TER General Board

I'm sure you know!
Bob_Sugar 1465 reads
1 / 60

I've been reading here for a while and thought I could share my stories with y'all.  But so many of you are just twisting my words around and that's just not right.

Why am I a victim in this?  What is wrong with so many of you.  I did nothing wrong.

I may not post here anymore.

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 395 reads
2 / 60

But you know this sand box is for the big boys and girls to play in. The little boys and girls box is down the road!

dakine18 385 reads
3 / 60

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 11:45:45 AM

Blowing Chunks 375 reads
4 / 60
rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 585 reads
5 / 60

As I've never had a chance to communicate with a rich and powerful executive before.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 704 reads
6 / 60

What's wrong? Look, I'm not bashing you, never have. I simply just asked why it was only up to her to use protection? Did you? Whether you did or not, if you had sex with her, there is a chance you've fathered a child. Just get a DNA test, clear it up once & for all  : )

Gonad-the-Contrarian 447 reads
7 / 60

jumps into a pit of starving rattlesnakes the rat is asking for trouble. Are you really that naive that you can't see when someone is pulling your leg?As far as your threat to not post. If you do I'm sure the vipers will lose sleep---maybe up to all of 30 seconds.

Bob_Sugar 481 reads
9 / 60

He was nice to me too.

I just don't like being threatened.  Why make me the victim here?

Bob_Sugar 596 reads
10 / 60

That says a lot about what kind of man you are

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 558 reads
11 / 60

you really fucked this one up lol.

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 12:13:19 PM

mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 582 reads
13 / 60
gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 467 reads
14 / 60

....is anything wrong with that".

You attacking homosexuals on this board says al lot about what kind of man you are, your lack of character, your insecurity, and you walking away from that woman you raped & impregnated. Your moral compas sir, is burning hell!


Bob_Sugar 405 reads
15 / 60

And your idiotic comment about lack of character speaks to your own ignorance of the lgbt community.

Why would you think that I raped anyone?  That's an act of violence, and I am far from a violent man.

I am smart, good looking and very rich and powerful.

I can why you're the jealous man with a sick mind on this board.

Blowing Chunks 456 reads
17 / 60

but why play the victim card?

 just play some other card game, like black jack or poker. victim card is lame

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 642 reads
18 / 60

Don't forget to flex as you reach for that door handle, and make sure you exit giving us your good side!

macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 591 reads
19 / 60

you guys have me laughing so hard i think i shit myself again..is Blowing Chunks available for help cleaning up..he loves tossing shit around..

Posted By: gatorjimmy
....is anything wrong with that".  
 You attacking homosexuals on this board says al lot about what kind of man you are, your lack of character, your insecurity, and you walking away from that woman you raped & impregnated. Your moral compas sir, is burning hell!  

Arovet 62 Reviews 602 reads
20 / 60

you're a moderately entertaining troll, and you hooked a few. But if it's back to the corner office (or corner store, whatevs) you go, Godspeed.

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 628 reads
21 / 60

Why would you come to the board and post this & play the vistim card?

Then, when you findout she is pregnate, you ask the board to donate to a fund to represent you in court.

You have no conscious. Just because the woman you raped had turned down your advances at work and said you are stupid, ugly, a deadbeat, weak & have a tiny dick was no reason to attack her violetly. This is a patten with you Bob, how many more have you attacked Bob_Serial.

How do you sleep at night.

Btw, you are also a liar & a fraud....you began this thread saying  you were not going to post again.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 591 reads
22 / 60

Bahahaha : )))

Posted By: hammerhead896
you really fucked this one up lol.

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 12:13:19 PM

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 518 reads
23 / 60

Girl, I just laughed so hard you gave me a free ab workout - thank you : )))

Posted By: anavictoria
Don't forget to flex as you reach for that door handle, and make sure you exit giving us your good side!

Bob_Sugar 406 reads
24 / 60

You don't know anything about me.  I played college football and am still in great shape.  I bet you would never say that to me to my face.

Where did I ask for donations?  I asked for advice.  You must be a redneck who never learned how to comprehend English.  Your handle says it all.  

You are a sick man and you should ask for donations with all the women you have scared.  I know guys like you.  Big and tough behind a keyboard, and attack women with threats.  

I'd bet it would be funny to see you do a real battle with someone who is powerful like me.  I think some would pay to see that.  I'll bet that others have challenged you and you just slinked off into the sunset.  Just like you're doing now.  Did you ever meet the MP's at the base?  Near Area 67.  You know the place.

