TER General Board

Judging From the Responses to DATY
random133 117 Reviews 4484 reads

There seems to be a consensus (or close to it) on no fingers, anywhere.  I had one provider say it just felt weird--can't argue with that.  Could be guys are doing it out of some Freudian, anal compulsive urge or just from watching too much clinical quality porn.  So should we hobbyists keep our hands roaming on the outside unless asked otherwise?

Also some advice.  Read years ago that one should not go from rimming to DATY (or use a condom in that order for that matter)--the transfer can work the other way but going from back to front can transmit some bacteria that the front just can't handle.  Do I have that right?

The E Ticket2454 reads

You can give her shigella by going from back to front.


I'll blame the porn not the freudian anal compulive urge...its my name sake!
As for fingers, for me, i bite my nails when I'm nervous...so I keep them away; and i get nervous before I see a provider.  In a relationship I try to use a nail file on a daily basis to keep them smooth. I think its cool if a provider has a toy though; I even bought one for a lady which she digs.  Which begs the question, I have an appointment in a few days with a lady I've seen once before...when is a good time to bring a present aka a vibe for a lady?  (I think I remember a post a few weeks ago on this but thought I'd ask again)

I love clean fingers (no nails, not cuts, and oh..no rings!)in the honey pot (only).

Clit Liquor4692 reads

-- Modified on 5/2/2004 3:28:01 PM


"I'll have a clit liquor and what Clit liquor's having."


I've had very few guests who've forbidden the insertion of a finger or two into their vaginas.  Of course, some level of trust must be devloped first.  But, when done correctly, the results can be very gratifying.

Rather than attaching my previous posts, I've simply copied their texts here, since I'm not sure how to attach multiple links...

This first post was in reply to an original post discussing the ABCs of cunnilingus:

It's all in the wrist...
Posted by loverofwomen , 5/2/2003 9:16:03 AM  [Go to loverofwomen's Reviews]

I usually position my love du jur on her back with her hips on a thick pillow.  I then have easy access to everything from her anus up.  Once I have the major and minor labia nicely engorged, and lubrication running well, I move my attention to the clit, and ease my index and middle fingers into her vagina, with my palm up.  My chin fits into the heal of my palm, and my pinky can be eased into the anus.

My hand can then be moved gently in and out, providing stimulation to both the vagina and anus.  I also move my index and middle fingers back and forth.  This technique can be used to provide direct stimulation to the G spot.

When I wish to move away from the clit, I simply rotate my forearm down, so my hand and arm are positioned as if I were carrying a pocketbook.  This allows access to the delicate area between the clit and the vagina.  

Of course, I remove my hand when I wish to rotate through areas other than the clit, and its immediate area.

I can, and have, maintained this position for periods longer than an hour, and even then, have only stopped at the request of the object of my affection, not because I'm tried or uncomfortable.

Naturally, these techniques must be modified from lady to lady.  Oddly enough, some prefer no fingers in their vagina, claiming it's a distraction.  Others say the three finger approach makes all the difference.

I'm nothing if not flexible.


This next post is self-explanatory.  I'm afraid it reads a bit like Gray's Anatomy, but...

Okay, here's the little bit I know...
Posted by loverofwomen , 5/26/2003 6:48:37 AM  [Go to loverofwomen's Reviews]

Grafenburg's ganglia (or G-Spot) is not a myth.  It exists on all women, and it's primary function is thought to mitigate pain during childbirth.  

When properly stimulated, the G-Spot can produce a different type of orgasm from those produced by clitoral, or vaginal stimulation.  These G-Spot orgasms have been described to me as not only more intense than the other two, but also as having a deeper, whole-body quality, as well as having the potential (when done properly) of lasting well over a minute.  

In addition, G-Spot stimulation can be combined with stimulation of the clitoris, and/or anus to produce a combined, or blended orgasm.  These little beauties have the differing qualities and intensities of each type, all combined.  This is a good way to make lots of new friends.

It's not uncommon for a woman who's had a blended orgasm to pass out for as long as ten seconds (the French call it, "the little death").  This scared the hell out of me the first time it happened.  I also keep facial tissues by both sides of my bed, because I've made several ladies cry.  It's a reaction to the intensity of the release.

One should also be prepared for squirting (see my earlier post on Skene's paraurethral glands).

The G-Spot is located along the upper vaginal wall, behind the pubic bone.  It's (isn't evolution wonderful?) about a finger's distance in.  At that position, the vagina opens out, and forms a notch above and behind the bone.  If you feel around in there, you'll find a spot that feels a little like the roof of your mouth.  Just beyond that area, is a soft, smooth surface.  That's the general location of the G-Spot.

The G-Spot, of course, isn't in exactly the same place in all women, and as always, each woman reacts differently.  Unlike stimulating the clitoris, one should avoid stimulating the G-Spot until the woman is already fully aroused.  Stimulating the G-Spot too early can be unpleasant.  And initially, the pressure exerted should be very gentle.

