TER General Board

It's YOUR handing out 10's that's the problem
Dr Who revived 963 reads

But more important is your dissing anyone who didn't (such as swim) put up a 10 to those "well deserved" gals.  

As for YOUR blessing...not interested in any of that crap.  But I do appreciate the "fuck yourself"....it was expected when a poster has no credibility in his argument.

Thanks for playing....and have a nice weekend.

Hey...who's on tap next?  I'll bet you've already written that 10/10 hoping for some extras.  
Posted By: jc316
If you read TER's profile page you can come close to what you seek. It doesn't hurt to leave a well deserved 10. I've blessed you with a response, go fuck yourself and have a nice weekend.

And what I mean by that is though I am the one who is mentally and physically typing out the review I feel as if I am merely a conduit to the keys. It's the girls though who create the experience that I am writing about and certainly not I. So if it is a exceptional one, a good one, a mediocre one or a bad one my review in essence comes directly from them and for my part I am merely along for that ride and my main contributions to it are to be open minded,friendly and hygienic.  

 There has been a lot discussion lately on review scores and whether or not those scores are justified and from my point of view the girls creates their 10s,9s,8s etc. and I (we) do not just give those to them. Yes we may have a difference of opinion on the exact same girl but that does not mean our experience at the time we saw them was not justified by our review score which stems from our own personal tastes and paste experiences.  

 Not so sure if others feel the same way?

-- Modified on 10/3/2014 2:16:49 PM

bonordonor1215 reads

You show up and they hook up their vitals to a machine and at the end of the session the information is downloaded to a review. Doesn't sound very exciting or interesting. JMHO

First a legit reply from a legit reviewer like swim and then K-BAM the Bonor swoops in with yet another boneheaded remark and this coming from a guy who does not even show his reviews. At least everyone can see mine and whether anyone finds them interesting or not is no big deal to me either way. Yes I am sure yours are filled with passion as you sweep each girl off her feet lover boy which sounds very boring to me just to be honest!

than the rating numbers.  I myself have read numerous reviews where the story, IMHO, should have warranted a higher score than the girl was given.  OTOH, some guys just don't give high scores, which is why the story is more important than the numbers.  Also, a 7 for looks for me, might be an 8 or 9 for someone else, it all depends on individual tastes.


With all due respect wtf is wrong with you? How can you have 49 accepted reviews on TER yet have ZERO 10/10 experiences since 2006 ? "If you can read you can go anywhere" but you obviously lack the ability to process your needs with what is available despite plenty of help from the internet and specifically TER and p411. I have had the pleasure of sharing wonderful experiences and the numerous 10/10 and 10/9s may draw attention to these phenomenal ladies for others in their search and reciprocate to these exceptional ladies with scores that may help their business and ability to earn a premium. The only explanation since you can read is you feel superior to the ladies and maybe us as well. Your experiences and selection of whom to share your time should IMPROVE as you explore and enjoy. Hand out some high scores DAMMIT
the ladies DESERVE them especially with someone as demanding as you must be!

-- Modified on 10/3/2014 4:51:07 PM

Are you the only one in this world not to know that the scores are subjective and reviewers approach to applying them is also subjective?  Why get mad because the guy hasn't given out any 10s?  There's someone else I know who, while he doesn't review, generally ranks gals about 2 points lower than I do.  So what? We don't get all pissy with each other about it.
Not to mention your lecture on how this means he feels "superior" and the ladies "DESERVE" higher scores, is well, what can I say?  If it's possible for a mangina to rant, I guess we've just seen it. Sounds like you're WKing for one of the gals he's seen.
BTW, if you check my reviews you'll see I give out plenty of 10s.  Enough so someone could legitimately complain that I grade too easily.  So what.

Did I comment about you or your posts?
You get the point.

And if you can't handle people commenting on your stupidity perhaps you're not cut out for this place. Did you notice not a single person who commented agreed with what you wrote? Buy a fucking clue.

I stopped reviewing several years ago.  I don't have any reviews attached to this handle anymore either.

Yeah...there are some of us "assholes" who honestly reserve a 10/10 for a gal that is "all that and then some".  In this game so many of "you" dudes are just fucking thrilled that an attractive woman will suck your dick...and then dudes like YOU hand out those 10's all the while paying that gal serious change.  I get that dropping $ 1k+ would make YOU feel like a dolt if she isn't "the most gorgeous woman on the planet".  Sorry...but these gals you've handed out 10's to know that dolts like you are just thrilled to be in "her presence".

I see my pal Nick has commented on another poster here who also has NO reviews on his handle...but he and I are quite similar in how "we" assholes would see a gal.  If you care I had posted nearly 3 years ago on this board discussing that any and all should reduce my posted scores by 2 points at a minimum...3 in some cases.  Very few women I've met in P4P are truly "stunning" women.  And that is at all price points.

As you post that the ladies "deserve" those scores says volumes about what is horribly wrong with the scoring system here.

Honestly I know quite a few of the gals you've seen and rendered those 10's....clearly you and I have a very different opinion of "once in a lifetime".  They're nice looking gals...but most wouldn't stop traffic.  Just saying!

Did you ever have sex with anyone that you didn't have to pay?

Posted By: jc316
With all due respect wtf is wrong with you? How can you have 49 accepted reviews on TER yet have ZERO 10/10 experiences since 2006 ? "If you can read you can go anywhere" but you obviously lack the ability to process your needs with what is available despite plenty of help from the internet and specifically TER and p411. I have had the pleasure of sharing wonderful experiences and the numerous 10/10 and 10/9s may draw attention to these phenomenal ladies for others in their search and reciprocate to these exceptional ladies with scores that may help their business and ability to earn a premium. The only explanation since you can read is you feel superior to the ladies and maybe us as well. Your experiences and selection of whom to share your time should IMPROVE as you explore and enjoy. Hand out some high scores DAMMIT  
 the ladies DESERVE them especially with someone as demanding as you must be!

