TER General Board

It is so lovely to see Roses all spread with real Roses on the bed- and If you read that you know I
Pavliena See my TER Reviews 224 reads

When I encounter sometime old fashion gentleman who makes sculptures from real roses and "roses"
 it is so heart touching - we can t stop as lough in his creativity ..
 be creative gentlemen.
 But yet - I still prefer - Red roses on the bed and Green once to paypall :)
[email protected]

CallofBooty1999 reads

Interested in hobbyists input on this. A client has made it very known what his occupation is in emails, his phone number, and has his business information attached as well. Finally he chose a day and time to meet after months of flaky emails. (Business is slow so I tolerated the back and forth). However as it got closer to the time he had set and I double checked the blacklist board, which I thought I recalled was 1 minor NCNS blacklist posting on him, I noticed he was ripping girls off with half of their donation and a new blacklist of him was posted as well. I immediately informed him that a provider reference told me he was cutting girls rates in half and that my donation was a non-negotiable rate. He emailed back that he is now too busy to meet (after I spent 2 1/2 hours getting ready) but fine with my rate when we meet in the future. PFTTT! Probably after he realized I would be checking & charging my full rate.

Do men actually play this dangerous with their personal life when they screw providers over? All it takes is to screw over the wrong woman and she could publicly out him online. I would've assumed before this that men who provide their work information are on their best behavior when trying to meet given they want discretion because they have their work info out there. I've never outed a man ever but I have witnessed other ladies that were pissed who have. Thoughts?

...then I'll give you a full mental breakdown of her likely motives.

Til then...sorry can't help you.

I assume that is a rhetorical question.  There are men and women who will do just about anything

Then call the desk and say someone who sounds drunk is knocking on your door.

VOO-doo413 reads

I've been shortchanged, always by regulars (some of whom I know quite a bit about, including workplace). I'd personally prefer to let it go, and just call it a cost of doing business.  

My attitude is that he obviously never intended to pay me... while I might get a little more out of him if I bother him enough, whatever small amount of money I'd recuperate really isn't worth the drama and strife. I'll blacklist the client if I feel he deserves it, and make a mental note never to see him again. But that's as far as I'll go.

Also, why would a provider out a guy, when SHE is providing illegal services? Just seems like a bad move to me. I mean, say I wanted to call his wife (or boss)... what if his response, is to call the police? Or out ME to my family. Or even leave a bad review. Just doesn't seem worth the risk.

My thought is that the guy will progress onward with his day and life knowing that he completely dicked someone over, just because he could. That will hurt his self-esteem and happiness, even if he doesn't acknowledge that to himself. That is revenge enough for me

Men don't really think when the other head is involved. He obviously thinks there is nothing that you can do about it, and outing him really isn't an option: are you going to damage your reputation with the nice gentlemen over one scumbag? "He said/she said" battles online make discreet men nervous, I am sure, because you KNOW he will lie about his crime.
I know it hurts to be taken advantage of - it happened to me at a swanky, boutique hotel, where I assumed the man had some class and he shorted my envelope. I always look now. And that is what you have to do. Since then, there was a gentleman who left an empty envelope in the bathroom - he didn't get "service", and another man who did not have the required amount and pleaded for service anyway. When I offered him the door, he coughed up the remaining donation. So, we have heard it several times - check before - and that is your insurance, because there are people who go through life thinking that getting one over on an innocent is good fun.

tonightoutcall251 reads

From a new trac phone or library computer and have no true idea who did it because let's face it, he s not just doing it to one provider. Now is it worth it? Idk and can't answer that.  
      One risk you need to consider is if these men try to short you and you check before the session could they become violent, if so could you protect yourself? Because if they are doing this they have very low morals and I wouldn't put much past them.

tonightoutcall348 reads

They know they won't get called on it 99.9% of the time. Part of me wishes ladies would out them but can understand why they don't. It's a dangerous situation and he probably has some psychological problems (at the very least no empathy) that could evolve into something worst.  
      It's completely stupid in my opinion to screw someone over because you simply don't know. I have never given out personal info for a date and still a decent private eye or even a tech savvy provider could find my real info fairly easily. Just getting your plate number would be enough.

