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Is there an optimal number of days to refrain from porn/jerking off before a session?confused_smile
thisisalloneword1234 16 Reviews 2574 reads

I generally do at least 4 days. But as I suffer from bad ED , I try upto 2 weeks. Wondering what others do? Is libido more like a "use it  or lose it"?

Cause of my ED is mostly age related (47), porn addiction (jerk off every night ) and anxious/nervous personality.. When it is just watching porn I can sometimes maintain an erection for a full hour. But when with a provider it can take almost an hour before I get an erection !?!  

Everything else about me is fine, i.e in excellent health . No smoking/drinking. But I am little on the underweight side, so that may be a contributing factor as well..

CuriousGeorge115238 reads

Everyone is different but for me, 5 - 7 days away from doing these works best.

No offense, but you’re clearly addicted. Take a break. Anything is good in moderation. Most of my friends refrain from jerking off 1-2 days before we meet. Everyone is different, but you’re only 47 years young. Focus on Funtime.


Honestly, if I had been 47 with erection issues I would have been very good friends with the best urologist in town. That’s way too young for the switch to break.

wrps0746 reads

You will find your performance will be better. You will be harder and cum much more etc.

Years ago when I would jerk off it talk about 1/2 hour or more that is why I came into the hobby.

Good idea, but I can't afford to see a provider every week :-) My budget allows for once every 2-3 months..I suppose I can try holding off jerking off for that long. Or maybe I just jerk off without porn using visual images of hotties I see in the real world... I used to do that in college when there was no internet/phones and I had a roommate..

I think that your response to not use porn to jerk off (while still having alone fun), I will lead to a more  authentic experience with others.  It’s also super desensitizing - Porn can be so easy recall so you get off and you might miss the fun reality.  
Not depending on porn will increase the ability to masterbate based on sensation.  
Best of luck! Syd

You have to make a choice to do one or the other. There are providers that will see you for 200 or 250 every week. Some even less. Worse case scenario, every two weeks. If you can't afford to fuck a girl every two weeks with 200 bucks then you need to stop the hobby completely and jerk off until you are able to afford to see girls.

iHeartMouthHugs37 reads

Testosterone supposedly peaks at 7 days of no fapping (based on studies discussed by Derek of “More Plates More Dates”).

If I had to guess, your fun time ED could be a result of porn and the constant dopamine hit from daily fap time.

I typically hold off for at least 48-72 hours. I do this to have  stronger orgasms and a large amount of ejaculate for multiple pops during my sessions. It also helps reduce  my refractory period. When I first started seeing escorts I would jerk off the day before a date and I’d find myself waiting 30-45 min before being able to get hard again after the first round. If I don’t cum for a few days before seeing somebody I can go again after 20 min or so. (I’m late 30’s with no ED issues yet and am gonna enjoy that while I can)

I give it two days rest. I tried giving it more days, but I build up so fast that it leads to me cumming too fast during the session. I imagine it’s also why I’m picky. If I find an escort unattractive I may go soft during the session. If I hadn’t cum in a week I would probably fuck a cardboard cutout.

I can tell when a client has jerked off prior to our meeting. Usually the performance becomes boring and start to be just repetitive with no excitement all because he jerked off and sometimes they admit it.
So I advice to don’t do it for a month and see how it goes.

I would explode in the middle of the night while dreaming of having sex. My sex drive is like a teenager even though I am in my 50s. If I wait too long, the penis, not me, decides it has had enough.

what I tried to say earlier was this. For an old guy like me to go a month without exercising would be insane. My biceps would turn to jelly. Why would I expect any other muscle to be in better shape after a 30 day rest??

John_Laroche42 reads

An apparent porn addiction may be interfering with RL encounters.
Jerking off to porn, or otherwise,  is zapping your libido.  

Have you tried resisting the urge to jerk off while watching porn? I'd think 24 hours is more than enough time for a healthy, under 50 male. I'm over 60 and could paint a wall with a 4-day load.

Then again,  if you can refrain for two weeks,  it's probably not the jerking off. Maybe see a doctor and a therapist.

Just try it.  Your testosterone levels will skyrocket

Thanks ,will give this a try. THough not sure I can last 30 days. But I like the idea of reducing the amount of porn/fap in my life.  I like to do things incrementally. So let's see how far I get with that..

AllTheTimeBaby39 reads

I am senior and definitely need time to recover between engagements

I have too, wasted money on engagements where I couldn't close the sale, so to speak.

Currently, I pace myself between engagements, saving money and having a better time. I also swear by seeing women with whom I enjoy regular status.

I will read on and glean what I can from this important discussion.

Typically a day of refraining from jacking off or having sex is perfectly adequate for a one hour visit. More days than that I worry about cumming way too fast with the provider.  Now if I have a 2+ hr date I wouldn’t mind premature ejaculation since I would probably be able to go for round two. So in those cases I might abstain for 48 hrs.  I think if the OP is able to jack off to porn, he doesn’t really have a medical issue but more psychological due to deconditioning from too much porn. It’s happened to me in years past. A little viagra would overcome those issues.

