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Interesting article on women's clothing
charlottesweetheart 1310 reads

A very interesting article about the increasingly strident politics
around the world over women's clothing:

http://www.timesonl ine.co.uk/ tol/comment/ columnists/ guest_contributo rs/a
rticle3507201. ece

For those of you who, like me, aren't familiar with the "sal", it's
discussed in this article:

http://www.timesonl ine.co.uk/ tol/news/ world/middle_ east/article3499 122.e

The comments are interesting.  Here's my fav:

I think women should be allowed to carry guns like they can in the States. That way we can wear what we like.

[posted by] Thalia, London

-- Modified on 3/8/2008 2:04:29 PM

Of groups who decided what women can and can not wear, while no mention is made of whether men should face the same kinds of resrictions.

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