Bob_Sugar 457 reads
25 / 60

I thought you would understand.

Stay strong m'lady

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 588 reads
26 / 60

I asked you questions about the situation, but you didn't respond : (

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
I thought you would understand.  
 Stay strong m'lady

Dickthebruiser 496 reads
27 / 60
russbbj 89 Reviews 523 reads
28 / 60

I'd get to watch a train wreck and lighten his wallet. I mean after all he is a rich and powerful executive.

Vivianna Love See my TER Reviews 542 reads
30 / 60

I rather go to the sand box where people are:
 respectful, kind and we don't judge!
We only share experience. Because we keep it real!
Everyone is entitled to say as they please!

Who are you to judge?

I have no idea what you men are speaking about.
All I know is... This place is to share experiences. Write reviews so men get what they pay for. Or avoid the bad apples.  

Why do You men try To Lower another man?  
Does it make you feel better about yourself?

Anyway, play safe and have fun!

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 8:29:25 AM

GaGambler 447 reads
31 / 60

If my paypal account doesn't show one serious deposit in the next few minutes, then yes, I am calling BULLSHIT on him

Bob_Sugar 479 reads
32 / 60

The mean posters here got me very upset.

What situation are you asking about?

Bob_Sugar 535 reads
33 / 60

You are just here to cause trouble

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 590 reads
34 / 60

Don't get too riled up Bob, violence is never necessary when dealing with a pit full of Garter snakes shaking their  imaginary rattles, led by General Loser Diaper Dough Boy.

  Gator brain doesn't like you because you are handsome and he is an ugly man.  
  Most of them think they're smart when they're really a troupe of non comprehending taffy ass
   city slickers.  

  I could have been a football star like you,and rich too, if I hadn't quit school in ninth grade.
    Now I have three part time jobs making not much more than minimum wage.  

 I could act rich online like you know who, but no sense exaggerating like most  
   keyboard warriors do.

   I know you said you may quit posting, don't give up so easy, with losers you are facing, their surrender is inevitable.   :-D

  P.S.  Take it easy on the General when you cross paths, deep down he's the most insecure
 clown in town.  
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
You don't know anything about me.  I played college football and am still in great shape.  I bet you would never say that to me to my face.  
 Where did I ask for donations?  I asked for advice.  You must be a redneck who never learned how to comprehend English.  Your handle says it all.    
 You are a sick man and you should ask for donations with all the women you have scared.  I know guys like you.  Big and tough behind a keyboard, and attack women with threats.    
 I'd bet it would be funny to see you do a real battle with someone who is powerful like me.  I think some would pay to see that.  I'll bet that others have challenged you and you just slinked off into the sunset.  Just like you're doing now.  Did you ever meet the MP's at the base?  Near Area 67.  You know the place.

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 540 reads
35 / 60

The lady & the baby. Did you use protection? It's not just up to her to do so. And even if you both did, nothing other than abstinence is 100%. If you had sex with someone, then there is the potential that you fathered a child. You should just do a DNA test and be done with it.

If you're not using condoms, PLEASE do so. It's not just for pregnancy, what about disease???
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
The mean posters here got me very upset.  
 What situation are you asking about?

TheGeneralLee 426 reads
36 / 60

I see your GF is also seeing the board leaker.

You three should all get together and party.

Do you also wear cartoon diapers

ROGM 496 reads
37 / 60

I get the same treatment.  I respond to a question, then the entire post is all about me

Bob_Sugar 564 reads
38 / 60

I don't like condoms.  

I doubt it would be mine.  I never come in her.

She's just telling me that she's now pregnant.  I think she really isn't.  But I have talked to our attorney's and they will take care of this for me.

I think that many men don't use condoms.  Many women too.

nom_de_plume 546 reads
39 / 60

... and a few of them were also extremely handsome, as you claim to be (or beautiful, if a woman). All of them had the backbone, confidence, savior faire, and intelligence to deal with situations like this, without pouting or giving up so quickly.  

And if you really have been reading here for awhile, you shouldn't have been surprised by the reception you received

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 453 reads
40 / 60

..your defense in court agaist rape of a colleague....WTF?

