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MSNBC's take on "high-priced call girls" vs. human trafficking
Love Hurts 1286 reads

How typical of a TV network to trumpet some kind of "inside look" at "the world of high-priced call girls" and then spend about five minutes on showing a chick from Las Vegas cross the state line....to have a haircut (on her head, yeah) in Beverly Hills. Then they go into her making half a mil in one year and her plans for retirement. And that's it! That was it for the "inside" info. Of course the segment on human trafficking shows some very cute, young girls from the former Eastern bloc getting a very raw deal somewhere in middle America, being enslaved by members of the Russian quasi-mafia, and the female attorney out to help them.

I don't begrudge the American public an inside look at the ugliness of female slavery, but it just shows that no one is really interested in hearing about well-adjusted, gorgeous women with college degrees (this one had a social work degree) who choose to be in control over their bodies and minds for a very large sum of money. Actually, it might even give some young, smart women some ideas! Not to mention the envy factor of every working person out there. Escorting is the new porn starring, or probably even better, because, hey, banging guys who pay 3,000 bucks a pop might actually be a really cushy, pleasant thing! Best to quash it as soon as we're able and show the misery of prostitution instead. A three minute blip versus a ten minute segment. Did the American public learn anything????

MrNewsMan180 reads

Here it is.  Click on the video box and several video interviews with escorts will run.

in another piece they spoke to baby doll gibson...but werent really interested in what she had to say

I read this earlier and I thought it was pretty good. She covered quite a bit of what's already been discussed in any number of forum topics that I've seen over the past 9 years.

The stuff about slave-trading is a problem. I doubt anyone here would defend that crap.

Regardless of what's been said, or who's gotten busted, "civies" haven't "been to the mountain"! None will ever understand until they do. They have no idea that places like this and other sites strive to make this hobby a pleasant and safe thing for all parties concerned.

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