're bashing him.  You're not going to lose business due to ONE review when you have a history of many great reviews.  Like you said, you've been around forever, is this one incident going to do you in?  I feel bad for the guy who spent his hard-earned money and did have a good time and now you treat him like shit and all your white knights come to your defense.  You're a pro, act like one.

Cpl_Punishment267 reads

Some of us are as concerned about the class of the company we keep as their boobs.

Moe is right, but even that is not the point.

The point is that you have done far more damage to your rep with this thread, than any comments about your boobs could possibly be.

Any comments about your boobs are a rumor.  Your pissing and moaning about the possibility that you might lose business shows us exactly where your head is.

You don't like people who argue over the last nickel on the table.  Neither do we.

Using multiple handles to make it appear as though there are more people replying to a topic is deceptive and not allowed.

I hate it when people correct grammar like you did on a message board, but your response to my post just made me laugh.

BTW, I wasn't coming to her defense, just had to address a pet peeve of mine...the whole grammar thing. I am picky about grammar myself, but I hate it when people correct other people, especially on message boards. Oh well.

"When you saw me last, I was but a master, now I am a pupil. Uhh, I mean  . . . " SHZZZZANK!! Ohhhhnoooo! Not my GONADS!"

to post some smart ass comment?  Ciara is a first class lady who happened to make a typo.  Are you perfect?

HuntHimDownandKillHim1051 reads

Maybe he's ignorant who knows but first... he did write a nice review...second...if your breasts being the size they are look so good that it'd be hard to believe they're not enhanced, that's a compliment. And third.... is it really necessary to call him out on the public board like this? Have you contacted him and maybe asked him to fix or pull the review?

I agree. Mine are as real as real can get and perform Russian extremely well.  They are a perfect fit.

Personally, I've found it funny when gents have suggested otherwise as I'm fairly small (fluctuating between a B and C cup...)  I've also had gents state that I had no tattoos (um... my website says so at the top of my gallery page, and in person you canNOT miss them unless you were um... too distracted by the confusion on whether my breasts were "real" or not lol!)

I'd take it as a compliment (edit add: and submit a problem report.)
: )

-- Modified on 3/4/2008 6:59:38 PM

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:29:13 AM

For yours, I'd have to echo that famous quote from Seinfeld:

  "They're real, and they're spectacular!"

(To all: For the record, I'm not one to normally highlight just one beautiful aspect of a lady, but one must recognize excellence when it is encountered!)

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 4:30:37 AM

angelshane840 reads

Don't feel bad I have my nipples, belly, and clit pierced and I had someone say I didn't have any piercings ????? I mean how can ya miss those????

Incredibly rich to the touch, too, about the most dense a guy could feel, very sweet.

I don't know why the Benefit of Doubt doesn't go to the woman, here. I mean if a guy can't tell in five seconds, he doesn't know!

The first provider I saw (third really) had incredibly large breasts that seemed too real. I couldn't determine it. In our second session, i asked her if they were enhanced; she said, no, they've had been partially lifted.

I'm glad I didn't say hers were artificial in my first review!

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:30:02 AM

Chuck Darwin579 reads

there's always somebody that doesn't get it.

But I don't know that there's many of us that want to listen to some tirade about the last poor schlub who fucked you.

Haranguing people online is a shitty way to negotiate a review.

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:30:51 AM

I guess I missed the mark on this one as I don't see how someone saying you have fake boobs would be a bad thing. I know girls around the globe that are enhanced with stellar reviews. If anything, it HELPED their business. I know how you feel though. When you have something to be proud of and someone makes a false statement it just ticks you off because now other people assume he is telling the truth if they have never met you.

I am all natural at DD and although no one has said they were fake yet, I could see how they might "assume" they are.  Yes some guys are that dumb! Ever read reviews where they say that an obvious enhancement IS natural...not that is funny! Makes you wonder who is writing some of those things!

So, by the time he decides to correct it, and TER staff puts up the corrected review, maybe she's lost business from guys who hate to be made boobs by artificial tits-- or have an allergy to silicon, or whatever.

Using multiple handles to make it appear as though there are more people replying to a topic is deceptive and not allowed.

Theoretically, Breasts are enhanced with the intention of making them "perfect"

Your breasts were perceived to be the best enhanced breasts


Your natural breasts are better than perfect.

Take it as a compliment, and please schedule a tour to Boston.  ;-)

Mr. Grossman433 reads

Loz ach neat. Mak neat otseamus. Zi gezund.

