TER General Board

Lonely Cowards?
brownjack 609 reads

Yes, I review under an alias.  I also do not share all of my thoughts/experiences on this site, that I think are of interest (of course, they may be interesting to me only).

The reason that I do both, is because I have a strong suspicion that ladies that I have seen (and may see in the future) lurk on the discussion boards.  I don't want to embarrass anyone, hurt anyone's feelings or get in trouble for sharing stories that others may feel should remain private.  And, I think it would be ill advised to share my deepest monger thoughts with any of the ladies that I see.

I also, do not have any friends, who adhere strictly to the "Guy Code", with whom I can share my hobbying stories.  True story:  Individually, I had shared compromising stories with both of my long time best friends.  Both of them felt an obligation to share my stories with their respective SOs.

I'm lamenting not being able to fully share this part of my life with anyone.  (Waaaaaah!)

I think everyone needs someone to share this hobby life with that you can discuss your fun. I am very fortunate I make real friends here on TER. Today, I have a pool date with another provider. I enjoy making real life friends here on TER. My hobby guy friends check on me periodically & it feels good to be apart of a community that actually cares.

sharing my experiences here with friends that are not also part of this lifestyle, so I agree with you in that regard that it was ill-advised to share your history here with "civvies".   When I was new here, I found exchanging PM's with other people who were in my area and actually saw some of the same girls I was seeing led to some lasting relationships.  I know it's safe to share info with these guys because some of them have more to lose than I do if outed, so it can take years to build up the requisite level of mutual trust, but when you do, you often have a friend for life because you understand each other's perspective through this business.  

I would not say prudence is the same as cowardice.  It takes a certain amount of courage to even start participating in an activity like this that you know going in is illegal.  A certain amount of secrecy is expected if you are to survive in this scene for the long term.

Of course ladies lurk on the boards. Very few post.  

There are some things that I won't share in reviews. For instance, I've seen a few ladies who have greatly extended our dates OTC and even arranged to meet me for dinner, lunch, etc on subsequent days, all OTC. While I might write  that she isn't a clock watcher, I'd never, ever write that she spent 10 hours with me on a date that was booked for 1 or 2. That's just inviting every moron out there to expect the same thing and would repay a lady's kindness by giving her tons of grief. I've also had ladies provide me "services" that they upcharge for but didn't charge me. Again, there's no way I'd make that public.  

For years I had no one to talk to about my extracurricular activities but via TER I've made two friends who are extremely trustworthy and we share a lot of thoughts, opinions, and information. One I've met many times in person and one I have yet to meet.  

While it's nice to be friends with someone with common interests, I never felt frustrated or lonely having to keep the details of the secret part of my life to myself.

What Provider would pay you for anything?

Sometimes, it's enough just to walk around with a shit-eating grin on your face that says YOU have a secret.  

  Don't be sneaky and Don't pitty the Providers. You do that cause you are trying to get cheap ass price

If you consider me filtering the content that I share on the boards as "sneaky", then I guess I'm guilty.  

But, I don't pity providers.  On the contrary, I am grateful for their generosity and for demonstrating the courage to embark on a career that is generally looked down upon by society (at least American society).

As for "trying to get a cheap ass price", I do enjoy getting the most value (time, services) for my investment.  But, I don't think anyone would consider the ladies that I've seen as being "cheap", by any measure.

What? I don't get it.

Posted By: Kitty76
Re: Lonely Cowards
Ooops! Lone Coward! I thought it was a typo of Noel Coward! By bad.

I may be built a little different, but I don't mind not being able to share my experiences with friends irl. I would prefer a world where a board like TER wasn't needed. When I have sex with anyone, my preference is to keep it between us. This includes providers.

That said, I obviously don't adhere to this when I write reviews. But most of us likely did not go into our first session thinking about reviewing. When I started in the hobby, it was more disappointment than satisifaction. So much bait and switch and scam attempts. When I found TER and realized I could do my homework and save myself from so much disappointment, I only felt it was right to also review and help other guys. Not because I want to share intamate details, but because I want to save them from having the same bad experiences I had when I started off in this world.

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