-- Modified on 10/3/2014 4:51:07 PM

swim actually has given out a few 10s and nothing less than a 7.  Most of his grades are 8s and 9s.  That makes him pretty middle-of-the-road here.
As for jc316, we've both seen Destiny Delight and we've both given her a 10/10.  So there's one thing we agree on.  You would probably disagree with some of my 10s (or even some of my 9s), but if you were lucky enough to have a session with Destiny I'll lay odds you'd give her 10s, too.

I wasn't "lucky enough" I made the date with DD happen and DD had no less than 10 fun times too. It's about the experience and if you can't read a sign then you won't get to where you need to reach. The guy has never handed out a 10/10 in almost 8 years yet responds to the subject which we've already forgotten. I have no issue with anyone but am allowed to point out an asshole when I see him. Isn't America great?!

So, yes, you're free to point out anything you want.  And I'm free to point out that, yes, there's an asshole here.  And it's you.
And at this point, out of common decency, I must point out a helpful adage, "when you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging."
You're welcome.

Wondering what wrong with the other guy. People on fire rarely say anything that makes sense. Why you ask?

Because they are on fire-LMAO!

Nicky do you count the actual "O"s, and are they all 100% correct. Which came first orgasms or counting them?


-- Modified on 10/3/2014 8:59:10 PM

Sure I showed respect, I responded to his post, the one where his 1st sentence includes
" I myself..., IMHO"

You are that pathetic moron that gives out 10's to make the gals "happy".

And now you are crying that anyone that doesn't agree with YOUR assessment is an asshole.  

Some dudes here actually have a bit of self-respect...and knows what a 10 actually looks like.

What is your barometer?  Don't bother replying...anything breathing starts at 8.

Posted By: jc316
Sure I showed respect, I responded to his post, the one where his 1st sentence includes  
 " I myself..., IMHO"

If you read TER's profile page you can come close to what you seek. It doesn't hurt to leave a well deserved 10. I've blessed you with a response, go fuck yourself and have a nice weekend.

But more important is your dissing anyone who didn't (such as swim) put up a 10 to those "well deserved" gals.  

As for YOUR blessing...not interested in any of that crap.  But I do appreciate the "fuck yourself"....it was expected when a poster has no credibility in his argument.

Thanks for playing....and have a nice weekend.

Hey...who's on tap next?  I'll bet you've already written that 10/10 hoping for some extras.  

Posted By: jc316
If you read TER's profile page you can come close to what you seek. It doesn't hurt to leave a well deserved 10. I've blessed you with a response, go fuck yourself and have a nice weekend.

I've never seen a review list with so many 10/10s on it.  You are exactly the problem with the system here, giving them out like candy and degrading the system.  One of them -- for appearance to a rather old over-the-hill woman -- is completely laughable.  If I booked her based on that grade I'd have a legitimate reason to come after you for a refund.
Oh, and please drop by the front office for your certificate of merit

And it isn't age specific...heck there is a dude who claims to be late 20's that isn't here anymore...but gave out 10's to anyone that breathed.

As well there is one that is older than dirt that loves to hand out 10's as well as private info.  

Nope...no system is perfect.  But you have the pathetically obvious guys who have no self-respect for themselves...and cause the system (and in particular the gals who honestly are 10's) to be disrespected.

Too bad.  There's a dearth of pinatas here and an abundance of sticks.

bitch slap you(jk don't want to be reported for threatening someone-LMAO).

Us old broads deserve extra credit for being able to pull our shit together for you guys. It takes me FOUR HOURS NOW to look tres fab now. Show me some damn respect!!! ;-)

Every day when I get up and look in the mirror I do this.

Then "the process" begins.

PS: This is why I don't do overnights.  Not because of how you might look in the morning, but because of how I know I look.

I lean out my window a bit and show him who's not about to bang the asshole driver next to her if she sees him again.

Then I get ushered in.

Now, if they see the rest of my mis matched outfit, they'd gladly cut me off lmao.

I also stop traffic when I'm already in the middle of the cross walk and they're about to hit me. But that's just to avoid man slaughter charges.

Oh, and I think they let me in on the road more because a face reminds them that the battle isn't with a car. It's with a person.


-- Modified on 10/4/2014 3:03:55 PM

...and 10/10 reviews I get it. However if what you wrote is actually what you believe about the review process please stop blithering and get a clue.

You don't know him.  I've been friends with him for a LONG time ('08). You don't know him or what HIS situation is as far as having access to HDHs these days.

One thing I can promise you is THIS-Swim has never felt superior to others or looked down his nose at anyone. In fact he has helped out ladies you would probably never looked twice at, "just because" no expectations. I'm talking about visiting some in the hospital, buying some food, I could go on but I won't

"Hand out some high scores danmit"??? Take pot shots at my reviews if you want but back the hell off Swim and stop talking out of your ass.

Now WHERE the hell is JD, lol?

-- Modified on 10/3/2014 7:52:49 PM

He's truly one of the sweetest gents ever, and is the last person to deserve any grief on this board. He's never been anything but a perfect gentleman here and is always offering a helping hand to both the ladies and the gents.  

Each reviewer has his own method of calculating a score. I think we'd all do well to take the whole thing with a grain of salt. Let's just have fun here for chrissakes!!

That was so incredibly weak dude, wtf? For what?

By the way did you other to read the reast of the post?b

Someone/ANYONE tell me has there EVER been a post on TER-EVER where a REVIEWER/ or a dude says "Start handing out those high scores damnit"???

And I don't know if his posts are SPOTY material by damn they should be.

Is this a first here? And where the hell are JACK and Panthera????

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