I did not go to meet you because of your beauty...
I did not go to meet you because of your reputation....
I went to meet you because I thought of you as a friend...
I went to meet you because you are you.

Quite the lady when I met you and gladly more than hoped for....
As all who have had the pleasure of meeting you know...
It is fun to be around you no matter the circumstance....
But what about you makes all this so?

I think I know in part what I saw when I first viewed your pictures...
someone who on life's journey travels with their heart and wit...
and there you were, in your white dress and all I could say was 'duh...'
But then you came over and made me feel incredible...

When life turned a wicked eye upon my life...
and I needed to talk who should help me late at night.
A friend who I met so briefly and for too short a time.
she listened and made the night a bit more bearable and helped me not cry quite so much...

Sorry, but Ciara is real - more real and honest than most.  

Sweetie... take heart... for that take mine...!  

Hugs from the Bizzare one!

I'm glad to have met you, too.


-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:33:30 AM

I have had a reduction mastopexy-a somewhat failed lift- they fell after only two years and are almost as big as before my surgery.
I have some scars but no implants. My profile used top say natural but now it says implants.
Some said I should take it as a compliment since implants can look better on big breast but my are ultra soft and squishy not firm like implants.

Someone even thought my "implants " were ruptured because there wasn't any bag to feel.
I told him they forgot to put the implants in and I should demand money back!!
They combined all my profiles and m=names and settled on implants without even asking me which was true.

shaka700403 reads

Always sincere, I guess thats how you came up with your username.

Very interesting story though.

I just reread what I stated in my original post earlier and have modified it. I started taking some strong meds for a sinus infection today, and it did not mix well with my other vitamins, etc. Gees! I feel really bad now. I still want men to think before they review someone and I do not like false statements about me with hundreds of men reading them every day and basing their decisions upon them. Anyway, yea they're real but no big deal. Sorry for the harsh wording earlier. Gees! Just let me go to bed and get up on the other side of it tomorrow. :)


-- Modified on 3/5/2008 12:07:28 AM

You have called out an experienced hobbyist on the general board and completely tarnished his name if that's how some people will take this.

Maybe he's a "jerk" or some of the other things you have called him, I'll never know but putting this out on this board is totally wrong in my mind.

This will certainly hit the provider board and potentially ruin this guys reputation and chances of references and whatever else. Maybe he's an idiot or maybe he was writing a review in his HO.(he did give you a nice review) Regardless this is not the place to call someone out publicly over your sensitivity to your tits.

If you were "professional" at all you would understand this and take care of this situation in a more private manner. Just MHO

"hundreds of men"? Well, at least lay off the "strong meds" but I would suggest you continue with the "vitamins" ...

If you're not concerned about your reputation as you stated above, why are you backtracking now by deleting or modifying your posts?  It seems like you've learned your lesson and are now doing damage control.  I guess now you see the pettiness of your tirade.  I still cannot fathom you would bash a guy for giving you a 9/9 review.
You may be a mature provider age-wise but definitely not mature in this instance.

is actually very mature.  Keeping at her once she has is definitely not.  You are replying to a post in which she admits and apologizes. Let it go bro, what is it to you anyway?

Admitting and apologizing is fine.  But she went back and rewrote history by deleting and modifying her posts to salvage her good name.  If no one sees it, no one knows what she is apologizing for?  She is not holding herself accountable by deleting or editing her earlier statements.  Stop sucking up.

I'm not sucking up, chances are that I'll never see her since I can't imagine when and if I'd ever get to Phoenix.  My opinion is that deleting and modifying the things she regretted saying is her way of owning up to it and fixing it. She could have easily just let it whither on the vine, but she didn't - She apologized and tried to fix it in her own way.  

So, we may disagree, but neither of us is wrong.  Why can't we just let the thread die a natural death.  What you are doing is stoking the fire, and to what end? Unless you are the reviewer, why do you insist on pushing it further?

She's not "owning up" to anything by deleting her posts and pretending it never happened.  I reread this entire thread and it is difficult to follow because she deleted most of the mean things she said and she totally butchered her original headlining post.  I don't consider that "owning up" to anything....it's more deceitful.  Regardless, some of us now know the kind of person she is and will stay away.  Save your white knightness for someone worthy.

Pretending it never happened? She's kept her names on the deletions. If she thinks better of it and decides to contain the damage, that's not pretending about anything.

What's there to follow here? She pointed out there was something false on one of her reviews, and guys went ape-shit about it because a "ho" shouldn't say anything 'gainst them with a dick.

You notice white knights, but I notice the opposite club, the conformist who will identify themselves with any swinging dick in any dispute with a woman.

