TER General Board

It is not a dating service you are paying us remember?
kingace 11 Reviews 1670 reads
1 / 24

This question has always crossed my mind, hope l don't offend anyone. How do you ladies handle out of shape and\or unattractive clients? I stay in pretty good shape year around, but take extra care to tighten up a couple of weeks before visiting a provider. And as far as hygiene, I hold myself to the highest standard. I am sure not all gentlemen take the greatest care.

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 1336 reads
2 / 24

I work on younger guys and it comes up frequently, my response. "A body is a body". I honestly believe people are beautiful, it's their character that makes them ugly. So come as you are, unless you're an asshole. There's plenty that will put up with that, there's no room for that in my life. Plus I'm kinda bony so the extra weight is like a play set (WEEE!). All shapes and sizes, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder so bring it on.

Hygiene is really important, and if you can't reach it I will! I don't kiss so I don't worry about that but dragon breath will insure I start working on your feet, even though it's not in my repertoire.

Edited to add a winky face... *here  ;)

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 12:25:49 AM

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 812 reads
4 / 24

Good for you! You're kinda doing it half assed, but hey if that's your pleasure! Brush your teeth, or I'm so totally rubbing your feet. YMMV :

lailah69 See my TER Reviews 917 reads
5 / 24

Cute, in-shape, young men tend to be more of a hassle then older, out-of-shape, unattractive  men. Just speaking from my personal experience. I don't like to say they are unattractive, I just say that they aren't my type. But these guys tend to be more respectful, pleasant, and overall just a better experience. I also remember that I am providing a service and they did not have to call me. You could really be making someone's day better, don't ruin it by worrying about looks. Now good hygiene is a MUST, whether you are chubby, skinny, young, or old. I do not play when it comes to that. If you are cute, but not clean, BYE BYE!  

MaxyNiceGuy 18 Reviews 834 reads
6 / 24

This is an interesting subject... you talk about younger guys being more of a hassle. I find the same holds true for women! I may be in the minority but I prefer older women (30 and over) as my experience with younger ones has always made me feel like they are doing me a favor and there just trying to get through our session acting like Im the most incredible date they ever had...LMAO

I find the more mature women may have a few more flaws, may not have the best body, may have a bit of "pudge" here and there but at least there REAL! And they are either polished enough to really make me feel they are enjoying our time together or they really are enjoying our time! For me its not all about looks, its more about quality and the feeling for that brief period that both I and the woman I am seeing is truthfully enjoying our time together...or at least doing a great act!

I see many ads from providers who prefer mature older gents so I think many providers prefer that over the "Young Bucks". Sure that could also mean "Older Gents" are an easier target to earn easy money, but I am sure some truly enjoy older less attractive guys..... or at least let me dream us older less attractive guys still have it...LOL


magicsam 510 reads
8 / 24

I am certain this is not the first time that a poster has posted an asked and answered question. And it won't be he last.

lailah69 See my TER Reviews 653 reads
9 / 24

I totally agree with you. Men or women, the older the better.I don't prefer older men because I think they are a target for easy money, but unfortunately that is the truth in most situations. I've been attracted to 30+ men since I was 18 :-).  I like to learn from people, and most of the time with age comes wisdom.

lailah69 See my TER Reviews 654 reads
10 / 24

You have to think about the fact that some people aren't on here everyday and looking at every thread. It's going to happen.

2236707 3 Reviews 611 reads
11 / 24

and as new folk respond to an old question there might be some additional insights?  Institutional knowledge gained, lost, restored with updates.  

After all, not everyone is a long standing TER follower and search results can be tedious to tweeze out useful information. I can recall some really great old STD threads that should have been archived somewhere so they could easily be found but I do not see them in the Newbie help center or the Erotic Highway, and I cannot find them myself

ziggy440 84 Reviews 895 reads
12 / 24

But here is the thing - in almost all cases, if she is turned on, or the degree to which she is turned on, is down to her, not you. Think about it - she needs to be able to meet a guy and get into sex with him in a matter of minutes, no matter what he looks like or how he acts. This is a performance that she must deliver from within, not something you are doing to, for, or with her.