As far as pregnancy's concerned, AngelStar's right.  The fluid produced at the tip of the penis during early arousal can contain over ten times the density of sperm as is contained in semen.  Moreover, simply contacting the moistened opening of the vagina or labia minora while producing this, "pre-cum," can distribute enough sperm to ensure at least one reaches the ovum.  These little guys can travel all the way into, and through the vagina, through the cervix and uterus, and up into the fallopian tubes before they die.

What's even more disturbing (for those wishing to avoid pregnancy) is sperm cells can live up to five days inside a woman.  So, even if she's not ovulating at the time of insertion, a woman can still get pregnant under the right (or wrong) circumstances.

I hope this has been helpful.  I imagine, right now, having a nun in the family isn't looking too bad.


And, finally, this is a post on squirting refered to in the above...

Almost all women can be made to squirt...
Posted by loverofwomen , 5/25/2003 4:43:49 AM  [Go to loverofwomen's Reviews]

The fluid comes from a series of glands known as Skene's Paraurethral Glands, which is a network of glands, ducts, and nerves that surround the urethra, and run to the neck of the bladder.  These structures develop in women from the same embryonic tissue that becomes the prostate in men.

Squirting produces a clear, or faintly milky liquid that's all but tasteless, and has a kind of silky (Hi, Robyn!) texture.  It's NOT urine, but it comes from the urethra.

Squirting usually accompanies a VERY intense orgasm in women with a high threshold for squirting, and more often in women who are either very orgasmic, or have a lower threshold.

An orgasm produced by manipulation of Grafenburg's Ganglia (or G-spot), is all but always intense enough to cause squirting, but the two phenomena are actually unrelated.  Most women can be made to squirt with any orgasm of sufficient intensity.

I love making a woman squirt, and usually try to get as much in my mouth as I can.  I like to produce a combined orgasm by manipulating the G-spot, while stimulating the clitoris and other structures associated with the vaginal area.  That reminds me.  I have to get more tickets today.  Without giving each girl a number, fights break out on line. (grin)


You're now being returned to your regularly scheduled broadcast...

-- Modified on 5/2/2004 3:46:13 PM

Ci Ci2870 reads

just right it's great. However, dirty fingers are a no-no, and don't think that by ramming it in hard and quick right away that some of us like it.


SirPrize4245 reads

And simply pay attention to how she is responding.

Don't simply shove your finger in, play and tease around her vagina first. Then slowly go a little deeper, paying extra attention to the upper portion just inside the opening.

Her response will let you know if you are doing it to her satisfaction.

Arizona Angel2152 reads

The thing is some gents just do not know how to control their hands. I am sure many pass the short nails and cleanliness test... however, some just get a little to wild with thier movements and end up almost bruising you or cutting you with thier nails anyways. Also some try to insert a few to many fingers... so I would have to say YMMV depending on your technique. Also and this is just a thought, but please don't be fiddeling with yourself and then trying to fiddle with your lady of choice. Some of that nasty bacteria could come from your pre-come onto your hands and make its way inside of her...

I agree with the many people who disagree... no consensus has been reached re: fingers.  

Trim your nails and check for rough cuticles before arriving.
Wash your hands in the ladies presence, she won't be wondering.
Ask first!  Just tell her how badly you'd like to explore her beautiful yoni, and see what her reaction is.

Also -
Back to front = BAD baterial transfer.

I don't even allow that very often anymore because of the problems I have with men who don't seem to know what they're doing down there.  Not only are too rough, but they tend to want to wander between every available hole in my body, and that is a definite no-no in my book.  It has gotten to the point where I now charge extra for DATY, and have a list of rules as well.  The first time I saw a guy spit a huge loogie in his hand and was reaching for my kitty, I was pissed and asked him what the hell was he thought he was doing.  Turned me off completely.  Others just have too much saliva in general, and some have practically gnawed on me down there, also turned me off.  The UTIs weren't so great either.  Since my rules and the extra fee, no UTIs in the past 8 months at all.

yes anless she has just washed up well with soap and water immediately right before starting thats a risk,

But in 13 years my wife never had a problem. And we are talking every night.  Time elapsed makes a difference I would guess.

Cleanliness is a good thing, Hands etc.

Biggest thing once you know a lot of techniques, is to listen to the woman, and see how she responds. every woman is different and responds differently to any one thing.

being able to understand her and how she reacts means EVERYTHING as to if its a satisfying experience  and a frustrating one for her.

I have gotten more than a few marriage proposals when I was able to get it exactly right for the woman.

usually takes a few times to get her specific likes dislikes figured out. Because like I said what turns one on may turn the next one off.

And its real hard to get it right in just one visit.

-- Modified on 5/3/2004 9:05:25 AM

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