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I'm "Hot For Teacher."
CubbieFan2 21 Reviews 5313 reads


I know what this teacher has allegedly done, is morally wrong, but If I was the kid, I would not have turned her in!!!!! She could receive a life sentence If convicted. This Is to harsh!!!! She needs professional help. The kid will not be scarred for life.  I need to find her phone #. I need some tutoring!!!!! ;o)

-- Modified on 2/10/2005 3:16:57 PM

Lex Luethor2948 reads

That woman is VERY attractive. ALL my teachers were hags (at best).

I recall 2 teachers from junior high school that I would have loved to have additional tutoring with outside the classroom.  One was my 7th & 8th grade English teacher; she was blonde & had huge tits.  The other was my 7th grade art teacher; she was an absolutely gorgeous brunette.  I was so disappointed when I got the male art teacher in 8th grade.  A fling with either of those 2 teachers would've taken a big pain out of what was for me a horrific adolescence.

I really think every guy would be lying if he said he wouldn't have done a teacher if the opportunity presented itself.  I'm also not really convinced that any boy in his early teens would suffer psychological problems from an experience like that, unless he was forced into it against his will.  Yes, it's automatically considered rape because the boy is underage, but  I feel it's safe to say that in the majority of cases, the boy is quite aware of what is going on & what he is experiencing, particularly if he's a voluntary participant.  The most difficult thing he would face is controlling the natural impulse of wanting to brag about it, which inevitably is what gets the relationship exposed.

to other boys about them, I had several classmates like that while in junior and senior high. But for some boys being approached by an older woman can be an experience that will damage then, just an underage girl can be damaged when a man engage in sex with her. Maybe you were not so unlucky to not have had older women hit on you when you were very young, especially if they were beautiful and comely. Not all boys, in particular those that mature slowly sexually can handle such a situation.

Fortunately for me, I was shy and I required a large effort to get me to engage in any relationship with a woman. The case in high school was a near miss, I was seriously hot for the teacher, I would have taken up her offer but had other things on my plate at that time. It should be said that I was of legal age by the time that the High School incident took place. I had several other occurrences while in college, but I had reached manhood, both physically and emotionally.

Hedonist:)2682 reads

I can think back to when I was in high school and my English teacher who was truly perfect wanted to tutor all the guys at her home, one at a time mind you and if we did not go we failed the class.

For some reason I needed more then one lesson but what a teacher, perfect for what I always have liked in a female.  

If I could only find her today.

When I was in Junior High School I had a hot teacher that use to walk down the isle and stand in front of a mirror, which happened to be right by my desk. She would raise up her dress and re-clip her stocking to her garter. Never failed to give me wood but only great memories nothing else.

the kid "will not be scarred for life".  Who knows what the teacher said or did to coax him into doing this?  As much as we might kid and joke, who knows how F*cked up any of us would be if we were having sex with 30 year old women when we were 14?  Anyone seen a picture of Michael Jackson lately?  And finally, it is the law--if we want one set of standards for statutory rape for boys versus girls we are asking for serious trouble.

Lex Luethor2207 reads

...and say "you're insane". DID YOU SEE HER?! Such is the stuff of 13-year-old dreams!

It is another to have a sexually mature person physically engaging a minor. It can be even more intimidating when the adult is an authority figure and the child does not know where the relationship will progress from the initial encounter. Phunhog is right, the affair can seriously damage some young people. He is also right about the law and the need to treat boys the same as girls in regards to age of consent law. Both women that were shown in the attached link are beautiful women. Both appear to have something about them as people that caused them to seek out minors when they could have easily had men. Maybe they were taken advantage of as young girls and did not have the crime come to the attention of authorities as did their affairs with the boys.

Lex Luethor2291 reads

...and I remember desparately wanting at least two teachers in my school *that way*. My science teacher and one of the other English teachers had a thing for miniskirts even though they were out of fashion at the time. That was 30 years ago and I still remember both of them by name.

In fact, having my way with both if them was the impetus for the time-travel machine I'm now working on. While I'm back there, does anybody have any history, circa 1974, that they'd like altered?

We can pretend it's no different when it happens to boys, but that's PC BULLSHIT. It *IS* different (so long as the adult in question is a woman). And I'll tell any psychologist who says different to his face he's full of shit. I don't doubt that the women in question need help -- but minors involved? Ha! They're in 7th heaven. If they have any trauma at all it's that their need to brag about it has sent their beautiful mentors to prison.