Better a White Wnight than a member of the Dick Rescue Cavalry. At least the former isn't homo-erotic.

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 4:41:12 PM

GaGambler182 reads

she has no choice in keeping her name on the deletions. I'm with Moe on this one. Slamming a guy on a public board who gave her a 9/9 does not go a long way to endearing her to me at least. I'd chalk it up to her having a bad day if it were her first time, but it's not. class or lack thereof will always show in the end.

You ever coming back to the P&R board. Quad is trying to be a less literate, right wing version of you, but it's not the same. lol

The only difference is that she tries to correct them.

I don't expect her to feel a 9/9 is much of a compliment. It's for men that the number system is in there; the numbers don't mean anything to women, except what they believe it means for the men. Men get turned on by numbers, hence the Top 300, and also the feeling you get when you hear 36DD-25-36. The only number that really matters to her is the number in the envelope. That's real-world; that means something.

Meanwhile, the words mean much more the woman. The 9/9 isn't a compliment, it's just better than an 8/8.

I accept that some classy and excellent providers just don't co-exist well with the review system. That's what I think is actually happening.  But of course, it's our standards of class that are different.    

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 5:22:01 PM

But no, I'm sorry, I'm not coming back. I'm posting my political views elsewhere now.

GaGambler179 reads

You are going to get what you're going to get. sorry you don't like the responses, but you put it out there, not me.

GG this started on her regional board and then she brought it to the national, i think (imho) it started out as a joking  sarcastic innocent thread and she got slammed on the rb and the gdb and realized (under the influence of drugs) that she fucked up! still does not make it right.

GaGambler366 reads

sheesh, talk about biting the hand that feeds you. If she had just made an honest apology after the drugs wore off nobody except maybe the writer of the review would give a shit, but here she is still trying to have the last word.

I've posted stupid shit under the influence before, but I've been man enough to make sincere apologies and leave my original post up. If she had done the same I'd never have even commented on the thread.

Watching the predictable white knights come out in a feeble attempt to defend her was amusing though.

Yeah i did, he was the innocent vic in this case no doubt

and he has apologized to me for it and changing that part. No one has the right to say what he did, but I had no right to thrash him so badly (which I've already admitted to). Again, leave it alone.


I have already apolgozied. I told you I had a bad reaction from meds for a sinus infection that didn't go well with my vitamins and other meds for my brain, etc. From your posts and responses on this board over this past year, it sounds like you need to learn to forgive and perhaps apologize. Now that would be something truly amazing on your part, and I would respect you for it. For now, I just think you're a truly mean-spirited person, as in the past with your posts. Look at the way you respond to people on the P&R Board with words like "bitch" for Hillary Clinton, etc. I don't usually harrass anyone, and I still think it's okay to politely tell someone they're wrong about a review. After all, they are talking about personal and private matters. Remember, a review doesn't get changed for a week, and usually not with the provider's approval, so I was just letting everyone know the truth (albeit nasty at first, that's why I modified it when I came to my senses). And, quite honestly, I did that before when a hobbyist gave out my location and then got it changed quickly while I posted. So, please, give me a break! These reviews are not about your body. It's about our bodies, and we have the right to correct it and state our opinion on the board. Perhaps if your wife, girlfriend, or a close female friend had breast cancer you'd realize how important our bodies are to us. I, at least, apologized for my original post (even if it was due to bad meds). Gees! You're so cold-hearted. You've never apologized to a provider that you don't know and who has disagreed with you. I have a hard time believing you're even nice to the ladies you see, because your condescending behavior on the board tells many of us otherwise. What do you mean, "having the last word?" You can fool some people, but not me. Of course, I'm going to defend myself from people like you, but if it makes you feel like more of a man then by all means go for it, GA Gambler. Please don't gamble with my personality. Oh, and if you notice, the Phoenix board laughed it off and understood my apology, but then the reviewer and the guys know me.

Peace out, and please feel free to have the last word, because I am so done with this. :)


-- Modified on 3/6/2008 9:08:48 PM

GaGambler113 reads

stay out of the kitchen. You started this shit and obviously you are the one who can't let it go.

BTW I've been here a lot longer than a year and I stand behind everything I say, no alias posts, no ass kissing, no white knighting. If you don't like it that's your tough luck.

I don't know why you want to suck up to the other males, especially those who write false and/or boneheaded reviews. I myself wouldn't be defending like this, except I've met Ciara. Her tits aren't enhanced.  

She reconsidered her sarcasm and getting into a flame war, but she was totally in the right here. There's nothing for her to apologize for.  