Not that you do not make some difference. But your job there is to not do anything to break her concentration, take her out of her zone. There are definitely things you can do to break the spell, turn her off, break her concentration. The things that bug each of us vary, it can be smell, certain actions, words, or a particular look. But the fact remains that in order to be a good provider, a lady needs to be pretty accepting of a wide range of looks and behavior.

On the flip side, there are things you can do that will make her performance easier. She may prefer giving BJs to DATY, like a slow fuck, or a fast fuck, dirty talk or quiet, doggie, mish, or CG. If what you like happens to coincide with the things she likes to do, then it will go better. But it still is mostly luck of the draw whether what you like fits with her preferences. Just like some guys like bigger women, some ladies may prefer big, cuddly guys (and most working girls prefer older guys who are more gentle and get done faster, then are happy to visit for a while), while others may want hard body hotties (tho the general view is that they do not make such great clients, from what I have been told, maybe better BFs, but not clients).

So you are right to try to be a good client, but mostly wrong to think that your appearance is a big deal to any lady in the ways that it is a big deal to you. Just be clean and considerate, pay her properly, and pay attention to her signals and it will go well.


Arovet 62 Reviews 590 reads
13 / 24

Posted By: dani987
and as new folk respond to an old question there might be some additional insights?  Institutional knowledge gained, lost, restored with updates.    
 After all, not everyone is a long standing TER follower and search results can be tedious to tweeze out useful information. I can recall some really great old STD threads that should have been archived somewhere so they could easily be found but I do not see them in the Newbie help center or the Erotic Highway, and I cannot find them myself.  

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 773 reads
14 / 24

If they're nice I'm nice. I have one job and that's all I'm gonna do, lol! Everything else can be handled by finding something I like about him. Most people have at least one good quality, so you might as well focus on that :-)

The only time I would want a heads up on weight would be if I needed to know in order to find us somewhere comfortable to stay. No matter how big or small you are, there's always a shower you won't fit into, so I know how much that sucks and I like to plan accordingly.

89Springer 66 reads
15 / 24

-- Modified on 1/19/2015 7:52:10 AM

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 745 reads
16 / 24

I dont think they are looking at this as a date, There is a payment for services, and the mans looks is not an issue to me.

when they get balls to big for britches and start thinking i really like them after i do my job well, then get a big ego and think that means they can stay for too much otc time, That to me is annoying, I dont care if the guy is 400 lbs.

in fact there is a guy close to 400 i did a few appts with but he is sooo sweet, so respectful.

I dont mind fat old ugly hot i have seen it all , Just be respectful of me, >
hygiene stuff isnt a worry, i wont do things as listed in my ter activity profie if i am sketched by a guys breath, the shape his teeth are in, I dont care how much money you have if i dont wanna let you fuckin do daty or get your salava on me i simply wont.

just because we offer services to polite clean guys with good hygiene doesnt mean we HAVE to do everything with every man that we meet simply because he has the money, If he arrives and anything is off i am under no law to HAVe to allow any thing with a dirty guy.

looks dont matter to me. I am charging 300 an hour looks dont matter to me, I am there to provide a service.  

BUT when it comes to off the clock and my personal life no i dont want to be imposed on by guys i am not iterested in ad shouldnt have too. they should know real life from an appt. i shouldnt have to be a bitch to get them to grasp that but apparently thats what you have to do with some, They dont get it.!

JohnyComeAlready 573 reads
17 / 24

Have you actually met a person that was to small to fit in a particular shower?

Posted By: OhCharlie
If they're nice I'm nice. I have one job and that's all I'm gonna do, lol! Everything else can be handled by finding something I like about him. Most people have at least one good quality, so you might as well focus on that :-)  
 The only time I would want a heads up on weight would be if I needed to know in order to find us somewhere comfortable to stay. No matter how big or small you are, there's always a shower you won't fit into, so I know how much that sucks and I like to plan accordingly.