Hi Lex,

"We can pretend it's no different when it happens to boys, but that's PC BULLSHIT. It *IS* different (so long as the adult in question is a woman). And I'll tell any psychologist who says different to his face he's full of shit. I don't doubt that the women in question need help -- but minors involved? Ha! They're in 7th heaven. If they have any trauma at all it's that their need to brag about it has sent their beautiful mentors to prison.  "

Right on, my friend. I also think the trauma he's going to experience is that this beautiful creature is doing hard time!!!!! :o(

more screwy than it is now--which is why I would hope adults would look out for me.  I'm not kidding about Michael Jackson--word on the street is he was doing Diana Ross amongst others when he was 12.  If there's even a chance of turning out like him for some poor kid, I'd say keep jerking off to your Dad's old Playboys kid.

I realize that men look at this situation (as an adult) and think, "man...wish that would have happened to me".  But it's really hard to comprehend what it would feel like (as a pre-teen) to really deal with this situation.

Adults having sex with children are not mentally healthy.  That means their twisted manipulations are the things that help shape a developing child's sexuality.  Imagine what might be engrained in thier mind about what is appropriate behavior...manipulation and coersion?  Does that make for healthy relationships later in life??

Sexual abuse of boys and men is highly under reported, I'm sure more then women's, because of the social acceptance that this type of situation is some sort of sexual awakening or rite of passage.  To speak out and admit you were abused in a similar situation would more then likely bring laughs from other men, and similar jokes of "wish it was me".  To feel violated, yet have no validation because of this attitude can lead to serious self esteem issues.

Imagine it was a 13 year old girl and an attractive 30 year old male teacher.  Is there a difference, and why?


Lex Luethor1425 reads

That is indeed a thoughtful post, Megan, but...

Tell me, when you were a 13-year-old girl, did you, when out playing football with your girlfriends, delight in the "art" of the tackle? Did you enjoy hearing the *gasp* of the wind being driven from your friend's lungs when, by lucky chance, you drove your shoulder square into her diaphragm during a "sack"? Did you stand over her, shyly but proudly, as she lie on the ground struggling to breathe again?

For that matter, did you ever pick a fight with a cocky jackass just get the chance drive your fist into her smug face? Did you get surge of pride and joy when your fist connected with her nose and the blood spewed all over her shirt? Did you walk the halls proud when, having picked a fight with the wrestler to test your mettle, you went down and subsequently sported a black eye for two weeks?

No. You didn't. You were never a young man and you never had those levels of testosterone pulsing through your veins. Sure, you might have a son, and you might have watched him grow up, and you might think you understand what makes him tick... but you'd be wrong. Being a woman, no matter how hard you try, you will never understand what it is to be a 13-year-old boy.

I respect your post Megan and the intent behind it, but, as much as it makes you feel good to think the boys and girls are at heart the same, they are NOT. Particularly at that age.

To these boys, this was a CONQUEST. In fact, it was the MOTHER OF ALL CONQUESTS. They will be bragging about this until the day they die. Any psychiatrist, psychologist, or counselor who says otherwise is either a liar or a fraud.

I *remember* being 13.

Or does she have dual citizenship?

I would never say that male and female experiences are the same in life, and that was not the point of my question.  My point with that question was to make people think about where the lines are drawn...the why.

Nothing in life is ever clear cut...even with age differences and exploring sexuality.  I believe someone under 18 CAN engage in intimate contact with an adult and have it be a healthy and beautiful, enriching part of their life.  The problem is, the majority of experiences with minors and adults are coerced, not a conquest.  Boys are socialized or expected to flip it in thier head that this is ok, and leaves little room for other interpretation.  

While I believe there are inherent qualities of gender, I don't believe those are even black and white.  While I know and feel fully as a woman, I certainly gravitate to more "masculine" ideals in certain situations.  I mean, the idea of sex without love for instance...  Women are stereotyped as needing love with their sex...needing monogomy.  Men are generalized as being able to f*ck without emotional attactment.  Neither is completely true.

I have met enough men over the years that have buried abuse because of the social stigma then "men/boys always want sex" to know that it is not always an enriching experience to have sex with an older woman.

My main point is that I just want people to think more carefully about what messages they are sending when they show envy or assume this boy enjoyed what happened.  Even if it's a positive experience in one instance, assuming they all are is detrimental to your gender, and our human race, as a whole.


Lex Luethor2582 reads

...I'm just feeling sorry for myself because I wasn't that kid. :(

Lex Luethor3299 reads

...I showed the link to a couple of 20-something, male coworkers. They were apparenlty revolted by it.

I guess not every male has the same libido I did at 13. I guess some don't even in their late 20s.