Lol, Bob_Rapest, Only football you played was flag football.
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
You don't know anything about me.  I played college football and am still in great shape.  I bet you would never say that to me to my face.  
 Where did I ask for donations?  I asked for advice.  You must be a redneck who never learned how to comprehend English.  Your handle says it all.    
 You are a sick man and you should ask for donations with all the women you have scared.  I know guys like you.  Big and tough behind a keyboard, and attack women with threats.    
 I'd bet it would be funny to see you do a real battle with someone who is powerful like me.  I think some would pay to see that.  I'll bet that others have challenged you and you just slinked off into the sunset.  Just like you're doing now.  Did you ever meet the MP's at the base?  Near Area 67.  You know the place.

GamblersAttorney 701 reads
41 / 60

I ask for a change of venue

Also, a gag order for plaintiff

We request that the plaintiff gatorjimmy be fined $ 1M for excessive posting.  Also, he be ordered to appear at the base known as Area 67.  If he doesn't, we respectfully ask the court to find gatorjimmy guilty of fraud and deception.

Also please release all documents supporting his stalking of women.  

Please grant these motions as soon as possible

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 402 reads
42 / 60

Do you take everyone at their word? What a trusting soul! Also very ignorant, you don't have to come in a woman to get her pregnant. Yes bare feels awesome and it's a damn shame you choose P4P to find this. If she is desperate then you just entitled her to 18 years of child support. Never make a mother out of someone you wouldn't make your wife! I'm sure your attorneys are going to enjoy this case, dirty laundry is always refreshing. Cuts up the monotony of the vanilla cases they have to deal with.  

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
I don't like condoms.    
 I doubt it would be mine.  I never come in her.  
 She's just telling me that she's now pregnant.  I think she really isn't.  But I have talked to our attorney's and they will take care of this for me.  
 I think that many men don't use condoms.  Many women too.

Arovet 62 Reviews 528 reads
43 / 60

buy yourself a clue

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 5:14:45 PM

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 502 reads
44 / 60
russbbj 89 Reviews 597 reads
45 / 60

Either that or Bob is dumber than a box of rocks

hammerhead896 46 Reviews 594 reads
46 / 60

Maybe you should scroll down and check out his original post and maybe he would be a great client for you. Sorry if I missed it on your menu that you offer BBFS!

Posted By: Vivianna Love
I rather go to the sand box where people are:  
  respectful, kind and we don't judge!  
 We only share experience. Because we keep it real!  
 Everyone is entitled to say as they please!  
 Who are you to judge?  
 I have no idea what you men are speaking about.  
 All I know is... This place is to share experiences. Write reviews so men get what they pay for. Or avoid the bad apples.  
 Why do You men try To Lower another man?  
 Does it make you feel better about yourself?  
 Anyway, play safe and have fun!  

-- Modified on 5/9/2015 8:29:25 AM

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 541 reads
47 / 60

Bob c'mon!

What is wrong with you? Unless you're Lee's new username and this is all in fun...

I fail to believe anyone would possibly be so gullible. Birth control is not 100%. Nobody likes condoms, but if you're going to have sex without them, I really don't know why the fact that she's pregnant is a huge surprise and not sure why you would think it's not yours.

You don't have to blow one up there to impregnate a woman.

I'm not sure how your attorneys will get you out of paying for child support if this is your child. I don't see how this is her fault. You had unprotected sex...

Every man in this hobby should be using a condom. Every woman too. Try a female condom.  

Do you also take her word that she's "clean"?! How will your attorneys get you out of a case of genital herpes?
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
I don't like condoms.    
 I doubt it would be mine.  I never come in her.  
 She's just telling me that she's now pregnant.  I think she really isn't.  But I have talked to our attorney's and they will take care of this for me.  
 I think that many men don't use condoms.  Many women too.

TheGeneralLee 648 reads
48 / 60

Honestly so many here post against BBFS, yet many of those who warn about the problems are those that seem to partake.

Bob_Sugar is just a troll.  Why feed him?

GamblersAttorney 474 reads
49 / 60

Except this time there is plenty of evidence from the gals here against you pal.

Don't think for a moment that many here don't know who you are.  

I don't think that even your attorney will be able to protect you from Mad Pog 67.  You've threatened many here with your nonsense.  Now it seems it's payback time.

Your next court appearance is scheduled for Monday morning 9:00 in front of the honorable Judge Fisher.  I hear he has no tolerance for women beaters.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 455 reads
50 / 60
GamblersAttorney 319 reads
51 / 60

He apparently has pissed off some people that have resources.