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 575 reads
18 / 24

I weigh 115 and am 5'3", and even I have been in showers that were uncomfortably small.

RaymondDonovan 569 reads
19 / 24
HarryWotton 11 Reviews 641 reads
21 / 24

When a lady compliments me on my hair, and yes even the salon people tell me I have nice hair, it is the kiss of death, at least I think so.   I immediately think that she does not find me appealing at all but she found the one thing to compliment me on.    Although I refer it to it as the kiss of death, I really don't care, truth be told, I would be bothered if it was obvious that the lady did not like my personality.    I would still have a good time, but I am invested in my personality and who I am, not my looks, I had nothing to do with the latter.

As for the OP, if you have conversations with the ladies, you would be surprised at what they may tell you about having a really good-looking guy at the other side of the door, it is not necessarily good because they can come with some serious attitude as in "I am hot, I know it, I am paying YOU to have sex with ME, you'd better pull out all the stops, you lucky lady."   Obviously, a generalization, but those of us who are more normal along the look scale can be more, shall I say, appreciative???

OhCharlie See my TER Reviews 507 reads
22 / 24

I think I have actually offended people by calling them sexy, and if you've read the boards (heh), you'll know we aren't taken seriously all that often when we do give compliments. So, I and I'm sure others have adopted alternative, though not perfect methods of lovin. It's hard to tell what works for everyone, but *dramatic voice* WE JUST WANNA MAKE YOU HAPPY!! Haha

Personally, I love hair. Love to touch it and pull it and play with it. Man, woman, child, animal, pony butt plugs... It matters not to me, I will appreciate it. So a lot of the time that is the exact compliment I'm giving! Lol! Doesn't mean there's nothing else to appreciate, I just may not have moved down that far yet ;-

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 406 reads
23 / 24

I know what you mean and guys should be more open to accepting compliments even if it is P4P, I am of the opinion that if you gals have nothing nice to say, you will not say anything, rather than making shit up.

Vivianna Love See my TER Reviews 742 reads
24 / 24

I had a long term relationship with a client between 2001-2004, He was a total sweetheart. Beautiful Blue eyes. A Great personality to match... However, once he gain W,  I wasn't able to straddle him (like I enjoyed doing so) we both realized it was that time to part. I was't sexually attracted to him anymore. Since I'm not an actress,  I wasn't able to fake it.  I'm only 5'2.  Imagine how that was.... Even to try different positions, was difficult.  

Not being mean. Being real here: DO the ladies a big favor... If your having a hard time finding it... we might too.  

I would even get bad cramps. o bueno. However, he will always be my Favorite client/lover...  

Back to the Q.  
Remember this famous quote:  
 "Beauty is in the eye the beholder"
Everyone is different.  

For me, I love seeing men with smiles. They look more attractive. I find it, a major turn on when I see men in slacks & button down shirts. Clean, and well mannered.

What I see as  "unattractive" is a rude, pushy or negative jaded man... Someone that is (Unattractive in the face) can be a total sweetheart. We do not! Or should NOT Judge. Hell, how would you feel if someone judged you? Based on your looks.  I personalty don't like it... There's more to my personality verses looks. Even in this business.  
Great service and a positive fun experience is what  brings men to contact me.  
Were only human.  
Some of us have good genes. Some don't.  What matters is: that we treat people with respect, even if they don't know what that is... It's your actions that speaks.  

We're all aging. No one stays young and beautiful.. Life is more than looks. It's about aging gracefully. Making memories, and touching lives... When we died, what will these people say about you?!  

They wont say: OH' he/she was hot or she/he  was ugly...  
They will remember what you did or how you made them feel>

This is whats important..  
In this life here, Or shall I say: " Board/ hobby" It's about taking care of the men.  

There's Nothing more sexier than a man that smells and has impeccable with his hygiene.

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