A day seems awfully short. Are you able to manage 2 pops in an hour with just a day off from jacking off?

When you feel a little urgency and/or pressure building in your balls, just go see a provider.  It's not complicated.  There are even providers who will see you the same day you make the appointment request.

Not everyone can afford to see a provider every time they want a release. Personally, I’m a calmer person if I get off 2-3 times a week. I don’t have the budget to see 2-3 escorts a week. And, there is nothing wrong with masterbating.

The more you ejaculate (via sex or masturbation) the more you will continue to produce.

WTF?   Does everyone need a basic primer in male biology?  Just google this shit or look it up Wikipedia!!!

Ok with respect to the original poster, who seems genuinely sincere in his original query .....you need to relax my friend, and first off NOT stress anymore about what you are or are not doing.   It's all in your head so to speak, not in your body or your "balls"....you could and should cut back on the porn....believe me I understand it's attraction;  today's porn is better than ever and (the vanilla Heterosexual type of porn) the women are all much better and more genuinely enthusiastic with the entire process/spectacle (women from 18 years up into their 50s)   It's a smorgasboard of erotic delights.   And you can learn what and how to do specific ACTS that will enhance you experience with a provider.)   But too much porn is NOT good ....

To begin with, not ejaculating for a extended period of time does not cause anything to "build up" in your TESTICLES....i.e. your "balls"....it does NOT work that way.  The Testicles make SPerm and testorsterone, which combines with seminal fluid to produce cum.  

Semen is a complex fluid that is made and stored in a variety of places.   The male body produces and adapts production of SEMEN based on the demands placed upon it over time.  Jerking off can be a part of the overall regulatory process by which your body maintains its supply of semen.

Simply put, If you are HAVING a lot of sex or jerking off (or both) every single day, your body adapts itself accordingly and you produce a lot of semen & sperm;  if after, a few days you suddenly are no longer ejaculating as much, your body adjusts accordingly....but there might be a short period where the existing "inventory" builds up (but not IN your balls per se) and it feels like you urgently need to cum (but is' really not that bad.....the "URGENCY" most men feel is Psychological, they just simply WANT to have sex and will use the fact they have not ejaculated in a long time as a justification to unload at the most convenient and available "receptacle".

To the original poster....you need to find a caring, empathetic provider (a NON-judgemental,  intelligent, warm, kind woman in her 40s or 50s perhaps, very mature who will enjoy working with you to help you overcome your dependence on porn, help you to relax and to perform under

This is all very Un-complicated ....anyway, read this blurb on ejaculation

EXAMPLE:   During the process of ejaculation, sperm passes through the ejaculatory ducts and mixes with fluids from the seminal vesicles, the prostate, and the bulbourethral glands to form the semen. The seminal vesicles produce a yellowish viscous fluid rich in fructose and other substances that makes up about 70% of human semen.[5] The prostatic secretion, influenced by dihydrotestosterone, is a whitish (sometimes clear), thin fluid containing proteolytic enzymes, citric acid, acid phosphatase and lipids.[5]

By the way, my own predilection....any woman who swallows is a real prize.  I'm going to start my own thread on THAT topic....

AllTheTimeBaby35 reads

I had a girlfriend in my early twenties who simply swallowed. No muss, no fuss, handiwipes, hot towels, etc.

I got so I thought this was normal. After her, I had a sexual encounter with a woman at work. She was laying-down some decent BBBJ whence I shot like a cannon, I'm talking both barrels! ! Bear in mind, I was 24 or so and really produced some volume. She started wretching and gagging so bad I was ready to give her the Heimlich!

When she cleared her throat, out came a stream of invective, the likes of which I have not heard since. I'm 70 now and can still hear her! That relationship was over! Of course, word got out and I was judged a hero or villain, depending on who you talked to!

This is no longer a problem!

For me two days/three nights is ideal! If I see a provider on Monday, then I can be optimal to go again on Thursday! However, when I’m horny and feeling flush with cash, I’ll go Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday!  This usually works out fine!  As far as porn goes, I watch regularly, almost daily including between closely scheduled provider sessions! It doesn’t always have to result in orgasm - many times I’ll just edge myself a handful of times, keeping the old tool in shape and building up the reserve of fluid for the next willing recipient! I do this a lot the night before a session - it’s sort of like a test drive to make sure all systems are “go” before tomorrow’s launch! I’m in my mid 60’s, and I like to think this regular sexual activity along with daily exercise and a good diet will extend my longevity and sex life! A good alternative to refraining from porn completely is to just tone down the masturbation a bit with only light touching or rubbing the tip instead of  working it like you are cleaning a dirty pan! The soft touch approach definitely makes me hornier for the next day’s session!

Exercise, don't smoke, drink in moderation, exercise, have a good steak once in awhile, carbs after exercise, eat the bad stuff in moderation (big mac, yes I need that 3-4 times per year), always have veggies with the meal...