Posted By: CallofBooty
Interested in hobbyists input on this. A client has made it very known what his occupation is in emails, his phone number, and has his business information attached as well. Finally he chose a day and time to meet after months of flaky emails. (Business is slow so I tolerated the back and forth). However as it got closer to the time he had set and I double checked the blacklist board, which I thought I recalled was 1 minor NCNS blacklist posting on him, I noticed he was ripping girls off with half of their donation and a new blacklist of him was posted as well. I immediately informed him that a provider reference told me he was cutting girls rates in half and that my donation was a non-negotiable rate. He emailed back that he is now too busy to meet (after I spent 2 1/2 hours getting ready) but fine with my rate when we meet in the future. PFTTT! Probably after he realized I would be checking & charging my full rate.  
 Do men actually play this dangerous with their personal life when they screw providers over? All it takes is to screw over the wrong woman and she could publicly out him online. I would've assumed before this that men who provide their work information are on their best behavior when trying to meet given they want discretion because they have their work info out there. I've never outed a man ever but I have witnessed other ladies that were pissed who have. Thoughts?

Count your money and you won't have to worry about being shorted It takes 2 seconds I promise

It reminds me of when I was just a wee lad and had a newspaper delivery route.  I'd have to go collect every month.  As a private business person, I bought the newspapers with my own money and then had to collect from the customers.

Yes, there were men and women who would try to screw me out of the few bucks.  It was usually some sob story.   The guys at least just told the sob story and wouldn't pony up the money.  The women would often go into histrionics, slamming the door in my face for some perceived insult.  So they got the benefit of getting a freebie as well as sticking it to the man.

I pledge to never work retail after that

Sometimes short-changing can be inadvertent —particularly for TER VIPs who rely on the price posted on the review page.  Said figure may not apply in a given instance for any number of reasons.

I speak from experience and believe that my inadvertent short-changing of a certain provider who I saw and reviewed resulted in her twice canceling on me at the very last minute with bogus-sounding reasons given.  I mean very last minute.

This was a traveling lady whose traveling rate was apparently different from —and higher than— her at-home rate, which was the one posted on the TER review page.

I didn't try for a three-peat.

By the way, the lady could at any point have let me know of the discrepancy.  Instead she opted for a kind of vindictiveness, perhaps not realizing that in doing so, she lost my business.  Vengeance may be a dish best served cold, but it can also be costly.

Peace 'n' Luv  …

I've noted several instances where the donation amount varied depending on which of the several websites the provider had links to.  Also some had discounts for, say, p411.  So it is up to them to remember who you booked through.  I'll bring the higher amount in the case where I've seen more than one figure, but what if I hadn't seen it.  Would she be pissed?

Posted By: PhilAnderz
Sometimes short-changing can be inadvertent —particularly for TER VIPs who rely on the price posted on the review page.  Said figure may not apply in a given instance for any number of reasons.

ThePeopleRule395 reads

...and allow the possibility that you will be shortchanged if you do not look inside before you provide services (and if you do then you should wash your hands).

I find some empty space on a dresser or other surface and spread the bills out.  Then I tell the lady I want to use her sink to wash my hands.

If Fancy were to say it:  "No stinkin' envelope, just spread the green paper out so I can eyeball it."

When I encounter sometime old fashion gentleman who makes sculptures from real roses and "roses"
 it is so heart touching - we can t stop as lough in his creativity ..
 be creative gentlemen.
 But yet - I still prefer - Red roses on the bed and Green once to paypall :)
[email protected]

ThePeopleRule163 reads

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
too many verbs for fancy
No stinkin' envelope--spread out the bucks for fucks

Right on. Put it down, no envelope, and hit the head so she can count it. If she does count it right in front of me, I don't give a damn. Know why?? Because I'm not a douche canoe who tries to short change.

of diarrhea cus I gave him expired milk  muhahaha ha kidding. I'm bored.

Don't disclose the private info you find in the blacklist sites. Pretty naive on your part. Now he will change his number and MO thanks to your mistake. And he will continue ripping girls off.

I can't imagine he would have good references or if he did the first couple times he uses them and shorts the lady his references will dry up. This is one instance where using references for verification is better than employment.

