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It’s not like they’re pulling train on herred_smile
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 17 reads

It’s a lookie thing with Rick . I
think some may not charge double.

I would like to pose the following question about a voyeurism scenario and would like input from Providers regarding if they could or would accommodate, and what would the consideration required be...

Imagine two men who are lifelong friends who grew up together, "blood brothers" if you will.....their bond is stronger than any marriage, conventional friendship, partnership, etc.  One of the men (Rolland) is a 40 year old healthy 6', 195 pound handsome physical specimen....he works as a fitness trainer and has a successful personal business ;  his friend (Rick) is also 40 years, but he is disabled, suffering from a congenital bone disease that confines him pretty much to a wheelchair and greatly interferes with sexual activity; he is not "hideous" or freakish in appearance, in fact from the waist up he leans towards handsome, but he is a extremely intelligent and well spoken graduate of Harvard with a successful executive career.   Their bond is not in any way homoerotic....they are brothers in the truest sense.

Rick is sexually frustrated and Rolland wants to help him out;  they come up with a release/outlet for Rick's frustrations....hire a provider who will have an extended session with Rolland while Rick is there to watch and basically "direct" much of the action.  

Are there any providers out there who would ....eh, "Provide"?   What would be the consideration for the "Rick" aspect of this scenario (Basically Rolland is just a typical client, but what do you ask for regarding the disabled spectator directing the flow of events?    

RespectfulRobert17 reads

Providers don't care about a clients attractiveness or build and many go to great lengths to say so on their website, in their ads etc. They wont care about intelligence or college attended. What they do care about is respect, flawless hygiene and being able to verify you. You are new I believe and may not know the above so I figured I would tell you that.  
I am sure some women would accommodate your request, provided she can verify both of you. As to the rate, I cant speak to that as many women would take that request on a case by case basis as it is a unique ask. My guess is they may charge what their duo rate is but that is just a guess.  
I think other factors may affect the rate e.g. is "Roland" a regular client of the girl in question or a brand new client? If you asked 10 different providers you may get 10 different answers re: rate as your scenario is most likely something they don't encounter all that often but hopefully some will chime in with their thoughts.

Bisous_Ciao14 reads

Both gentlemen would need to be screened, look for providers that do MMF/multiple men, most would probably charge the rate for two gentlemen (even if Rick just directs).

At first, I thought you were making a reference to The Song of Roland and the friendship of Roland and Oliver. It sounds more like Damon and Pythias.

Posted By: Gus_n_MollyPugs

I would like to pose the following question about a voyeurism scenario and would like input from Providers regarding if they could or would accommodate, and what would the consideration required be...  
 Imagine two men who are lifelong friends who grew up together, "blood brothers" if you will.....their bond is stronger than any marriage, conventional friendship, partnership, etc.  One of the men (Rolland) is a 40 year old healthy 6', 195 pound handsome physical specimen....he works as a fitness trainer and has a successful personal business ;  his friend (Rick) is also 40 years, but he is disabled, suffering from a congenital bone disease that confines him pretty much to a wheelchair and greatly interferes with sexual activity; he is not "hideous" or freakish in appearance, in fact from the waist up he leans towards handsome, but he is a extremely intelligent and well spoken graduate of Harvard with a successful executive career.   Their bond is not in any way homoerotic....they are brothers in the truest sense.  
 Rick is sexually frustrated and Rolland wants to help him out;  they come up with a release/outlet for Rick's frustrations....hire a provider who will have an extended session with Rolland while Rick is there to watch and basically "direct" much of the action.    
 Are there any providers out there who would ....eh, "Provide"?   What would be the consideration for the "Rick" aspect of this scenario (Basically Rolland is just a typical client, but what do you ask for regarding the disabled spectator directing the flow of events?    

The only thing most providers will want in that case is a double fee.

Thank you all for your input and insight.   Yes I would expect to pay the same as "Roland", I suppose, even if I am just a spectator;

Hypogolky, no "wheelies" for me lol.... I learned the hard way that when you party hearty (Drink, 420, group sex) that if you pop a wheelie and go too far, you tip over and end up in the seated position yet looking STRAIGHT UP at the Stars.....basically, you are like a turtle turned on its shell!

If there are any actual providers with a view/opinion, please chime in.....

It’s a lookie thing with Rick . I
think some may not charge double.

RespectfulRobert18 reads

I even know a few women that wouldn’t charge the wheel chair guy at all and just charge the participant. I doubt very few would charge double if they were aware of the entire situation.

a nice tip would be in order!
Especially if there isn't any charge for the spectator.

And you’ll get off while you’re popping a wheelie , right ?
If that’s the case I’m sure there’s a few ladies who would really be down for that . I know a few ladies who are very giving and would be into working with you and Ricky.
One thing, maturity plays a part for this sort of  “Voyeurism”. A young gal will find it  kinda creepy.  
Sounds kinda cool, wish you luck

-- Modified on 6/19/2024 8:11:37 AM

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