TER General Board

Ladies...do you follow what guys write?
little phil 37 Reviews 6401 reads

I was at a party this weekend, and a lady I've seen a couple times recited a line from my review of her...verbatim.  The review is more than 6 months old.  She also recited a line I wrote about another lady I've seen.  Neither of us were expected to be at the party, so I don't think it was an issue of doing her homework.  Yes I was flattered, to the point of wanting to see her again, not that I didn't want to anyway.  I'm just wondering how common that is.

Bizzaro Superdude2482 reads

lots more than one provider comment on the reviews that she has had - including my own reviews of her.... I would add to Acidom's question: so ladies - I know that sometimes the reviews can "bite a bit" but overall - do the reviews help ?  or just bite?

That all depends on how a review is done.  I think honesty, tact and consideration while making a review are very important to a lady.  Even if you had a not so good experience try not to lose your composure while typing the review.  Remember to read carefully what you have written before hitting the send button.  Think about how it is perceived, and what you are trying to convey.  This not only helps the gentleman readers but if they lady sees it then it can be helpful to her.  No need to be hurtful or graphic.  That is just how I see it.  Either way, honey catches more bees than vinegar.  LOL

Just try putting the shoe on the other foot and put yourself in her place.  It might give you better perspective while contemplating writing that review!

I do read and value SOME of your input on websites and various other issue that relate to the hobby, but when it comes to reviews, I'd rather be about them than read about them, lol.  No seriously, some are just too graphic.

. . . It is too graphic for me to write as a reviewer. I've been trying to figure out a way around it; in the mean them I have stopped writing reviews.

Lonesome_Geek2310 reads

Like BBBJ, DATY and so forth to describe actions. I stay away form writing things like she was wet and dripping and other hogwash. I write my reviews so that they appeal to educated, sophistcated men that enjoy spending time with a beautiful,intelligent, sexy woman.

How many times has a wife, SO or GF remembered/brought up some obscure comment, minor mistake, foolish decision, faux-pa in etiquette or trivial indescretion you made YEARS back. It's only natural for a provider to remember a piece of minutia from a review; good or bad. This fact is surely the single leading cause for score inflation.

Always nice to see in this industry.

xo xo Lisa Butler

-- Modified on 2/6/2006 10:05:12 AM

SallyWantsAGangBang1833 reads

If a provider is doing her homework, and reading reviews before meeting a hobbyist, then good for her.

Also, it's good for hobbyists to read reviews about providers, as well.

An educated decision from both angles works wonders!

Some comments from my reviews stick in my mind, especially if they've made me laugh.  I don't think I've ever, ever quoted a line of a review back at a client although I will often thank them for taking the time to post a review.

I wouldn't remember an exact line of another provider's review so wouldn't be able to quote it to the reviewer (and wouldn't want to).

If I want to know what a "gent" really thinks about women I read his reviews. The real gentlemen who truly enjoy women and the service we as providers offer shine through every time. Same for the lout who really despises women and disrespects what we do. Sorry to say there are plenty of those here. It only takes a few sentences to figure out which they are.

To all the gentlemen on TER that I have met, thanks for some wonderful moments. Fortunately, I've met very few louts. Maybe that's because I can read..........between the lines. LOL

Happy Hobbying All!

Smiles and Soft Kisses,

Lonesome_Geek2360 reads

You observation is well taken by this gent. As a hobbyist I look for consistency in a woman's reviews and throught out those by the occasional brute that she is unlucky enough to spend time with. Good sailing to you for having the forethought to screen out the jackasses ahead of time.

Anneke is a true lady through and through who provides a GFE+ experience.  Now, only if she would stay put for a bit, I could figure out a way to see her again.

taylor_442000 reads

I have seen many gents who "do not do reviews" as their standard policy and I respect that.  It would be nice to read reviews and learn about them prior to meeting.  If I have the TER name, reading the reviews is like a peek into their fantasies and expectations.  It's great to be able to read what someone enjoys and then make it happen.  I liken it to researching a company in preparation for a job interview.  Do your homework...otherwise, just go with the flow!