Oh did I mention EXERCISE!!!

Subtle innuendos follow…
Sorry, couldn’t resist.  

Anyways of course you are right. Agreed.

+1  Lieutenant!    Adam Ant   "Goodie two shoes"!     I'm a child of the 80s, and I know my 80s music.....because I WANTED (and got) my MTV!

Norfolk HS theme song:

Good kids, good school...

Norfolk, Norfolk

Good Class, good sports...

Norfolk, Norfolk.

Don't drink, don't smoke...

Norfolk, Norfolk

Good one Mr. Fisher!

Reminds me of my high school days when the coach would say no sex before the big game.  Heck, they were giving away free condoms in the Olympic Village for the athletes....  I guess the old wives tale is no longer valid.

But that strikes me as funny partly because to my ear the locals pronounce it “no fuck.”

Good one Mr. Fisher!

Reminds me of my high school days when the coach would say no sex before the big game.  Heck, they were giving away free condoms in the Olympic Village for the athletes....  I guess that old adage is no longer valid.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Here's another song you might like...
Norfolk HS theme song:  
 Good kids, good school...  
 Norfolk, Norfolk  
 Good Class, good sports...  
 Norfolk, Norfolk.  
 Don't drink, don't smoke...  
 Norfolk, Norfolk

but I was stationed at the NAB Little Creek for UDT training in the military many years ago, and Norfolk is a real shithole as American cities go.  Just my two cents.

FlaNoName23 reads

You just can't refrain from being negative and nasty.  So typical of you!

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Cute song, but . . . .
but I was stationed at the NAB Little Creek for UDT training in the military many years ago, and Norfolk is a real shithole as American cities go.  Just my two cents.

from being irrelevant on this board.  When are you going to see a provider and review her?  

Within 24 hours.

I'm a sex addict and sex addicts release. It is what it is. I even see providers back to back so many get the short end of the (hehe) stick. With that said, I stopped telling them I saw someone else on that day because I've discovered they don't like hearing that (to put it lightly).  

When I was younger, in my college days I could easily jerk off like ten times a day then go to a party hook up with a random chicks and fuck her on the same day.

30 days without a release sounds horrible. I dont think I could last two. I'd be like Kramer in that Seinfeld episode. Crack first. Lol.

You’re beating off too much bud. I’m 52 and don’t need pills and get super rigid but if I jerk off too close to a play date (less than 3 days) I might have trouble.  You’re only 46. Way too young to be having ED problems unless there are medical issues you battle.

I read through all the nofap websites and concluded I definitely  have porn induced ED. So I stopped looking at porn for two weeks and also did not jerk off. Some days I would peak at porn though. I had a session yesterday after two weeks of this. It went very well. I managed to get hard quickly and maintain that erection through 69, K9 and missionary. Even got hard for round two but it was close to the end of the appointment so we didn't try it.  

So I think I need to get rid of porn. I think jerking off is ok as long as it is just to fantasy of real world women . Let's see how long I can hold this up. Hope to see another provider in a couple weeks..

Good.  Porn is terrible for you mentally.  And jerking off does affect performance, even when younger.  

Mostly depends on age.  In my 20s I could have sex almost everyday.  Now, I don't cum and wait a good three days before seeing a lady.  4-5 days is better as I'm so stiff I last 1-2 hours.

Do you have a problem with ladies not welcoming you back?

i can't remember the last time i jerked off !  LOL     ahhh the days when i would visit vegas for an entire week and a different girl every night .. now .. well .. one night and i am good til the next trip  LOL

Speaking as someone who started watching porn way too early (hence my alias name), you're most likely suffering from Porn-Induced-Erectile-Dysfunction (PIED). This is when the brain interprets *watching porn* as having sex, instead of actual sex as sex. As a result, your "tool" isn't able to perform because the brain is too accustomed to being a voyeur instead of an active participant. Secondly, porn is a super-stimulant to the brain. Research indicates that it impacts the same area of the brain cocaine does. XXX causes massive amounts of dopamine dumped into the brain, with diminishing returns the more you watch it. (This is what spurs heavily addicted users to watch more and more extreme stuff, they're chasing the initial high that overwhelmed them).

Long story short, you need to take an extended period away from any masturbation AND porn viewing if you want your dick to work. Read my reviews and board posts, you'll see me mention "noodling" frequently. That was because I was a coomer of the highest order. Its taken me the better part of a decade to get myself to a point where I can actually stay hard for penetration. (I don't have issues staying hard to receive a blowjob).  

The next time you feel a down-shift in your libido, don't try to artificially restart it. Use that as an opportunity to give your brain and body time away from the smut. I'd say try to go 90 days hard mode before even thinking about doing anything sexual. "Hard mode" in this instance means: no jerking off, no porn, no hobbying, no looking up twerk videos, no strip clubs, no edging, no audio porn, no literary porn, no downloading scenes, absolutely nothing erotic under any circumstances.

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