I do use a paper clip to keep the precounted donation together.  My biggest fear is that I might screw up the donation which would, mean MY returning to set it rght.  
Once I left my jacket in the car at the last minuite & when I reaching onto my pocket, it was empty.  Offfered to return to the car or have her do so.  Being a Fav, she declined & after the session we left together.  Reaching my car, i put my jacket back on, we clasped hands as we lightly kissed goodbye & the donation passed from hand to hand.  
In general, my dates do not check the donation until after but I'm fine if they want to.  If you need to, then you need to.  And I'd show the door to anyone who tried to cheat you.  Once the session is over, you lose your leverage.  I think outting is a dangerous game.  I do think you should inform his referances.  This is NOT OK.

zerofcksgiven223 reads

to any guy.He should not know what is said on a private provider only website.
So you basically just through another provider(s)under the bus?
He has now changed all of his information and will continue to rip off providers who do not take the time to look at the envelope before an appointment starts.
You knew in the beginning this guy is flaky so I would not have wasted my time going back and forth with him.
There will be another guy who knows his plans and will book a date accordingly.
But telling him what you found during screening on a PRIVATE PROVIDER ONLY website is not the business!

I agree, what the hell? That's a private thing between you and the provider. The guy doesn't need to know why you won't see him.  

Posted By: zerofcksgiven
to any guy.He should not know what is said on a private provider only website.  
 So you basically just through another provider(s)under the bus?  
 He has now changed all of his information and will continue to rip off providers who do not take the time to look at the envelope before an appointment starts.  
 You knew in the beginning this guy is flaky so I would not have wasted my time going back and forth with him.  
 There will be another guy who knows his plans and will book a date accordingly.  
 But telling him what you found during screening on a PRIVATE PROVIDER ONLY website is not the business!

I do remember seeing one (now retired) provider on twitter say that she showed up at the workplace of a guy who shortchanged her. He paid her what he owed then, but she still blacklisted him.

I would never fuck around with that. I'm an honest guy and my name real is fairly uncommon and a google search could probably lead you to my place of employment and where I live. I'd rather not play with fire

In a cash business just count the cash up front(preferably right after receipt in front of person). People cheat but also just make a mistake at times. Its habit for me and makes me nervous not to have it checked because even I make mistakes.  

Posted By: CallofBooty
Interested in hobbyists input on this. A client has made it very known what his occupation is in emails, his phone number, and has his business information attached as well. Finally he chose a day and tame to meet after months of flaky emails. (Business is slow so I tolerated the back and forth). However as it got closer to the time he had set and I double checked the blacklist board, which I thought I recalled was 1 minor NCNS blacklist posting on him, I noticed he was ripping girls off with half of their donation and a new blacklist of him was posted as well. I immediately informed him that a provider reference told me he was cutting girls rates in half and that my donation was a non-negotiable rate. He emailed back that he is now too busy to meet (after I spent 2 1/2 hours getting ready) but fine with my rate when we meet in the future. PFTTT! Probably after he realized I would be checking & charging my full rate.  
 Do men actually play this dangerous with their personal life when they screw providers over? All it takes is to screw over the wrong woman and she could publicly out him online. I would've assumed before this that men who provide their work information are on their best behavior when trying to meet given they want discretion because they have their work info out there. I've never outed a man ever but I have witnessed other ladies that were pissed who have. Thoughts?

Posted By: CallofBooty
Interested in hobbyists input on this. A client has made it very known what his occupation is in emails, his phone number, and has his business information attached as well. Finally he chose a day and time to meet after months of flaky emails. (Business is slow so I tolerated the back and forth). However as it got closer to the time he had set and I double checked the blacklist board, which I thought I recalled was 1 minor NCNS blacklist posting on him, I noticed he was ripping girls off with half of their donation and a new blacklist of him was posted as well. I immediately informed him that a provider reference told me he was cutting girls rates in half and that my donation was a non-negotiable rate. He emailed back that he is now too busy to meet (after I spent 2 1/2 hours getting ready) but fine with my rate when we meet in the future. PFTTT! Probably after he realized I would be checking & charging my full rate.  
 Do men actually play this dangerous with their personal life when they screw providers over? All it takes is to screw over the wrong woman and she could publicly out him online. I would've assumed before this that men who provide their work information are on their best behavior when trying to meet given they want discretion because they have their work info out there. I've never outed a man ever but I have witnessed other ladies that were pissed who have. Thoughts?

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