I guess he never realized that emails are digital.  And the trail to find the sender may take some time, but with enough time and dedication, there is no anonymity on the internet.

Beating up on women is his game.  There is a zero tolerance policy in most of the civilized world for that behavior.  Little punks like jimmy boy are big men behind a keyboard.  Now he'll get a chance to try out what a real life MMA game is like.

russbbj 89 Reviews 410 reads
52 / 60

You said: You must be a redneck who never learned how to comprehend English.  

Perhaps you should get your Attorney's advice, or you could ask 2 or more Attorneys for their advice.

Let's see if you can use enough of your brain's power to comprehend how I'm making fun of you, or maybe you could ask a friend and you could put both of your brains together to figure it out.

Yes, I am laughing AT you.

Seriously, no one in here believes your bullshit. I for one know something about you, you are a liar and you don't comprehend English.

At first when you whined about getting picked on and said you weren't going to post anymore I was sad, because I was looking forward to your future train wrecks. But now, I'm becoming tired of your stupidity.

hey mikey 8 Reviews 328 reads
53 / 60

What a load of crap!  And not even intelligent crap.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 358 reads
54 / 60

you opened yourself up to being picked at.... which I think you did on purpose. Me thinks you have been enjoying this trainwreck and on the other thread.

When you post dumb crap, don't be shocked when everyone makes fun of you.  

I still think I know who you really are. I had it narrowed to two, and am still not certain you aren't either of them. Either way, I enjoy your dumb posts. I was going to not post for awhile because sick of the same old BS.... but you actually got a reaction out of me and I was being nice.... even though I know your "story" is fake.

Can't believe how many don't see this, what you are up to. You all keep falling for it. Bwahaha.  

Think I don't see you playing off of someone else and making fun of them via your "pretend" handle??? Not a dummy :D

No, I don't play fake handles. I am not creative at all. Just analytical.

Posted By: Bob_Sugar
I've been reading here for a while and thought I could share my stories with y'all.  But so many of you are just twisting my words around and that's just not right.  
 Why am I a victim in this?  What is wrong with so many of you.  I did nothing wrong.  
 I may not post here anymore.

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 419 reads
55 / 60

Well, hot diggity dog. I thought he'd vanished for good.

Gonad-the-Contrarian 570 reads
56 / 60

Yeh Big Papa, I think you are right. No one is as stupid as this guy pretends to be.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 435 reads
57 / 60

Most men  are gullible, if not for the brute force of men in History's past women would already be in charge .
  Times are quickly changing.
    Most  men today are  softer than dropped ice cream on a hot sidewalk.
Have you noticed how many guys believe may and will have the same meaning?
  No shortage of dumb men.  
I am sure you know, Women will soon rule the World.
   Have you thought of running for President?  
  It would be nice to see some leaders who aren't weak and gullible like General Diaper Dough Boy .

  No one has ever guessed my alias. I will give you a clue,  I never post with my alias on the same thread as my handle.
   I would if I had my owned my PC,  two would be better.
    I access the internet from my version of Blueberry, Mayberry library.    
Posted By: AlexandraMilw
you opened yourself up to being picked at.... which I think you did on purpose. Me thinks you have been enjoying this trainwreck and on the other thread.  
 When you post dumb crap, don't be shocked when everyone makes fun of you.  
 I still think I know who you really are. I had it narrowed to two, and am still not certain you aren't either of them. Either way, I enjoy your dumb posts. I was going to not post for awhile because sick of the same old BS.... but you actually got a reaction out of me and I was being nice.... even though I know your "story" is fake.  
 Can't believe how many don't see this, what you are up to. You all keep falling for it. Bwahaha.  
 Think I don't see you playing off of someone else and making fun of them via your "pretend" handle??? Not a dummy :D  
 No, I don't play fake handles. I am not creative at all. Just analytical.  
Posted By: Bob_Sugar
I've been reading here for a while and thought I could share my stories with y'all.  But so many of you are just twisting my words around and that's just not right.  
  Why am I a victim in this?  What is wrong with so many of you.  I did nothing wrong.  
  I may not post here anymore.

gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 471 reads
58 / 60
gatorjimmy 33 Reviews 410 reads
59 / 60

....I pulled one of your posts when mod cause you attacked a provider on the board under an alias.

Geez, that had to be 4-5 years ago......get over it.

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