I know a woman who had staff take down a 9/9 review because it wasn't true.

I see this as being fifty percent business, fifty percent vanity. Since it's both, and since there have been whooper mistakes in her reviews in the last six months, I had to consider she would be emphatic this time.

BTW, the last time the guy made this mistake, Ciara gave a very gentle, almost apologetic post, correcting it after speaking with the guy about it. She got this very SAME reaction from guys.

These were people who didn't know the guy who did the review, who had nothing to do with it, but who were so infuriated that she would seek to correct a guy's review and say an error had been made.
Didn't matter if they knew the guy or not.

Lo and behold, the Dick Rescue Cavalry rides to aid of another unknown dick under attack.  

That's why I'm a White Knight.

Just like the rest of the "Dick Rescue Cavalry" you don't know this guy and have nothing to do with it either. It doesn't matter if he's the biggest A-hole or the nicest guy around. NOBODY should be called out publicly like this. There are more professional and mature ways to handle these situations.

I don't know Ciara either and I'm sure she's a wonderful lady but she clearly crossed the lines of decency here (whether vindictively or not) and I think she sees that as evidenced by her apologies.

I think you are just trying to score some points with her because you cannot be that ignorant. Or can you?

Where did THAT rule come from?

It seems to me a discussion board is an ideal place for commentary on reviews, and very definitely, I've seen guys "call out" other reviewers without getting singed at all.  

I don't have any problem with the reviewer. Yes, he made a mistake. It's the rest of you feeling affronted by this who I find strange. I mean isn't there also a more courteous ways of correcting her too?  

Scoring points? I've fought for other women over   this exact same stupid issue, in and out of the hobby, about how guys will line up against them in dispute that has nothing to do with them personally. I've never taken a personal discount or freebee from any provider, if that's what you're insinuating-- and I'm not doing it in the future either.

However, yes, I think of Ciara as a friend. But I've stood up for other women on these boards who aren't friends, and who I never plan to see.

and what better way to tell the truth than on a discussion board. He's not being reviewed or judged, but he sure can dish it out, eh?


Like I said I was on medication. Perhaps some of you don't know the major surgeries I've been through lately, but I guess we're not supposed to be human beings, but do you really need to know? Guys: Just accept an apology. At least I apologize, unlike people who don't even know me and judge. Even my reviewer wrote me a nice email stating that he was in the wrong and wants to see me again. These guys need to get over it now.


count_dracula181 reads

but others have been trying to tell you that complaining about a less than perfect review is like trying to chisel a donation - and it's incredibly less classy when done in public.

Thanks for your support!

charlottesweetheart148 reads

Woohoo! Hurray for ass-umptions.

You would think that you'd be able to differentiate between the two, right?

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 11:08:20 AM

only if one boob is real and the other fake

ego_check172 reads

Did anyone think that it could have been a simple click of the mouse error?
Maybe his perception of what he was looking at was accurate in his eyes.
Either way, this guy did not deserve to be trashed, and if I were him, I would delete the entire review.

shaka700401 reads

CiaraPhx, please next time just file a problem report for the review.

Providers and hobbyists can both file them.

This is not the first time you have called out a hobbyist on their own review either.

Your conduct in this thread has not only embarresed the hobbyist but yourself as well.

Please, next time in life take the high road.

shaka700119 reads

I am just waiting for GaGambler to book an appointment with you.

Now that would be one heck of a review.

Take Care

All because your boobs are real and "appear" too perfect.

Just imagine all the attention you could get if you'd only get'em enhanced to perfection.

LOL j/k

-- Modified on 3/5/2008 7:23:27 PM

Again, I know I was harsh but I've apologized, but really guys think carefully before you write a review. I will try to correct it but the guy has to approve the changes first, and that can take up to a week. So, that is why I stated it on the board. After all, reviews entice other hobbyists -- and they want to know the truth.

After all, how would guys like it if someone stated something incorrectly about you in a review about your body? You guys argue over much more petty things than that sometimes. So cut me some slack, please! As far as the deletions: I said I modified it and deleted the reactions. Why stir up more trouble with new people. I'm not trying to wiggle out of it. Believe me, I'm a strong woman and don't need an alias. Let's get over this now already! :)


just stupid Ciara.  I am glad you don't paint us all with the same brush.

and even when you give me a hard time, but some are just plain rude and not worth raising the Civil War flag. Wink! :)


-- Modified on 3/6/2008 7:39:33 PM

can I see them and be a independent observer?

...but I'll believe it when I ____ them.

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