TER General Board

Inappropriate behavior?sad_smile
Tig Ole Bitties 6808 reads

Something that I have done a couple of times is sent an email the next day after a good session where I was satisfied and had fun and told my play friend that I had a very good time and that he satisfied me. A provider told me that I shouldn't do that because it's in bad taste. I didn't know that! Granted I didn't do it to everyone. It was about four people that I sent the email to telling them my thanks and appreciation. I have decided to stop doing this. Is this in bad taste? I just told them, frankly, that they rocked my world and f----ed the sh-t out of me and thank them. I don't solicit them for further sessions. I don't ask when I am going to see them next. I just wanted them to know that I truly enjoyed myself and to thank them for giving me a good time. I didn't know that was wrong to do.

I've only had a handful of ladies e-mail me after a session and tell me they've had an enjoyable time, but I really appreciated when they did.  It showed thoughtfulness. And it increased the likelihood that I would see them again.

skisandboots4877 reads

I agree.  It made me feel good to hear that I had satisfied someone (anyone!).  I would only consider it in bad taste if it came across as insincere.  For example, if you had acted like a complete clockwatcher when we were together, then send out an email stating my studliness and encouraging me back ASAP.  But based on what you said, I don't think that's the case.

sammyx3458 reads

if you had such a great session just see them again. They might take you emailing as stalking them or think you are after a relationship when it's just business for them.

Richard Head3471 reads

This thread is about the provider emailing the client, not the other way around. If you did get the point, then your post makes no sense whatsoever.

it's sent to someone like me who prefers to give than receive. :-)

-- Modified on 5/19/2005 5:57:28 PM

Maybe over stating the obvious is too much, simple thanks I had a good time should cover it

It's not inappropriate at all, IMO.  If you were insincere, or just looking for a return engagement, maybe.  I think what's inappropriate is if either party shows respect and sends a thank you and it goes unacknowledeged.

not only do i think it's not inappropriate, i truly appreciate it when i get an email afterwards.  and if i've had a good time, i never fail to send a little thank-you note (which, lucky me, is every time so far) :)

you definitely don't want to think a lady has dropped you like a bad habit once your session is done; it provides some continuation, and an increased likelihood of a repeat, imho.

There is one thing about this life, there are no real rules, if anything, only defaults and etiquette.  I think escorts of the last decade would have never sent such a note.  It might have been intercepted by unfriendly parties.  In the internet age, why the hell not?  Especially if you feel that way?

It might be considered "bad taste" assuming that when the guy returns to his real life, he thinks of the whole thing as sordid.  If so, it's better that he change his mind.  

Only he has the password to his email account, and if there's any intercepting, it would be by parties able to intercept every email of your transaction.  

I send thank you notes to ladies I see.  (Usually if its a repeat session, or if I otherwise know her, I'll put it in he envelope with the donation.)  None of them have every told me that this is in bad taste.  Consider it in good taste the other way.

The community is far better when providers/clients treat each other with mutual respect.  That includes little things like this.

-- Modified on 5/19/2005 7:33:24 PM

As has been said by others, It is very appropiate.  I would love to receive a note from some of the women I have seen simply because it makes me feel better.  It does not even have to be the "you were incredible" (Like that will every happen) type note, but simply a "I had a good time", type note would suffice.

Tig Ole Bitties5087 reads

I don't know why she said it was in bad taste. I would see if I sent an email saying, I had a good time. When will I see you again or anything like that. I send a classy email saying that I really enjoyed myself and thank you for the time. One who wrote back said he could tell I had a good time because of my reaction while we were, engaged? lol The notes aren't vulgar or brash. Just simple and most importantly I am being honest. I am glad that the majority of the feedback has been that my actions we not inappropiate. :)

I always try to send a thank you email to my clients after a session. To me it is just part of what I feel are the good manners I was raised to have. I would never get explicit but I also do not have a standard form etc rather prefer to write each note individualy and personalize it as I see fit. I have never had a client ask me not to thank him again.

I think that it's part of those good manners mom taught me... and I have never had a complaint.

I do know of one lady who held onto her clients' email addresses, and sent them all a virtual Christmas card. There were a couple of complaints, in that a couple of people were upset she'd kept their addys, and she'd sent "unsolicited" emails out of the blue.

So I send my thank you notes, keep the addys of the gents who *want* me to, and delete the rest. I think as long as the thank you note is sent out within 24 hours of the appointment, it's okay. JMHO.

Beverly ;-*

tokai4182 reads

I think a heart felt thank you is appropriate. The problem is, it can seem patronizing. How is the guy to know you don't send the same e-mail to all your clients. Be that as it may, even if it is patronizing, it is still a nice gesture.

What I am trying to say, is that the thank-you may not be received with as much warmth as it was sent. While welcome, the guy has no way of knowing that he was only one of 4 guys to get such a note If he does become a repeat, then over time, he may come to realize that the two of you share something special, and then really appreciate it.

It is always nice to be polite, and no one will look down upon you for it (except the other ladies who lack such manners, in which case you shouldn't care, so I don't know why we are having this discussion, so I should probably end this post now, bye).

I am single, without an SO, not even I would welcome email of that type.

Landem4216 reads

I think your view is out-voted in this thread by a margin of 13-to-1.