Oh to go back, just for a while, to act on those feelings...

I hate regret.

...so torturous at times, especially when we get a glimpse of "almost"...

Sometimes fantasy is better left in it's perfect, pristine place in our mind, as reality just has too many twists and turns we don't expect or can't control.

Of course 13 year olds *fantasize* about a hot teacher seducing them.  The reality might just be more then what they expected.

I have rape fantasies...doesn't mean I want to be raped (in reality), and doesn't mean even in a role play situation that it might not f*ck with my head.  That's where part of the rub is...  As an adult, I understand the larger emotional issues that can play on things, and understand that things come up that you don't expect sometimes.  Becoming overly smitten with an ATF is a perfect example: we enter into this dance we do under the safe pretense of professionalism, but most of us cannot control our emotions 100% of the time.

As adults, we are better suited to process and handle these things, but even that is not for certain.

That's why I choose to leave some fantasies perfect and pure in my head, untainted by the realities of the world.  The beautiful, unquenched wants fuel my fire for other passions...

Everyone's opinions and viewpoints are valid in my book Lex, and I just happen to get off on intelligent, respectful debate.  I appreciate your words, and follow up...thanks for helping me get off! :)


There are many men, myself one of them, who never rejoiced in the chest-pounding rituals that you recount here.  Yes, there are many men who do...and, unfortunately, some of these men never learn how to control those impulses and stay violent.  

However, as Megan so eloquently pointed out, taking your viewpoint does a disservice to all men, because it propogates a stereotype, and not a flattering one at that, that we are all "pussy goons".  While many men are, and while men may have a much higher need to satisfy their carnal urges than many women, I tire of men being as dumbed down because of this as I do of women being all branded gold diggers.  I know many will come out and say "It is hardwird into us...man want to mate, women want security" , but even if it is, the lengths that it is portrayed as going to are past our natural instincts and inevitably are used to classify and simplify, and I, for one, am tired of being simplified simply because I have a penis.

When I was 13, I was not like this, and I knew many other boys who weren't either.  I am sure that most will think that we all must have grown up to be "girlie-men", but if that is what it means to not do the leering, back slapping, pussy goon routine, then it is a badge I will wear proudly.

Additionally, this issue is so complex.  While there ARE men who would not have enjoyed this scenario (and I myself wouldn't have...I didn't even start masturbating until a month before I turned 15), there are even some ladies who I have known that have actually enjoyed a reverse scenario with an older man (or who fantasize about that scenario now that they are adult women).  While soceity looks down on this, they are looking at it as the mother of all conquests.

Lex Luethor4151 reads

...I have the [flawed] habit of using myself as the least common denominator when judging other people.

I found my first playboy around 8 or 9, fell in love with the lady who popped-out of the middle, and never looked back. By 13 I would have been more than ready to have been "abused" by teacher.

who has the woman drussed up as a Playboy bunny crash through his window and land on his bed while he is looking at a Playboy and then says "Thank you, God!!!"?

Loved that scene!

be so unabashedly certain.  Put aside Michael Jackson--have you seen the life being led by the youngster who had sex with his teacher up in Oregon (may have been Washington State).  This kid will be lucky to end up with a blue collar job the rest of his life.  13 year old hormones and 13 year old brains don't always act in concert and despite your obvious skepticism towards psychologists I daresay 100 years of study might warrant more than a back of the hand dismissal.  As for the concern being PC, I just don't get that comment.  13 year olds f*cking 30 year olds just sounds like trouble brewing--there's a reason we have an age of consent for voting, driving and serving in the Army.  I'm glad for you that at 13 your dick and your brain would have equipped you to handle this situation emotionally but if I was a betting man I'd say you were in a distinct minority.  13 year olds just don't emotionally have it together at that point in their lives generally and getting it on with 30 year olds has to make you wonder just whose idea this was and what it took to get this kid to do it.  And if this kid does now think he's cock of the walk, what do all his female friends think of him?  Finally, if this makes sense to you, then imagine a situation where the boy had gay tendencies, had attraction to the same sex and was repulsed by women.  Suppose further that a man had had sex with the boy.  Would you say that was ok because the kid was heading to be a gay anyway?

Lex Luethor1902 reads

"As for the concern being PC, I just don't get that comment."

Boys = Girls

That, my friend, is the "PC" mantra. The reality is that boys and girls are not always equal.

Lex Luethor2301 reads

Making gross, overly-simplistic, often-inaccurate generalizations is what we arch supervillains do!

And I'm damned good at it if I say so myself!


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