Like Anneke, I have met intriguing, polite, passionate, warm and wonderful men and have not (knock wood!) had the misfortune of being mistreated, having no shows or any unpleasant experience for that matter.  I'm very grateful for that too.


SweetGirl20062158 reads

LOL I am happy to know I make you really think ;)

It was great seeing you again even if your ummm thing was in my ear :)

Can't think of a nicer ear to "rest" it in.  Looking forward to seeing you again soon.  Maybe we can bring the lady that was next to you along as well!!!

JismJ1961 reads

And Acidom should then write something about your sweetgirl for our reading pleasure. Oh, sorry, my jealous self is getting the best of me. But I'm glad some of them girls in his reviews have been tested out. So romance is part of this hobby too.

Jism, Sweetgirl is the woman this thread is about, and I've already written about her.  Guess it's up to you to figure which review is of her.  I'll leave it to her to "out herself"; that's not my place.  As for getting the room, I'm working out the scheduling details now...

I do and in one review the Gentleman remarked on the fact that I had read it and was in tune with what he liked. I read my reviews. I always hope they are honest and not candy-coated. I tend to read reviews posted in cities I am touring in..


Do you like your reviews:

Matter-of-fact and almost clinical in flavor

Romantic and/or poetic.

Humorously ribald.

Brusk and candid

Loquacious or laconic.

-- Modified on 2/6/2006 5:01:00 PM

Intellectual, insiteful, poetic, humerous, candid...  
I adore it all.  A good read is a good read.

That said, as it pertains to reviews, I rarely read them.  It makes me uncomfortable to read scoring and rating of individuals as if they were objects.  It's a shame to see a beautiful moment in time reduced to a pile of acronyms.

Don't get me wrong.  I see the value to all parties concerned.  Doesn't mean I have to like reading it.

lv2daty1619 reads

Oh and maybe the ear thing. :P  Shit, I just want to see her again.  Guess I was sleeping when she came back. :(

I am always amazed at the writing abilities of some folks. PLEASE don't say they were in a hurry. Writing is a window to the intellect and the soul and even the poorest speller can get it right with spell check.

I enjoy a good read, a sense of humor, a way to write the juicey details without being vulgar and honesty about the encounter. I'm sorry but I've never agreed with TER's insistence that the review isn't worthy unless it has every acronymn on the list. I agree with Sola. I reduces a beautiful experience to a tick list. Bah!!

I'll be honest. It's always tough to read about yourself. Especially when you are a mature provider and the guy didn't do his homework. I had a few in my early days who thought a woman in her fifties should look like a young hard body and he was pissed that I did not. I winced after ready them. That's when I changed my marketing strategy so I wouldn't have to see that type of review anymore. That was because I didn't see that type of "friend" any longer and there was bold faced typed saying,,Fabulous in my FIFTIES. Get it bucko?

These days I don't concern myself about them. 110 is enough and how many times can you describe HOW much I love kissing or do a BBBJTC or drench the bedding? I do recognize that there needs to be a relatively current one available to confirm that I haven't succumed to old age or gotten wrinkled beyond belief. Or, worse, gained 50 pounds after going on a caviar and Belgian chocolate binge.

There has to be a balance in the madness and I really wish that TER would drop the requirement for such explicit details. Over and over and over again. But, I don't own TER. And, I'm a provider. Just MY two cents worth.

Happy Hobbying,

Too many reviews are simply painful to read because the author obviously has been delegating/dictating all his writing assignments to a secretary to transcribe for way too long.
Congruency and equal application of review acceptance prerequisites and standards would also add to the overall dignity, virtue and prestige of the system.

She is a vision of beauty.  Trying to decide if the card game or the back yard incident was a better visual.

....the major reviewers/participators sometimes-- paricularly if they have seen me, I usually just wonder how thier taste in women runs and then end up reading on. I dont follow my own so much, but there isnt any particular reason as to why-- I just dont... but I find it interesting at times, as I said, especially when the reviewer/reviewee is a well known member of our little community...


-- Modified on 2/7/2006 4:20:08 PM

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