And what does being single have to do with it? Presumably hobbyists who have an SO take great pains to keep the email account used for hobby purposes hidden from and inaccessible to the SO. I certainly do. How is a thank-you email from a provider after the fact any more incriminating than one confirming the appointment in the first instance?

But for different reasons then the security you brought up.

A thank you note from a client to a provider is just something that I assumed everybody did. I know I always have.

I've asked somebody to perform a "service" of sorts for me. As with anything of that nature, wheather it be in the initmate setting of things here or not, it's just polite and respectful to say "thank you" if that service has been performed well and to my satisfaction. I know that just came out sounding cold and as if I have some fuckin' form email I just fill a name into and then hit the send button... it wasn't meant that way. I just don't know of a better way to put it. My thank yous have always been genuine and personalized, even the ones that didn't go over the way I had hoped they would.

On the flip side of the coin, we all enter into this under the guise of prefessionalism and respect for one another's boundaries. Having a lady reply to my thank you note is always wonderful, although it does beg the question of is she just being polite and a good business woman or does she actually mean what she said as I did. And having a lady send me a thank you note before I sent one to her would be fantastic (never had it happen yet) and make me feel as if I've done something I always try to do when with a lady... please her as much as she's attempting to please me. But at times it could bring about some boundary issues in the long run.

As with alot of what happens between us here already, it can be a precarious line to try and walk at times. The situations we put ourselves in are so intimate at the core it MAY be easy for one to translate a simple thank you into something more then it actually is.

As long as you are truly stating your feelings and not trolling for repeat business.  If a provider rocked a hobbyists world enough, he (or she) will be a repeat customer, thank you note or not.  But we are all human, and a thoughtful "thank you" goes a long way.

Think to yourself if you would do it in other situations...such as receiving a birthday gift.  It is a nice thing to do.

The only slight problem is as long as the e-mail address is secured and won't be accessed by others for obvious reasons.  Of course, one would assume that he used a secure e-mail.

Chivlary is not dead!  (either by a man or woman)

a provider or in response to an e-mail from a client, is rarely appreciated by client.

It's not difficult to spot such an e-mail. If you're going to do it, please do it the right way... please PERSONALIZE it; unless there are privacy or security reasons, you should at least address the recipient in a way that he knows you're talking to him.

I used to send thank you notes to providers that I have seen, whether in the form of an e-card or e-mail. However, I can't figure out why often I don't even get an acknowledgment. I thought perhaps that was an inappropriate behavior on my part; so I've stopped doing that.

-- Modified on 5/21/2005 9:35:05 AM

...did I receive a note that was unwelcome.  I had mistakenly used an email address that wasn't private enough, and the message was more of a soliciting business nature.  I certainly didn't want that getting into the wrong hands, but the error was mine, not hers.

sicnarf3951 reads

I am divorced without an SO, but quite frankly a note saying that the lady enjoyed herself, well that would be nice....   if it were genuinely felt.....

All well said, I have sent Emails to those I enjoyed and let them know.  I have recieved Email from those that enjoyed my company and I have returned to them.

Like a nice good bye hug and kiss it is welcome.

ellobo693541 reads

Y'all know how I lust for ya.

While there are some men that like us to continuely stay in touch.. There are just as many that do not want to hear from us , til they call us again..

While there are some men that like us to continuely stay in touch.. There are just as many that do not want to hear from us , til they call us again..

Do things your way. It is what makes you, you.
If you feel it is kind to throw them an email after they leave..do so.. Not days laters. Then it looks as if you are hustling. That is no good.

BILL183562967 reads

"That's all I have to say about that.........."


Tig Ole Bitties2529 reads

I mentioned that the note isn't vulgar. the first time I wrote the email and it was pretty vulgar but I erased it before I sent it. I write them in a nice way to know that I had a wonderful time but in a subdued way. I do it the very next day. I don't wait days to do it and I have sent it maybe four times. I don't do it with all my friends but when I have one that particularly makes my toes curl and has me popping tsunamis  all over the bed, I will send an appreciative thank you. I just wanted to write that I didn't know that such a thing was in bad taste. The provider who told me this has been providing for a very long time so I was surprised when she said this. I also don't send out emails out of the blue. I only send them when my friends write me and to be courteous I write them back. I don't send out Christmas emails or birthday emails. I do give birthday specials to my friends but only if they inquire. I never want to come across like I am hustling or desperate so I never send unsolicited emails saying when my specials are. I know hobbyists hate that. That's why I love this board so much because of the honest feedback I receive.

Tig Ole Bitties3657 reads

I was confused by that too. I saw the response and was wondering if said person thought I was a male. I am all woman. yes. Thanks snowblind. :)

I have always sent an email to a lady I have just seen thanking her and telling her how much I enjoyed our time together.
Maybe relating some humorous thing that might have happened or something we might have talked about.

I believe it's just good manners and common courtesy to thank someone you had a good time with.

How it can be inappropriate is beyond me.

Just my opinion...

I agree that few ladies do this, but when it happens I'm very pleased.  There's never anything wrong with saying something nice.  That applies in any situation.

Personaly I would love to get an E-mail of that nature.

Harvey Firestien1833 reads

Who the heck is she to tell you how to run your business?

Do what works for you and leave the sly undermining of the competion to the bitter ones who have no business because they are not nice to thier clients.

...but I'd still love to get an email telling me that I rocked your world.

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