TER General Board

Laurie Dew of FOX News
cinrye 4339 reads
1 / 27

She has one the sexiest pair of BBBJ lips I've ever seen.  Every time I see her on TV I get wood and fantasize about those lips on my cock. That would be the story of the century a news woman turning to the oldest profession.

- Oh - Merry Christmas Everybody!!!

superjafo 9 Reviews 4730 reads
2 / 27

Personally, I always get a chubby for Lisa Joyner, weather and entertainment babe on CBS (I think its CBS). Back when she was on Good day L.A. on Fox, she was way better than those two lobotomized bimbos. Those two just sucked the intelligence out of a room. I always feel sorry for Steve Edwards for having to put up with them. I'll bet he just dreams of every way possible of doing them in.

Snowblind 10 Reviews 7207 reads
3 / 27

...what the hell is in the water in Atlanta????  

It seems like everytime i turn around over the last year or year and a half at least one of the women on The Weather Channel is pregnant.

Don't get me wrong, there are a few i wouldn't mind turning the bed down with, but it sure seems like the weather room there has some interesting...... uummmmmmm .......... downtime??

Placebo 9 Reviews 2511 reads
4 / 27

Awesome BBBJ lips.  Full & sexy, but not overly thick.  Check out this fan's site.

By the way, her name is spelled Laurie Dhue.

MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2729 reads
6 / 27

is lobotomized.  It is part of the contract that Rupert Murdoch drew up.

And as for an anchorwoman turning to the oldest profession, almost every TV news person already is a prostitute.  Check out the movie "The Insider".

jafo...reminds me of the movie "Blue Thunder".

A "chubby"?  ROFL...that's a new one on me.

-- Modified on 12/21/2003 11:06:52 PM

superjafo 9 Reviews 3259 reads
7 / 27

Obviously sperm! Billions upon billions of sperm. Yes, men from throughout Atlanta are blowing their wads into the local water supply in the hopes fertilizing their local female weather personalities.

superjafo 9 Reviews 3193 reads
8 / 27

just took a load in her mouth during the commercial break and can't decide whether she wants to spit or swallow. Chug, Laurie, chug! Quickly, you gotta tell the viewers that Osama has been captured!

Landem 3623 reads
9 / 27

While the TV screen caps are no doubt real, the pantyhose, lingerie and bikini shots are all digital cut-and-paste jobs - and really, really bad ones at that. They were obviously done by a photoshop amateur who would last about 5 minutes as a pro.

SilkShaft 18 Reviews 2706 reads
10 / 27

I'm willing to be wrong on this, but the top three don't look even remotely legit.  Her head on another body.

superjafo 9 Reviews 4937 reads
11 / 27

First cousin of Frodo Dhue. He's a sports guy on a "smaller" local station.

james86 47 Reviews 4320 reads
12 / 27

Awww, MrSelfDestruct is the right name for someon who sounds like just another Leftie who can't stand the success of a news outfit that at least makes an effort to give both sides of a story.  And I'd compare the credentials of the FNC team favorably to virtually any of the bimbettes inhabiting the so-called mainstream media, save for perhaps Diane Sawyer and the woman who left McNeil-Lehrer a few years back.

zarathustra 2 Reviews 3158 reads
13 / 27
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 3658 reads
14 / 27

Oh, that's rich! Thanks for the laugh!  I needed that!  Both sides of the story...oh, tee hee.  I'm dyin here.  Fair and balanced, right?  BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Stop, I can't breathe anymore!  Wheeee!

Number 6 124 Reviews 3129 reads
15 / 27

..it just so happens that the pimpmeister general in that department is the one and only Rupert Murdoch. In his stable are right-wing verbal fellatists extraordinare Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity (although Hannity is so smooth I almost admire him and not mind him so much).

If it helps, I've had a thing about Sharon Tay long before TER existed.

james86 47 Reviews 2811 reads
16 / 27

Well, it beats the hell out of ignorant and unbalanced.

Yashur Yubet 3918 reads
17 / 27

..legit, but I can't believe some dude actually sat in front of his TV and snapped pics of Laurie with his digicam for an MSN group site (photo album)!!

..if ya want lipps, check out Angelina Jolie!

SilkShaft 18 Reviews 2048 reads
18 / 27

and She knows it, too....


pornboy 3783 reads
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Que Pasa 5746 reads
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two_silver 2738 reads
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This is the year the Grinch stole Christmas. It sure was nice to think that they were her.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 3779 reads
22 / 27

With all due respect james86 - you sound like one of those right wing neocon talk radio shills who use bellicose hectoring to drown out the calmer voices of rationale and reason.
You are, however, correct when you compare the bimbettes of FNC with the bimbettes of mainstream media. A "bubble-headed bleached blonde" is a "bubble-headed bleached blonde" regardless of her political leanings.
But while the mainstream gives us Diane Sawyer and Barbara Walters, both recognized for their legitimate contributions to journalism, the right wing can't do better than Anne Coulter, the cunt of conservatism who can't even get her own fascist bosses to support her crusade to vindicate Joe McCarthy.
And to think, she gets her paycheck from Rupert, just like the rest of the F&B (fair and balanced? nawww, more like Fascists and Bimbo's) staff at Fox.
Now --- what were you saying about making an effort to cover both sides of the story?

jaejae 18 Reviews 2376 reads
23 / 27

Erica Hill from CNN Headline News

-- Modified on 12/24/2003 6:52:35 PM

Ace1965 8 Reviews 3323 reads
24 / 27

You must be referring to the Clinton News Network or PSMNBC.

random133 117 Reviews 3207 reads
25 / 27

Yeah, but check out Linda Stouffer or Monita Rajpai on CNN.  Your wife or SO will start wondering about your new found interest in the news and why a report on terrorism gives you a woody.

james86 47 Reviews 4519 reads
26 / 27

Compare claim of "... calmer voices of rationale [sic] and reason," with "Anne [sic] Coulter, the cunt of conservatism who can't even get her own fascist bosses to support her crusade to vindicate Joe McCarthy."
   'Cept I've actually read Ann's book, and while it's provocatively written, it's also documented to a fair-thee-well, unlike most of the leftwing claptrap that uses "McCarthyism" in derogation, 'nuff said.  But I'll bet you believe that Alger Hiss was innocent, too, Venona papers confirming his treason and spying notwithstanding, and that Algore actually won Florida.
   Having demonstrated your "calmer voice of rationality and reason" with obscene rhetoric and, as you phrase it, "bellicose hectoring," I'm happy to be colored as the opposite.  So go vote for "Moe" Howard Dean, and drown your sorrows come November.

james86 47 Reviews 3700 reads
27 / 27

I'd read it (on the theory "Know thine enemy") if I could get it for free.  But I'm certainly not going to enrich the likes of Al Franken.

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